Java Programmer Associate Resume
- Having 6+ years of experience in developing enterprise, distributed web applications using Java, J2EE, Web Services, Spring and Hibernate
- Experience in SDLC cycle which involves analysis, design, development, testing, Implementation, deployment and Enhancements
- Proficient in Core Java concepts like Data Structures, Multi - threading, Collections and Exception Handling concepts.
- Good Working experience in using different Spring modules (Spring Core Container Module, Spring Application Context Module, Spring MVC Framework module, Spring AOP Module, Spring ORM Module in Web applications.)
- Experience in implementing applications with Model-View-Controller( MVC ) pattern and implementing various Java/J2EE design patterns including Singleton, Factory, MVC, DAO, Data Transfer Object .
- Used SOAP for Web Services by exchanging XML data between the applications.
- Proficiency in Web Service applications both producing and consuming REST (Jersey,Spring-REST) API. Strong understanding of REST ( JAX-RS ), SOAP ( JAX-WS ) based Web Services and WSDL
- Used Web Services formats XML and JSON and used Web Service stacks like Apache CXF.
- Experience in UI Frameworks like AngularJS, Spring Webflow and also good knowledge in AJAX, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, JSON.
- Strong experience in database design, writing complex SQL Queries, functions, triggers and comfortable working with Oracle and MySQL.
- Experience with ORM mapping tools like Hibernate, which implements Java Persistence API ( JPA ).
- Experience in version management software’s such as CVS, SVN.
- Has worked with Application Servers like JBOSS and Apache Tomcat.
- Has Written JUNIT Test Cases and worked in TDD(Test Driven Development).
- Developed Java applications in various IDE like Eclipse and Net Beans
- Used ANT, Maven scripts to compile the Java files and build and logging using Log4J .
- Worked under Agile with Scrum and Waterfall Methodologies.
- Very good problem solving skills, interpersonal skills, as well as in written and verbal communication. Strong ability to work well in a fast-paced professional environment.
- Experience in working with various Domains like Finance, Health Care, Insurance, Travel and Hospitality.
- Excellent working experience in a team environment and also independently to develop client-server applications.
Java Programmer Associate
- Involved in analysis, specification, design, and implementation and testing phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and used agile methodology d for developing application
- Responsible for developing the module of Financial Need Analysis
- Designed, developed custom, single-page, responsive web application on front end using AngularJS.
- Developed forms for user event handling and validations using JavaScript's and AJAX.
- Developed various custom services and factories in AngularJS
- Worked with core java concepts like Collections Framework, Multi threading and Memory management.
- Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML file that contains declarations and other dependent objects.
- Used Spring functionality like Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control for object life cycle
- RESTful web services using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation
- Modified the Hibernate queries and the service code according to the requirement changes
- Used hibernate to map the domain elements and Criteria API, named query for querying.
- Used Hibernate Criteria and queries for data fetching and update
- Performed CRUD operations like Update, Insert and Delete data in MySQL DB
- Fixed defects in the existing code, debugging through eclipse .
- Used Spring Framework AOP Module to implement logging in the application to know the application status.
- Used Maven automated deployment and for the build operation of the entire application.
- Did testing for the services end to end from UI to the service side.
Environment: Core JAVA, HTML5,CSS3,JavaScript, jQuery,Jersey,Jackson,JSON,S pring Core,Spring AOP,Hibernate, AngularJS, Restful Web services, MySQL, JUnit, Windows 7, Eclipse IDE
ConfidentialJava Programmer Analyst
- Documented the requirements and prepared mock screens for client approval.
- Developed the UI Screens using Spring WebFlow
- Written the various flows XML according to the requirement
- Worked on Ajax for form handling.
- Developed the XML Schema and Web services for the data maintenance and structures.
- Coordinated with the Web Service team for integration
- Used Framework tool generating XSD and WSDL using Apache CXF
- Published the Endpoint URL for using Apache CXF configuration files.
- Used and implemented the application using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring Annotations modules and Hibernate.
- Experienced in implementing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with XML based Web Services (SOAP/UDDI/WSDL) using Top down Approach and Bottom up Approach
- Worked on integration using SOAP/WSDL / REST
- Had to Analyze the WDSL for finding out the various services and the operations associated with it.
- Used JAXB to Convert SOAP XML response into POJO .
- Used Maven and configured POM file in building and managing application.
- Experience with MOCKITO, Junit and Log4j in developing test cases and determining application functionality.
- Worked in coordination with the Web Service team to send the data between UI and the Service layer according to the Acord Structure that is generic for the Insurance standards
Environment: Core Java,REST/Soap Web services, JAXB,JAX-WS, JUnit, WSDL, Spring WebFlow, HTML5,CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Apache CXF
ConfidentialJava Programmer Associate
- Followed AGILE Methodology and participated in SCRUM meetings
- Did Direct Client interactions for requirement gathering
- Involved in coding for DAO, Services and Controllers for the services needed
- Worked with various Spring Annotations and also with the spring configurations
- Used Spring functionality like Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control for creating beans
- Deployed and tested the application with web server Tomcat,
- Used Spring for AOP, dependency injection, bean factory and for data access objects.
- Implemented Concurrency, Exception Handling and Collections whenever necessary.
- Involved in writing the HQL queries for fetching and updating the data.
- Used and implemented the application using Spring MVC, Spring IOC modules and Hibernate.
- Developed POJO and implemented Hibernate for database operations.
- Used Spring REST to consume and expose Restful web services.
- Used the Spring-Rest annotation for publishing the web services.
- Monitored the error logs using Log4j and fixed the problems.
- Extensively used HQL and SQL for querying databases.
- Wrote JUNIT Test Cases for all the services responsible
- Configured MAVEN for the builds and to deploy in the server
Environment: Core Java, RESTful Web services,Spring-REST, Spring Core, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Maven, JUNIT
ConfidentialJava Programmer Analyst
- Analyzed and estimating the change requirements
- Developed various UI designs using JSP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS
- Used extensive AJAX functionality to retrieve content from server.
- Developed and Integrated RESTful WebServices with components.
- Developed Controller class and defined spring annotations .
- Used Spring Core for middle tier development to achieve inversion of control.
- Developed POJO, and implemented Hibernate for database operations
- Used hibernate annotations to define the various ORM mappings.
- Fixed defects in the existing code using debugging through eclipse
- Did the basic testing for the UI and coordinated with the testing team for assistance .
- RESTful web services using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation
- Used SVN for version control across common source code used by developers and Maven for application build.
- Used Maven for project builds and add the dependencies.
Environment: Core Java, Restful Web services, Spring MVC, Hibernate,Oracle, JSP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, AJAX
ConfidentialJava Programmer Analyst
- Coordinated with Business User and development team for requirements.
- Written Spring Bean configurations by analyzing various Model Objects
- Implemented various functionalities using core java and with various Spring annotations
- Used Hibernate to implement persistence strategy with help of ORM tool.
- Worked extensively with Core Java, Multi threading, Exception Handling and Collections.
- Created various table Related mappings in the Hibernate mapping files
- Developed and Integrated RESTful Web Services with components.
- Extensively used AJAX for performing data operations without refreshing the page.
- Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database
- Used Hibernate queries for data fetching and update.
- Configured MAVEN for the builds and to deploy in the server.
- Modified the UI designs using JavaScript, CSS
- Involved in bug fixing activities.
Environment: Core Java,Spring MVC,Hibernate,Restful Web services, MySQL,Maven,JavaScript,Ajax,Tomcat 6, Eclipse IDE
ConfidentialJava Programmer Analyst
- Learned about the Finance domain and the trading market.
- Implemented the presentation layer based using Servlets, JSP, CSS, HTML and JavaScript. .
- Worked extensively with Core Java, Exception Handling, and Collections.
- Wrote stored procedures, complex queries using PL/SQL to extract data from the database, delete data and reload data on Oracle using the Toad tool.
- Developed Java components that interact with the oracle database using JDBC to perform various different transactions.
- Used JMS for sending asynchronous data between the different session beans.
- Did the Unit Testing using Junit .
- Implemented Log4J for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking.
- Involved in testing the complete flow of the modules.
- Coordinate with onsite group for production issues, development and Testing.
Environment: Core Java, JSP, CSS, HTML,JavaScript, Servlets,Oracle, Apache ANT, JDBC,JMS