Senior Developer Resume
New, YorK
- Experienced Java and cloud developer using core APIs, server side Java stack, front end tools, commonly used libraries, frameworks etc. Configured and deployed Cloud Computing solutions. Learned and adapted to the work environment quickly and efficiently.
- Over eight years of experience in development, testing, deployment and support of web, mobile applications and enterprise wide E - commerce systems, staging and publishing into content management platforms using Java, frameworks, object oriented principles and design patterns.
- Configured and deployed Docker containers, Amazon EC2 instances, S3 buckets, Code Commit and Code Deploy tools. Experienced in Service Oriented and Micro-Services architecture and object relational mapping (ORM) platforms using Java.
- Experienced with Java frameworks - Actor-Model frameworks like Akka, MVC or MVP models like Spring, Android Development Toolkits, and proprietary frameworks like Confidential / Escalate Retail.
- In depth business and functional domain knowledge in capital markets and finance platforms, retailing and healthcare verticals.
- Written and published articles and reports on online and offline publications on open source platforms, Linux, web technologies etc.
UNIX, Windows: Installing, configuration, package management of Linux distros, configuring Unix and Linux applications, script management.
Languages, Application/Web Servers, Build Tools, Database: JAVA (JDK 1.6, JSP, JPA 2.0), Python 3.2.1, Jenkins, JBOSS, Nginx, Apache, Tomcat, Weblogic 9.x, Ant, Spring Framework 3.x, 4.x, Spring Boot, Akka 0.1, Hibernate 4.x, Maven, Splunk, Jira, Apache CXF for SOAP and RESTful services, Mongo DB, PostgreSQL 9.x, SQL Server 2008, Oracle 8/9/10.
Cloud computing, Containers, Commerce Engines, Content Management Systems: Amazon cloud platform, DOCKER containers, Brightspot / Dari, Confidential /Escalate Retail, Drupal
Scripting languages, Frameworks: JQuery, Angular JS 1.2, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS
IDE, Testing Tools, Version Control: Eclipse, IntelliJ, Junit, TestNG, Selenium, SVN, GIT
Confidential, New York
Senior Developer
- Conceptualized and implemented “Search Modules” for the application, searching through regular queries, tags, service lists, SDK references etc. The application uses DARI framework as a content management engine and the searches used DARI query language (similar to HQL or Hibernate Query Lanaguage. ) Search modules used specific JDK 1.8 features like Spring SPI Converters, iterators etc.
- Implemented new content objects for Service Lists, Access Requests, Email Template management for the end user. The custom content objects extended existing Document, Article and Product type objects with extra fields and parameters. Used Swagger to create Data Models for the RestFul APIs. Creating API endpoints on Spring controller classes, Service classes, necessary changes in DAO layer.
- Reporting Module for the MC Aid Network. The application was built on a Spring Boot container running PostGresSQL and Angular JS 2 front end module. Created end-points for the UI/UX to consume.
- Migrating existing MC-Aid platform Search Module to an Akka Actor-Model framework. The backend consumes APIs from different devices and platforms and Akka provides parallel and distributed application for any front end consuming platform.
- GIT merge from feature branches to main develop branches as and when user stories are accepted and QA processes are complete. Deploying the main branches on Stage and Integration servers. Splunk log file reviewing, code reviews, managing stage and integration environments during production support periods, managing Docker images for Dari and Oracle images on a remote repository.
Environment: MAC OS Sierra, Docker, Swagger, JDK 1.8, Oracle 12, DARI / Brightspot CMS, GIT, Apache Solr, Spring 4.x, Spring Boot, PostGresSQL, Akka 0.1. Splunk, Bamboo, ReactJS, JIRA, Intellij Idea.
Confidential, Oaks, PA
Tech Lead and Senior Developer
- Conceptualized and developed a Journal Entry System for Advisor Desktop for adding notes, flagging events etc to any asset class. The module was developed using $httpService and XMLHttpRequest object provided by the Angular JS framework which connected to a Spring MVC RestController. The Journal Entry System was an epic in Agile terms lasting four sprints.
- Developed a database driven Menu for Advisor Desktop External Links as a standlone micro-service in a monolithic application with own service registry using a Docker container and Eureka. The new menu system will have URL parameters set and appended depending on the context and rules. The work involved conceptualizing a database table structure for the links, building the links and enforcing rules in the service layer, co-ordination with end clients, adding firewall rules to development, QA and production servers etc. Weblogic Coherence clusters were enabled for data caching.
- Creating and managing Amazon EC2 Windows instances for development/testing/QA environments for External links framework. Used Amazon S3 buckets as a server repository for static data.
- BASH scripts to configure and instantiate QA instances created for External Links Framework.
- Production support including hot-fixes, rollbacks to Journal Entry System and External Links Builder.
Environment: Java 1.6, Angular JS 1.2, Spring Framework 3.4,JPA, Selenium 2.4, Apache CXF 2.7x, BASH scripts, AWS EC2, Docker, Jenkins, Weblogic 10.x, J2EE 1.4(JSP, Servlets), Oracle 9.x, GIT, JUnit, Maven, Agile Methodology
Confidential, Boston, MA
Project Lead and J2EE Developer
- Developed Confidential's first healthcare monitoring application ( Confidential ) integrated with Java microservices architecture with cloud services. Confidential allowed impact and orientation alerts, location marking, vital sign monitoring and feedback.
- Developed mockups with Phonegap before finalizing on Android Studio.
- Developed a User Interface standard for a consistent and user centric experience regardless of the device form factor. Targeted platforms were limited to Android phones/tables (post 2.3.3 or JellyBean.)
- Implemented interfaces for SMS based messaging using Java Communications API and GSM modem connected to the servers COM port.
- Modified near field communications (NFC) based monitoring for health care devices to phone communications using ISO/IEEE 11073 standard for manufacturer independent device interoperability.
Environment: Java, Windows, Android 2.3.3 / Jelly Bean, Python 3.2.1, J2EE, J2SE - Android Studio, Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit, Mongo DB, Gradle, REST, JSON - Ant, Google Maps geo-coder (JSON), SVN
Confidential, Charlotte, NC
Team Lead / Developer
- Discussions and presentations with Confidential (Subject Matter Experts)
- Soft and Hard Cut Over (transition of daily development and maintenance activities from Confidential to Confidential personnel.) Confidential, catalog management, configuring shell scripts to automate daily and weekly staging and publishing, hotfixes, server maintanence activities etc.
- Production Support and co-ordination with onsite and offshore development and QA teams.
Environment: Spring 2.x, Hibernate 3.5, Weblogic Server 9.x and Weblogic Portal Server, Confidential /Escalate, Java 1.4, Shell Scripts on Redhat Linux 2.3, Oracle 9.x, Eclipse, JPA 2.0
Confidential, Portland, OR
Web Applications Developer
- Wrote Producing and Consuming web services for data migration/uploading. The web services applications received an XML request from PeopleSoft ERP routed through GENTRAN (an EDI tool), transformed the XML to a DNA format using XSLs and BM Transformers and returned an XML response with either success/error parameters.
- The first Web Service created in Confidential B2B Business Entities, Organizations, Users, User Accounts, Roles etc. based on an entity name (internally known as “ParentAddressBookNumber”)
- The second Web Service was for loading the Warranty Parts from PeopleSoft/GENTRAN. New Warranty Parts were loaded into a B2B folder (of the main database or EDESK.) Each Warranty Part was set to 3 price lists based on a discount code on the XML and Content Item attributes and Collection objects were created for the whole goods the warranty parts belonged to. Also wrote an adapter for real time UPS Rate and Services calculation for the B2B portal website.
Environment: Confidential /Escalate Retail 6.x, JBOSS, Java 1.4, JAX-WS, PostgreSQL 7.x, IntelliJ, Visual Source Safe.
Confidential, Menomonee Falls, WI
Java Developer
- The major North American retailer Confidential uses Confidential suite to power its B2C E-Commerce applications.
- Wrote a command line Java application for flattening and modifying the existing product hierarchy of Confidential Database which is used for the Webstore, KIOSK, Gift Registry, Contact Center and other modules.
- Implemented Confidential Gift Registry KIOSK Search Module. KIOSKs are available for customers when they visit the Confidential stores; the account created online is available at every KIOSK. Search modules for existing customers in the Bridal, Baby and Wishlist categories were created for the upgrade project.
- Implemented changes to the generation and hash checking of Gift card numbers. The current Gift card numbers are of 14 digits, but the code was re-factored to accept 16 digit gift cards.
Environment: Weblogic Server 9.x and Weblogic Portal Server, Java 1.4, Oracle 9, Eclipse, SQL Developer, Borland Star Team.
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Web Development Engineer
- Planlinx is a web-based healthcare management systems resembling a B-B-C business model. The system uses Confidential software ( Confidential ).
- Confidential is built upon Java 1.2/1.3, Weblogic/Websphere as the application server and a database backend.
- Planlinx had Oracle 8.1.5 as the database, Weblogic 5.0 application server using Confidential e-commerce infrastructure.
- Daily and weekly data loading from third party content providers into the Confidential system.
- Developing JSP pages for new releases of the website.
- Training of team members.
- Leading the migration from 3.X to 4.2 - involved in transforming business actions written on Java 1.2 to Java 1.3, rewriting JSP pages.
- Report Generation - Weekly report generation using Crystal Reports and uploading the generated graphs into Confidential .
- Daily staging and publishing to the webservers.
- Also in charge of Web Development Team during the absence of Director of Internet Development and reporting to the Vice President of Information Technology.
Environment: Customer Interaction System ver 3.x, 4.x, Weblogic Server and Weblogic Portal Server, Java (JDK 1.2, 1.3), JSP, Oracle 8.x, Weblogic Application Server 5, Netscape Enterprise Server 3.6, Visual Age, Crystal Reports