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Section 504/508 /504 Specialist-sme/ Accessibility Specialist Resume

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Over 20 years of experience in the full SDLC lifecycle of software testing and application quality assurance/Human Factors Interface - UI/UX and over 15 years of Section 504/508 /501 S.M.E. experience in a wide variety of environments. FAR Clause (Federal Acquisition Regulations) Functionality, Best Practices, Section 508 Tools, EN 301 549, Section 501, 504, and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, compatibility, reliability, Accessibility, installation, security and Section 504/508 testing, reporting, and remediation plans on government agency contracts and projects. Wide expanse of Senior Accessibility/ 508 Consulting experience supporting large government organizations. Testing of Enterprise web applications, mobile applications, client-server, network, multimedia, and database projects on Windows, Macintosh and Unix operating systems including: Telephony, XDK, Networks, Databases, Platforms, Software Automated Test Tools and Confidential assistive technology tools including screen readers, text magnification tools, voice activated software, automated 504/508 test tools and other AT software. Leadership roles in creation and execution of QA, testing, and Section 504/508 processes, test strategies and plans, and bug documentation and regression.. Extensive training in software testing theories, procedures as well as Section 504/508 testing, test tools, VPAT’s, and other related Section 504/508 test skills. Expansive experience in performing enterprise IT planning and formulation of agency and enterprise wide accessibility policies and procedures. Lead role in writing Section 504/508 remediation plans, reporting, alternative access, focus group, lead testing, training and development to include Section 504/508 within full SDLF lifecycle and inclusion into QA test groups and functional test scripts. Comfortable working solo and in a team environment.


Technical: Linux, OS, Unix, Windows 200/XP, NT, Mac-Apple

Languages: HTML, Cold Fusion, Perl, Java, Java Script, PHP, CGI, Cobol, .Net, J2ee, DHTML, Visual Basic, C sharp, C++, and other web based languages and TCP/IP, Fortron

Applications: Team Track, DreamWeaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, Flash, Swish, Adobe Suite CS3, Acrobat, Common Look, Acc Verify, Acc Repair, Acc Monitor, Web XM, Deque Ramp, Jaws, Window Eyes, Zoom Text, Dragon Naturally Speaking, IBM Home Page Reader, Home Site, Eclipse, Apache, Java Ferret, Microsoft Inspect, Geb, Spock, soapUI, JAWS, Selenium, JUnit, Groovy, IPlanet, IIS, SQL Server, Oracle, My SQL, BEA Web Logic, BEA Web Sphere, File Maker Pro, Fox Pro, Common Look, Magic 10, ADesigner 1.0 & 2.0, Oracle Portal, Open Source CMS, CMS, DMS, PVCS, Subversion, Wiki, Blogs, and other semantic Web 2.0 applications for internal communications, MS Project, Visio, Rational Tool Set, VOIP applications, Greenplum, BOE, FICO RMA, IBM mainframe, ENDEVOR, DB2, and other IRS tools and applications.

Tools: Clearquest, Clear case, Win runner, Load runner, Mercury, Rational Tool Set

Databases: SQL, MySQL, Oracle, Oracle 9ias, Access

Skills: QA Testing Lead, QA Testing Manager, Section 504/508 tester-lead, management training, documentation, software development, software development management, Web Services, High Availability and Fault Tolerance, Security, ESB, Messaging, BPM, BRMS,RDBMS, ORM, NoSQL, Human Factors, UI Design. Government compliancy areas including Section 2810, Section 504/504/508 Standards, NIST standards, Privacy Act, HIPPA, FISCAM, SECURITY, FOIA and other internal areas as needed and requested. RAD, RUP, OpenRup, Waterfall, Spiral and other methods of SDLC framework and experience writing object oriented test scripts for FuseBox, Cold Fusion and Ruby on Rails Applications, Load Testing, Automated, Functional and Manual Testing.



Section 504/508 /504 Specialist-SME/ Accessibility Specialist


  • Section 504/508 tester/ SIT System Integration Tester Team Member/ Accessibility Specialist for the IBM/IRS Rapid Return Enterprise Project current possession of a current IRS background investigation and clearance MBI issued September 11, 2013.
  • Applications and Software included: BOE Business Objects EnterpriseSoftware/ Web based package for the Rapid Return Project, RMA- Enterprise Rules Management Application for the Rapid Return Project, Enterprise Implementation of Java Batch Console Dashboard for the Rapid Return Project.
  • Wrote and assembled the US Government required Governance documentation including Required Applicable Provisions and Testing documentation, Accessibility Risk Information, Gap Analysis, and Accessibility Compliance Approach.
  • Responsible for participating in Confidential SIT/ 504/508 /501 test activities for the first release of RRP, Rapid Return Review Program including an integrated data warehouse, report and ad hoc query capabilities, an environment to implement business rules, develop predictive models, and simulate return scoring and an environment that supports scoring incoming tax returns processes.
  • Supports the design and development of a 504/508 /501 Accessibility test strategy to perform environment and system integration validation including ETL using Informatica, Java Data Access, Greenplum, SAS, FICO Blaze, BOE and web services technology along with PG Admin, Control M, etc.
  • Assisted in compliancy for Section 504/508 - Access for the disabled additionally with testing, remediation and review of vendor VPAT’s for accuracy and inclusion into reporting and testing results, participated in Peer reviews and CCB’s of 504/508 documents.
  • Assisted in Load Testing for BOE Business Objects Application.
  • Signed off and validated contracts for Section 504/508 Validity and FAR Clause comformance.
  • Review of contract information along with VPAT’s to validate findings by companies awarded contracts stating 504/508 Compliancy.
  • Assisted in training of Section 504/508 standards and information concerning refresh of standards and application to current products and procurements in progress.
  • Performed Confidential aspects of Section 504/508 testing, developed test plan, executed test plan and testing according to Government Standards using screen readers (JAWS, Window Eyes, IBM Home Page Screen Reader), Text Magnification Tools (Zoom Text), Voice recognition software (Dragon Naturally Speaking), Low Vision/ Blind/ Color Blindness and other visual disability testing for Government Compliance, ran automated 504/508 test tools (AccVerify, Acc Monitor, Acc Repair, Deque Ramp, Web XM) and tested additionally for mobile Accessibility on a variety of government indicated tools and platforms.
  • Security testing, Knowledge of current IRS tax administration software applications Experience with IRS tax administration systems.
  • Utilized EN 301 549 v1.0, WCAG 2.0 and current 508 standards to compile a document focusing on future testing, testing tools, test methodologies, gap analysis, risk assessment, and cross referenced Confidential three standards to utilize best practices, tools, and resources for the RRP Program to meet compliance with future release of Section 508 NPRM by the US Access Board.
  • Commenced updating test documents with additional tools to meet both WCAG 2.0 Confidential /AAA compliance and Section 508.
  • Established via Share Point web code/frame work/ and best practices code and coding techniques for share library repository for Confidential RRP developers to utilize to pass and meet current 508 standards with project.
  • Established and taught 508 brown bags, informational meetings for new individuals to contract, training sessions for developers, and high level demonstrations for PMO office.
  • Performed work directed toward implementation of 508 standards to curtail any future or possible EEOC complaints under Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 501- Employment of Individuals with Disabilities in addition to the FAR clause including but not limited to recommendations of stop work orders.
  • Made recommendations on government sign off from IRAP office on non-compliance, grandfathered software and applications, exceptions due to undue burden, risk mitigation plans, and job aids to assist individuals in performing required job activities on non- compliant software.


IT MIS/Section 508 Compliancy-Security Specialist-SME


  • Assisted in compliancy for Section 504/508 - Access for the disabled additionally with testing, remediation.
  • Signed off and validated contracts for Section 504/508 Validity. Review of contract information along with VPAT’s to validate findings by companies awarded contracts stating 504/508 Compliancy.
  • Assisted in training of Section 504/508 standards and information concerning refresh of standards and application to current products and procurements in progress.
  • Commenced updating test documents with additional tools to meet both WCAG 2.0 Confidential /AAA compliance and Section 508.
  • Studied and made recommendations based off changes to the standards refresh plus any impact European standards could make to updates.
  • Performed work directed toward implementation of 508 standards to curtail any future or possible EEOC complaints under Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 501- Employment of Individuals with Disabilities in addition to the FAR clause including but not limited to recommendations of stop work orders.
  • Review of Grants On Line- GOL Confidential forms and pdf’s for Section 508 compliancy with current Confidential standards with GOL Confidential web master.
  • Performed work directed toward implementation of 508 standards to curtail any future or possible EEOC complaints under Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 501- Employment of Individuals with Disabilities in addition to the FAR clause including but not limited to recommendations of stop work orders.
  • Established via Share Point web code/frame work/ and best practices code and coding techniques for share library repository for Confidential ITC developers to utilize to pass and meet current 508 standards with project.
  • Planning, developing, and implementing IT Security Plans such as: System Security Plan, Risk Assessment Plan, Self Assessment, Contingency Plan, Emergency Preparedness, Continuous Monitoring, and other plans for the Confidential 1101 systems. Routine dealings with Penetration Testing, Vulnerability scans, Foundstone, Nessus, Patchlink, Discovery, etc. Dealings with inventory for Confidential 1101 systems concerning FDCC, CIS and other IT benchmarks.
  • Conducted audits, reviews of documentation, NIST 800-53 control implementation, FIPS, writing reports, auditing systems for A&A Process, recording findings and proposing proactive actions to the Confidential Security Office
  • Routinely sent emails to Confidential team members concerning trends and current security issues.
  • Implementation of NIST 800-137 standards in additional to current government standards for IT Security.
  • Performed Confidential aspects of Section 504/508 testing, developed test plan, executed test plan and testing according to Government Standards using screen readers (JAWS, Window Eyes, IBM Home Page Screen Reader), Text Magnification Tools (Zoom Text), Voice recognition software (Dragon Naturally Speaking), Low Vision/ Blind/ Color Blindness and other visual disability testing for Government Compliance, ran automated 504/508 test tools (AccVerify, Acc Monitor, Acc Repair, Deque Ramp, Web XM)
  • Implementation of Enterprise Wide strategic IT Planning for ITC projects, including but not limited to gap analysis on IT Accessibility policies and procedures in addition to value on return or cost to benefit on investment of tools, training, and future implementations of Section 508, 504, and areas of 501 that would curtail future lawsuits from disabled employees on projects.
  • Assembled, authored, and distributed Accessibility training and information to Confidential government and PM level individuals on the Confidential ITC contract.


504/508 SME


  • Senior Section Accessibility SME for Confidential Section 504/508 compliance and reporting on Board of Governors US Federal Reserve web site and ad hoc duties in reporting test analysis within 508 test results
  • Performed Confidential aspects of Section 504/508 analysis, testing, recommendations, including developing test plan, executed test plan and testing according to Government Standards using screen readers (JAWS, Window Eyes, IBM Home Page Screen Reader), Text Magnification Tools (Zoom Text), Voice recognition software (Dragon Naturally Speaking), Low Vision/ Blind/ Color Blindness and other visual disability testing for Government Compliance, ran automated 504/508 test tools (AccVerify, Acc Monitor, Acc Repair, Deque Ramp, Web XM).
  • Drafted Section 504/508 reports and met with development staff to in corporate Section 504/508 compliancy into current enterprise development lifecycle and remediation for projects about to deploy that were not 504/508 compliant including specific areas testing for QA.
  • Incorporated Enterprise reporting into daily test report document for both QA/Development Team and Accessibility daily test results for delivery to PM and Development team to remediate daily and for clarification on best practices, tools, and resources to support and meet Section 508 compliancy and standards.
  • Meet with development and GUI interface designer to explain and assist in Enterprise Phased Plan approach to incorporating 504/508 compliancy into site after deployment and re-testing of site after updates to corrected code to verify compliancy
  • Remediated Confidential PDF’s on the Federal Reserve Web site under Board of Governors.
  • Utilized Confidential fine reader for remediation of Power point presentations on web site and internal sites for compliancy with standards.


IT Specialist-Accessibility SME- Acting Manager


  • Senior Accessibility SME on Enterprise wide contract who studied software and COTS products prior to and after deployment for Section 501/508 compliancy, making recommendations via reports concerning variances to required Government and contract Compliancy.
  • Completed and set up spreadsheets on deficiencies and the cost required to meet Government Compliancy on Enterprise systems for review by Confidential officials in charge of systems for them to review and decide what changes would be made to the system, budges amount to meet compliancy, in addition to waivers required for the system to continue operations with notes made of the non-compliance and when new changes would be implemented to bring the subsystems into compliancy with upcoming updates, replacement of system hardware and software, and retirement of systems unable to meet compliancy with replacement systems able to adhere to Government standards.
  • Wrote Section 504/508 reports and met with development staff to in corporate Section 504/508 compliancy into current development lifecycle and remediation for projects about to deploy that were not 504/508 compliant including specific areas testing for QA and incorporated separate reporting into daily test report document for both QA/Development Team and Section 504/508 daily test results for delivery to PM and Development team to remediate daily
  • Duties included extensive review of Enterprise wide systems in Code 400, hardware and software for updating information on government compliancy on said systems including updates on Section 504/508 Standards, Privacy Act Information (if utilized), Confidential 2810.1A, NIST 800-53 requirements, SBU, FDCC, CIS Benchmarks, C&A process for 2010 certification, and other areas of required government compliancy including Continuous Monitoring and review of systems for meeting Government Standards within the PMO office.
  • Performed work directed toward implementation of 508 standards to curtail any future or possible EEOC complaints under Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 501- Employment of Individuals with Disabilities in addition to the FAR clause including but not limited to recommendations of stop work orders.
  • Analyst responsible for Confidential IT compliance and reporting on Confidential projects and subsystems under the NENS contract PMO Office including review and updates of IT Security Plans, Risk Assessment Reports, Contingency Plans, SAIV documents and other IT documentation relating directly to government compliant initiatives with Code 450, Flight Projects Directorate including systems including Confidential 's Near Earth Network, including operations at Wallops Flight Facility at Wallops Island, Va.; the White Sands Complex in Las Cruces, N.M.; the Merritt Island Launch Annex in Florida; and McMurdo Station in Antarctica. Also provided IT support for the Satellite Laser Ranging network and the global Very Long Baseline Interferometry Network. Performed audits of systems for C&A process and Section 504/508 compliancy with existing Confidential 504/508 standards.
  • Performed Confidential aspects of Section 504/508 testing, developed test plan, executed test plan and testing according to Government Standards using screen readers (JAWS, Window Eyes, IBM Home Page Screen Reader), Text Magnification Tools (Zoom Text), Voice recognition software (Dragon Naturally Speaking), Low Vision/ Blind/ Color Blindness and other visual disability testing for Government Compliance, ran automated 504/508 test tools (AccVerify, Acc Monitor, Acc Repair, Deque Ramp, Web XM).
  • Attended in-house Confidential Section 508 conference concerning refresh of standards.
  • Served on in house Confidential board following Section 508 updates and Access Board meetings.


Section 504/508 Subject Matter Expert Expert/ADA Specialist


  • Sole Section 508 SME responsible for Confidential Section 504/508 compliance and reporting on the Enterprise Confidential web sites, Enterprise Confidential Software Applications, and Legacy Mainframe systems including Confidential Information Kiosk and other ad hoc duties in reporting 504/508 compliancy. Kiosk and other features of 504 were included in reporting of the accessibility planning and formulating of the IT accessibility policy for 504 additionally for those areas.
  • Performed Confidential aspects of Enterprise wide Section 508 analysis and recommendations to the CSC DHS Eagle Contract including but not limited to: testing, developed test plan, executed test plan and testing according to Government Standards using screen readers (JAWS, Window Eyes, IBM Home Page Screen Reader), Text Magnification Tools (Zoom Text), Voice recognition software (Dragon Naturally Speaking), Low Vision/ Blind/ Color Blindness and other visual disability testing for Government Compliance, ran automated 504/508 test tools (AccVerify, Acc Monitor, Acc Repair, Deque Ramp, Web XM, and additionally utilized Agile Test Practices, Quality Assurance, UI Testing, Web Accessibility Toolbar, creating and utilizing DHS Test Scripts and using DHS Test tools and applications such as Java Ferret, Microsoft Inspect, Geb, and other tools as needed and necessary.
  • Wrote Accessibility reports and met with development staff to in corporate Section 504/508 compliancy into current development lifecycle and remediation for projects about to deploy that were not 504/508 compliant including specific areas testing for QA and incorporated separate reporting into daily test report document for both QA/Development Team and Section 504/508 daily test results for delivery to PM and Development team to remediate daily
  • Meeting with development and GUI interface designer to explain and assist in Phased Plan approach to incorporating 504/508 compliancy into site after deployment and re-testing of site after updates to corrected code to verify compliancy
  • Tasked with Presidential Initiative to update Confidential web site in 90 days from Presidential Speech to Congress June 25, 2009.
  • Prepared documentation including Confidential ’s, Non-Availability, Exemptions, and information on material grandfathered prior to Section 504/508 standards.
  • Reviewed Enterprise wide software and COTS products prior to and after deployment for 508 compliancy.
  • Implementation of Enterprise Wide strategic IT Planning for DHS Eagle projects, including but not limited to gap analysis on IT Accessibility policies and procedures in addition to value on return or cost to benefit on investment of tools, training, and future implementations of Section 508, 504, and areas of 501 that would curtail future lawsuits from disabled employees on projects.
  • Assembled, authored, and distributed Accessibility training and information to Confidential government and PM level individuals on the DHS EAGLE contract.


Section 504/508 Subject Matter Expert Tester


  • Sole Senior Section 504/508 SME responsible for Confidential Section 504/508 compliance and reporting on Enterprise Confidential web site and ad hoc duties in reporting QA test analysis within 504/508 test results
  • Performed Confidential aspects of Section 504/508 testing, developed test plan, executed test plan and testing according to Government Standards using screen readers (JAWS, Window Eyes, IBM Home Page Screen Reader), Text Magnification Tools (Zoom Text), Voice recognition software (Dragon Naturally Speaking), Low Vision/ Blind/ Color Blindness and other visual disability testing for Government Compliance, ran automated 504/508 test tools (AccVerify, Acc Monitor, Acc Repair, Deque Ramp, Web XM).
  • Wrote Section 504/508 reports and met with development staff to in corporate Section 504/508 compliancy into current development lifecycle and remediation for projects about to deploy that were not 504/508 compliant including specific areas testing for QA and incorporated separate reporting into daily test report document for both QA/Development Team and Section 504/508 daily test results for delivery to PM and Development team to remediate daily
  • Meeting with development and GUI interface designer to explain and assist in Phased Plan approach to incorporating 504/508 compliancy into site after deployment and re-testing of site after updates to corrected code to verify compliancy

Environment: C++, ASPX, ASP, Windows, RAD, SQL, HTML, Java Script, Ajax, MS Office, Visio, Manual Testing, MS Project, Window Eyes, JAWS, Zoom Text, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Acc Verify, Acc Monitor, Deque Ramp, Web XM, Cold Fusion, Apache, Web 2.0 Technology, Semantic Web, ADesigner, IBM Home Page Screen Reader, SQL, Documentation, Manual and Automated Testing.


Section 504/508 SME


  • Sole Confidential Headquarters Section 504/508 SME on Confidential internally produced Enterprise Confidential HQ software projects including COTS, Open Source, and other solutions. Worked with up to 6 development teams, 10 team leads, 3 branch manager, and 15 project managers simultaneously to ensure the highest level of Quality Assurance and Section 504/508, Confidential 2810 and other compliancy areas into produced software, web sites, and other web based applications.
  • Assisted extensively on 3 high level Enterprise projects for Confidential Agency Development and Testing. Coordinated reports and reporting to Enterprise Agency Level on said Software Projects as well as Deputy Program Manager and COTR.
  • Duties as Section 504/508 SME included reporting, automated testing, manual testing, remediation and work with in-house development team on projects to ensure Section 504/508 compliancy from the beginning of the life cycle until deployment.
  • Wrote test scripts, initiated meetings, training, brown bags, presentations and joined Confidential Center functions to encourage Section 504/508 compliancy for Enterprise level IT projects.
  • Met with Vendors/COTS on Section 504/508 testing and remediation of COTS products to hasten deployment via Confidential HQ and Agency usage. Worked with internal team to correct and post 508 Compliant PDF documents and other documents to external web site.
  • Worked with other Confidential HQ Developers to quickly remediate code and web sites to be 508 compliant via Cold Fusion, alternative access, and alternative interfaces that freely allowed individuals with a disability to access alternative interface.
  • Worked with COTS vendors extensively to remediate 3 top agency Enterprise projects to be Section 508 compliant.
  • Ran manual checks of web sites using Screen Readers (JAWS, Window Eyes, IBM Home Page Screen reader), Magnification Tools (Zoom Text, Magic), Voice Activated Software (Dragon Naturally Speaking), Low Vision Simulators, and other AT tools to ensure Section 504/508 and accurate Section 504/508 reporting on web site.
  • Produced Section 504/508 reports on Confidential HQ/Enterprise applications developed internally and external 3rd party products. Wrote internal 504/508 Implementation Plan.
  • Established regular meetings with PM’s on projects and Development Teams for Accessibility status reports, updates and re-test schedule with final Section 508 approval prior to Deployment and CCB meetings.
  • Participated in discussion and working group from Access Board Section standards update
  • Featured speaker on Cold Fusion MD Users Group on Accessibility, Semantic Web, and Section 504/508 implementation and chaired and ran meeting in which VP of Sales & Head of Government Accounts from Freedom Scientific (JAWS), Virtual Vision Technologies, and other AT vendors for training session for Confidential HQ contract.
  • Attended in-house Confidential Section 508 conference concerning refresh of standards.
  • Served on in house Confidential board following Section 508 updates and Access Board meetings.
  • Nominated by Peers for Company Peer Award for Excellence in Testing for both QA & Section 508

Environment: Windows 2000/XP, Apple Macintosh, Safari, IE, FireFox, Lynx, Unix, Linux, Sun Solaris, Red Hat Linux, Apache, Iplanet, RAD, HTML, Cold Fusion, MySQL, Oracle, SQL, Jaws, Window Eyes, Zoom Text, Magic, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Mercury, ADesigner, Acc Verify, Acc Monitor, Acc Repair, Deque Ramp, Scriptaclious, Java, JavaScript, SVG, Web 2.0 technology, Semantic Web. MS Project, Visio, Subversion, PVCS, IBM Home Page Reader, Manual and Automated Testing. Documentation.


Quality Assurance Software-Section 504/508 SME


  • Sole Senior Accessibility SME that worked extensively on the #2 Enterprise wide project within the VA, Coordinated reports and reporting to High Management Level on Mental Health and My Healthe Vet Projects as well as Deputy Program Manager and COTR.
  • Made recommendations to COTR on stop work orders based off of incompatibility of Vendor System and non-compliancy with Section 504/508 .
  • Created Section 504/508 testing roles and procedures into the main enterprise test environment for inclusion into the process while building test lab into contract and company for future and present testing standards and core test load.
  • Participated in agile/scrum process, self-studied Agile methodologies
  • Participated in Enterprise wide User Interface for Human Factors Projects including X-Ray, Explosive Detection Systems, X-Ray for joint DOD-JIF/ VA project.
  • Tested, wrote, and reported on Enterprise wide VA Web Portal and other web based projects for Section 504/508 compliance while working with vendors to remediate coding and projects for Section 508 compliancy.
  • Extensively worked with Veterans Administration’s Blind Rehab Center to obtain core requirements on Assistive Technology Tools and education for in-house developers on projects.
  • Duties as QA tester included Quality Assurance Lead responsible for performing software quality assurance, developed test plans, created and executed test cases. Performed software testing including: functional, integration, regression, stress, compatibility, Accessibility, installation and automated testing and manual testing of applications. Worked extensively on the Rational Tool set and Clear Quest and Clear Case for instances of non-compliancy that needed to be reviewed for internal CCB process in addition to being owner within Clear Quest of prioritizing 504/508 ‘bugs’ within system for LOE and ROI on fixes, as well as exploration of fixes for 504/508 issues within the applications and development life cycle.
  • Was part of a two person team to exclusively test, report, and make recommendations on LMS system for VA web portal project including QA, functional, and Section 504/508 testing with Assistive Technology tools including screen readers, magnification tools, automated test tools and back up validation of false positives and negatives from automated test tools to accurately report failures and areas of compliancy in addition to Accessibility testing, running focus groups, and assisted with IA work as needed due to Matrixing of team members on core projects.
  • Assisted in Mental Health contract exclusively as part of a small enterprise project team whose tasking included requirements gathering for Accessibility compliancy within the life cycle, executed and wrote documentation for test scripts, testing, and accurate reporting of test results to PM and COTR on major failure areas concerning a stop work order and LOE and ROI for fixes to functional areas discovered via QA testing and 504/508 failures respectively in addition to reporting on E-Gov plans.
  • Aided Top Government Official on project with information, reporting, and Section 504/508 enterprise development results via monthly reports and weekly updates held during meetings.
  • As test lead on QA side worked intensively with core group of testers on the various projects within the 3 existing contracts as well as internal company projects to ensure QA, functional, regression, unit and other areas of testing as needed while producing documentation and test procedures to be included into the process for full software development life cycle.
  • Submitted Paper to Dr. Dobbs on Testing, QA, and Section 508 within the Test Life Cycle and Accessibility and Section 508 using Schemas within RUP and Open RUP methodology

Environment: RUP, Rational Tool set including Clear Quest, Clear Case, Open Rup, Windows 2000/XP, BEA Web Logic, BEA Websphere, LMS, SCORM, E-Government, Oracle, SQL, Vista (VA Specific), Dream weaver, Illustrator, Flash, Fireworks, Photoshop, Adobe Tool Set, Common Look for PDF remediation, Magic, Window Eyes, JAWS, IBM Home Page Screen Reader, UML, Zoom Text, Dragon Naturally Speaking, HTML, Java Script, Java, J2ee, Apache, IIS, Home Site, Cold Fusion, DHTML, Ajax, C++, Visual Basic, VB Script, MS Project, Visio, Subversion, PVCS, Documentation, Manual and Automated Testing.


Quality Assurance Software Test Engineer with UI/IA Development Tasking


  • Tested proprietary and third-party client software
  • Assisted Vice President in requirements, development, testing, and deployment of new North American web site.
  • Lead meetings with vendors and high ranking in-house executives for deployment and quality assurance issues on web site.
  • Retested site after bug fixed completed by vendor to assure QA on deliverable
  • Quality Assurance Lead responsible for coordinating with internal team for joint projects utilizing Adobe 3rd party software.
  • Recommended the use of automated test tools to management resulting in purchase of Mercury test tool suite. Developed test scripts using Mercury basic acceptance test and testing
  • Built, configured and maintained QA test lab which consisted of multi-boot Windows 95/98/ME/NT4 computers, Apple Macintosh OS computers and automated test machines. Built and configured Windows NT4/2000 Server and Linux production build machines, Intranet server, defect-tracking server and proxy servers
  • Reported QA team status to executives including Vice President of North American Operations
  • Trained eleven QA department employees and contractors
  • Trained internal call center team to work on FAQ and emails from end users and generated internal tracking system for issues reported by end users from ordering currency to removing items from the system not legal or available for sale within the United States by the Department of Treasury Law.
  • Performed testing and reporting on web portal to ensure Accessibility via 508 and foreign web standards for other countries utilizing web portal to buy currently, i.e. Canadian standards, European, etc.
  • Produced wireframes and mock ups of sections of un-developed web site for development team to begin development on from customer requirements while analyzing the Information Architecture structure for information with E-Commerce site.
  • Received Letter of Recognition from Vice President on outstanding work on Web Site Deployment and recognized as Employee of the Month.

Environment: Windows, RAD, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, SQL, HTML, DHTML, Apache, IIS, SQL Server, MS Project, Visio, PVCS, CM Software, Subversion, Documentation, Manual and Automated Testing.


MIS Specialist-QA-Section 504/508 SME


  • In role within multiple contracts and Directorates with multiple teams as Section 508 SME on Confidential aspects of Enterprise level Section 508 assurance, developed test plans, created and executed test cases.
  • Performed Accessibility, installation and automated testing on Confidential internally developed software and web based projects including 504/508 reporting, testing, and assisted in in-house and development and remediation of non-compliant projects
  • Installed test builds in a complex multi-server Linux-based environment while setting up QA/504/508 test environments on multiple platforms including Windows-Apple-Linux for multiple testing.
  • In charge of providing software list to COTR to purchase, research and development into tools and core software required to perform and maintain test environment including Section 504/508 Assistive Technology Tools
  • Developed automated tests using in-house software
  • Trained quality assurance staff members and contractors including hosting brown bags and working group sessions including Lessons Learned, COP meetings and monthly updates on information and technology specific to contract and contract needs concerning QA and 504/508
  • Managed software defects using internally developed defect-tracking system
  • Managed test case development, management and execution with in-house system
  • Captured debug information using hardware set-top debug boxes
  • Assisted in development role on 3 web sites for contract from concept to deployment producing requirements, wireframes, test cases, test results including QA, functional, regression and 504/508 and Confidential 2810 specific testing while reporting in full QA/Section 504/508 role for contract in official capacity. Performed additional duties as required from PMO and COTR on an as needed basis
  • Assisted Earth Science Directorate in Remote Ocean Sensing CMS from GSFC for inclusion into main Confidential HQ Oceans site. Join production between GSFC/ HQ with QA testing, functional testing, Confidential 2810 and Section 504/508 on project with reports, test scripts, and other documentation delivered to both GSFC PM and HA PM
  • Utilized Ethereal Network Protocol Analyzer and TCPDUMP to verify data encryption
  • Suggested applications for Flight Directorate and Earth Science Directorate.
  • Performed Confidential testing on Flight Directorate and specific Earth Science Projects according to contract, assisted in remediation, and Confidential development activities on contract to ensure 504/508 compliancy and functional and QA on same projects.
  • Produced reports for inclusion into MRS for Government Official for progress, projects, and status on Confidential deliverables concerning QA and Section 504/508 on contract
  • Participated in GSFC WebMasters events and participated in starting User Groups, Working Groups, COP’s, and lined up speakers for WebMaster meetings for GSFC Confidential community.
  • Mention in Macromedia Press Release for Dream Weaver 504/508 Accessible Plug in. Distributed to 400 members on contract, obtained test results and compiled into document for Macromedia to ascertain usage, defects, and areas of excellence in beta testing. Press Release available upon request.
  • Beta Tester for Allaire Cold Fusion 4.5 release of Cold Fusion
  • Worked on internal encryption project for E-Gov Working Group Project

Environment: Open Source CMS, DMS, Dream Weaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, Home Site, HTML, JavaScript, Java, IIS, Apache, Cold Fusion Open Source, DHTML, XML, Cold Fusion, Linux, SQL, MySQL, Oracle, Drumbeat, Flash, In-House defect tracking software, ENPA, TCPDUMP, PHP, Perl, CGI-Bin, GUI interface design, MS Project, Visio, Subversion, PVCS, Documentation, Manual and Automated Testing.

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