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Frontend/backend Angularjs, Springmvc Developer Resume

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  • Over 10 years of OOP experience in Java, Javascript and other Web Technologies,
  • Experienced in Single Page Application (SPA) with AngularJS.
  • Experienced in Continuocs Integration/Delivery pipeline in Jenkins using Gradle and Grunt as build tools.
  • Experienced in SpringMVC and AngularJS application
  • Experienced in Web - based development in Java, XML, JSP, Servlet and JEE architecture.
  • Experienced in Web-based development in Groovy/Grails
  • Experienced in stand-alone application development in Java SWING, MultiThreading etc.
  • Experienced in cross-platform mobile development in Phonegap/Cordova(Jquery, JQuery Mobile)
  • Proficiency in OOP/OOD and database
  • Excellent experience using web framework like Grails, Spring, SpringMVC, Struts, Hibernate, Liferay.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, great team player
  • Proficiency in Mac, Window, Unix and Linux
  • Excellent experience in application servers like: Apache, Tomcat, Glassfish, JBoss, Websphere,
  • Experienced in performance testing with Apache JMeter.
  • Experience with Drools Guvnor.


Programming languages: Java/JEE, Groovy, Javascript, JQuery, JQuery Mobile, SQL, Php, C, Html, Html5, XML, CSS, Bootstrap, Less.

IDE: Webstorm, Eclipse, SpringSTS, Netbeans, Titanium Appcelerator studio.

Frameworks: AngularJS, Spring, SpringMVC, Hibernate, Struts, Grails, Liferay, Joomla

Databases: MySql, PostgreSql, MS SQL, SqLite, Oracle XE, H2.

Application server: Glassfish, Tomcat, Weblogic, JBoss.

Operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux.

Mobile: Phonegap (Cordova)/Jquery mobile, Titanium Appcelerator.

Source controle: Git/Github, SVN Subversion/Assembla.

Tool: Gradle, Grunt, Bower, NodeJS, Maven/Ant, JMeter.

Testing: Jasmine, Karma, Protractor, JUnit/Mockito

Continuous Integration: Jenkins

Code Analysis: SonarQube, JSHint



FrontEnd/BackEnd AngularJs, SpringMVC Developer


  • Installed and configured Jenkins on the development and QA servers and Implemented a Continuous Integration/Delivery Pipeline in Jenkins in which the source code is being checkout from github and the artefact is stored in Artifactory, deployed in tomcat (dev server) and AWS(cloud). Setup a Continuous Integration/Delivery pipeline which consisted of the following Items: Backend Unit and Integration Test, Code Analysis with SonarQube, Concatenation, Uglify, JSHint, Karma Unit test of AngularJS frontend code, Artifactory publish to repository server, deployment to AWS and end-to-end test with protractor.
  • Installed and configured SonarQube in the dev server for Code analysis and integrated Sonar plugin in out Gradle build and Jenkins.
  • Installed and configured Artifactory in the repository server and integrated Artifactory plugin into our Gradle build for publishing the artefact into artifactory in the Jenkins Pipeline.
  • Architected, designed and implemented a SPA (Single Page Application) in AngularJS which consume JSON from a Spring MVC, using Spring Security to secure the Application.
  • Implemented a security module in AngularJS which integrated with the Spring security in the backend with Authentication and Authorization.
  • Designed and Setup the UI which is responsive so that it can be view in both desktop and tablet. Removed most of the JQuery dependencies by creating AngularJS directives like datepicker, pagination etc.
  • Implemented a technique in AngularJS to load all the JSON data from the backend before routing to the next page to limit page flickering.
  • Unit test all the frontend AngularJS code using Karma.
  • Implemented End to End Integration test with Protractor.
  • Intergrated third party module like ngProgress that creates a progress bar which is used in the app in case of lengthy operation and ngIdle which automatically logs user out of the application if the application is idle for a while.
  • Implemented an AngularJS grid table which was reused in almost all the other modules. This grid allows us to load thousands of record without any issue. Also this table can filter the records, pagination to any page by entering the page number in the pagination input box, change the pagination page size by choosing from the dropdown etc.
  • Implemented a document library in AngularJS which has a tree-like interface to facilitate navigation to the desire documents where clicking on any document opens a new tab.
  • Implemented a Grunt build for the frontend, creating all the Grunt tasks needed for the build and pipeline.
  • Implemented a Gradle build for the backend Spring project, create a Groovy script to call Grunt tasks in Gradle and integrated Grunt and Gradle build so that I can call the Grunt tasks in Gradle and use only one build tool in the Continuous Integration/delivery pipeline in Jenkins.
  • Used IText and Spring MVC to designed and implemented a RESTful service which dynamically generates a PDF version of the recommendations page. Also implemented logic in Angularjs to print this PDF.
  • Performance test the deployed application in AWS using Apache JMeter simulating about 500 concurrent login users from aa CSV file.
  • Implemented and test business rules in Drools Guvnor which I deploy in the cloud. Implemented a soap-based web service to expose the rules.


Mobile Developer


  • Feasibility study of the project
  • Architected, designed and implemented the entire mobile application
  • Implement a recursive algorithm to read the Google Drive folder where the application data is stored and generate a text file with the paths of all the folder contents.
  • Designed and implemented a recursive algorithm to read the text file that describe the Google drive folder structure and generate the application that matches the Google Drive folder structure
  • Implemented plugins in Java, Xcode to read text file, pdf, images inside the application by copying and storing it in the mobile device.
  • Implemented plugin in Java, Xcode, Javascript to send email
  • Implemented a search feature in the application using SQLite database to facilitate navigation
  • Application available in AppStore and Google Play

Environment: Mac OS X (Commandline), Phonegap/Cordova, JQuery, JQuery Mobile, Java, Xcode, CSS, HTML5, Javascript, Eclipse, ADT, SVN.


Grails/Groovy Web developer


  • Architected, designed and implemented the entire web application.
  • Used MySQL as development database and MS SQL for production.
  • Implemented in Groovy a method to import the suppliers data from an external database which is used to populate the supplier form during creating supplier.
  • Save heavy and multiple files (pdf, docx, text file etc.) in MySQL and MS SQL database.
  • Maintain history of uploaded files
  • Developed Filter supplier using different parameters like social region
  • Installed and configured Spring security plugin to manage user login/logout of the application: two access control level were allowed - normal user and administrator.
  • Client-side validation on the various input forms using JQuery.
  • Deployment on the client machine

Environment: Mac OS X, Unix, Grails, Groovy, JQuery, MySQL, MS SQL, Maven, SVN


Liferay Software Developer


  • Designed and developed a Liferay Spring MVC portlet to search and filtering thousands of user bank receipts.
  • Client-side validation of the search form using JQuery
  • Used a javascript library to paginate the filter result on the client-side.
  • Implemented a servlet to download the selected bank receipts as a zip file.
  • Installed and tested the portlet on the client test machine.
  • Installed the portlet on the production machine.

Environment: Spring MVC portlet, JSP, Servlet, Webservice, Javascript, JQuery, Liferay, SVN


Core Java Developer


  • Designed and developed a multi-threaded MVC Java Swing stand-alone application to measure the distribution of heat on thermal bridges
  • Google guice is used for dependency injection
  • Used hibernate to map domain object into a H2 database stored on the user machine.
  • Designed and implemented an algorithm to determine which category of bridge had been clicked (chosen) from the image of the building in the centre panel of the application.
  • Designed and implemented adding of building material through: drag and drop of material from the rightmost panel where you have all the material to the centre panel where you have the bridge.
  • Copy and paste of a bridge from on project to the other and delete of bridges.
  • Validate bridge according to the specification of the client
  • Calculate the distribution of heat on all the bridges of the project using a java library from Confidential .
  • Generate a summary report in Docx4j with images of the distribution of heat on the bridges.
  • Implemented an algorithm to generate a 20 character key used to unblock the application when the trial period finishes.
  • Used Launch4J to build the executable in Windows
  • Build a script using NSIS to generate the installation (setup) wizard

Environment: Windows, Mac OS X, Java Core, Swing, Multithreading, Hibernate, H2, Google Guice, Launch4J, NSIS, SVN


Mobile Developer


  • Refactored the first version of the application for iPhone to eliminate memory leak problem.
  • Corrected all bugs in the first version of the application for example: images taken by the photo camera not attached to email before send the email, email does not contain all the data entered by the engineer etc.
  • Extended the application to support both IOS and Android devices.
  • Application available in AppStore and Google Play

Environment: Mac OS, Titanium appcelerator studio, Javascipt, Html, CSS, SVN


Liferay Software Developer


  • Feasibility study of the project
  • Designed and developed a Liferay portal to manage all the lifer cycle of a report create by the technician during intervention. This entails creating, deleting, modifying and updating report.
  • Maintain a history of all the report created by each technician.
  • Validate all the data-entry form before submission using jquery.
  • Implemented a servlet to received data sent by the technician through is cell phone using an NFC application installed on the technician cell phone.

Environment: Mac OS, Liferay, Jquery, SVN, JSP, Servlet


Grails/Groovy Web developer


  • Designed and developed a Grail web application to manage the students of this college.
  • Implement a simplify wizard-like registration process to assist student during registration
  • Allow students to create and update that is manage their profile and maintain a history of each student throughout their academic career in the college
  • Testing application on the development machine
  • Used MySql to store user data
  • Used JQuery for validation

Environment: Mac OS, Groovy/Grails, MySql, SVN, CSS, JQuery


Liferay Software Developer


  • Maintenance of existing portlets according to new requirements from Confidential .
  • Correct all the bugs present in the application
  • Validation using JQuery
  • Designed and developed new portlets for tracing a petro-chemical additive from German to Italy.

Environment: Mac OS, Unix, Liferay, JEE, JQuery, CSS, Html, JSP

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