Automation Engineer & Sr. Labview Programmer Resume
Cambridge, MA
Opportunity to contribute 38 years of experience in Test Engineering and Quality Assurance to a challenging position in Electronics Manufacturing and/or Design Verification Test.
- Versatile respected test engineering professional with high standards of integrity and a broad test experience base.
- Adept at quickly sizing up situations, analyzing facts, developing primary and alternative courses of action to increase productivity and get the task at hand done.
- Works well independently or as part of a team, forms quality liaison and relationships easily, and instills a high level of confidence at all levels.
- Advanced Test Application Programming in National Instruments LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI and C++
- 20+ Years of experience with National Instruments LabVIEW on MS - Window and UNIX platforms.
- Other National Instruments products: years LabVIEW Real-Time / FPGA, NI DAQmx / cDAQ setup and implementation.
- Experience with ANSI C/C++ and LabWindows/CVI on Microsoft Window platforms.
- Structured Test Application development in LabVIEW, LabVIEW OOP, LabWindows/CVI and ANSI C/++.
- Development of LabVIEW Based Data Acquisition and Vision development systems.
- Development of LabVIEW Based control suites for Semiconductor Wafer Probers, UF-200/300, and EG4080/90.
- Development of LabVIEW Real Time Control and Test Applications on National Instruments cRIO and PXI Platforms.
- Development of LabVIEW FPGA Control and Test Applications on National Instruments cRIO and PXI Platforms
- Experienced in the design of LabVIEW drivers for Data Communication devices using Rs-232, Rs-485, SPI Bus, I2C Bus, CAN Bus and TCP/IP communication protocols.
- Automated Functional Test System Design and Integration
- 34 Years of experience in Automated Functional Test System Design and Integration.
- Have Designed and Constructed well over 100 different Automated Functional Test systems.
- Automated Test Systems used a wide verity of IEEE-488, PXI, PLC and PC Card based test instruments.
- Automated Test Systems included: Signal Conditioning, Motion Control, cRIO / FPGA and Visual component recognition.
- Automated Test Systems covered testing a wide verity of technologies, including: High Speed Digital, RF, Low Current (<500pA) Analog, High Voltage (>480VAC) Motor control, Electro-Mechanical, Electro-Pneumatic, and Semiconductor Wafer Test.
- Additionally, have Designed, Specified, and/or Constructed more than 150 test fixtures to support the before mentioned Automated Functional Test Systems.
- Familiar with National Instrument TestStand programming environment.
- Solid background in both Analog and Digital circuit design for supporting test fixtures and test instruments.
- Design of test fixture buffer / signal conditioning boards for functional test fixtures.
- Designed Constructed and Programmed Black Box testers using ARM Cortex, TI and Intel Embedded Processors.
- Familiar with the following computer aided design platforms: National Instruments Multisim, Ultiboard, Turbo CAD, MS-VISO, and OrCAD 9.0.
- PC Board design and layout using National Instruments Multisim and Ultiboard EDA tools.
- Manufacturing Test and Quality Assurance Process Support
- Experienced in the development of Production Test and Assembly Process Data Collection systems using SQL in Visual Basic, and LabVIEW environments, on Microsoft-Access, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle platforms.
- Experienced in the development of Test and Assembly Process Data Analysis and Statistical Process Control systems (SPC) in Visual Basic and LabVIEW environments, using Microsoft-Access, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle platforms.
- Experienced in the development of Paperless Assembly and Repair Systems using LabVIEW and Visual BASIC.
- Familiar with Software Configuration Management tools: SVN and JIRA.
- Experienced with best practices for Software/Hardware Requirements specification, analysis and implementation.
- Experienced in the installation and setup Bar-coding systems and the specification of there associated printers and scanners.
- Experienced in the setup and operation of Semiconductor Wafer Probers, UF-200/300, and EG4080/90.
- Design for Testability Analysis
- Calling on a solid background in Digital and Analog circuit design, to analyze a products electronic and mechanical layout to identify areas where fault coverage and fault isolation can be improved. Able to perform mechanical analysis and identify any issues that may effect the cost of test fixtures and there reliability. Then present recommendations to engineering and/or manufacturing for changes to the product design / manufacturing improve the process.
Confidential, Cambridge, MA
Automation Engineer & Sr. LabVIEW Programmer
- I am responsible for the development and programming of test and automation systems to support the firm’s battery technology R/D projects.
- These systems are mostly National Instruments cRIO, FPGA and cDAQ based, using LabVIEW as the programming environment.
- Additionally, some systems use NI Vision / Motion control where applicable.
- These systems include: Construction and programmed a custom Laser welding system for Li-ION battery packs.
- Wireless Power Transfer test bed systems.
- Magnetic field analysis systems.
- Developed several Automated Li-ION battery charging systems using Ethernet and CAN bus communication protocols.
- Used CAN bus HW/SW analysis systems to communicate with and test other automotive control systems.
Confidential, Pennington, NJ
Contract Automation Engineer & Sr. LabVIEW Programmer
- I was responsible for the Hardware design and LabVIEW programming a high voltage servo motor drive test/evaluation system for testing components used in power generation buoys.
- This system is used to test DC Motor Drive units going into the client’s motor - generator assembly.
- The system used National Instruments cRIO FPGA based HW for test control and data capture.
- All Test data results where captured to a Microsoft Access database.
Confidential, Littleton, MA
Contract Test Engineer & Sr. LabVIEW Programmer
- I was responsible for the upgrading of the Automated System testing the Confidential ’s Bradley Fighting Vehicle Transmission Control module (TCM).
- This upgrade consists of modifying the LabVIEW and Test Code to accommodate new software revisions and features to the TCM overall test program.
- Used CAN bus communication protocols to monitor and control the TCM. After upgrade process, assisted in code review with Confidential auditors.
Confidential, Cambridge, MA
Development Test Engineer & Sr. LabVIEW Programmer
- I was responsible for the Design, Construction and Programming of Automated Systems for characterization and testing of the firm’s semiconductor MEMs Resonator and RF oscillator products.
- These Test Systems utilized a verity of National Instruments USB based and, PXI based instruments.
- Additionally, the systems incorporated Agilent ENA’s, VNA’s, and Frequency Counters and other related Rf test instruments.
- I was also responsible for LabVIEW programming of CMI, UF200 and EG4080 semiconductor wafer prober systems used to validate and test the firm’s 6" and 8" wafers.
- I designed and constructed an in-house Dry Air system to support use of the CMI prober's "Cold Chuck" feature.
- This allowed test of wafers all way down to -60C without danger of condensation.
- All Test Programs include test data capture to a My SQL database.
Confidential, Franklin, MA
Sr. Test Engineer & Test System Architect / Sr. LabVIEW Programmer
- I was responsible for the Design, Construction and programming of Automated Functional Test Systems for testing and debug of the firms Printed Circuit Board Assemblies ie. PCBAs, as well as the Ambient Gas Analyzer product line. PCBA Test systems are PC based, utilizing National Instruments USB based instruments, PXI based instruments and cRIO FPGA based instruments.
- I was also responsible for the Design, Construction and programming of Automated Real-Time Test Systems for Verification and Test portable high-speed gas detection / analysis systems.
- These systems also provided calibration and final test of the firms MIRAN SappIRe Hazardous Gas Analyzer product line and TVA Toxic Gas Analyzer product line.
- All Test Programs include test data capture to a Microsoft SQL- Server database.
Confidential, Wilmington, MA
Principal Test Engineer & Test Systems Integrator / Sr. LabVIEW Programmer
- I was responsible for the Layout of the production test process for the firm’s Dense Wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) optical networking system modules.
- I was also responsible for the Design, Construction and programming of Functional Test Systems for Electronic and Optical test of Tunable Laser modules, Gain Tilt Monitors and Optical Performance Monitors. Where possible
- I incorporated Parallel Testing methods to reduce overall product test times.
- All Test Programs include test data capture to a Microsoft SQL- Server database.
Confidential, Savage, MD
Contract Test Engineer / Sr. LabVIEW Programmer
- I was responsible for the Design and Programming of Functional Electronic and Optical Test sets for communications modules and Dense Wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) optical transmission systems.
- Including: OADM (Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer), Filters, Amplifiers, Transmitters, Receivers and Multiplexers.
- I was also responsible for the Design of LabVIEW GUI’s for maintenance and field test of OADM Filters, Amplifier, Transmitter, Receiver and Multiplexer modules.
- I was responsible for the Design of LabVIEW Tests for other SONET networking system modules.
- All Test Programs include test data capture via SQL to Microsoft Access or Oracle database systems.
Confidential, Pittsburgh, PA
Contract Test Engineer / Test Systems Integrator
- I was responsible for the Design of a VXI Functional Test System addition to handle test of Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) heavy rail car propulsion and control modules.
- This Test System addition utilized a wide verity of VXI based instrument modules including, VXI Scope modules, DMM modules, and A / D & D /A Converter modules, to test High Power motor control & drive modules.
- These modules are used to control and drive the 600V motors in the BART rail cars.
- All programming was done in NI LabWindows/CVI.
- Test sets incorporated a Guided Fault Probing tool written in NI LabWindows and Microsoft “C”.
Confidential, New Bremien, OH
Contract Test Engineer
- I was responsible for the Design, Construction and Programming of a VXI Functional Test System for testing Confidential Equipment Lift Truck High Power (2Hp - 50 Hp) IGBT motor Steering and Propulsion modules.
- This system would also test the microprocessor-based modules for other Confidential Equipment motor control products.
- All programming was done in LabVIEW. Programs included test data capture to a Microsoft Access database.