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Business Systems Analyst Resume

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Virginia Beach, VA


  • 8+ years of experience in Business Requirements Modeling, Business Process Analysis, and Business Process Reengineering, providing solutions to business processes in diverse domains of Insurance, Healthcare, and IT.
  • Certified SCRUM Master with experience working in agile SCRUM environment with diverse cross functional teams.
  • Experience working with managed care plans, Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), Point of Service (POS) plans, Coordination of Benefits (COB), Explanation of Benefits (EOB).
  • Experience in configuration of claims processing applications, claim adjudication process, claims management process, real time claims adjudication, Electronic Medical Records / Electronic Health Records (EMR/EHR) and Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS), and Medicaid Information Technology System (MITS).
  • Good knowledge of COBRA insurance, claim submission process for CMS - 1500 (HCFA-1500) and UB-04 claim forms.
  • Have knowledge of HL7 Messaging protocols, HIPAA transaction and code set standards, electronic data interchange (EDI) standards like X12 837, 270, 271, 276, 277, 278, 835, 275 and knowledge of claims encounters process.
  • Worked on HIPAA 4010 and ICD 9 systems. Possess implementation knowledge of HIPAA 5010 and ICD -10 initiatives.
  • Experience with health care systems: FACETS, Medicare Part A, B, C, D, Medicaid systems, and validating General Equivalency Mappings (GEMs), Technical Report Type 3 (TR3) Implementation Guide, and Companion Guide.
  • Experience in SDLC, Agile, Waterfall, Rational Unified Process, and SCRUM software development methodologies.
  • Proficient at coordinating with stakeholders, vendors, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), Project Manager (PM) and end users and elicitation of requirements through Joint Application Design (JAD) sessions, Brain storming sessions, interviews, Surveys and questionnaires, prototyping, benchmarking, Requirements workshops, focus groups, document analysis, Joint Application Requirement (JAR) sessions and Rapid Application Development (RAD).
  • Skilled in gathering and converting User Requirements into High Level and low-level documents (HLD/LLD) like Business Requirements Document (BRD), Functional Specification Document (FSD), System Requirement Specification (SRS), creating process flows, and visualizing graphical user interface (GUI) using mockup screens.
  • Possess skills like Conflict Resolution, Sense Making, Root Cause Analysis, Risk Analysis, Communication Management, problem management, Stakeholders Management and having Servant-Leader leadership skills.
  • Expertise in Gap Analysis, SWOT analysis, risk analysis, cost-benefit analysis, feasibility analysis, and impact analysis.
  • Experienced in creating workflow analysis and design, Process re-engineering, process remodeling, Object Modeling Technique (OMT), Object Oriented Analysis (OOA), Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams like activity diagrams, sequence diagrams and use case diagrams through MS Visio, What-IF scenario analysis (WISA), To- Be Scenario Analysis, Gap Analysis, User Interface (UI) design, User Experience design (UX), prototypes and wireframes.
  • Managing Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM), Service Level Agreement (SLA) and assisted Project Manager with creating Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Project proposal and Project charter, Statement of work (SOW).
  • Proficient in creating and managing Use Cases, Test cases, Test plans, Test summary reports, and Test scripts.
  • Knowledge about different types of testing like Black Box Testing, White Box Testing, System Integration Testing, Alpha Testing, Beta Testing, Stress Testing, Static Testing, Dynamic Testing, Load Testing, and Regression Testing.
  • Skilled at performing User Acceptance Testing (UAT), handling Change Request, and Configuration management.
  • Strong knowledge of creating conceptual data models, ER diagrams, data mapping, data profiling, data verification, data integrity, ETL process, data normalization, data dictionary, SQL queries for data analysis and data validation.
  • Have good understanding of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), client-side validation, server-side validation, HTML, CSS, DOM, SAX, XML, XSD, JSON, WSDL, SOAP, REST, web services, API functional testing, and Data Binding.
  • Experience in facilitating SCRUM ceremonies like product backlog grooming sessions, sprint planning, daily stand-up, sprint review, and sprint retrospective; Coordinated with Product owner on project planning to enhance the ROI.
  • Experience in working with self-organizing and cross functional teams, and well-versed with estimation techniques like Planning Poker, T-shirt sizing and Relative Mass valuation and prioritizing methods like MoSCoW, Kano, business value based and walking skeleton. Calculated sprint velocity and capacity; Handled Requirements Churn.
  • Experience in Release planning, Acceptance criteria, definition of done, definition of ready, Potentially Shippable Product Increment (PSPI), minimum viable product (MVP), and good understanding of test driven development.
  • Good understanding of breaking down of Epics into User stories (INVEST) and User stories into tasks (SMART) using splitting patterns like workflow steps, business rule variation, data variation, interface variation, simple/complex, major effects, operations, defer performance and others. Assisted Product Owner and the team to commit to PBIs.
  • Used tools like JIRA and RALLY to create and maintain Product Burn-down chart, Sprint Burn-down/ Burn-up chart.


SDLC Methodologies: Waterfall, Agile (SCRUM), Hybrid (SCRUM-Waterfall), Rational Unified Process(RUP), SAFe, Extreme Programming (XP), Kanban, DevOps

Operating Systems (OS): Windows XP/8/10/Vista, Linux, Mac OS

Modeling Tools: MS Visio, Rational Rose, Mock-up screens, Erwin, Enterprise Architect

Requirement Management Tools: JIRA, Rally, Version One, Rational Requisite Pro, Rational Requisite Composer, Rational Team Concert, Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)

Collaboration Tools: SharePoint, Confluence

Testing Tools: HP QC, HP ALM, Selenium, Load Runner, VSTS Testing Suite

Languages: SQL, HTML, CSS, XML, JSON, Java, J2EE, JavaScript

Reporting Tools: Tableau Desktop, IBM Cognos, Power BI, Crystal Reports, Logi Analytics

Architecture: Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), 3 Tier Architecture, N-tier Architecture, Cloud Platform (SaaS), Model View Controller (MVC), .NET, ASP.NET Webforms, PEGA Platform

Data Warehousing: ER Modeling, Dimension Modelling, Data Marts, OLTP, OLAP, Data Profiling, Data Mapping, Data Mining, Data Validation, Star schema, Snowflake Schema

ETL Tools: Informatica (Power Center), SQL Server Data Tools, Cognos Data manager, Aginity Workbench, Hue - Hadoop User Experience

Databases: MySQL, IBM DB2, Oracle, Hadoop, Netezza (IBM Pure Data System)


Confidential, Virginia Beach, VA

Business Systems Analyst


  • Facilitated Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions, focus groups, questionnaires and brainstorming sessions with business owners, business sponsors and technical stakeholders to elicit business and system requirements in a Waterfall - Agile hybrid SDLC methodology, to deliver the Potential Shippable Product Increment (PSPI).
  • Created various artifacts like Requirement Specification Documents, System Requirement Specifications (SRS), Process Flow Diagrams, Use Cases, UML diagrams using Visio, like Activity, Sequence, and Use Case Diagrams.
  • Performed Gap Analysis of As-Is and To-Be scenarios, creating Business Process Models (BPM) and swim-lane diagrams to illustrate system functionalities across the member, provider, plan sponsor and claim domains.
  • Validated request and response parameters using SOAP UI Pro for web service consumption for inquiry, create and update operations between various applications, ensuring secure and real-time data exchange in appropriate formats like SOAP, XML, REST, API, JSON, and so on, across the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) framework.
  • Assisted with creating XML and API mapping specification documents, capturing various response validation messages for multiple system integrations and for legacy system interface with external vendor applications.
  • Assisted with capturing business rules for system functionality during Authorization Request, Authorization Search, Grievance and Appeals process, benefit search, claims resolution, and so forth for Medicaid and Medicare Claims.
  • Validated various components related to plan, benefit, and product in FACETS system during claims adjudication process related to different HIPAA X12 EDI transactions such as EDI 834, 835,837,270, 271, 276, 277 and 278.
  • Collaborated with development team to ensure code refactoring, continuous integration and unit testing practices are ensured, to enhance system logic and functionality, during code promotion from dev to prod environment.
  • Assisted Product Owner with creating Technical User Stories, to define system requirements and acceptance criteria for workflow processes between front-end UI, middle-end application server and back-end databases.
  • Assisted with User Acceptance Testing (UAT) in each sprint, to ensure that the product increment is devoid of technical debt, satisfying criteria of Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and Definition of Done, as per business need.
  • Created Data Mapping Documents outlining data requirements, data type, format, description, transformation logic, and so on for source to target mapping of data elements, between legacy and external vendor systems.
  • Collaborated with System Architects and Subject Matter experts (SME), performing data modelling and analysis, ensuring scalable system design is implemented across the PEGA framework, to achieve improved quality of code.
  • Created Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) through Erwin and MS Visio Reverse Engineering module, creating conceptual and logical data models, and Extraction Transformation and Load (ETL) specification documents.
  • Created wireframes and mockups using Balsamiq tool to demonstrate proposed application features to various business users, and to elucidate business rules and system requirements to the development and QA teams.
  • Assisted Project Manager with creating project plans, project charter, monitoring risks, timeline, scope, resources, schedule, constraints, WBS, and developing Request for Proposals (RFP) and status reports through JIRA.
  • Assisted QA team with Manual Testing, assisting with creating artifacts like test plans, test scripts, test summary reports, test scenarios, test steps, test results, defect tracking, bug and defect mitigation strategies, Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM), ensuring Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD) practices are implemented.
  • Used SQL queries to retrieve information from FACETS, validating various details like plan, benefit, claim, product, enrollment information, Primary Care Physician (PCP) and so on, for members with Medicaid and Medicare Plans.
  • Collaborated with database analysts, and assisted with data migration, Extraction Transformation and Load (ETL) process, data standardization, data clean up, data scrubbing, data deduplication, data normalization, and so forth.
  • Validated system behavior during end-to-end and regression testing, ensuring existing functionality is preserved.

Environment: Waterfall-Agile hybrid methodology, MS Visio, Share Point, MS Outlook 2013, MS Project, MS office Suite 2013 (Word, Excel, Power point), MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, JAVA, J2EE, Tableau 7.0, Selenium, SOAP UI Pro, POST Man, Snag It, Swagger, PEGA 7.2, Pega Rules Process Commander (PRPC), JIRA, Confluence, Balsamiq, SQL Server Database, Oracle SQL Developer, Informatica 8.5.

Confidential, Tallahassee, FL

Business Systems Analyst


  • Conducted requirement analysis sessions, brainstorming, focus groups, and Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions with clinical, administrative, and technical stakeholders to elicit requirements and deliver the product.
  • Created various artifacts like Business Requirement Document (BRD), Use Cases, Data Mapping Documents, Process Flow Diagrams, User Manuals, UML diagrams like Sequence, Activity and Use Case Diagrams, through collaboration with epidemiologists, informatics, and surveillance departments, and technical stakeholders.
  • Implemented the agile SDLC framework, refining the business process, and promoting collaboration between team members, managing team progress, ensuring completion of sprint tasks during iterative time boxed sprint cadence.
  • Assisted with validating mapped data variables for implementation of Form 1628, Electronic Lab Ordering (ELO) and Electronic Lab Reporting (ELR) through CTLS application for clients and providers in various counties and areas.
  • Collaborated with developers during code promotion for pushing code from dev and test to prod environment, in order to implement logic and functionality to capture Ryan White Part B Budget Initiatives in the AIMS application.
  • Validated Medicare and Medicaid claim details, XML scripts, HL 7 messaging protocols for exchange of patient information, and assisted with statistical and predictive data analytics, and BI reporting through Logi Analytics.
  • Ensured HIV/AIDS episodes, risk factors, client demographics, epidemiological metrics, and so on, for patients, are implemented through application workflows, to satisfy program requirements of various Public Health initiatives.
  • Created Software Release Documents, Project Change Request (PCR), Database Change Request (DCR) documents, and assisted with change management process, for change in requirements by business users during sprints.
  • Ensured technical debt management strategies are implemented by development team to deliver a PSPI which is fully tested and functional satisfying the KPIs, performance metrics for the organization, and definition of done.
  • Assisted with creating data requirements document for Extraction Transformation and Load (ETL) process, data cleansing, scrubbing, data deduplication, normalization, and data migration between source and target systems.
  • Reviewed Stored Procedures, SSIS Packages, statistical reports and wrote SQL queries for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations to validate client data in various databases, to match Business Intelligence (BI) reports.
  • Created mockup screens through Balsamiq tool to demonstrate proposed application features to various business users, capturing business rules for creating prototypes and to elaborate requirements to the development team.
  • Ensured HIPAA compliant automated workflows through enterprise applications to monitor HIV/AIDS surveillance activities, ensuring contractor and sub-contractor budget allocation features, and CAREWare program initiatives.
  • Worked proactively as a scrum master in various sprints, actively facilitating Scrum ceremonies like Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective sessions and resolved impediments affecting team performance.
  • Conducted user story writing workshops to illustrate creating user stories that satisfy INVEST criteria, assigning acceptance criteria to the user stories, and to elucidate concepts of story points, velocity, and capacity planning.
  • Conducted Backlog Grooming and Sprint Planning sessions with Product Owner and development team to refine Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog by applying various Prioritization and Estimation Techniques to estimate effort.
  • Assisted Project Manager with creating project plans, project charter, monitoring risks, timeline, scope, resources, schedule, constraints, WBS, and developing status reports through integration of VSTS with MS Project and Excel.
  • Collaborated with database analysts (DBA) analyzing data requirements for Master Data Management (MDM) to create Master Data Repository, containing lookup tables and data attributes used by multiple source systems.
  • Worked with DBAs to analyze requirements for data obfuscation or masking of Personal Health Information (PHI) of clients, and assisted in the creation of an Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), having data from multiple sources.

Environment: Waterfall- SCRUM hybrid methodology, MS Visio, Enterprise architect, Informatica 8.5, Share Point, MS Outlook 2013, MS Project, MS office Suite 2013 (Word, Excel, Power point), MySQL, SSIS, SSRS, Javascript, jQuery, JAVA, J2EE, Tableau 7.0, Selenium, Logi Analytics, .NET Framework, Model-View-Controller (MVC), ASP.NET Web Forms, Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), JIRA, Balsamiq, GitHub, Melissa Data, Microsoft SQL Server Database, Oracle.

Confidential, Hartford, CT

Business Systems Analyst


  • Implemented SDLC which included Waterfall-SCRUM hybrid agile methodology with requirements specifications phase and development phase in iterative time boxed sprint cycles, incorporating a rigorous definition of done.
  • Gathered functional and non-functional requirements and involved in development and documentation of Business Requirement Document (BRD), and Software Requirements Specification (SRS) using various elicitation techniques.
  • Assisted in creating implementation guides for various EDI X12 transactions such as 834, 835,837,270, 271 and 274.
  • Assisted the Project Manager in defining the project plan, project charter, scope, vision, and timelines. Handled requests for proposals (RFP), making presentations to customers, and negotiating project timelines and deliverables.
  • Performed Gap Analysis by identifying current technology, policies, procedures, documenting the enhancements for the requirements, and analyzing new HIPAA 5010 compliance and developed an action plan for the migration process.
  • Prepared Business Process Models (BPM) and UML diagrams like workflow diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, use case diagrams, by using MS Visio, for visual representation to explain various steps involved in business.
  • Developed elaborate use cases explaining interaction between user and system context, and system to system context, to demonstrate dependencies between various applications in the plan, member, provider, and claims domain to illustrate the functionality of the systems to various business stakeholders and technical teams.
  • Involved in creating and executing test cases, test plans and test scripts for EDI 837 Claims (I & P) Transactions.
  • Performed Data mapping to validate and customize Claims daily load into FACETS for processing the transactions.
  • Performed Data profiling through careful range and pattern analysis and checked for data integrity by looking for various data anomalies and doing data normalization and data verification using Informatica Data Quality Center.
  • Built Data Dictionary for various designers, developers, users, and administration with information on contents, data-type, and data element in various tables, columns and rows, and data modelling through star and snowflake schema.
  • Participated in Validating ETL process by creating various simple and complex SQL queries.
  • Responsible for the development and implementation of HIPAA EDI Data Mapping artifacts for various claims related transactions like 270, 271, 274, 276, 277, 820, 834, 835, and 837.
  • Performed User Acceptance Testing for the ANSI X12 Version 5010 / EDI transactions (HIPAA) for Claims Status and Adjudication process involving 270, 271, 276, 277, 834, 837P, 837I, 837D, 835 remittances and NCPDP Claims.
  • Validated HL7 messaging protocols for bi-directional case and disease report exchange, in HTML and XML formats, in accordance with HL7 specifications for electronic communication of patient health information.
  • Developed XSD Schemas and wrote XML test files for backwards compatibility testing.
  • Created test cases for the premium calculations and Claims limits and deductibles (Claims calculations).
  • Wrote SQL queries to match the results with the actual BI report for various analytics purposes.
  • For User Acceptance Testing (UAT) created ad hoc BI reports using Tableau version 7.0

Environment: Waterfall- SCRUM hybrid methodology, Enterprise architect, Rational Requirements Composer (RRC), Rational Team Concert (RTC), Clear Quest, Clear Case, MS Visio 2010, Informatica 8.5, Altova map force, COBOL, Share Point, MS outlook 2013, MS office Suite 2013 (Word, Excel, Power point), MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, JAVA, J2EE, Tableau 7.0.

Confidential, NYC, NY

Business Systems Analyst


  • Analyzed the Business Need and Business Case for the project to understand the needs of the various stakeholders.
  • Involved in business process reengineering (BPR) by conducting business process modelling, SWOT analysis, impact analysis, and performed GAP analysis to analyze the gap between As-Is business process and the To-Be scenarios.
  • Created artifacts like Business Requirement Document (BRD) to incorporate high-level business requirements, and Software Requirements Specification (SRS) containing functional, non-functional, GUI and Data requirements.
  • Used Informatica Power center for the ETL process to map the code sets according to the implementation & Companion guides and used GEMs for forward mapping and backward mapping of the ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes.
  • Assisted ETL Developers and Data Analyst in all stages of development processes including extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) data from various applications to minimize redundancy and anomalies in data.
  • Created data mapping documents, to analyze, map, and define the data elements, between source and target systems and analyze the various tables in the applications in the database which housed the data elements.
  • Analyzed the API documentation to illustrate applications connectivity, and created user manuals explaining system interactions through SOAP, REST, XML, JSON, WSDL, etc. at the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) level.
  • Validated business scenarios on new builds to enable extensive testing by the QA team and assisted the testing team to expedite Regression Testing and User Acceptance Testing, to meet the production date deadlines.
  • Validated various components and error scenarios in the FACETS system occurring during the claims adjudication process related to different HIPAA ANSI X12 EDI transactions such as 834, 835,837,270, 271, 276, 277 and 278.
  • Provided insights into issues in the automated claim review process and assisted in the easy correlation and real-time monitoring of events across all layers and components of the claim processing cycle through data analytics.
  • Generated rapid & automated regulatory compliance verification reports by analyzing the systems generated data.
  • Coordinated with the backend team associated with the application server which was built using C, C++ & Python and the front-end UI team working on the web browser which was built using AJAX, CSS, HTML & java script.
  • Assisted the QA/QC team in creating Test plans, Test cases, Test Scripts and Test scenarios using HP ALM & HP QC.

Environment: Waterfall- SCRUM hybrid methodology, MS Visio 2010, Informatica 8.5, Altova map force, Enterprise architect, MySQL, Balsamiq, HP ALM, HP QC, Tableau 7.0.

Confidential, NYC, NY

Business Systems Analyst / SCRUM Master


  • Implemented SDLC, agile (SCRUM) methodology for the developing life cycle and followed the standards process in the application and elicited requirements through JAD sessions, Focus Groups, and Brainstorming sessions.
  • As a SCRUM Master, I facilitated SCRUM ceremonies like Backlog Grooming sessions, Sprint planning meeting, Daily Stand-Up Meeting, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective meetings, acting as a service leader to guide the team.
  • Proficient in writing and prioritizing User Stories using INVEST in Product Backlog along with the Product Owner as per business and Technical needs using prioritizing techniques like business value based and technical value based.
  • Facilitated breaking down EPICs into User stories and estimation of User Stories using estimation techniques like Planning Poker in Backlog grooming sessions, assisting the team to clarify ambiguity in estimating the user stories.
  • Used JIRA for issue tracking, User Story management and requirement traceability and created, managed, tracked and analyzed sprint Burn Down Chart and Product Burn Down chart to estimate sprint velocity and Team’s Capacity.
  • Ensured that the team is following coding standards and is adhering to Definition of done to avoid/reduce technical debt and focused on resolving and shielding the team from impediments to keep them working in a group flow.
  • Conducted Impact Analysis and Gap Analysis to derive and document requirements for Web based Claim Processing System (CPS) and identified AS-IS and TO-BE business processes based on which created business process models.
  • Worked with Front end and UI developers and Created HTML and CSS files using HTML5 and CSS3 for web based custom dashboard, and ensured that client-side validation and server-side validation were implemented.
  • Created XSD schemas and verified XML files based on XSD schemas. Assisted testers with validating XML requests.
  • Developed HL7 messaging for patient EMR in text and XML formats, in accordance with HL7 specifications and performed functional (API) testing and worked with QA team in reviewing and executing test plans and test cases.
  • Created Data mapping documents between various data elements, XML files, flat files, excel files, HIPAA EDI files X12 837, 270, 271, 276, 277, 278, 835, 275, and 5010 and web services, to perform verification and validation.
  • Defined Data Maps to validate and customize Claims daily load into FACETS for processing the transactions.
  • Reviewed Stored Procedures for reports and wrote test SQL queries for Joins, Unions, Group By functions against the source system (SQL Server) to match the results with the actual report against the Data mart (Oracle 10g).

Environment: SCRUM Methodology, JIRA 5.0, JAVA, Eclipse 4.3, MS Visio 2013, UML, Apache, AWS, AMI, Amazon EC2, HP ALM v11, Oracle 10g, Tableau 9.0, Altova XML spy, SOAP UI PRO, MS outlook 2013, MS office Suite 2013 (Excel, Word, Power point).

Confidential, Madison, WI

Business Analyst / SCRUM Master


  • Conducted focus groups and interviews with end users such as dentists and physicians to understand additional functionalities deemed critical on top of the mandated functionalities in hospital’s EMR System.
  • Created BRDs, FRDs, Workflow documents, UML diagrams, activity and sequence flow diagrams using Erwin.
  • Created conceptual Data models and ER diagrams showing relationships between various data entities using Erwin.
  • Utilized Current Medicaid Information Technology System (MITS) Provider subsystem data map and the Department of IT data map to create crosswalk documents.
  • Used Data mapping documents to Analyze source and target database, to analyze data integrity.
  • As a SCRUM Master used RALLY created artifacts like burn down charts and User stories.
  • Wrote user stories (INVEST) in JIRA, and Planning Poker and Relative mass valuation method to estimate user stories. Managed Requirement churn and helped to define acceptance criteria.
  • Performed manual testing and User Acceptance Testing for the web based custom dashboard

Environment: Waterfall-SCRUM hybrid, HP ALM v11, Oracle 10g, IBM Cognos, MS Visio 2010, JIRA, Outlook 2010, MS Office suite 2010 (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), N-tier Architecture.

Confidential, Louisville, KY

Business Analyst


  • Performed Gap Analysis between ICD 9 and ICD 10, and assisted with Forward Mapping from ICD 9 to ICD 10 and backward mapping from ICD 10 to ICD 9.
  • Perform Gap Analysis to upgrade HIPAA 4010 to 5010; prepared solution document and project plan.
  • Created BRD, FRD, Uses cases, UML diagrams, activity, and sequence diagrams.
  • Worked on the EDI 834 file load to Facet. Participated in creating Data models.
  • Supported Quality Assurance by using HP AL. Participated in UAT and manual testing.
  • Identified various attributes for fact and dimension tables in constellation, star, and snowflake schemas.

Environment: Waterfall methodology, MS project 2010, HP ALM V11, Oracle 10g, IBM Cognos, MS outlook 2010, Erwin, SQL, General Equivalence Mapping, MS Visio, MS Office Suite 2010 (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), MS Outlook 2010.


Business Analyst


  • Documented business requirements, and communicated these requirements with the development team for design and implementation of business solutions.
  • Worked with Business Analysis team to prepare a detailed Business Requirement document (BRD) and System Requirement Document (SRS).
  • Interacted with the project team to help define the Business and System Objectives, confirmation of scope, identify constraints and the measures of success for the system to be developed.

Environment: MS Visio, Mock-up screens, wireframes, My SQL Workbench 5.0, My SQL 5.0, MS office suite 2007.


Dental Surgeon/ Project coordinator


  • Managed and coordinated with physicians working in department of dentistry in-patient and out-patient department. Involved in daily operations and quality initiatives in the department.
  • Analyzed and maintained statistical performance and patient satisfaction data to identify trends in service delivery. Reduced turnaround time for discharged third party insurance patients by 30 minutes.
  • Designed patient and family survey tools to evaluate experience and identify areas of improvement
  • Elicited Requirements by interviewing various stakeholders and business users like hospital administration department employees, billing department employees, physicians, and other healthcare workers. Conducted GAP Analysis of current state (As-Is) and proposed state (To-Be) situations.
  • Created BRD and FSD based on business requirement of the stakeholders. Prepared workflow diagrams, designed process flows. Performed Data analysis and validation of BI reports using SAS.
  • Participated in performing data profiling and checking for integrity of the data by using SQL queries.

Environment: MS Visio, MS office suite 2007, MySQL 5.0, Erwin, General Equivalence Mapping

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