Systems Architecture Resume
Grand Priria, TX
Strategic Leadership, Enterprise Architecture and Integration, Project Management, Process Modeling and Improvement, Product Evaluation, Systems Engineering, Applications Development, Operations, and Consulting.
Technical Summary
Servers:BEA Weblogic
IBM Websphere
Oracle Database
Oracle Apps
McAfee PKI
Vitria Businessware
Tibco BusinessWorks
C/C++/Objective C
Operating Systems:
Apple OS9 and OSX
Sun/Sun Enterprise
IBM OS/390
Consulting role as Director and acting CTO
Employee role as Director and Technical VP reporting to CIO
Managed staff as large as 240
Managed budgets as large as $14 million
Management career focused on integration of innovative technology enabling synergy between departments, migration to a SDLC enabling both growth and rapid business changes, and responsible technology investment with measurable ROI
Preferred management style of mentoring, coaching, and enabling; allowing individuals to excel and grow. Autocratic and provides close supervision for employees requiring a specific performance improvement plan. Committed to quantitative performance measurements and continuous improvement.
15 years experience managing teams in operations and infrastructure, software development, systems and enterprise architecture, data security, business intelligence, and process improvement.
Employment History:
Confidential, 6/01-Present
Sabre Holdings, Southlake, TX - Initial JRules architectural recommendation and support of implementation for customer self-regulation of baggage fare operations. Documented architecture and provided prototype Servicemix OSGi implementation of JRules supporting airline check-in operations using JRules 6.7. Provided guidance for JRules 7 migration.
Objective Logic, Plano, TX - Data transformation and conversion of Data Warehouse used by large, retail concern to track gasoline and diesel leakage data for EPA compliance. Documented and verified conversion in order to meet requirements of court order of 100% data integrity.
Colonnade Software, Inc, Mission Viejo, CA - Consultant, providing design and development consulting services for the implementation of automated mortgage underwriting of home loans. ILOG JRules 4.6 - 6.7 utilized to implement business rules related to both product eligibility and pricing. Implemented JRules upgrade from 4.x to 5.x. Provided road map for JRules 6.x upgrade. Implemented extensive BRMS customization and model extensions. Provided rule analysis and authoring for system utilizing almost 6,000 business rules. Implemented business rule engine integration, tracing, and monitoring. Provided Hibernate persistence layer for cached credit information. Java 1.4/WLS-8/DB-2 V8 w/Hibernate/JRules.
Object Systems, Inc, Irving TX - Consultant, providing corrective implementation assistance after ILOG JRules 5.X upgrade for EP system, a contest and drawing support system. ILOG JRules 5.1 custom BRES and XU integration with extensive BRMS customizations. Java 1.4/Websphere V6/DB-2 V8/JRules 5x.
Object Systems, Inc, Irving TX - Consultant, providing design and development consulting services for the implementation of real-time, point of sale marketing incentive delivery utilizing current and historical patron information. ILOG JRules 4.5 BAL rule analysis, authoring, and rule engine integration as event driven process using Tibco BusinessWorks. Java 1.4/Websphere V6/DB-2-JDBC V8/JRules 4x.
ILOG, Mountain View, CA - Instructor for ILOG JRules customer training class. Prepared and presented classroom material and oversaw classroom labs for instruction in ILOG JRules 4.0 - 6.7. Java 5.0/JRules
Lawrence-West Company, DeSoto, TX - Acting CTO, providing complete corporate technology strategic direction and implementation management. Presented and documented technological direction for senior partners and potential investors. Created architecture, designed, developed, and deployed next generation EDI business system utilizing a server-based web architecture using RedHat Linux, MySQL RDMBS and JDBC connector, Apache web server, Apache Jakarta/Tomcat JSP server, Sun Java 1.4 J2SE SDK, with OBOE/EDI.
Confidential,Dallas, TX 10/97-6/01
Technical Vice President, Systems Architecture, promoted 6/99, provided enterprise-wide architecture leadership to improve the business value delivered by the Information Technology team. Advised President and CIO on opportunities provided by new technologies, organizations, and methodologies. Lead teams to leverage these opportunities to reduce cost, improve processing performance, and maintain a business support structure that can be effectively modified to meet rapidly changing business requirements.
- Lead architectural development of initial corporate customer self-service capability. Evaluated and choose BEA Weblogic Enterprise, Oracle RDBMS, and custom EJB/JMS development. Developed integration strategy with existing back-office and call center systems. Implemented new development methodology to support architectural design and documentation
- Lead data/voice/wireless security team responsible for defining and enforcing enterprise-wide security policy.
- Developed and implemented transition strategy from tightly coupled, two-tier applications implementation to an n-tier, distributed processing model.
- Participated in corporate-wide architectural team to develop a two-way wireless gateway enabling both messaging devices and application integration utilizing Vitria Businessware.
- Lead Performance Task Force providing strategic direction for point-in-time improvement initiatives.
- Corporate architect for advanced messaging interface between business support systems and wireless messaging infrastructure utilizing Vitria Businessware.
- Lead Corporate Year 2000 Compliance Task Force. Java/WLS/iPlanet/Oracle/Oracle Apps/Vitria
- Created and lead Enterprise Architecture organization with 9 reports and P & L responsibility. Created entirely new Enterprise Architectural vision based on current systems and corporate goals.
- Initially lead, later supported new CIO in reorganization of the entire Information Technology department. Partnering with heads of Software Development and Infrastructure Support we developed, documented, and implemented a standard Software Development Life Cycle, task prioritization and scheduling, and performance measures.
- Lead Vantive Support Version 4 to Version 8 Upgrade project.
- Lead Oracle Applications Financial Modules upgrade and conversion effort from Version 10.42 to 10.7.
- Lead design and deployment of database redesign improving performance and scalability.
- Vantive/Oracle/Oracle Apps
Director, Operations
- Lead daily Enterprise-wide operations, help desk, PC support, UNIX administration, Oracle Database administration, and Network administration organization.
- HP/UX/Cicso/Windows
Confidential,Grand Prairie, TX 7/96-10/97
Citizens Communications, Dallas, TX - Data Warehouse business analysis, operations strategy, and implementation.
Manager - Acquired Properties Infrastructure Conversion. Managed acquisition and deployment of 200 LAN-based desktops and supporting LAN and WAN infrastructure located across wide geographic area. C/Windows/MS Project
- Verizon (formerly GTE Directories), DFW Airport, TX - Development in CodeWarrior C++ for Macintosh/OS9, Custom color matching server software. C++/Apple OS9/Colorsync
Confidential, Irving, TX 7/88-7/96
Director, Technology Services, Targetbase Marketing Division, promoted 1/95 Direct Marketing systems pre-sales and implementation technical consultant designing and managing implementation of customer-centric marketing data warehouse systems.
- Designed and managed implementation of client-server applications utilizing Oracle on Unix, SAS (Unix, Windows, OS/2, and Macintosh), Visual Foxpro (Windows), and C.
- Participated in the ARM product concept and design team. Produced initial implementation of system that became major revenue generation vehicle. Relied on distributed PC processing and mainframe data store integration.
- Director, Information Systems, M/A/R/C Group, promoted 1/94 acting as an internal technical consultant applying information technology against internal business issues corporate-wide. Advising COO and CIO of technology opportunities for continuous improvement of information systems, with the goal of providing information processing products that deliver superior value at lower cost to the client.
- Designed, documented, and implemented a corporate-wide routed/bridged WAN utilizing IBM mainframes (SNA/LU 6.2), HP UNIX platforms (TCP/IP, FTP), DOS/Windows, and Apple Macintosh as process servers and clients. Implemented single Ethernet segments for multiple protocols (IPX, TCP/IP, Appletalk).
- Confidential,
- M/A/R/C Group, promoted 9/93 charged with management and financial responsibility for corporate-wide desktop computing. Responsible for translating desktop computing technology into business value.
- Managed Desktop Computing/LAN, Office Automation, Voice Communications, and Data Communications groups. Responsible for all aspects of DOS/Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX platforms, interconnecting WAN, customer applications training, and voice communications with combined P & L responsibility of $4.5 million annually and staff of 45.
- Manager, PC/LAN, M/A/R/C Group, promoted 6/90 charged with management and financial responsibility for 250 desktop computers and local area network with 12 servers.
- Managed Desktop Computing/LAN and Office Automation groups. Responsible for all aspects of DOS/Windows, Macintosh, and desktop UNIX platforms with combined $1.5 million annual budget.
- Senior Systems Programmer in an IBM 3090, MVS/XA-JES2 environment.
- Planned and implemented relocation of an IBM 3090-150 system from an in-house installation to an out-sourcing facility without loss or degradation of service in three months.
- Specialized in configuring and maintaining VTAM, NCP, and communications hardware.
- Generated, tuned, and maintained MVS/XA-JES2.
- Installed and maintained all common IBM mainframe software packages using SMP/E (CA-7, RACF, SYNCSORT, PSF).
- Wrote Assembler language utilities and system exits to customize MVS/XA and support products.
- MVS-360/Assember/SAS/TSO/SMP-E/RACF
Confidential, 1985-1988
Systems Programmer in large IBM mainframe environment.
- Supported MVS assembler applications programming staff with debug and trouble-shooting support.
- Managed and implemented MVS/XA-JES2 systems installation and conversion.
- Generated, tuned, and maintained MVS/XA-JES2.
- Installed and maintained virtually all common IBM mainframe software packages.
- Converted IBM 3705 to 3725 and all associated communication software with cross-domain access.
- Wrote custom code and exits for both the operating system and vendor program products including custom protocol converter code for specialized applications.
- MVS-360/Assember/SAS/IBM 374x Communications controllers/VTAM/NCP/CA Top Secret/CA 7,10,11
Confidential, 1979-1985
Systems Programmer in multi-CPU IBM mainframe environment.
- Installed and maintained all IBM mainframe communications and graphics software packages for a MVS/XA-JES2 system in a loosely coupled multi-processor environment with shared JES2 spools. Planned and implemented gateway services for a multi-processor, LAN based DEC VAX environment.
- Converted two IBM 3705 to 3725 with associated communication software in multi-domain environment.
- MVS-360/Assember/SAS/IBM 374x Communications controllers/JES2
- Applications Programmer developing in PL/1, FORTRAN, and IBM Assembler language engineering applications for IMS, TSO/E, and batch environments. Specialized in computer generated color graphics for business presentations and engineering applications.
- MVS-360/Assember/PL-1/FORTRAN/JCL
- Graphics Technician operating computer controlled digital plotting equipment in a state-of-the-art engineering environment.
- MVS-360/Assember/PL-1/JCL/Gerber Scientific/HP mini
B.S.C Computer Science and Engineering