Java Developer Resume
New York, NY
Work Experience:
Java Developer
Confidential,New York, NY
January 2012 to Present
- Built a points market system with features including points buy and sell (just like stock market), order status management, points cashing, points mortgage, points transfer;
- Implemented a precision market information publish platform which allows the Merchant to publishprecision marketinformation, and the customer to subscribe market/product information according to their own requests;
- Develop a user management including login/out, registration, reset password, personal information management and so on.
- Controller/logic layer Java developer;
- Design JSON requests according to the front end pages;
- Process the JSON requests according to different types of modules, actions, and request data;
- Design JSON responses according the request, send it back to the front end after the logic processing;
- Implement Data Access Object (DAO) classes to do data access processes like insert, retrieve, update data;
- Also participated in the database design and procedure implementation of the system.
Intern, Software Engineering
Confidential, New York, NY
September 2011 to January 2012
- Back end java developer, responsible for the implementation of the back end functions such as Social Networking, File Uploads, Account Management and so on;
March 2011 to May 2011
Java Data Mining Association Rules Apriori Algorithm A system that implements Apriori algorithm to process large-scale data. It takes CSV or Excel formatteddata as inputs and generates association rules as well as their confidence percentage as outputs.
March 2011 to May 2011
A system that can improve search results by exploiting user-provided relevance feedback. It uses Yahoo BOSS API to get search results and reforms the query key words by a sophisticated algorithm written in Java.
Confidential, Application development
September 2010 to November 2010
A server-client application system which converts information that extracted from RSS(real time) into stock tips, it takes the historical stock price data of all the 3235 stocks in NYSE during the past five years and more than 200,000 headlines about the companies, produces useful stock tips as output. Then display it on the client application.
Master of Computer Science
Bachelor of Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering
- Programming Language: Java, C, JavaScript, SQL, Apache Velocity
- Frameworks & Software: MVC, Apache Struts, MySQL, EJB, dotCMS
- Development Environment: Windows, Linux/Unix
- Strength: Application development, Web Development, Analytical Problem Solving