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Sr. Technical Analyst Resume

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  • 8yearsof experience in Information Technology.
  • 7 years experience inSQL development, Systems Analysis and Design, Database Modeling, Normalizationand application programming.
  • Experience of4 yearsonTeradatasystem with excellent skills in Teradata Architecture,Teradata Data Modeling(Logical and Physical), Teradata ETL,Teradata SQLdevelopment and Teradata Physical Implementation.
  • 4+ years experience in usingTeradatautilities:SQL Assistant, BTEQ, FASTLOAD, FASTEXPORT, Multiload, TPump, Visual EXPLAIN.
  • Experience in importing and exporting data from several flat files contained on Mainframe/ DB2 databases/ Sybase environment.
  • Strong expertise in Teradata multidimensional modeling MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP.
  • Successfully managed operations on TeradataEnterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)including creation, designing, development, implementation, and testing.
  • Expertise with Teradata Manufacturing Logical Data Modeling, Financial Logical Data Modeling, Retail Data Modeling, and Telecommunications Data Modeling.
  • Experience of 2 years as aTeam Leadin designing and developing Teradata applications to solve business problems.
  • 4 yearsexperience in implementing and maintainingTeradata Architecture, Teradata Performance Tuning, SQL Development and Query Tuning.
  • Experience in creatingAggregate Join Indexes, Partitioning Tables, and handling tickets/ issues on the Teradata Production/ Development platforms.
  • 2 years of experience in Teradata Administration. Excellent skills in Teradata EDW designing, DBQL, Backup and reducing Archival Window time.
  • Used Teradata PMon, Manager, TDQM, Check Table, Config and ReConfig utilities.
  • 4 years experience onTeradataETLwith Teradata tools:BTEQ, FastExport, FastLoad, MuliLoad, and TPump.
  • Experience in Oracle to Teradata migration, fork-lifting from SQL Server into Teradata, Ora2TD, OLEDB, INMOD, OUTMOD processing and ODBC.
  • Strong knowledge on Business Intelligence applications, UNIX/Linux shell scripting, and Cloud-Computing principles.
  • Expert-level knowledge increating universes, Slicing-and-Dicing techniques, Free-Hand SQLfeatures inBusiness Objects, Crystal Reports, and Cognos.
  • Experience as anOracle Developer/DBA. DevelopedOracle SQL and PL/SQLstored proceduresfor Oracle-OLTP systems.
  • Expertise in understanding business processes, managing projects and team members, providing technical and non-technical support services for clients.
  • Published technical reports onProject Cost Estimation. Excellent communication skills, people-management skills, problem-solving attitude and troubleshoot the most complex situations.


  • Teradata Certified Professional
  • Oracle Certification- Database Fundamentals (1Z0-007)- Oracle 9i
  • Brainbench Certification-C#.Net Programming


Teradata Utilities:
BTEQ, FastLoad, MultiLoad, FastExport,
Tpump, Teradata SQL Assistant

Database Management Systems:
Teradata V2R5/12, Oracle 10g/11i,
MS SQL Server 2005/08

Teradata Tools:
DBQL, Teradata Manager, System-
Monitoring, Visual Explain

Database Management Systems:
Teradata V2R5/12, Oracle 10g/11i,
MS SQL Server 2005/08

BI Tools:
Business Objects, Cognos

Data Modeling Tools:
Erwin, Snowflake schema, Star schema

Scripting Tools:
UNIX K-Shell, C-Shell, PERL

Operating Systems:
Windows 2003 Server, Linux, MVS, Z/OS


Confidential, Hoffman Estates, Illinois Oct 2008- Present
Sr. Technical Analyst

Project/Job Description
Confidential provides telecommunication services in terms of contracts to several clients across the US spread across different regions. Billing Systems for Confidentialclients needed to be developed. Three projects for implementing billing analytics needed to be developed. Reporting projects based on Oracle needed to be modified to facilitate data contained from Teradata. Implement the billing projects using Teradata, SQL Server and Visual Studio.Net.


  • Communicate with Team Leaders and Business Users to gather requirements for projects. Classify functional and non-functional requirements for the applications to be developed.
  • Designed and implemented the logical and physical data models specific for the applications. Used ErWin/ Multidimensional modeling.
  • Load the data from flat files fromMainframesonto staging tables using TeradataBTEQ,FastLoadandMultiLoad. Created newTPumpscripts.
  • Used Parallel Transporter.
  • PerformImport and Exportoperations, connecting instances of SQL Server with Teradata and migrating data fromSQL Server to Teradatafor Data Warehousing.
  • Developed new SQL queries for use inMS Excel applications. Exported SQL results in Teradata to Excel files using FastExport and SQL Assistant.
  • Successfully implementedROLAP/ MOLAPfunctions in SQL queries.
  • UsedSQLQuery Tuning, Performance Tuningtechniques to improve query efficiency.
  • Collect Statisticson data that is from new/frequently changing columns.
  • DevelopAggregate Join Indexesand set secondary indexes for better data access techniques.
  • ImplementPerformance Tuning techniquesfor the Teradata Architecture in situations to remove skew to manage workload.
  • Develop Bill Implementation Systems inMS-Access VBA. DevelopSQL pass-through queries, setupODBC connectionsand get data from Teradata EDW.
  • Prepare Billing reports using Business Objects and create new universes whenever necessary.
  • Train non-technical staff(Bill Implementation Managers/ Customer Service reps) on using Business Objects and Teradata SQL queries to get data from EDW.
  • Troubleshoot technical issues/tickets on the production platform.

Teradata 12/V2R6, Visual Explain, FastLoad, FastExport, MultiLoad, Business Objects, SQL Server, VB.Net, MS Access, MS Excel, UNIX shell, MVS, ErWin

Confidential, Hoffman Estates, Illinois Jan 2008 - Oct 2008
Teradata Architect

Job Description:
Confidential is the largest global supplier of Healthcare equipment and innovative products. Confidential maintained and developed analytics products that included Siemens's Soarian Financial reporting, Clinical Embedded Analytics and many more. These applications collected metrics information and followed strong reporting solutions. Siemens wanted to improve the business processes, develop new data warehouse solutions and Change management solutions for efficient metric estimation. The newer systems were supposed to offer the greatest choice of deployment and should be easy to maintain and manage.


  • Gather requirements for the EDWproduction platform and assess the application needs for the Data warehousing projects.
  • ManageETLprocesses primarily usingTeradata ETLutilities, FastLoad, MultiLoad and TPump on the UNIX operating system. UseInformaticawhen necessary.
  • Exposure to Database Administrator tasks to handle and devise aDisaster Recovery plan.
  • Analyze data and summarize reports for Project Metrics.
  • Analyze data and summarize reports for Project Metrics.
  • Develop Metrics Management applications usingVBAinMS-Access and MS-Excel.
  • Moved data from SQL Server intoTeradata 12performing a forklift. Efficientlycreated global temporary tablesandconverted PL/SQL stored proceduresin SQL Server into executable logic in Teradata.
  • Used Teradata utilities (FastLoad, MultiLoad and TPump), and Parallel Transporter to move data into Teradata.
  • Used TeradataFastExportto export data into flat files.
  • Collect data andload into Teradata using FastLoad, BTEQ and Multiloaddepending upon staging requirements.
  • PerformTeradata SQL Query tuning;create temporary tablesandAggregate Join IndexesandCOLLECT STATISTICSfor better queries.
  • Measure the performance of the Teradata system and change the number of AMPs per node, number of clusters and cliques.
  • Review the performance usingPMon. UsedAdministrative Work Stationto understand more about the system.

Informatica, Teradata SQL Assistant, BTEQ, FastLoad, FastExport, MultiLoad, UNIX, SQL Server 2005, Business Objects, Crystal Reports, MS Access, MS Excel, MS Office

Confidential, Charlotte, North Carolina June 2007 - Dec 2007
Teradata Architect/ Analyst

Job Description:
Work with Confidential to design, implement and support the EDW operations. Develop technical data warehouse and business intelligence solutions to provide connectivity and data availability to all the IT systems. Confidential was performing an acquisition of different banks. Special reports and requests were made that needed to uncover revenue leakages. The existing Teradata system needed to be modified.


  • Obtain the business requirements for designing and developing architecture. Provide best possible estimates for effort and time lines.
  • UsedSQLcoding,Explainfeature to analyze and gain in-depth knowledge to modify the existing data access methods. Removed product joins, cross joins and removed unrelated data by refining data providers.
  • Loaded data from the Teradata development platform and multiple data sources usingBTEQ, FastLoad, MultiLoad, and TPump. Exported data to flat files and destination access database files using Fast Export in Teradata.
  • Used Informatica to develop ETL processes. MaintainEDW of the bank to facilitate Data availabilityforTeradata 12and Oracle-based applications.
  • Modified the data definitions in the existing data warehouse. Creatednew data marts, ad hoc queries and viewsto support data access and OLAP operations.
  • Tuning Teradata 12 SQLqueries and reports in Teradata SQL scripts to provide analytical intelligence (OLAP/MOLAP)details for the Business Intelligence analysts and managers.
  • Created newmaterialized views and tablesto facilitate the changes to the data warehouse.
  • Validate the output results of the SQL code. Uncover revenue leakages. Modified the existing SQL scripts and stored procedures to remove unwanted joins and redundant data.
  • DevelopVBAprocedures and programs inMS-Excel,MS-PowerPoint.
  • Created newSQL queries, BTEQ scriptsandMultiLoad, FastExport scriptsto assist in data migration activities on aUNIXplatform.
  • Lead teamof SQL developers and data designers indata modelingactivities. Implemented theFinancial Logical data modelingfor the multi-dimensional data warehouse.
  • UsedDashboardbuilderandStrategy Builderto createScorecards, Metrics, Goals, Alerts, and Rules.

Informatica, Teradata SQL Assistant, BTEQ, FastLoad, FastExport, MultiLoad, UNIX, Windows, MS Access, MS Excel, MS Office

Confidential, Los Angeles, CA, USA July 2006 - June 2007
Teradata Consultant

Job Description:
Support the EDW development in Teradata. Serve as a primary developer and expert in the Teradata area. Implement, maintain, manage and perform tuning of the database systems in Teradata. The client wanted to work for the existing systems that were mainly based on Credit-monitoring, lowering bills, and giving credit advice. Provide technical and analytical support for the BI teams. Perform Project Management, estimating time and effort, installing, and configuring and updating the existing database systems. Build new databases based on the strong guidelines for getting the desired output, resolving revue clashes and data leaks.


  • Tune queries, perform periodic table and indexreorganizations on the Teradata database system.
  • Optimize the database environments in order to maintain efficient access performance, data integrity, logical and physical data independence.
  • Load the data from different sources into the central EDW by using Teradata utilities:FastLoad, Multi Load. UseInformaticain assisting with the ETL processes.
  • Address theperformance issues including Skew. Remove them.
  • Analyze theSQL correlated sub queriesand stored procedures using theExplain plansgenerated by the Teradata system. Make changes to the SQL joins to generate a better EXPLAIN plan.
  • Work with data modelers, ETL staff, Business Intelligence Developers and system analysts inresolving data discrepancies and discovering improper results.
  • UseTeradata OLAP functions:Percentile, Quantile, Top-ten, SAMPLE, Qualifyto provide better insight into the data and for reporting purposes.
  • Schedule thedatabase backup and recovery. Provide facilities for the data warehouse users to create temporary tables and delete them automatically later on.
  • UseEr-Win as a data modeling toolfor transitioning thelogical data models into physical data models.

Teradata SQL Assistant, BTEQ, FastLoad, FastExport, MultiLoad, UNIX, Informatica, Business Objects XI R2/ 6.5, VBA, Oracle, MS Office

Confidential, India July 2002 - December 2005
Oracle Database Developer

Job Description:
Design and develop database solutions. Design, test and implement code programs in .Net, C++ for different wireless devices. Assess the needs of the departments and create data models for storing data. Create better designs for data access and serve as a DBA when required for security and access permissions on data base structures to users and groups. Test for correctness of reports.


  • Developed and upgraded code modules for router software using C++. Installed new software patches written in C++ for the transceiver systems.
  • CreatedOracle 9i database systems. Managed file system security and authentication, database software upgrades, user accounts, space management, and database monitoring and management.
  • CreatedOracle stored procedures using PL/SQL.
  • Used Developer 2K for creating forms and reports based on Oracle 9i database. The queries and stored procedures using SQL* plus in Oracle 9i.
  • Developed an issue tracking and resolving system in C++, an I-Care application in Java.
  • Prepared the requirements documentation for cellular software systems, website navigation, website integration, and achieving full-acceptance from the users.
  • Used Dreamweaver, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP and FrontPage to build the enterprise websites (intranet and Internet) and used Microsoft Office SharePoint Server to integrate and deploy the website applications with the existing web site.
  • Provided technical support with excellent level of customer service and trained new employees on mobile communication and mobile network trouble shooting.

Environment: Oracle 9i (SQL * Plus), UNIX, Windows, Developer 2000, C++, Java, MS Access, MS Excel, MS Office


  • Bachelor of Technology,Computer Science

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