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Progress/qad Consultant Resume

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Naples Fl Columbia, SC


  • To obtain a challenging position in a progress 4Gl environmentthat would lead to opportunities of increasing responsibility and technical advancement.


SOFTWARE/HARDWARE: Progress 10+ years Versions(6 - 10), Linux, Symix, CobolIBM RISC 6000, NCR 6000 Confidential 8500


Confidential, Naples FL

Progress/QAD Consultant


  • Support QAD Manufacturing Package with modifications to custom programs, and New Applications as well. Developed dashboard for Global Trade,so that they would be able to monitor their foreign orders. Then using event driven programming, allow user to select individual orders to populate and run an AES advice program with their order choices prepopulated. This saved many man hours of time for the user. Development Testing was done here against the Production Database, so that the user could validate his results in a real time environment. It is doubtful that such a robust application could have emerged from any Pilot DB environment. This Production testing capability was previously unknown to Confidential, and perhaps much of the QAD world, until now.
  • Also developed many mass update programs that allows users to change existing records to a constant field. This replaced the need for the programmer to copy the user spreadsheet, and write or run his own program. Now the users are so much happier to be able to control their data by themselves. Now there is an update for the following fields: Buyer, Forecast quantities, Customer Statement cycle, and Group code. This resulted in the elimination of so many unnecessary tickets, and provided a user friendly environment.
  • In addition a universal data extraction system was developed that would allow the user to transfer any field in the QAD database to his own personal email box. First, user can select his files from an event driven browser, with any-key search capability. Then by pressing the GO key all the fields, from the selected files, will appear in a field browser. Each field can be selected for output, filtering, sorting, totaling, and even formularizing. There is nothing that this system cannot accomplish, because the user can make his own progress programs and store them his own library in the database. He can now build as many parameters into these programs, as he needs to filter, and run this program repeatedly. Then there is a source maintenance feature, that allows each program to be easily changed for additional functionality. Also the user can read in files from the unix directory, to build a comma separated list, which can drive his data extraction. Then he can still mix this comma separated, list with additional filters of his choosing. By pressing the return key the system will output his program to a flat file to disk, and run it for him, as a source file. This eliminates the need for object codes to be stored and maintained. Each program will send that output straight to email in a timely manner. Programmers can also now create custom programs, for users, and copy them easily, to that users own program library. There is no limit to the amount of programs that can be developed in this user friendly environment. This system will run in any QAD/Progress environment, with minor customizations. These new event driven technologies have improved the IT/QAD reputation in a very positive way, and leads to a much easier communication between the QAD users and the IT department.


Progress Programmer


  • Provide Progress 4GL Programming Support for a homegrown system called IPSE, that controlled all the meat-packing operations at the plant. They were running Version 10.6 under a Linux Environment. Programming responsibilities included satisfying User requests for New Applications as well as Enhancements of Existing screens. Some highlighted s included the Sales Contract Authorizations system, which gives users, the ability to maintain future contracts, and their delivery dates. Once satisfied with the contract, they can send a PDF file, in an email, so that their
  • Directors of Sales and Accounting, could sign their authorization to it.
  • Also, to save manual data input, an import procedure was developed, that could read in an excel file to create batches for General Ledger, that could be easily be posted after entries were in balance. Worked on the Profit/Loss Report to add a new Product Line for Japanese Meatst. Designed a new Procurement System for Futures pricing that would allow user to group their output, after it was displayed on the screen, and then email it out in a PDF format, in the desired order.
  • Enhanced my own Report Writing System so that the user can query any file or field on a Progress Database, and send himself a CSV file, via Email. This system was also expanded to process many database files at the same time, so that the relational aspect of data hierarchy could be optimized. Also a maintenance option was added to allow records to be updated to meet user needs.

Confidential, COLUMBIA SC

Progress Analyst


  • Maintenance and Development support for QAD Manufacturing package version Eb2 Progress V10. Led recent conversion effort from QAD v8.6 character to .Net UI environment. Users were pleasantly surprised how smooth this conversion went. Gave users Menu cross- so they would have access to Old Menu - New Menu, so their learning curve would be minimized. Developed User-Friendly Assembly stock system to automate an EXCEL driven system. Automatic Pullover of receipt transactions to let user know when the parts became available to the Manufacturing Process. This resulted in significant manpower savings to the company.
  • Developed report writing system that will run on any Progress Database. Within seconds all the database files appear in an event driven browser with any-key functionality. After file selection, all the corresponding fields appear. Each field that is selected will then bring up the following options: 1) Sort (2) Range (3) OR values (4) Wild card Match (5) Formatting (6) Label (7) Totals
  • These options provide great flexibility for desired output. Output can take 3 forms (1) Print file (2) Browser Screen (3) Progress Program. (4) QAD browser. Users can store PROGRESS programs in a database file for further modification and execution. There is no limit to the amount of Parameter boxes he can install into HIS own progress program. Then ALL their reports can be run from 1 menu. Users can use the QAD lookup browse to select which report they want to run and produce output in the Graphical .Net UI environment. Also the key join fields for each Custom and Vanilla database file were stored so the user would know which files can be connected together. Then the user can simply pick the desired fields to join his files together. Understanding table relationships is a key ingredient to make ALL users more effective in their jobs. There is no complexity limit to any report generated by this unique system.

Confidential, NORWICH CT

Progress Programmer


  • Providing program support for the Target Data System running on an IBM RISC 6000 in a V8.3 Progress 4GL environment. Due to the fast-paced food distribution environment, the users need quick turnaround to their requests. Customer satisfaction is greatly enhanced when this occurs. One example of this was the Show Order Entry Module that was developed for the April 2,2001 Food Show. Users were very happy with the speed and ease of data entry. In the past, Customer Returns were high, but with the new module in place, this situation was corrected.
  • Worked with the president to redesign his Gross Profit report, so he gets a better handle on the bottom line. Developed a Purchase Allowance module so the President could retrieve dollars from purchases made from both approved and committed vendors.

Confidential, STAMFORD, CT

Programmer II Analyst


  • Working as a Programmer II Analyst in V7.3 Progress 4GL, supporting the Worldstar System, which is a shipment tracking system used by about 75 offices all over the world. It provides each office with the tools to help maintain the customer service at a high level. Several batch processes run continuously to handle incoming transmissions, send outgoing transmissions and produce reports as required. The shipment status and arrival times are kept current through this process. These batch processes are executed by using the biro command of Progress from a script that is initiated at startup. The batch processes are stopped by the update of a batch control record that contains fields to indicate if the process should continue to run and how often it should pause between cycles. Worldstar contained over 2,500 modules and applications included the following:
  • Invoicing, order entry, clearing house, Client Server, FedEx Interfacing, pricing, dispatch, drive-away, and flight maintenance.
  • The site record was the control record for the system, because it contained key variables like office code, billing center, currency, language, weight number of decimals and value added taxes, duties, etc.
  • This caused testing to be very tricky in some cases, because some program were run in a site-specific environment. When testing was completed, then the Unix Unit Command was used to send the new programs out, with README instructions to the customer support group at the various offices. Then they did UNIX upick command on their machines to move the programs to the proper directories. Also, used UNIX login command to gain access to sites in London, New York, Paris and Brussels, etc., to do fact finding or troubleshooting on these foreign machines, which had to be solved in a timely manner.
  • Developed many new browsers using event driven programming. Using the any-key event allowed user to move up and down the browser in a timely manner positioning by the first key struck. Also, gave user add-change-delete capability from the browsers. Using the proper indexes was always a focus here because of the need to have quick response time.

Confidential, WATERTOWN, CT

Senior Programmer Analyst


  • Current responsibilities include development of a quotation system using PROGRESS language running in UNIX on IBM RISC/6000. The purpose of this system is to automate processing of quotes to allow salesman follow-up and real-time faxing to customers. Other responsibilities include support for the Symix manufacturing package which has 70 users. Directed upgrade to version 3.0 (April, 95). Successfully lead an 18 month conversion effort from NCR MISSION to Symix. Cobol Programs were written to convert all data files to new UNIX format. This conversion was implemented during a one week plant shut-down in July, 1992 and the company was up and running on the following Monday under the new environment.

Confidential, DANBURY, CT

Programmer Analyst


  • Assigned as project leader for a Collection System. Supervised three Programmers to insure project was on time and under budget. The effort led to a promotion to Programmer analyst in August, 1983. Other responsibilities included design, coding and testing of COBOL programs using IDS database techniques, running under a Confidential platform.


Computer Programming Specialist


  • Honorable Discharge with a rank of Sergeant E-4. Responsibilities included program maintenance of three Air Force Logistics Data Systems. Received $100 recognition for significantly improving processing in the Quality Assurance System.

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