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Information Systems Security Manager(issm)/information Security Engineer, Sr. Resume

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Cedar Rapids, IA


  • Intellectual and progressive DEFENSE CONTRACTOR within executive roles of responsibilities and framework as
  • Information System Security Officer/Chief Technology Officer (ZP Band 4/GS. 14/15 Equiv. (2011 - 2016)), ISSO/VP. (GS.14/15 Equiv. (2007-2011)) (OIC) Officer In Charge/IAM/ (ATO) Anti-Terrorism Officer (GS. 13/14 Equiv. (2005-2011)).
  • Reputation for transcending/dismantling department silos realizing seamless people, process, operations and integration in: Military, Maritime, Government, Intel/S2, Anti-Terrorism Officer/CTO/Force Protection/ (High-risk) Protective Detail Services. (2007-2010) Volunteer
  • Operations an d IT S tra te gy | Tactical | B u sin e ss Pr o ce s s & Te chn o lo g y S yste m s D e ve lo pm e n t | G8 | Anti-Terrorism
  • Homeland Security | Faci lity I n frastructure D esi gn/ Operations | Cyber/RMF/IA|Force Protection | Leadership | SIPR |
  • Proj ec t Lifecycle Man agem en t | War Fighter | PCI Compliance | Maritime Security | S2/ Intelligence | C4i | G4 | Procurement | Confidential | Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) | Battle Space | Acquisition | Emergency Management | Budget


  • SIPR/NIPR networks, DNS, DDNS, SDDNS (including DNSSec), 802.1x, MS-CHAP, DFS, CIFS, Symantec SEP 11 architecture, Fortigate 1000A, Guardian Edge Encryption, McAfee (End Point: DAR, DLS, HBSS, NIPS, HIPS, McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator® (ePO™), (PUPs), AVS. Voi/P, CUCM, Wireless and Web Security. Level 3 Network (DoD/SAT /SIPR /SWAN). Configure, build, install, tune, operate GD (KG-175D) TACLANES, routers, switches, Cisco Call Unified Call Manager, Cisco 6911-6921 VoIP Phones, Cisco 2950, 6000, 7000, 9000, 3940 content/core and access switches, ASA 5500 firewall, McAfee DS/SPAM, Content, WSUS/SCCM, Tripwire, Ubuntu 12.x, Spam Assassin, VTC/AV Tandberg 1000A/2000 & Encryption. PCI/SOX, ITIL, PTA DITIL, HIPAA, DIACAP, FIPS 199, 140-2, 197, Confidential, PII, BII, NIST 800-53, RMF, STIG, IAVA/IAVB knowledge and Forensics.
  • " Confidential can look at government operations from the fifty-thousand foot level and always keep it in context with the government mission in mind, objective in sight and resources available." ~M.K Marion Dive Operations-
  • Confidential Information System Security Officer for $434 million federal Integrated Secure Enterprise System—partnered with the Senate of Appropriations’, Federal Executive Leadership and Confidential /ORR in the design and delivery of Accreditation Package (SSP, BII, PTA, NIST, FIPS 800-53) an innovative security technology strategic plan, Confidential 6701, Confidential 6703 authority (ATO) to operate new environment
  • Strengthened Gulf Of Mexico/Region IV Emergency Management position through automating first federal presence for Gulf of Mexico (GOM) emergency management capabilities, allowing organization to pursue bond and other initiatives previously inaccessible due to poor strategic location. Increased quarterly average cash flow by $1.4M within sixteen months.
  • Department of Defense (USMC, US NAVY). Part of (JTF-NO) Joint Task Force Commanding Officers/NATO, Deputy XO Commander or GS. 15/Executive MCB West Leadership with dotted-line, matrixed relationship to all Senior Executive Command Staff funneling down directives to lower management and staff that reported to me (Military, Uniformed Officers, Civilians, Contractors) with budgets excess of $183.4M
  • Appointed (OIC)/Officer In Charge/(IAM-CYBER) Information Assurance Manager of diverse staff
  • Within Intel/Fusion, Anti-Terrorism Special Forces Unit, Tactical Operators/S6 and
  • Technology division by developing shared-services model; leading: Support, Design, Operational Capability planning process for the proposed stand-up of Joint Forces Headquarters-Department of Defense Information Network (JF HQ DODIN). Cyber monitoring and security support with SIEM (Security incident Event Monitoring) Technology - Qradar, HP, Mcafee, splunk. Utilizing and managing log monitoring solutions and Network/ Security Monitoring tools. Experience with Intrusion Detection / Intrusion prevention tools, Mcafee, SpiceWorks, Symantec, Tipping point and Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration testing - Nessus, Qualys, HP-webinspect, metaspoilt, Nikto. Expertise with Incident / change Management, COTS, Gov’t, PCI and ITIL processes.



Information Systems Security Manager(ISSM)/Information Security Engineer, Sr.


  • Delivered near real-time cyber security decision support, PCI, Network Security, Security Architecture & Design Security Risk Management, and Identity & Access Management.
  • Cyber Security, Defense Network support and operations.
  • Blue Team (LPT) teams defending Army/ Confidential networks and providing full spectrum cyber, enabling mission command and providing global advantage.
  • Monitor, mitigate, deter, recover, and react to threats and attacks.
  • Cyber war fighting requires impact, integration, risk, and knowing ourselves, the enemy, and cyber terrain and cyber economics.
  • PCI DSS readiness assessments and onsite assessments.
  • Draft, enhance Information Assurance packages, baseline standards, accreditation package under DoD 8500, NIST, DIACAP standards w/ DIACAP and RMF guidance. Support, maintain and provide “day-to-day” for Collateral, Sensitive and Special Access Program (SAP) activities for complex security systems, security controls, software programs, hardware devices which are used to provide security for federal controlled enterprise (open or closed) systems. Standardize baseline audits, governance, and compliance of FISMA, DT, OT, and Pen/Vuln. Testing, NIST, FIPS. Establish appropriate standards, controls, and manage security technology innovations. Coordinate, development, preparation, implementation, and maintain security plan(s), Evaluation Framework, TCB, DRP, IRPs, DSM, RMF FISCAM Fraud Testing, IA RA, High side RA controls, RA framework, standard operating procedures and accreditation activities; maintain oversight, compliance of existing information systems through technical reviews, system auditing.
  • Tracking/maintaining IA Plan of Action & Milestones
  • (POA&M), Interim Authority to Operate (IATO), Authority to Operate (ATO) progress report and review of package.
  • Cyber Best Practices. ROI 10 year/$2.8B Department Defense Cost Saving. Support ACAT 1 Oversight Project >$378 Million/DEMS 1.4B Project- Financial Management Migration/DLA Business ERP Resource.
  • Aligned capital funding requests with organizational mission, reducing annual project budget by $43.68M.
  • Crossed organizational boundaries; supporting Defense Logistics Agency (DAI) Defense Agencies largest Financial System Migrating 14 DoD organizations/12 outside Agencies into one Oracle 12x e-business Suite. Physical, access control mechanisms and network segmentations and isolation solutions, such as firewall ACLs, isolated VLANs, VRFs, VDC.




  • Emergency Management Security Posture ($24 M ) ser v ing Region IV ATO II/EM Coordinator. Host to: 4,043 visitors/Events#78.
  • Le v er ag e ISSO/Chief Technology Officer e xp er i e nc e a nd c omp re h e ns iv e k nowle dg e t o a naly ze, p lan, and r ais e th e b ar h igh e r th an e xp e ct e d, d e m ons t r at ing th e t r ue i nt r in s ic value of op t im ize d and we ll-p lan ne d State Of Confidential, r e v e r s e d government h is t or y of p r oje c t f ailur es and i nt r od uc e d innov at iv e us e of c omm on t e ch nolog ie s t o s t re am line th e r u r al t e c h nolog ic al emergency management and disaster response e n v ir onm e nts.
  • Proven track record of leading and transforming challenging information technology standards holistically across the pillars of people, process and technology. Original team member for Confidential EOC/ Confidential for eight state foot print (Gulf of Mexico) funded by Senate of Appropriations. Directed, Infusion of ethics ISSO member, support Emergency Management operations situational awareness mitigation, disaster response, secondary support to USCG, FEMA/DHS protecting life, property, asset from disasters/emergencies (Chemical, man-made, natural disaster, human error, catastrophic event, oil spill, loss of life).
  • Introduced high-tech improvements to streamline challenging Disaster Response Center new facility startup technological environment, including VoIP telephony, emergency/disaster response posture, implementation of hi-definition video teleconferencing, reducing provider response times and improving emergency/disaster response

Information Systems Security Officer


  • Define, compliance, deter attacks, mitigate security best practices, patch management, supporting/maintaining complex security systems, security controls, software programs, hardware devices which are used to provide security for federal controlled systems and devices. Standardized baseline audits, governance, compliance of FISMA, NIST, and FIPS. Respond to incidents, establish appropriate standards, controls, system functions, security policies, technical security safeguards, and manage security technology innovations. Real-time visibility with IBM BigFix, find, fix, and secure endpoints. Real-time situational awareness and incident response to patching, mitigation of issues.
  • Management and Oversight, dual role ISSO/Chief Technology Officer overseeing capacity planning, strategic direction, overall performance management of EOC federal IT solution responsible for planning, enhancing, ROI, contract performance, lifecycle of project, cost reduction, implementing needs, support mission/operations, monitoring plans, strategies and processes
  • Emergency Management Coordinator supporting Gulf Mexico Region support of USCG, FEMA, counties, Gulf of Mexico Disaster Response situational support, cooperation during Natural Disasters for eight state area for coordinating, strategically utilizing, maintaining various components of (EOC) emergency management system. Supports several diverse functions within Division of Emergency Management's Operations, including development of incident specific emergency Incident Action Plans (IAP) or Coordinate, manage, direct, control, organize, mitigate (EOC/EMR) disaster response or crisis management activities

Department of Defense/Federal OI&T Contractor/DoD Contractor



  • Multiple Duty Stations: MCB MWTC, CA (2009-2011), Pentagon (2006-2009), Deployed 2005- Al Asad Iraqi, Barking Sands Missile Range HI (2004-2006), Deployed 2001-2003 Afghanistan, (2003-2004), Cutter AB, Kuwait (2004), NAV Coronado, CA (2001-2003), (OIC)/Appointed Officer In Charge/(IAM) Information Assurance Manager (2009-2011) Lea d the crea tion of USMC MCB MWTC first Classified (SiWi) Secured Wireless Capability, enhanced and supported Legacy te chnol ogy i nf r a str uctur e . Inte gra te d technology ope ra tions across Military Installation, r e pla ce d and rede sig ne d information systems and SIPR/NIPR a pplica tion s, hardware and NMCI network; ce ntra lize d o pera tiona l leade rship stra t e gy, ma na gi ng m ultif u ncti ona l military, and federal and contracting S6 sta f f, crea ting a custo mer-f ocuse d culture. Acting Naval Cyber Blue ( DoDi 8570.1M )/Information Assurance Manager creation and approval of six C&A DIACAP Accreditation packages to IATO/ATO operating authority. Visible element of organizational, joint and DoD Component IT.
  • E sta blis h e d f o r m a l pr o j e ct m a n a ge m e n t o ff ice ( PM O ), in sta lli n g be st - pra ctice s pr oj e ct m a n a ge m e n t d iscipl in e, in crea s in g on - ti m e de liver y t o 96 % a n d sla sh i n g o ve r - bud ge t/ o ut- o f - sco pe pro j e cts. D e ve l o pe d c o r po ra te po l icie s / pro ced ur e s, tra in e d m a n a ger s—def tl y guide d pr o j e ct spo n so rs a n d executive leade rs, e n sur in g co m plia n ce w ith goals and schedules . Co m m un ica te d stra te gica ll y w it h leader s to ra ll y them behind co m m o n g o a ls, incorporated be st pra ctice s, a cti on a ble pr oj e ct planning, risk m a n a ge m e n t a n d d o c um e n ta t io n a s PM O
  • In co r p o ra te d re ve n ue cycle m a n a ge m e n t in t o enhancement of USMC legacy systems by re build, sla s h in g costs.
  • 2008-2011 S trea m lin e d in te gra tio n o f MCB West n e w ly designed m ult i- base classified SIPR network a n d NIPR NCMI Enterprise, br in gi n g US Marine Corps Classified systems (SIPR) operational w ith in 240 da ys.
  • (Defensive) Reduce the vulnerability of individuals and property to terrorist acts, to include limited response and
  • Containment by local military forces. (Offensive): Combat, prevent, deter, respond to terrorism. Support other nations in attempts to suppress insurgency, lawlessness, subversion and to reduce conditions which threats to security develop.
  • (MTSA/33 CFR 101.405): Dedicated to ensuring robust architecture for securing our ports, waterways, harbors, and other Maritime environments. MARSEC/Dive OPS supporting, partnering and operations with groups like: USN/USCG/NATO to Secure waterways, increase maritime domain awareness and mitigate possibility of multiple issues. Part of Maritime Law Enforcement/ security leadership doing our part at all levels to support Joint Task Force cooperative efforts and supporting Greater good of protection our nations front door, drug demand reduction, anti-piracy, fight drug trafficking, threats to national security

Confidential, Cedar Rapids, IA.

Vice President Information Technology/Chief Operations Officer.


  • Among working for Government (When time permitted), couple members as myself support community activities/volunteer as non-paid staff member for two conservation friendly organizations.
  • I ns t r um e nt al d ur ing Environmental Cares Organizations e xp ans ion.
  • Ex e c ut iv e St r e ngth s E x e r c ise d: T e ch nolog y D es ig n & B uil d, C ons t r uct ion Ov e r s ight, St aff H ir i ng & T r ain ing, Sy s t e m s Op er at ions & C omp lianc e & E ffic ie nc y Imp r ov e m e nt, I T Security M anag e m e nt, E nt er p r is e T e c h nology Upg r ad es, D e v e lopm e nt and m anag e m e nt of ne w " s h ar e d -collaborative s er v ic es " g r oup .

Chief Operations Officer


  • E n sure d o pera ti n g r e q uir e m e n ts a n d re ve n ue g r o w t h fea sibility. In vo lve d fr o m ar ch i te ctur a l de sig n ( w o r kf l o w a n d ph ys ica l pla n t) t h r o u gh g ra n d o pe n ing —co m ple t in g n ee d s a sse ssm e n t, sy ste m s/ h a rd w ar e pur ch a se, a n d de ve lo pm e n t te stin g in 1 5 m o n th s - e n a blin g a n on - ti m e, f ully o pera tio n a l o pe n in g.
  • A ssu m e d technology o pera ti o n s leadership role after completion, re p o r tin g to the CEO/Executive Director .
  • Developed and mentored staf f o f nine, sy n e r giz in g th e ir efforts at co r po ra te o ff ice s.
  • D e ve lo pe d a cultur e w it h in t h e sh are d - ser vice s gr o up. Pre sid e d o ve r network security, physical security (CSO), Budget, Human Capital Strategy Management, enterprise conn e c tivit y, hardening of security vulnerabilities, wo r ksta ti on s, telephony, te le vis io n syst e m, security ca m era s, a n d VTC /AV a utom a t io n.
  • Procurement/Acquisition, stra te gic pla n s, a n d de par t m e n ta l p o licie s str uctur in g IT o per a tio n s a t a ll locations.
  • M o un te d a ce n tra l technology stra te gy f o r a ll Environmental Care Organizations/ Confidential fa cilit ie s, in co r p o ra tin g sin gle secure Cloud/SAN s yste m and collaboration services.

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