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Application Reports Developer Resume

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Pleasanton, CA


  • 12 years of experience in Software Development. Excellent programming skills in Crystal

reports 8.5/9.0/10.0, XI, 2008, Web Application Development, Visual Basic 6.0 and SQL Server 2000, Oracle 9i/10g

  • Experienced in all phases of software development(SDLC), highly efficient, proven ability to work on multiple projects, works well under pressure and learn new skills quickly.

  • Excellent team player.
  • B. S in Engineering, Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications.

  • Certified TRIRIGA Application Developer in TRIRIGA-Momentum.

Technical expertise

Operating Systems: Windows 95/98/2000/XP/NT 4.0 and UNIX.
Languages: Visual Basic 5.0/6.0, Clarion for Windows 4GL, Crystal Reports 8.5/9.0/10.0/BO XI, Crystal reports 2008, VBA, VB Script, SQL, PL/SQL, TSQL, Certified TRIRIGA Applications Developer
Databases: MS SQL 97/2000, MS Access 2000, Oracle 9i/10g


Confidential,Pleasanton, CA

Application Reports Developer (Jun 2006 to June2010)
TRIRIGA® is the global leader in integrated workplace management that provides enterprise solutions that drive workplace processes through advanced technology and business expertise. Being the only person for all reporting needs at TRIRIGA, I managed multiple tasks in this positions such as generating new reports for each release, maintain and support all the existing reports that are over 500 and train users in Crystal reports development in the 3tier architecture and provide support for QA and Customer Service departments with critical issues.

Projects: TRIRIGA Workplace Performance Management, Retail, Real Estate, TREES, Golden
Gate and Diamond
Environment: Crystal Reports XI, Oracle 10g, SQL Server, and TRIRIGA Momentum 9.6, Java and


  • Design and build the web application modules related to Environmental Sustainability, Stimulues Fund allocations, Environmental Checklists.
  • Create Web portals, dashboards for new users that fit the business scenario.
  • Design and build and maintain crystal reports based on the product requirements. Worked on cross-tab reports, drill-down reports, security reports, chart/graphical reports, performance management reports, adhoc reports, log data analysis reports. Extensive use of logos, images, live links to interact with web application from reporting technology.
  • Conduct training sessions for Solution Engineers to bring them upto speed on the new product developments.
  • Arrange weekly desin reviews with startegy and QA.
  • Provide Training and Support to Services and QA.
  • Assist support team with customer issues.
Confidential,Sunnyvale, CA

Software Engineer (Jan 2001 to Mar2006)
IMPAC is a leading oncology health care IT company, provides IT solutions that streamline both clinical and business operations. While being on this job I worked on two different projects. Both the products are very large in size and incorporate many applications that using different programming languages.

Project: Multi Access (MOSAIQ, Gemini, 8.2, 7.2, 6.1)
Environment: Crystal Reports 10, SQL Server 2000, Windows XP, Clarion for Windows 4GL, MedAdvisor.

Multi-Access/Mosaiq .83 is IMPAC’s comprehensive management system designed to meet the needs of hospitals for oncology and private practices with in the integrated healthcare network. The system is unique in its integration of core business functions such as scheduling and billing with complete electronic medical record designed specifically for oncology.

  • Conduct design reviews, create Functional Requirements and software requirements for new features.
  • Support existing code base for practice management.
  • Creation of crystal reports for practice management, medical oncology and billing product areas.
  • Extensive use of direct data access, stored procedures, cross-tab reports, Graphical/chart reports and trend reports etc.
  • Supporting the old versions of multi access
  • Convert old crystal reports(from 8.5) to the new releases of business objects(XI).
  • Provide Support and Training to Marketing and QA on new product developments.
  • Evaluate new reporting technologies such as Business Objects, Cognos and Hyperion.

Project: Précis Hospital
Environment: Visual Basic 6.0, SQL Server 2000, Windows XP/NT
Précis Hospital is a cancer registry system that helps the registrars in the cancer care centers. Précis mirrors the way a busy registrar works by providing logical navigation, intuitive screen displays, handy keyboard shortcuts and color-coded fields that make abstracting cases quick and easy. Précis provides an extensive database that almost offers unlimited user-defined data field addition. An integrated GenEDITS program ensures data records applicability to quality standards.

  • Design, develop the Conversion of Précis Hospital from the legacy registry systems, Premier and CansurFacs.
  • Evaluate third party tools such as VS Flex Grid Control.
  • Maintain and Support reports in National Oncology Database.
  • Design and build mail, interoffice applications for the modules such as patient follow-up.
  • Create Data Export utilitesfor Legacy systems such as premier and CancerFacs.

Confidential,St. Louis, MO
Programmer/Analyst. (Apr 1999-Dec 2000)

Project: Ag-Portfolio Management
Confidential, St.Louis, MO

Environment: Visual Basic 6.0, Word Basic, Windows 95, Word Macro, Access 97, Excel 97, Access Reports and Visual Basic for Applications.


  • Import of data in to MS Access from lotus Notes.
  • Import and Export of data in to MS Access to and from Microsoft Word.
  • Database Design in MS Access.
  • Create Word macros to store the data in the word documents.
  • Create application in Visual Basic 6 to import data from Word documents that have large text, table objects.
  • Create application for the input, modification of new project data.
  • Create Export Utility for the export of project specific data.from MS Access to Microsoft Word and Excel for easy distribution.
  • Provide User training and documentation.

Project: Mammogram database
Confidential,St.Louis, MO
Environment: Visual Basic for Applications, Access 97 and DBase.

This application is used by the radiology department of St.Luke’s Hospital for detailed information on breast examinations. The mammogram database was originally in Dbase with limited functionality and was Y2k compliant.


  • Create Database in MS Acees for the import of flat data from Dbase.
  • Creted Import/Export Utilities for the mobile mammogram unit that syncs with the main database.
  • Create applicatuions related toi mammogram resulting.
  • Create Access reports for related to mammogram screening and resulting.
  • Create test plans, Procedures and report issues related to Mammogram application.
  • Provide user training and product documentation.


    • BS Engineering

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