Ci/cd Devops Engineer Resume
San Jose, CA
- An AWS Certified Solution Architect and Developer with about 5+ years of experience working in AWS/Linux/Cloud/DevOps Engineer roles.
- Adept in Installation, Configuration and Administration of RHL, RHEL, CENTOS, Windows operating systems.
- Working experience with Cloud infrastructure of AWS (Amazon Web Services) and computing AMI virtual machines on Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
- Experience in creating and maintaining AWS User Accounts, Security Groups, VPC, Route 53, Dynamo DB, RDB, SNS, SES and AWS storage services like S3, EBS.
- Experienced in managing infrastructure using configuration management tools with specific client requirements.
- Experience in all facets of full CM process with tools such as SVN, GIT, PVCS, Clear Case, Clear Quest, Pre - force, Cruise Control, Jenkins, Bamboo, Chef and Puppet.
- Involved in setting up Jenkins Master and multiple slaves for the entire team as a CI tool as part of Continuous development and deployment process .
- Created and Maintained Chef Recipes and Cook Books to simplify and expedite deployment of applications.
- Extensively worked with tools like Jenkins, Team City, and Anthill Pro to implement build automation.
- Hands on experience in managing the virtual hosts using Oracle VMware and Docker.
- Worked on installation of Docker using Docker toolbox. Created custom Docker container images, tagging and pushing the images.
- Worked on creating the Docker containers and Docker consoles for managing the application life cycle.
- Performed automation tasks on various Docker components like Docker Hub, Docker Engine, Docker Machine, Compose and Docker Registry .
- Dockerized applications by creating Docker images from Docker file.
- Proficient in all aspects of software life cycle like Build/Release/Deploy and specialized in cloud automation through open source DevOps tools like Jenkins, Chef.
- Extensive experience in designing and implementation of continuous integration, continuous delivery, continuous deployment through Jenkins.
- Hands on experience in writing Python and Bash Scripts.
- Hands on experience using Puppet/Chef as deployment automation tools as part of continuous deployment of products in Dev, Integration and Pre-Production environments .
- Experience in setting up Puppet Master, Puppet Agents for managing enterprise policies and configurations.
- Deployed JAR, WAR, EAR and J2EE applications on Apache tomcat server using Jenkins auto deployment.
- Hands on experience in Installing and maintaining the machines with updated patches and necessary client software packages by using package management tools like PKG*, RPM*, YUM* etc.
- Experienced in BEA WebLogic9. *, 10. *,11 servers, JBOSS, Apache Tomcat server and Apache HTTP server as administrator for server installation, configuration, application deployment and maintenance.
- Installing, configuring and supporting JBOSS Application server 5.1 and 6.0 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux platforms (RHEL 5 and RHEL 6).
- Starting JBoss Server in multiple modes and troubleshooting various issues with JBoss.
- Working knowledge of Jboss EAP 6.4.0 and Jboss EWS 2.0.1
- Experienced in Bash, Python scripting.
- Highly experienced with source code management tools like git, subversion, Perforce.
- Experienced with software build automation tools like Ant, Maven, Ansible for the software project management.
- Expertized in using JIRA software with Jenkins and github for real time bug tracking and issue management.
- Expertized in implementing Agile and SDLC software development methodologies.
- Hands on experience in handling services and applications like DHCP, DNS bind, SSH, SSL, JVM, Apache, Load balancing HA proxy on Linux machines.
- Connecting to the servers remotely using Putty, Client, RDP, ILO and VSphere for various troubleshooting and resolving the issues like network, domain, hardware, configuration, storage and connectivity.
- Expertized in using Junit framework (Java unit testing framework) implementing with Ant and Maven.
Operating Systems: Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Unix, RHEL, Cent OS, Solaris
Cloud Technologies: AWS, GCP
Build Tools: Maven, Gradle
Configuration management: Puppet, Chef, Ansible
Testing: Junit, Selenium, pytest
Monitoring: Nagios, Splunk
Coding: Eclipse, IntelliJ
Continuous Integration: Jenkins
Version control: Confidential, SVN, GIT
Containerization: Docker, Kubernetes
Python, Bash: Shell
Bug Tracking: Rally, CDETS
Web Servers: Apache, Nginx
Database Systems: MySQL, ELK
Documentation: Microsoft Suite
Confidential, San Jose, CA
CI/CD DevOps Engineer
- Setup Continuous integration with Jenkins and make use of wide range of plugins available to setup smooth developer friendly workflows.
- Educate developers on how to commit their work and how can they make use of the CI/CD pipelines that are in place.
- Setup full CI/CD pipelines so that each commit a developer makes will go through standard process of software lifecycle and gets tested well enough before it can make it to the production.
- Helped individual teams to set up their repositories in bit bucket and maintain their code and help them setting up jobs which can make use of CI/CD environment.
- Effective maintenance of resources using ansible and VMware and monitoring the health every day.
- Made use of gradle and maven for building applications and written structured pom which can can be consumed by Jenkins.
- Built custom tools in python for generating email templates which are powerful enough to consume large amount of data and convey the testing results in a simpler way.
- Built custom dashboards with Smashing/dashing open source widgets to display Operational tasks on displays.
- Made use of ELK stack for logging all the activity and create indexes which can be queried by kibana.
- Written queries for kabana to fetch data for the dashboards.
- Setup sonarqube projects which corresponds to bit bucket projects and provide code analysis different programming standards.
- Provide continuous testing with selenium testing which involves end-to-end, api and ui frameworks.
- Used pytest framework to integrate several python tools for testing applications which involves xdist, mock, parallel, selenium, chrome, Firefox and provide html/xml reports.
- Have built Docker images and written Docker files which can be used to automate all developer tasks.
- Provide support for teams working abroad and taking monthly sessions on how and what branching strategies are to be followed and how they can be beneficial.
- Setting up code coverage using jacoco and sonarqube.
Environment: Ansible, Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Git, BitBucket, SonarQube, Gradle, Maven, Apache Tomcat, Nagios, VMware, Shell Scripts, ELK Stack, AWS, jacoco, selenium (MAC, UBUNTU, CENTOS, WINDOWS, CEL).
Confidential, Mc Lean, VA
AWS/DevOps Engineer
- Implemented AWS solutions using EC2, S3, RDS, Dynamo DB, Route53, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer and Auto scaling groups.
- Created Customized AMIs based on existing AWS EC2 instances by using create image functionality, hence using this snapshot for disaster recovery
- Created AWS Launch configurations based on Customized AMI and used this launch configuration to configure auto scaling groups and created AWS Route53 to route traffic between different regions.
- Built servers using AWS, importing volumes, launching EC2, RDS, Creating security groups, auto-scaling, load balancers (ELBs) in the defined virtual private connection.
- Involved in provisioning AWS S3 buckets for backup of the application and sync this contents with remaining S3 backups, by creating entry for AWS S3 SYNC in Crontab.
- Created RDS Read replicas for Database read throughput and used MultiAZ deployment for high availability.
- Configured STS for providing third party authentication like Microsoft AD, SAML 2.0, Web identity Fed like OAuth.
- Used amazon KMS and HSM for Storing and managing Keys used in application access, also used S3 SSE for data encryption and https end points for data transfer.
- Worked with IAM service creating new IAM users, groups, defining roles, policies and Identity providers.
- Created alarms and trigger points in Cloudwatch based on thresholds and monitored logs via metric filters, utilized AWS Cloudwatch to monitor the performance environment instances for operational and performance metrics during load testing.
- Configured RDS instances using Cloud formations and Terraform, also used Terraform to map more complex dependencies and identify network issue.
- Converted existing AWS infrastructure to Serverless architecture (AWS Lambda, Kinesis), deployed via Terraform and AWS CloudFormation.
- Managed different infrastructure resources, like physical machines, VMs and even Docker containers using Terraform.
- Worked with Ansible (automation tool) to automate the process of deploying/testing the new build in each environment, setting up a new node and configuring machines/servers.
- Created Ansible playbooks to automatically install packages from a repository, to change the configuration of remotely configured machines and to deploy new builds, and Configured the Ansible playbooks with Ansible Tower.
- Created Docker images using a Docker file, worked on Docker container snapshots, removing images and managing Docker volumes.
- Extensively worked on Jenkins to implement continuous integration (CI) and Continuous deployment (CD) processes
- Developed custom Jenkins jobs/pipelines that contained Bash shell scripts utilizing the AWS CLI to automate infrastructure provisioning.
- Initiated and troubleshoot Continuous Delivery builds in Jenkins via JIRA tickets.
- Deployed and configured JIRA on both hosted and local instances for issue tracking, workflow collaboration and tool-chain automation.
- Integrating Junit tests in Ant & Maven and configured Jenkins to send the Unit test report to the development team.
- Installed, configured and managed the ELK Stack (Elastic Search, Log stash and Kibana) for Log management within EC2 / Elastic Load balancer for Elastic Search.
- Used Nagios as a monitoring tool to identify and resolve infrastructure problems before they affect critical processes.
- Worked on Nagios Event handlers in case of automatic restart of failed applications and services.
- Getting the list of issues from the components (project, module, file etc.) with the help of SonarQube and also responsible for upgradation of SonarQube using upgrade center.
- Responsible for developing and maintaining build, deployment scripts written in Shell/Perl for test, Staging and Production environments using ANT and Maven.
- Automated the ApacheTomcat deployments using Shell scripts.
- Created various Maven scripts to create multiple deployment profiles and deploy the applications to Apache Tomcat.
Environment: AWS (EC2, AWS Route53, VPC, AWS IAM, AWS RDS, AWS S3, AWS ELB, Cloud Formation), Ansible, Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Version Control, SonarQube, ANT, MAVEN, Apache Tomcat, Nagios, VMWARE, Shell Scripts, ELK Stack, Terraform.
Confidential, Buffalo Grove, IL
DevOps Engineer
- Designed and managed public/private cloud infrastructures using Amazon Web Services (AWS) which include VPC, EC2, S3, Cloud Front, Elastic File System, RDS, Direct Connect, Route53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation and IAM which allowed automated operations.
- Worked with Amazon IAM console to create custom users and groups.
- Setup the scripts for creation of new snapshots and deletion of old snapshots in S3 using S3 CLI tools.
- Worked on core AWS services such as Setting up new server (EC2) instances/services in AWS.
- Worked on setting up the life cycle policies to back the data from AWS S3 to AWS Glacier.
- Configuring security groups, and setting up Elastic IP's and auto-scaling Configuration.
- Used Cloud watch logs to move application logs to S3 and created alarms based on applications' exceptions.
- Written Cloud formation templates and deployed AWS resources using it.
- Written Several Chef cookbooks from scratch consisting of recipes that can Provision several pre-prod environments consisting of WebLogic domain creation, Deployment automation, instance mirroring, and several proprietary middleware installations.
- Written Chef Recipes to perform middleware binary Installation and Configuration tasks involving jdk, Tomcat, WebLogic binaries installation.
- Implemented Chef Recipes for Deployment on build on internal Data Centre Servers, also re-used and modified same Chef Recipes to create a Deployment directly into Amazon EC2 instances.
- Used chef to organize and execute configuration plans on servers.
- Responsible for managing and supporting Continuous Integration (CI) using Jenkins
- Responsible for Administering and maintaining Jenkins and Jenkins slaves on windows and Linux (Debian/Ubuntu). Created many Jenkins slaves and setup jobs on master to run on slaves.
- Responsible for Design/Install/Engineer Apache Tomcat middleware platforms on RHEL 7 AWS Cloud servers.
- Worked on integrating GIT into the continuous Integration (CI) environment along with Anthill-Pro, Jenkins and Subversion.
- Created private cloud using Kubernetes that supports DEV, TEST, and PROD environments.
- Setup minimum baseline standards for Apache httpd and Tomcat 8 before delivering platforms to middleware/dev-ops/development teams using CIS benchmarks.
- Securing Apache httpd and Tomcat 8 following CIS (Center for Internet Security) Standards.
- Deployment of web applications on Tomcat, Apache and WebLogic server (Linux platform).
- Setup monitoring and logging tools like ELK Stack (Elastic search, Log stash, and Kibana).
Environment: RHEL 6/7, VMWARE, AWS (EC2, Route53, VPC, IAM, RDS, S3 & Glacier, ELB, Cloud Formation, Cloud Trail, Cloud Watch, Elastic IPs), WebLogic, JIRA, Anthill, Apache httpd, Apache Tomcat 8, CHEF, ELK Stack, JDK.
Linux/Unix Admin
- Designed, configured and managed multiple VMware environments with 6.x and 5.x.
- Identified and performed automation of VMware administrative tasks using PowerShell and vSphere PowerCLI.
- Setting up Storage Systems like SAN and NAS.
- Used Bash and Python Scripts to automate workflow and written cron jobs.
- Created user accounts and groups, maintained security standards at user level and Organizational level.
- Automated ESXi host deployments using scripted install (http protocol).
- Installation and configuration of VMware Syslog and Dump Collector for ESXi host, monitoring for performance issues and Purple Screen of Death (PSOD) conditions.
- Automate configuration of ESXi 5.5 and 6.5 hypervisors using PowerShell scripts.
- Installation and configuration of VMware vRealize Orchestrator.
- Provided VMware vSphere PowerCLI and Windows PowerShell walkthrough to create VMware automation scripts.
- Configure, manage, troubleshoot and upgrade vRealize Automation & vRealize Orchestrator.
- Designs and configures vRealize Orchestrator workflows for Microsoft Azure builds.
- Created playbooks for OpenStack deployments and bug fixes with Ansible.
- Deployed and tested playbooks in Docker containers before pushing changes in Git.
- Written Several Chef cookbooks from scratch consisting of recipes that can Provision several pre-prod environments consisting of WebLogic domain creation, Deployment automation, instance mirroring, and several proprietary middleware installations.
- Written Chef Recipes to perform middleware binary Installation and Configuration tasks involving jdk, Tomcat, WebLogic binaries installation.
- Implemented Chef Recipes for Deployment on build on internal Data Centre Servers
- Involved in setting JBoss EAP Host Controller and Domain controller processes for remote administration Jboss domain processes.
- Use JBoss EAP to integrate JBoss Application Server for high-availability clustering, powerful messaging.
- Create and collect measurements across OpenStack using Ceilometer Telemetry Service, Monitoring running stacks including events & resources on OpenStack Cloud.
- Implemented automated local user provisioning in instances created in OpenStack cloud through Ansible Play books.
- Assisted Operations Team by writing specific Puppet manifests to deal with application installations and related configuration files.
- Integrated Jenkins with Servicenow through API and created schema to store the build Information.
- Written python and Shell scripts for Jenkins to push build and commit information to Servicenow.
- Created custom real-time reports and dashboards in Servicenow for the Jenkins and Tenacity metrics in Servicenow using reports and performance analytics.
- Setup Splunk Forwarders for new application tiers introduced into environment and existing application.
- Work closely with Application Teams to create new Splunk dashboards for Operation teams.
- Troubleshooting and resolving the Splunk - performance, log monitoring issues; role mapping, dashboard creation etc.
- Optimized Splunk for peak performance by splitting Splunk indexing and search activities across different machines.
- Used Maven (POM.xml) and Ant scripts (build.xml) as build frameworks/scripts.
- Installed and configured Nagios tool, for monitoring network services and host resources.
- Used Nagios as IT infrastructure monitoring tool for monitoring host resources such as processor load, disk usage, system logs, monitoring applications, services, and network protocols.
- Installed and configured Apache Webserver, WebLogic Application Server, and Oracle databases.
- Deployed web and enterprise applications (war, ear) on WebLogic Application Servers: the deployment environment included Windows, Linux/Solaris, Apache, WebLogic, Java, and Oracle.
Environment: Windows/Linux/Unix, VMware 5.x/6.x, Win PowerShell/vSphere PowerCLI, ESXi 5.x/6.x, VRealize, MS Azure, OpenStack, Git, Github, Puppet, Python/Shell Scripts. Jenkins, Splunk, ServiceNow, Nagios, Maven, Apache, Weblogic- WAR, EAR, Java, Oracle SQL server.