J2ee Developer Resume
Cincinnati, OH
Around7 Years ofprogressive experience in all the phases of software development lifecycle including Design, Development,Integration, maintenance, implementation and testing of variousclient/server, N-tier and web applications.
- Experience inOOAD paradigm - Analysis, Systems Design, Development, Testing, Integration andImplementation of Client/Server and web based n-tier architecture systems.
- Extensiveexperience in application development using Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, EJB2.0/3.0, JMS, Spring, Web Services,Struts, Tiles, JavaBeans, JDBC, JUnit, Log4j, XML, JavaScript, HTML, AJAX.
- Developed XMLapplications, SAX, XSLT,XPATH, DTD's using DOM and XML Schemas.
- Experience withApplication servers and Web servers such as BEA WebLogic Server 8.1/9.2,IBM WebSphere 6.0/7.0, JBoss Server 4.0.2and Apache Tomcat 5.5/6.
- Extensive workingexperience on Apache Struts, JSF and Spring MVC presentation tier frameworks
- Good exposure onJ2EE design patterns such as BusinessDelegate, Model View Controller (MVC), Service Locator, Transfer Object, ValueObjects, Data Access Object (DAO), Session Facade, Singleton pattern, Factorymethod pattern, Front Controller Pattern.
- Proficient inRDBMS concepts and experience in working with MY SQL, Oracle8i/9i/10g, DB2,PL/SQL, SQL* Plus, Database triggers, Procedures, Functions.
- Provided Guidance to the users and junior programmers using Use Case diagrams, Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams.
- Extensiveexperience in Integrated Testing and Unit Testing using JUnit and Documentation.
- Experienceworking with the source control and versioning tools SVN, CVS and Rational Clear Case.
- Excellentcommunication and inter personnel skills. Exceptional ability to learn andmaster new technologies and to deliver outputs in short deadlines.
- Ability to change and Adapt to the environment, and handle multiple projects.
- Modeling Tools / Languages: UML with Rational Rose 4.0
- Development Build Tools: Ant, Maven 2.0.9
- J2EE Common Services APIs: Servlet, JSP, Swing, JDBC, EJB2.0/3.0, JPA, Hibernate, JNDI, JMS, Java Mail,JTA, JAXP, JNDI, JAXB, JFS 1.1.,AJAX,Struts,Spring
- Application Servers: BEA WebLogic 8.1/9.2 IBM WebSphere 6.0 and 7.0
- Web Servers: Apache Tomcat 5.5/6
- Frameworks / APIs / Tools: Spring, Struts 1.1/1.2/Tiles, JUnit, JSF, Log4j, Web-Services (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI) , Hybris, Optimize IT and Remedy
- XML : XSL, DOM, XML Schema, SAX, XSLT and Designing DTDs
- Database: Oracle 8i/9i/10g , SQL Server, MS Access, MySQL, DB2
- Version and Source Control: CVS, SVN, Clear Case, Git
- ORM: Hibernate 3.1, JPA
- Operating Systems: Windows 2000/NT/XP/7, Linux.
- Other Languages: C,C++ and Python
Confidential, Co Jan 2011 - Till Date
J2EE Developer
Description:IMPACT is a Business Process workflow Management Tool which will be used to Automate the network management. Weare Developing Automations for the Alarms(XML) coming from the networkfailures.Past days these alarms were hanled by business users manually. Now Byusing QLINK we are able to Develop the Automations to Automate the mannualwork.Q-Link is a Business Process Management (BPM) solution for the Internetthat enables the automation of any business process by delivering the rightinformation, to the right place, at the right time.The goal of the system is tobring users, CSRs, administrators, and managers closer to information that theycan use to determine how well their business processes serve their customers,partners and vendors .Our Evnvionment is JBOSS Application server to run processmanagement application.
IMPACT is Going to Take the Supportof Various Systems
- ITS (Circuit Testing)
- CF -Command Factory (communication with networkelements)
- ETMS ( Ticketing System)
- TS (Toplogy Services )
The ProjectIMPACT is a BPM (Business Process Management) Tool and QLINK is a Third Party Tool by Adobe. In Qlink basedon business requirements some services were written and these are called asQ-Pac's (Qlink Process Action Components) used in the automation development.For testing purpose we have PIE tool of Verizon business.
- Participated in Requirements Analysis, and Design and Developmentphases of the project with major emphasis on Development of the modules
- Developed Workflows using the tool called Qlink by Adobe
- Used Multithreaded environment for receiving the Alarm(XML) from the Tier2 Systems and giveit to Netbars for asynchronous operation
- Developed Net bars Process properties for Connectivity with theNetbars and the work flow.
- Netbars Acts as a Back end engine had a Worker Thread which takes care of communicating the otherSystems CF, TS and injecting into work flow.
- Used EJB3.0 forTransaction Handling
- Getting ICBM Data and mapping to the real data in the project (Spring MVC and DI for JPA).
- We developed QPACK to embed into the QLink (Used Web Service and JPA to get datafrom DB).
- Used Java Messaging Service(JMS) System to reduce the inter dependencies of the system using MDB.
- Used SOAP forcommunicating with the other system using SOAP request/response like CFand TS and ETMS.
- Implements JPA (usingEclipse Link) for All Database operations.
- Used Spring MVC to implement ICBM site for handling CustomerInformation.
- Integrated JPA and Spring Framework for ICBM usage (Data Base Oracle).
Environment: JBOSSApplication Server, JMS, Oracle, WinCVS, Telnet and Sun Solaris, SpringFramework,
JPA, Jdk1.6 (multithreading).
Confidential, Cincinnati, OH Apr 2009 -Dec 2010
J2EE Developer
Description: Citi Financial offers banking services and creditcard services to customers. Earlier banking services and credit card serviceshad separate websites. Now both these websites are combined and a portalapplication is developed wherein a customer can access his banking details aswell as his credit card details through a single website. As a part of this,many enhancements have been made to the earlier websites of Citi Financial'sbanking and credit card services and clubbed into a single website. A projectnamed Avatar accommodated all these enhancements. There is another projectcalled Net Promoter Score (NPS) wherein reviews are taken about the differentproducts and ways of improving the products are found out based on thereviews. The goal of NPS is to enhancethe user experience on the new portal application. As a part of this a newfeature is implemented wherein a customer can change the payment due date onhis credit card. Avatar combined withNPS has contributed to a better user experience and greater customersatisfaction.
- Involvedin the implementation of the web-tier using Struts MVC.
- Used Struts Validation Framework for client side validation.
- Used Struts Tiles Framework in the designof the dashboard (home page).
- Involvedin developing various XML files,Deployment Descriptor files and the Struts Configuration files.
- Used Spring core module to performdependency injection.
- Involvedin writing Hibernate code fordatabase access.
- Participatedin writing of SQL queries for Oracle database.
- Waspart of designing JAX-RS code inorder to make a webservice call to fetch account level data from the server.
- Used JMS for communication between theapplication components.
- Developedfront-end user interface screens and server side scripts using JSP, HTML5, Java Script, AJAX, JQuery, Servlets, Custom Tags and XML.
- Performedversion control management using Clearcase.
- Deploymentof the application to Websphere ApplicationServer.
- Settingup the build, configuration and deploying using Maven build tool.
- Developmentmethodologies using Agile method.
Environment: Java 1.6, Struts 1.3, JAX-RS, SOAP, XML,Spring 3.0, Hibernate 3.0, Websphere 6.1, Eclipse 3.x, Oracle 11g, Agile,JQuery, AJAX, Servlets, JSP, HTML5, JavaScript, Clearcase, JMS, WinSCP, Putty, Ant.
Confidential, Richardson, TX Jan 2008 - Apr 2009
J2EE Developer
Project :WSDOT
Description: Electronic Transaction Consultants Corporation (ETCCorporation) is the toll industry's most comprehensive resource forsystem integration, design, development, implementation, consulting, andcustomer service operations. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is a product developed by ETCfor the Washingtonstate. WSDOT is a complete electronic tollgate transaction system. The systemwill deal with the end to end toll transactions which has capturing tolltag/plate information from the toll booth to sending tollnotifications/violations to the user. Itincludes different modules like customer service center (CSC), violatorprocessing system (VPS) and onlinecustomer service center (OLCSC).
- Followed Agile- Scrum methodology for development of the product. Using Mercury/Heat forDefect tracking.
- Understanding thebusiness requirements and converting them into technical system specifications.
- Involved intechnical discussion, planning, coding and unit testing of the project
- Worked in File Processing and Violator Processing Systemmodules.
- Designed and developedviews, controller and model components implementing Struts MVC Framework.
- Configured struts-specific deployment descriptor (struts_config.xml). Implementedthe validations using Struts MVC Framework
- Developed JSP pages for view, coded action classes and stateless session beans for business logic.
- Validation isdone in JSP pages and action forms.
- Worked onEnterprise Serial Bus (ESB) and FTP server to communicate with Law Enforcement System (LES) to send text files.
- Used web logicserver for deployments.
- Worked on the WebServices, sending the vehicles plate information to DOL to get the vehicledata.
- Created database jobs, to communicate with the DOL and LES to get vehicle data.
- Developed storedprocedures and triggers for batch Jobs.
- Worked on PL/SQL procedures, functions, views, triggers,queries and jobs.
- Used Object/Relational mapping Hibernate framework as the persistence layer for interactingwith Data base. Worked on hibernateconfiguration files, mapping and persistence.
- Used Jupiter, PMD, Check style for codestandards and code compliances. Did code reviews.
- Worked on the Defect fixes and enhancements. Used Mercury QC for defect tracking.
Environment: JDK 1.5,Agile - Scrum, Struts, Eclipse Indigo, Web logic 8, OC4J, JSP 2.0, HTML, ESB,Hibernate, JDBC, CVS, Tortoise CVS,XML/XSL, XSD, JAX-B, PL/SQL, PL/SQL Developer, Oracle 9i, EJB3.x, Heat, MercuryQC, JUnit 4.x, Ant, SOAPUI, WSDL, Log4j, Altova XML spy, Hudson, Jupiter, FindBugs, Check style plug-in Windows XP.
Confidential, Hyderabad, India Oct 2006 - Nov 2007
Java/J2EE Developer
Project: CE BPM Project
Description: Themain purpose of the project is to serve as the system of record for businessprocess definitions direct and route the flow of work between user providersand interface for users to interact with the workflow and enforce businessrules at each stage of the business process. Report on status of work andmetrics about work completion. Manage flow of documentation and artifacts inthe business process.
- Handled assignments in developingUI pages using JSP, HTML, DHTML, CSS, JQuery and JavaScript technologies for modules inBDMS.
- Involvedin understanding business requirements and functionality of Cost managementReporting.
- Involvedin drawing the UML diagrams such as Use case Diagrams, Class Diagrams and SequenceDiagrams using Rational Rose.
- Applicationdeveloped in MVC architecture using JSF, Facelets, JSP, Ajax, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JMS and Hibernate.
- Involvedin implementing Value Object Pattern, MVC & Factory Pattern.
- Updatedthe required data in the DB2 database to save and update the database using hibernate, corresponding to actions performed in the struts class.
- Used Struts tag library extensively (html, logic).
- Developedjava classes for posting and processing mails using EJB and Java Mail API.
- Deploymentof the application in the Weblogic Application server.
- IntegratedStruts frame work with ORM implementation, Hibernate for dataaccessing.
- Involvedin the development of Stored Procedures,Triggers and Functions fordatabase communication
- WroteTest cases using JUnit for unittesting.
- Settingup, building the environment and deployed project by writing Ant build.xml.
- Implemented Multithreading as a part of theproject.
- Followed SCRUM methodology throughout theproject.
Environment: Java1.4, Struts 1.2, EJB, JSTL, JSP, Facelets, Ajax, Hibernate, JSF,JMS, MQ Series, Weblogic, RAD , DB2 8.1, TOAD, CVS, Bugzilla, JUnit, PL/SQL, Windows NT, Linux, Java Script,Multithreading
Confidential, Hyderabad, India Aug 2005 - Sep 2006
Java Developer
Project: Customer Service Management (CSM)
Description: The CustomerService Management project is to provide the front end process to the wirelessbilling system, thereby enhancing the performance of the billing system. CSMallows the user to enter changes to the coverage/taxing address, physicalhome/primary address, and/or mailing/billing address. The user also can enterchanges to contact information, such as telephone number, email address, andcontact name. If the coverage/taxing address are changing, the system willdetermine whether the new address is in a different CSA and will guide the userthrough the steps necessary to complete a CSA change. The process allows the subscriberto keep any services and marketing programs that are available in the new CSA.With this process, the subscription is not expired.
- Responsible for design, development,application architecture, use cases, flowcharts, application flow, prototypes,proof concept of sample codes.
- Responsible for writing detailed designspecification document and implementing all business rules.
- Involved in the design and developmentof presentation and web layers based on MVC Architecture (Model-View-Controller).
- Involved in developing interfaces for the CSM in order to invokethe various business partners using XML,XSLT.
- Testing anddeploying the full application on WebLogic application server.
- Used Eclipse, JBuilder to Develop theApplications.
- Used JDBC API for interaction with theOracle Database.
- Used JavaScript for validations and handling some server sidebusiness objects on the client side.
- Designing the User Interface using HTML/DHTML, JavaScript and CSS.
- Involved in unit testing, integrationtesting.
Environment: Java , J2EE, Servlets, EJB, JSP, JSF, HTML, JavaScript, Oracle 8i, SQL, Eclipse,JBuilder, JDBC, XML, Web Logic 8.1, CSS, UML.
- Bachelors, Confidential, INDIA.