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Devops/ Kubernetes-aws Engineer Resume

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Durham, NC


  • Around 8 years of experience in the IT industry comprised of Development, Systems Administration, Infrastructure Management Installation, Configuration, Tuning and Upgrades of Linux (Red Hat and Oracle). Software Configuration Management (SCM) experience includes Build/Release Management, Change/Incident Management implementing duties such as monitoring, automation, deployment, documenting, support and troubleshooting along with Amazon Web Services and Cloud Implementation.
  • Strong experience on DevOps concepts like Build automation, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment (CD), Infrastructure as code technologies and Cloud computing.
  • Designed, configured and managed public/private cloud infrastructures utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) including EC2, Auto - Scaling in launching EC2 instances, Elastic Load Balancer, Elastic Beanstalk, S3, Glacier, RDS, VPC, Direct Connect, Route53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation, IAM, SNS.
  • Experience in working with configuration management tools like Puppet, Chef and Ansible
  • Experience on IntegratingAWSs into various tools like AWS, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Bamboo, Vagrant, Jenkins and VMware Containers.
  • Worked on setting up the life cycle policies to back the data from AWS S3 to AWS Glacier
  • Experience in using scripting language Python, Ruby, PowerShell, Bash for configuration
  • Experience in using Git, GitHub and Subversion.
  • Well versed in managing source code repositories like SVN, Git, GitHub, and Bitbucket.
  • Experience with Red Hat Linux, configuration management using Puppet and Chef. Support as part of DevOps team to help deployment using Jenkins Hudson Bamboo and Teamcity.
  • Experience in deploying JBoss, Apache Tomcat web server, Oracle WebLogic server.
  • Experience in administrating, deploying and managing RedHat, CentOSand Ubuntu servers.
  • Experience in using virtualization tools like Virtual Box, VMware and provisioning virtual machines using Vagrant. Experience with Udeploy, Application Deployment Automation Tools.
  • Delivered architecture designs and solutions for public, private and hybrid clouds covering the cloud architecture tiers and portfolios of cloud services IaaS, PaaS, SaaS.
  • Great practical experience implementing and enhancing the end to end work flow of Continuous Integration (Jenkins), Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment process for an organization.
  • Successfully automated processes to support continuous software deployments.
  • Involved in provisioning and Automation servers on Public Cloud like AWS, AWS and Kubernetes.
  • Experience writing Chef Cookbooks and recipes to automate the deployment process and to integrating Chef Cookbooks into Jenkins jobs for a continuous delivery framework.
  • Experience in writing playbooks for Ansible and cookbooks for Chef
  • Experience on Vagrant, AWS and Kubernetes based container deployments to create self-environments for dev teams and containerization of env’s delivery for releases.
  • Extensive experience in using Maven and ANT as build tools for building of deployable artifacts (jar, war & ear) from source code.
  • Installed, Configured and Managed Monitoring Tools such as Splunk, Nagios, and Cloud Watch for Resource Monitoring.
  • Automated various infrastructure activities like Continuous Deployment, Application Server setup, Stack monitoring using Ansible playbooks and has Integrated Ansible with Rundeck and Jenkins.
  • Experienced in all phases of the software development life-cycle (SDLC) with specific focus on the build and release of quality software. Experienced in Waterfall, Agile/Scrum.
  • Extensive Experience with Continuous Integration Tools such as Jenkins, Bamboo, Team City for End-to-End automation for all build and deployments.
  • Implement and Manage VMwarevRealise Orchestrator (vRO),VMwarevRealizeAutomation (vRA), vRealizeOperations Manager (vROPS)


Programming: C | Python | SQL| Ruby| Powershell| Bash

AWS: IAM | EC2 | Cloud Watch| ELB | Elatic Beanstalk | VPC | S3 | EBS | Cloud Formation | AWS Storage Gateway | AutoScaling | |NLB | |ALB ||RDS | |SNS | |Route 53 |

Build Tool: Maven |ANT

Source Control Tool: Git |SVN

CI/CD tool: Jenkins

Configuration Management Tool: Chef | Ansible|Puppet

Bug Tracking Tool: JIRA | Remedy

Virtualization: VMware | Xen hypervisor in AWS| AWS

Load Balancer: Application Load Balancer | Classic Load Balancer | F5 Load Balancer (LTM) | Nginx

Networking: Switches | Routers | Hubs | LAN | WAN | TCP | IP | DNS | UDP | DHCP | VLAN

Database: Access | MYSQL | Postgress| SQL Mongo DB | Cassandra

Server: LAMP | SQL Server | Apache| Tomcat

Monitoring tools: Splunk, Nagios andcloudwatch

Operating Systems: Windows| iOS | Linux(RHEL, UBUNTU, Centos)


Confidential, Durham, NC

DevOps/ Kubernetes-AWS Engineer

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Deploying multitude applications utilizing almost all the AWS stack Including EC2, S3, RDS, Dynamo DB, SNS, IAM focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling in AWS Cloud formation.
  • Deploying scripts for build, maintenance, deployment and related tasks using Dockers, Jenkins and Maven.
  • Used Puppet to configure and automate server instances in AWS
  • Configured Amazon EC2 servers using AMI's (Linux/Ubuntu), configured the servers with the applications.
  • Created S3 buckets and managed policies using IAM roles for S3 buckets and used S3 bucket and Glacier for storing historical data.
  • Implementing AWS ROUTE53 and AWS IAM security best practices.
  • Designed high availability environment for Application servers on EC2 by using ELB and Auto-scaling .
  • Worked on Docker container snapshots, attaching to a running container removing, image managing, directory structures.
  • Created API's to handle the request ion between different clients and servers
  • Work closely with java teams and provide Restful API's which deliver data in JSON format needed by the User Interface.
  • Focused on containerization and immutable infrastructure.
  • Docker has been core to this experience, along with Kubernetes
  • Container management using Docker by writing Docker files and set up the automated build on Docker HUB and installed and configured Kubernetes.
  • Use of Docker and Kubernetes to manage micro services for development of continuous integration and continuous delivery.
  • Have experience working Cassandra on dockers containers and Cassandra on cloud
  • Experience with container-based deployments using Docker, working with Docker images, Docker hub and Docker registries, installation and configuring Kubernetes and clustering them.
  • Developed CI/CD system with Jenkins on Google's Kubernetes container
  • Environment, utilizing Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment for the CI/CD system to build and test and deploy
  • Used Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance, scale and manage docker containers with multiple name spaced versions.
  • Implemented Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance, scale and manage docker containers with multiple name spaced versions.
  • Implemented a production ready, load balanced, highly available, fault tolerant Kubernetes infrastructure.
  • Integrated GIT into Continuous Integration Environment using Jenkins/Hudson.
  • Used Maven as Build Tool for the development of build artifacts on the source code.
  • Created Cron Jobs and scheduled jobs based on the user's requirements
  • Creating snapshots and Amazon machine images (AMIs) of the instances for backup and creating clone instances.
  • Using Ansible inventories to define groups of hosts Exceptional Customer Service
  • Creating Ansible playbooks to configure systems to a specified state
  • Creating and using Ansible templates to create customized configuration files for hosts Technical Support .
  • Creating Ansible roles Using Ansible Vault in playbooks to protect sensitive data Administrative Support.
  • Responsible for executing daily system monitoring, verifying the integrity and availability of all hardware and server resources, and reviewing system and application logs and verifying completion of scheduled jobs such as backups. Standards/Procedures
  • ManagedAWS EC2 instances utilizing Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing and Glacier for our QA and UAT environments as well as infrastructure servers for GIT and Chef.
  • Automated deployment of builds to different environments using Jenkins.
  • Deep understanding of existing AWS technologies and experience with integrated public cloud services.
  • Used MongoDB in conjunction with the AWS S3 for storing the metadata information on MongoDB collections.
  • Worked on AWS IAM to grant fine grained access to AWS resources through configuration of roles, policies and web identity federation. Configured S3 versioning and life-cycle policies to backup files.
  • Implemented container-based deployments using Docker images, Docker HUB and Docker registries.
  • Implementing standard system administration tasks, such as patching software and hardware
  • Installed, configured and administered Jenkins CI tool on Linux machines and Setup Jenkins Build server and maintenance.
  • Created Jenkins pipelines for various projects such as terraform , AMI builds, and code deployment.
  • Worked with terraform to create AWS components like EC2, IAM, VPC, ELB , Security groups and Used S3 for terraform state management
  • Configured RDS instances using Cloud formations and terraform.
  • Resolving merging issues during build and release by conducting meetings with developers and managers.
  • Having Experience in creating and maintaining the new LDAP OU , Groups, Schema, and attributes.
  • Used Cloud-watch for monitoring AWS cloud resources and the applications that deployed on AWS by creating new alarms, enable notification service by SNS.
  • AWS Import/Export accelerates moving large amounts of data into and out of AWS using portable storage devices for transport.
  • Managing the multi-tier and multi-region architecture using AWS Cloud Formation.
  • Worked on AWS ELB and configure the auto scaling as per the application user traffic.
  • Created Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) using the JSON definition with auto scaling scripts.
  • Created Public and private subnets using VPC.
  • Expertise in working with MySQL databases, Apache Web server, Tomcat Application Servers.

Environment: Github, Jenkins, Kubernetes, AWS, Jira, Unix/Linux CentOS 7, Nexus v3, Bash Shell Script, Python, Node.js, Kafka, Apache Tomcat, MongoDB, SQL, Traefik, Nginx. Ansible, RHEL, Vagrant.

Confidential, St Louis, Missouri

AWS DevOps Engineer

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Migrating and maintaining build and test environments into the Cloud Infrastructure.
  • Designing and implementing CI (Continuous Integration) system configuring Jenkins servers, Jenkins nodes, creating required scripts (Perl & Python), and creating/configuring VMs (Windows/Linux).
  • Coordinate/assist developers with establishing and applying appropriate branching, labeling/naming conventions using Subversion (SVN) and GIT source control.
  • Managed GIT repository, Code merging, and production deployments.
  • Analyzed and resolved conflicts related to merging of source code for SVN and GIT.
  • Implemented, maintained and supported reliable, timely and reproducible builds for project teams.
  • Experience in developing puppet modules (blue prints) for installation, configuration and continuous integration (CI) using combination of puppet master, GIT, R10K wrapper, Open stack (Horizon), Vagrant and Jenkins.
  • Continuous Delivery setups with puppet by creating manifest and maintain templates for different environments. Migration of shell scripts into puppet Manifests .
  • Wrote puppet code to provision infrastructure including LAMP stacks, Oracle middleware, Artifactory and Docker.
  • Move development application from Docker containers and deploy into production Cloud Foundry environment.
  • Experience in Configuration Management, Cloud Infrastructure, and Automation like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Chef, SVN, GITHUB, Clear Case, Tomcat, and Linux.
  • Utilize Cloud formation and puppet by creatingDevops processes for consistent and reliable deployment methodology.
  • Maintained build related scripts developed in shell for Maven builds. Created and modified build configuration files including POM.xml.
  • Used ANT and MAVEN as a build tools on java projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code.
  • Worked with development/testing, deployment, systems/infrastructure and project teams to ensure continuous operation of build and test systems.
  • Created Docker images using a Docker file , worked on Docker container snapshots, removing images and managing Docker volumes.
  • Used Fabric for launching and deploying instances in AWS.
  • Used Cloud watch logs to move application logs to S3 and create alarms based on a few exceptions raised by applications.
  • Used CloudFront to deliver content from AWS edge locations to users, allowing for further reduction of load on front-end servers.
  • Managed network security using Load balancer, Auto scaling, Security groups and NACLS.
  • Built Cloud infrastructure for Multi-Tier Applications with Failover and High Availability Mode.
  • Supported current migration of Data Center to Amazon Cloud.
  • Focus on continuous integration and deployment, promoting Enterprise Solutions to target environments.
  • Implemented and maintained the monitoring and alerting of production and corporate servers/storage using CloudWatch.
  • Documented system configurations, Instance, OS, and AMI build practices, backup procedures, troubleshooting guides, and keep infrastructure and architecture drawings current with changes.
  • Provided oversight and guidance for the architecture, development best practices for application hosting, and infrastructure deployment for each application.
  • Utilized AWS CLI to automate backups of ephemeral data-stores to S3 buckets, EBS and create nightly AMIs for mission critical production servers as backups.
  • Developed Cloud Formation scripts to automate EC2 instances.
  • Utilized Configuration Management Tool Chef & created Chef Cookbooks using recipes to automate system operations.
  • Responsible for maintaining 4-5 Different Testing/QA Environments and erection of the PROD Environment in AWS.
  • Configured AWS IAM and Security Group in Public and Private Subnets in VPC.
  • Created AWS Route53 to route traffic between different regions.
  • Experience with analysis of logs and performing root cause analysis for various issues coming up on daily basis
  • Monitoring Live Traffic, logs, Memory utilization, Disk utilization and various other factors which are important for deployment.
  • Utilized Puppet for configuration management of hosted Instances within AWS. Configuring and Networking of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
  • Utilized S3 bucket and Glacier for storage and backup on AWS
  • Expert Knowledge in Bash Shell Scripting, Automation of cron Jobs.

Environment: Java, Linux, Maven, Nexus, Chef, Puppet, Jenkins, Docker, Nginix, Nagios, GIT, AWS EC-2, Route 53, S3, VPC, EMR, Autoscaling, ELB, Shell Scripts, Unix/ Linux environment

Confidential, Denver, CO

Devops Engineer

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Experienced in implementing validation and verification practices in an UNIX test environment.
  • Application of automations tools like chef, Splunk,Devops based on the requirements.
  • Deployment and implementation of chef for infrastructure as code initiative.
  • Performed the automation using chef Configuration management.
  • Involved in chef-infra maintenance including backup/monitoring/security fix and on chef Server backups.
  • Worked with Knife command-line tool and creating Cookbooks.
  • Worked with Oracle Database Admin to keep all the specified tables as assigned by developments in sync for every release
  • Installed, configured and Managed Build Forge Continuous Integration tool.
  • Develop and enhance the automated configuration management system.
  • Also Worked with continuous delivery framework application with help of Jenkins (Continuous integration and Deployment), Puppet.
  • Used for Devops in Windows-based systems.
  • Development of Azure Hosting Environment, Cloud Applications Solution Designs for Public and Internal facing services, across dev/test/pre-prod and Live environments.
  • Implemented chef Recipes for Deployment on build on internal Data Centre Servers. Also re-used and modified same chef Recipes to create a Deployment directly into Amazon EC2 instances.
  • Wrote ANT and MAVEN Scripts to automate the build process.
  • Managed the Maven Repository using Nexus tool and used the same to share the snapshots and releases of internal projects.
  • Evaluating testing of chef Recipes Concept of Test Driven Development for Infrastructure as a Code.
  • Experience with Git and / Perforce source code management administration.
  • Extensively worked with Version Control Systems Git and SVN.
  • Member of the Technical Design team, Build and Release Module for Development of new products.
  • Automated the cloud deployments using chef, Python (boto& fabric) and AWS Cloud Formation Templates.
  • Extensive experience with Python good working knowledge of Python best-practices, task/job queue systems, threading and package architecture (pypi) and Enhanced and updated the Python code base.
  • Performed Monitoring on Servers via Nagios with (NRPE) plugin. knowledge of the inner workings of Python including Threading, Memory management, Collections/Data Structures, RDBMS, XML/JSON, SciPy, NumPy .
  • Developed Python, Perl and shell scripts, PowerShell on windows systems for automation of the build and release process and automate deployment and release distribution process with shell, and Perl etc.
  • Used AGILE MVN method to develop a build and ANT as a build tool.
  • Developed build and deployment scripts using ANT and MAVEN as build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to other environments.
  • Analyzed security-based events, risks and reporting instances.
  • Maintained and managed assigned systems, Splunk related issues and administrators.
  • Posting the build time
  • Used Jira as ticket tracking and work flow tool.
  • Responsible for managing the chef client nodes and upload the cookbooks to chef-server from Workstation.

Environment: chef, Ant and Maven build tools, Python, Perl and Shell Scripts, Jira Ticketing tool, Nagios, Git and SVN, Jenkins, Splunk, Unix, RDBMS, Linux, PowerShell

Confidential, Des Moines, IA

Build And Release Engineer

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Provided CM and Build support for more than 4 different applications, built and deployed to lower and higher environments. Defined and Implemented CM and Release Management Processes, Policies and Procedure.
  • Automated the release pipeline to achieve zero touch deployments using Jenkins, SVS, Nexus.
  • Coordinate/assist developers with establishing and applying appropriate branching, labeling/naming conventions using Subversion (SVN) source control.
  • Created deployment workflows in which includes prerelease, release and Post release steps.
  • Analyze and resolve conflicts related to merging of source code for SVN.
  • Implement, maintain and support reliable, timely and reproducible builds for project teams.
  • Maintained build related scripts developed in shell for Maven builds . Created and modified build configuration files including POM.xml.
  • Deployed and maintained Chef role-based application servers, including Apache, Resin, Nginx and Tomcat
  • Worked with development team to migrate Ant scripts to Maven.
  • Experienced in authoring pom.xml files, performing releases with the Maven release plugin, and managing artifacts in Sonatype NEXUS repository.
  • Researched and implemented code coverage and unit test plug-ins like find bugs, check style and PMD with Maven/Hudson .
  • Used Maven dependency management system to deploy snapshot and release artifacts to Nexus to share artifacts across projects and environments.
  • Configured and maintained Hudson to implement the CI process and integrated the tool with Ant and Maven to schedule the builds. Took the sole responsibility to maintain the CI Hudson server.
  • Work with development/testing, deployment, systems/infrastructure and project teams to ensure continuous operation of build and test systems.
  • Deployed code on Web Logic Application Servers for UAT, IST, and Development environments.
  • Worked on the Oracle databases in the backend to execute the DMLs and DDLs.
  • Own full lifecycle of build system - from analysis, development, implementation and support of builds, unit testing and deployments.
  • Interact with developers and Enterprise Configuration Management Team for changes to best practices and tools to eliminate non-efficient practices and bottlenecks.
  • Coordinate with release Management regarding appropriate system releases among other development platforms.

Environment: SVN, Jenkins, Web logic, Nexus, Sonar, JIRA, Oracle, Shell, WLST, Python, Ant, Maven, Java, Linux.

Confidential,Coimbatore, India

Linux System Administrator

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • VMware Datacenter Virtualization.
  • Monitor disk usage with du, df, lsblk, lvscan, vgscan, pvscan.
  • Track Nagios alerts and resolve critical issues.
  • Participate is monthly on-call schedule.
  • Frequently use VPN to support the company 24/7 mission
  • Installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5/6/7.x on multiple Dell 2950 Servers and HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Servers.
  • Installed multiple applications based on client request.
  • Worked on Remedy ticketing system to create and view ticket requests
  • Installed patches and software packages to remediate systems' vulnerabilities
  • Installed and configured Apache, FTP servers
  • Used Linux Logical Volume Manager to manage disk space
  • Participated in formulation Backup/Restore policies
  • Installed Oracle binaries on Servers following company's SOP
  • Frequently write SOP and post them on the company SharePoint
  • Configured and optimized servers for maximum functionality and availability.
  • Implemented solutions that reduced single points of failure and improves system uptime.
  • Performs hardware/software installations; and ensures that assigned systems are engineered and configures according to client’s requirements.
  • Proficient in LVM (logical volume management) to create, volume groups, and physical volumes, extend and reduce logical volumes.
  • Troubleshoot: many issues by following best practices in system log analysis, backups, network operating center security, Perform account/permissions management and systems/software auditing.
  • Strong Knowledge of internet services, systems monitoring management, and open source tools with emphasis on Syslog, SMTP, HTTP, LDAP, Radius, SQL and DNS .
  • Experience in troubleshooting, optimizing, and performing tuning of applications, databases, and Linux systems
  • Strong documentation skills
  • Understanding of Systems design and the OSI model
  • Strong general automation skills. This includes scripting, automated monitoring and automates monitoring, and automates VM deployments
  • Experience with Nagios monitoring software, writing scripts to extend monitoring capabilities.
  • Linux cluster (heartbeat, pacemaker, Coro sync) experience.
  • Experience in creating physical volume, logical volume, volume groups using LVM (Logical Volume Management)
  • Works with advanced engineers on installing and configuring VMware/ESXi 5.x/6.x Servers for virtualizations.
  • Manages disks and file system using LVM (Logical volume Management)
  • Extensively involved in troubleshooting bottlenecks of Memory, CPU, using ps, vmstat, iostat, netstat, sar, commands.
  • Installed and configured operating systems on physical hardware and a virtualize environment; (i.e. RHEL5,6, 7/Centos 6,7 Linux ) .

Environment: Linux (RHEL 5.x/6.x), Solaris 9/10/11, RedHat Satellite Server, Apache Tomcat, Kickstart, Bonding, RAID, WebSphere, SQL, Agile, WebLogic, Subversion, Samba, NFS, FTP, LVM,Tomcat, Apache, bash.

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