System Manager Resume
Senior Professional who resolves difficult problems and creates solutions for high-tech retail and financial environments. Multiple platforms and multiple language experience - UNIX, Web-based, Java, other Leading Edge Technology, Database, Data Communications, Windows, Systems Administration, Remote Computing on multiple platforms using Java, C/C++, Assembler and other high level languages, and scripting.
Perl Programming, UNIX/C, C++, UNIX/SA, Bourne, Korn, Bash, & C Shell scripting, DOS batch files, Wintel, Sybase, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, Tomcat, JAVA and Servlets, JSP, X Window System, Motif, TIBCO API, TACL
Automation software: QTP/QC by HP/Mercury for writing and operations of test scripts using VBScript, DOS batch programming and other languages.
BA in Computer Science
BA/BS in Physics/Math
University Teaching Experience:
Adjunct Professor
Created course material for and taught one-semester courses in the following courses:
- Programming Perl
- Advanced Perl
- Advanced Bash Shell Scripting
- Ruby for Rails (projected Summer 2011)
- Basic Project Management
- Preparation for PMP exam (online)
- Master's Degree Thesis Management
Adjunct Professor
Taught credited Undergraduate class in Advanced UNIX Systems Programming (50 students).
Professional Industry Experience:
2006-2011 Confidential, NYC, NY(IS Division, Website and Store Computer Operations)
QAAutomation Test Engineer and Project Manager
- Led team in startup of Quick Test Professional automation testing
- Created approximately 250 test scripts, maintained in the Quality Center application
- Scheduled execution of Web test scripts
- Specialized in writing scripts which ran on both Web and UNIX environments
- Executed scripts on multiple browsers and versions
- Analyzed test scripts from results files - both Production or Staging Environment
- Updated test scripts according to system/content changes
- Logged Production and Staging defects in Quality Center
- Documented all findings in Daily and Weekly reports
- Self-directed teams with minimal supervision
- Supported other teams with scripting (UNIX scripting, Perl scripting, others), system monitoring or text processing.
- Project Manager of different sized projects. Used both Traditional PM for several projects and Agile for one large pilot project (Coremetrics website markup)
1988-2006 Confidential, Brooklyn, NY
System Manager, NYSE Services Division, in SITS group
Lead Java Developer, Scripting Developer, Coordinator and Manager:
- Specification, Design, Implementation of group web using Java Servlets, JSP, Javascript. Perl, HTML, email alerts using TCP/IP sockets
- Scripting in Perl, Shell, and Javascript on many platforms
- Application on Enterprise level to track all release details within SIAC-NYSE on either Wintel or UNIX platforms, using Java Servets, JSP, MySQL
Administration and Process Improvement:
- First Service Desk for the group: routing complex tickets to specialists, resolving simpler tickets, rerouting, requesting missing documentation, recognizing bogus tickets and following up until corrected
- Responsible for interns' reports and automate as many as possible
- Daily Highlights Report to communicate complex issues to senior managers in the firm which was used as a decision making tool as well as communication to the media
- Migration of the current incident system to Remedy, recommending software and techniques to facilitate automatic routing.
Manager of three SITS subgroups
- Middle manager of 3 groups, comprising 15 people during build up of the Test Facility to support Tandem, UNIX, and PC hosts. This facility was essential to all testing efforts in SIAC
- Increased usage of the ClearCase source control tool until 100% of all groups in NYSE-Services SIAC were in compliance; using central dedicated servers
- Release Management Project for all development client groups.
- Test and performance tuning project to determine best ClearCase usage on SAN, NAS, vs. local disk.
ClearCase System Administrator
- As Team leader converted a large project group (30 developers) to ClearCase source control. Pilot compile their environment, train the personnel in using C++. Motif, makefiles, and custom tools for merging, versioning and comparing source code.
- Involved in Clearcase usage: manage users, upgrades, standards, tech support, usage models, and more.
Lead Software Designer, AMEX Services Division
- Created Market Data Real-Time Database on HP and SUN hardware, with TCP/IP and Ticker feeds, UNIX /C Software and Tibco TIB API, "threads".
- Index Calculator System, SPDR Component using TIB API and real-time spreadsheet, publish on TCP/IP
- Automation of UNIX shell scripts in batch jobs
- X.25 and Asynch applications, on the SUN platform, Lotus, TCP/IP, HP UNIX
- Intra-Day Comparison System compares and matches trades on the exchange on VAX/VMS/C/Sybase
- AMEX Order File from Stratus/VOS/C to VAX/VMS/C/Sybase platform.
Other Experience:
Confidential, NY, NY, Assistant VP many migration projects from IBM to minis using SQL DB, Communication, and similar technology.
Confidential, NY, NY, Assistant Manager - Packet Switching Software
Confidential, NY, NY, Communications Programmer
Confidential, Murray Hill, NJ, Senior Technical Associate