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Senior Programmer Resume

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Goal: Computer programmer/analyst


  • Years of progressive responsibility for mainframe computer systems in online environment with batch interface.
  • Lifecycle duration of project development, from requirements analysis through system evaluation, maintenance, and production support. Analyze, design, code, debug, test and benchmark project results for user approval. Write program specifications, system documentation and JCL procs. Provide technical support for junior programmers.
  • Support production applications troubleshooting problems interrupting or inhibiting application performance. Research, analyze and assist in resolving issues within assigned projects. Reorganize online applications to dramatically improve system response time. Estimate time to complete projects.

Hardware: IBM 3090/4341, PC Work Station, Burroughs B-2900

Software: TSO/ISPF, CICS/VSAM, DB2, DOS/Windows, FileAid, Dyl280, Panvalet, Librarian,
Easytrieve, ChangeMan, InterTest, IDMS, Win/LAN, Xpediter, OS/MVS, DOS/VSE, NDM

Languages: COBOL II, JCL, Assembler, Fortran, CLists, SQL Server


Confidential, Oakland CA October, 1999 - May, 2011
Senior Programmer/Analyst

Install marketable, profitable product lines into Mortgage Loan Origination application which book more loans, spiking bank revenue dramatically. Store and report HMDA data to comply with government Regs B and C laws. Enhance with IVR, empowering processors to fund loans over telephone, saving hours of processing time and slashing risk of bank failing to pay borrower on time.

  • Work for World Savings Bank from 1999 until 2007, when Wachovia acquired World Savings.
  • Maintain and enhance batch and online Customer Relationship Inquiry Service System for capture of customer research requests, complaints, or exception processing. Mainframe Case Management application.
  • Maintain and enhance batch and online mainframe and client-server SQL DB system for reporting escheats compliance to states. That is, report abandoned assets to last known state of customer's address, compliant with that state's Unclaimed Property laws. Convert application from 1 client-server version to another by extracting data from old and formatting it on mainframe. Move files between platforms mainframe to server using Harbor File Transfer and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) utilities. Mainframe and Unix client server Escheatment Compliance application.
  • Maintain and enhance batch and online system for originating mortgage loans. Develop Internet interface including pricing, loan data uploads and funding loans through Interactive Voice Response(IVR) calling, using socket TCP/IP server-to-mainframe bridge. Move files between platforms mainframe to server using Harbor File Transfer and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) utilities. Store HMDA files in databases using SQL Server hierarchy. Mainframe and Unix client server Mortgage Loan Origination application. GeoCode loans with Pitney Bowes Group 1 address database.
  • Programs developed in COBOL II and command level CICS with BMS maps. VSAM files maintained and reported on, including DB2 tables using SQL Server protocol.

Confidential, Foster City CA May, 1997 - August, 1999
Senior Programmer/Analyst

Debit settlement system is responsible for clearing, settling and reporting single message transactions on a daily basis. Functions include creating and distributing transaction reports and hard-disk data. Contribute to the smooth transition of settlement re-architecture, while enhancing and maintaining the current system. Analyze existing business and system functions, develope detail designs, and code and test settlement enhancements built in the newly re-designed environment. Key responsibilities include:

  • Analyze business and technical requirements
  • Create Detail Designs and General/Detail Designs
  • Create project plans and technical documents
  • Co-ordinate with areas outside the department to insure project requirements are met, insuring successful QA testing and final implementation of design solutions.

Confidential San Francisco CA September, 1996 - February, 1997

  • Maintain Forms 1099 Tax System from prior year\'s system. Produce tax year-end products parallel to production on development environment.
  • Programs developed in COBOL II, Easytrieve Plus. VSAM files reported on and updated. IDMS and DataCom data bases maintained in COBOL programs, and inspected for proper results.


Confidential, San Francisco CA

  • Maintain and enhance batch inventory billing system, balancing control reports to corporate invoices for various clients.
  • Troubleshoot tape maintenance problems with PayPhone usage for State of California.
  • Programs developed in COBOL II, Easytrieve Plus. VSAM and virtual files reported on and updated.

Confidential, San Francisco CA

  • Maintain and enhance batch and online vendor inventory system on Wang mainframe for home furnishings client, Systematics IMPACS demand deposits package for a bank, eligibility benefits enrollment system for client tapes and reporting, debits and credits accounting system for wire transmission of bank card financial transactions and travelers\' cheques inventory
  • Programs developed in COBOL II, Easytrieve Plus, and Dyl280. VSAM and virtual files reported on and updated. Estimate time to complete these work requests.

Confidential San Mateo CA

  • Enhance and support production for volume-to-revenue and Accounts Payable systems. Estimate time to complete these work requests.
  • Programs written and maintained include COBOL II and command level CICS with BMS maps. VSAM files maintained and reported.

Confidential, Santa Clara CA

  • Maintain and enhance batch systems Demand Deposits and Savings Accounts systems from analysis to cutover.
  • Convert Accounts Analysis subsystem acquired from another bank.


  • BBA Statistics, Minor in Computer Science.

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