Sr. Systems Programmer Resume
Information Systems position sought allowing for application of broad, advanced information system skills in a professional IT environment.
Thirty+ years of experience in business information systems development, support, and structured quality assurance testing. Computer systems application skill sets deployed in business systems environments in retail, EDI, supply chain management, inventory management, telecommunications, logistics, and health management industry sectors. Professional information systems expertise includes multiple application languages, databases, business office, and WEB functional tool sets. Most recent post-baccalaureate business school training received from University of Missouri - St. Louis' Accounting Certification Program.
Qualifications Summary
Skills Summary
- C++; C; COBOL; Visual Basic; VB.Net
- Oracle SQL; SQL (Unix, MS Server 2005; NonStop); DB2; RDB; TOAD
- Oracle Forms; DECforms; SCOBOL; CICS
- 4. HTML; JavaScript; JSP (WebSphere); JAVA; XML, PHP
- Oracle Files; Oracle Portal Manager
- Oracle Report; RPG IV; DATATRIEVE; Crystal Reports
- MS Excel; MS Access
- Rational Test Suite; HP Quality Control
- WINDOWS 7; Vista; XP; Visual Studio
- UNIX; LINUX; AIX; z/OS; OS/390; OpenVMS
- MS WORD; PowerPoint; Visio
- QuickBooks; PeachTree
Computer Application Skills
- Programming skills include C++/C, COBOL, Visual Basic, SQL, Rational Test Suite, Excel, HTML, JavaScript, JAVA, CSS, and PHP.
- Competent in HP Quality Center, Lotus Domino, Word, Visio, PowerPoint, TOAD Data Modeler, and office accounting software (QuickBooks, PeachTree).
- Other software used includes WebSphere, Selenium, LoadRunner, WinRunner.
Post-Baccalaureate Education
Business Administration, emphasis in Accounting; Accounting Credit Hours.
Certificate of Accounting; Credit Hours.
Professional Experience
Sole Proprietor ASAP Software Assist January 2009 - Present
Elderly Support Services March 2011 - Present
Developed EDI invoice delivery application implemented in MS Office environment for health services company. VB.NET package consists of multiple GUI apps under Excel, user-specific translator, and .Net framework encryption to forward customer invoices to commercial EDI broker. Have provided additional, on-going business office support includinging maintenance, operation of EDI application, QuickBooks, invoicing, general ledger, tax preparation, and reporting applications.
Confidential- BioMedical Engineering Department August 2010 - December 2010
Provided project support for custom medical equipment systems emulation software. Linux OSS-based emulation package allows equipment staff to manage 3-D medical imaging test files. Documented and managed test plans and test cases using HP Quality Center and Excel. Responsible for direct mapping of Excel worksheet from QC definitions, management of project sub-component requirements, test plans, and defect data in Excel and exporting all testing data to HP QC on a continuing basis. Project software included HP Quality Center, Excel, Selenium IDE / RC, JUnit, and Java.
Confidential - Consultant November 2009 - March 2010 St. Louis, Mo.
Assigned to EDI Support Group. Participated in certification of upgrade of Gentran Integration Suite from 4.0 to 4.2. Responsible for developing test case scripts. documenting and certifying routing rules, codelists, integration services and test scheduling. Participated in integration of acquisition company Edelman Shoe into test and production GIS environments. Tested and resolved errors relating to new EDI maps and map updates. Tested and assisted in deployment of new EDI map tables. Tested and enhanced SQL statements, code tables, and reference tables for both Inbound and Outbound Business Processes.
Environment: AS/400, AIX, GIS 4.2, Oracle 11g, PL/SQL, Pro*Cobol
Confidential - Consultant March 2009 - July 2009 St. Louis, Mo.
Reviewed customizations applied to current production EBS release, 11.5.2, in Procure-to-Pay workflow. Consulted with Oracle to access impact of customizations to pending upgrade installation. Participated in migration of customization requirements from 11.5.2 to 11.5.10. Tested and documented transaction type workflow customization in stimulated business processes on test release installation. Responsible for maintaining all related test environment table states. Designed new order flow regression testing requirements based on current system release states. Tested upgrade of all the modules, with primary use oracle 11i upgrade assistance tool. Assisted with all post upgrade system support and maintenance requirements. Updated training documentation.
Environment: Oracle E-Business Suite R11i (; Oracle (9i); PL/SQL; Oracle Reports; Toad; Toad Data Modeler
AT&T - Consultant January 2008 - October 2008
Participated in AT&T / Bell South EDI Vendor Supply Chain integration project for Regional, Network, Xchange, and Directory operations, attendant to AT&T - Bell South merger. As EDI Quality Control support responsible for EDI transaction scope through end-to-end interchange certification. Specific responsibilities applied to mapping and translation support of inbound and outbound test transactions for AT&T division, regional, and local supply chain partners. Worked with AT&T-Sterling Commerce staff to prepare Gentran IS 4.1 test cases and test scripts. Participated in QC unit, regression, integration, and UAT testing. Maintained test environment build and translation tables. Verified porting of translation files to internal application interfaces (XML, flat file, DB2 Tables). Participated in test level transaction verification in accordance with AT&T system integrity requirements. Modified audit and control procedures within trading partner profiles. Implemented certification test scripts (PHP) from integated EDI translations to SAP / IDoc messaging. Fixed SAP schedule agreements and vendor schedule agreements. Point-of-contact to all project parties for systems trouble shooting and resolution. Generated project management and customer summary reports under Crystal Reports and RPG IV, EDI transaction set coverage included (Ansi X12): 810, 811, 815, 830, 850, 855, 856, 860, 997.
Environment: IBM System Z (z/OS); AS/400 (AIX); JCL; TSO; GIS 4.1; MAINFRAME; DB2; VSAM; MQSeries; Crystal Reports; C; Cobol; PHP; RPG IV; Rational Test Suite
Confidential - Consultant November 2006 - September 2007
Participated in Confidential EDI Vendor Supply Chain integration project for Regional, Network, Xchange, and Directory operations, attendant to AT&T - SBC merger. As EDI applications support responsible for EDI transaction scope through end-to-end interchange certification. Specific responsibilities applied to mapping and translation support of inbound and outbound test transactions for AT&T division, regional, and local supply chain partners. Worked with AT&T-Sterling Commerce staff to review and execute Gentran IS 4.1 test cases and test scripts. Responsible for test transaction-specific translation and build tables. Verified porting of translation files to internal application interfaces (XML, flat file, DB2 Tables). Participated in test level transaction verification in accordance with AT&T system integrity requirements. Point-of-contact to all project parties for systems trouble shooting and resolution. Generated several project management and customer summary reports using Crystal Reports and RPG IV, including an EDI Log Scan Trail using RPG IV to reconcile mixed file type logs. EDI transaction set coverage included (Ansi X12): 810, 811, 815, 830, 850, 855, 856, 860, 997.
Environment: IBM System Z (z/OS); AS/400 (AIX); JCL; TSO; GIS 4.1; MAINFRAME; DB2; VSAM; MQSeries; Crystal Reports; C; Cobol; PHP; RPG IV; Rational Test Suite
David's Bridal - Consultant February 2006 - August 2006
Participated in migration from legacy RETEK (v8) systems to Distributed Order Management System implementation, following divestiture from May Company. Specific responsibilities included development of interfaces from Distributed Order Management and Inventory Management to external applications. Generated multiple Order Management application reports for stock levels and order status. Participated in final stage testing, validation, and UAT certification for new implementation.
Environment: Oracle 11i(SQL, PL/SQL), Oracle Report, Pro*C, UNIX (AIX) and Windows NT .
Priscilla of Boston - Consultant July 2005 - January 2006
Participated in implementation of Oracle E-Business Suite release 11i and Oracle Retail Management System v10 release, following divestiture from May Company. Specific responsibilities included test environment certification of E-Business System Financials, functionals AP, AR, PO, GL, OM. Assisted in integration of e*Gate and Oracle RIB to facilitate new transaction message communication between all EBS and RMS modules
Environment: Oracle RMS, Oracle 11i(SQL, PL/SQL), Oracle Report, Pro*C, SeeBeyond e*Gate, UNIX (AIX) and Windows NT .
Confidential - Sr. Systems Programmer September 2002 - February 2005 St.Louis Mo.
Participated in merchandising systems conversion project from existing RETEK Merchandising System to Oracle Retail Merchandise System. May Merchandising\'s existing functional areas of Supply Chain Management were successfully integrated into new Oracle RMS installation. These business functions included the Merchandise Hierarchy, Allocation, Replenishment, Logistics, and Store Inventory Management. Specific S.I.M. processes responsible for included Shipping and Receiving, Direct Delivery, Return to Vendors/Warehouse, Stock counts, Distribution Center Logistics, and others. On-going maintenance and support of RMS included new programs to extract data from RMS for insertion into the supply chain, planning, merchandising modules, EDI map translation, and management reporting. Subsequent responsibilities focused on EBS Financials and HRMS message integration with RMS Store Management modules over Oracle Retail Integration Bus.
Participated in integration of Oracle RMS with new EDI GENTRAN 5.3 VAN release. Specific responsibilities centered on mapping and translation of (Ansi X12) transaction sets (810, 812, 850, 855, 997). Generated all test procedures, new and modified Oracle forms, new and modified Oracle reports, technical design updates, support documentation, as well as customer guidance for the implementation of these transactions. Provided subsequent daily operation support and review of comprehensive EDI workflow.
Environment: Gentran Server 5.3, Oracle 8i(SQL, PL/SQL), Oracle Report, Pro*C, UNIX (AIX) and Windows NT.
Confidential - Sr. Systems Analyst May 2001 - September 2002 St. Louis, Mo.
As May Technology Support team member was responsible for enabling business applications groups to efficiently deliver their business services through the use of appropriate information technology. Specific responsibilities included re-engineering and implementation of content management system for the May Merchandising Group. New Oracle Files-based Content Management System replaced legacy Lotus Domino CM for MMG. New Content Manager allowed MMG reps to manage image documents deployed on May Co.\'s commercial website. Responsible for maintenance and enhancements to May Company's Corporate Intranet Portal application residing on data center\'s IBM AS-400/AIX server platform. The May Co. Corporate-wide Portal platform was built using the Oracle Portal Management and Web Content tools. Additionally, developed new Java servlet-based DEC Alpha Server Monitor web application. Coded new release of Tandem TCP/IP associative Listener module in TAL. Developed new Tandem log scanning utilities written in TAL. Responsible for support of all internal group's C/C++, PL/SQL, JSP, Servlets, JavasScript, Java, XML, HTML, TAL server application code.
Environment: DEC Alpha AXP, Oracle 8i(SQL, PL/SQL), Oracle Report, Pro*C, MQSeries, Tandem Himalaya K10000, UNIX (AIX) and Windows NT.
Confidential- Consultant June 1999 - January 2001
Co-developed and provided on-going production support for the International Direct Dial Dataset (IDDD) system component within the IRMS software system. The IDDD System allows Sprint's International Route Translations group to define and maintain call trunk routing lists from domestic-base gateway call processing switches to final international switch termination points. Both releases were developed using Oracle Pro*C++ in a DEC Alpha Oracle database environment. The development environment also utilized Rational Rose\'s Modeling and C++ source code generation components, together with RogueWave\'s Tools++ library toolkit.
Environment: DEC Alpha AXP, Oracle 8i(SQL, PL/SQL), Oracle Report, Pro*C++/C.
Confidential- Consultant April 1998 - June 1999
Reported directly to principle network data architect to guide evaluation of DEC VAX ALPHA's ObjectBroker CORBA product for Sprint, under DEC's ObjectBroker for OpenVMS - Beta Site program. Wrote several product assessment and benchmark client-servers for Sprint. Also responsible for Phase One development of new communications interface server objects to bridge Sprint\'s new telecommunications network exchange provisioning system with its existing Nortel telecommunications exchange provisioning system. New object modules developed for the implementation and certification using DEC Alpha C++, Oracle Pro*C++, and C native-64 mode compiler.
Environment: DEC Alpha AXP, Oracle 8i(SQL, PL/SQL), Pro*C++/C, Oracle Forms, Oracle Report, ObjectBroker - OpenVMS2.5A, , DEC Alpha ACMS, C++, C, DECforms, IDFL, DCL, Visual Studio
Confidential- Consultant October 1997 - March 1998
Supported Rockwell\'s HP 9000-700 and UNIX CTI External TeleServicing Host system software products. The Host System software, when packaged with Rockwell\'s Spectrum and Galaxy Call Processing Exchange Switches, comprise the Rockwell line of TRANSCEND Call Center products. Principal responsibilities extended to continuous host system product support for Rockwell\'s existing TRANSCEND and SPECTRUM customer-base. Systems support work included code analysis, code maintenance and test certification of VARCTI subsystem modules, primarily utilizing DEC Alpha C, C++, DECforms, DATATRIEVE in a RBD management environment. Also responsible for performance and tuning recommendations for specific Rockwell customer CTI environments, utilizing primarily HP 9000 Application Performance Extender and Process Resource Manager tools.
Environment: HP 9000-700, COBOL, C,, C++, ACMS, DECforms, IDFL, RDB, DATATRIEVE, DCL
Confidential- Consultant January 1995 - September 1997
Principle software engineer responsible for the design, co-development, and implementation of Dell Computers\' E.D.I. purchase order management system re-engineering project. Responsibilities included the re-engineering of core E.D.I. order generation and routing subsystems, new on-line system support applications, successful system hand-off to Dellware staff personnel, staff training and on-going maintenance. The final acceptance package consisted of 20+ new forms, 14 new server apps, and all embedded implemented on DEC Alpha AXP. Source code modules developed under DEC COBOL and C.
Confidential Professional Services / Systems Integration Programmer/Consultant March 1989 - December 1994
Participated in development of a new integrated warehouse management system for the North Island Naval Aviation Depot. Responsible for the development and support of several of the installation\'s inventory control applications utilizing Computer Associates\' Db:EXPERT Artificial Intelligence Shell package. Completed tasks include new source development for item tracking and distribution system services using Db:EXPERT\'s proprietary toolkits; new screen dialogue and forms access modules implemented with Db:EXPERT\'s overlay tools; Embedded SQL database access routines; support for Ultrix control objects; ad-hoc and permanent FOCUS database procedurals. Participated in system performance and load balancing efforts utilizing the VAX Dynamic Load Balancing tools.
Participated in development of new customer product systems for Confidential
Mobile Data Division. Completed systems implementation included a new wireless dispatching package providing Motorola utility service clients with real-time fleet vehicle transaction collection and management services for remote Motorola terminals, as well as the completion of several customized client on-line VAX ACMS transaction server and FMS forms applications code in C and Cobol.
Participated in the development of new service order entry entry system for Southwestern Bell Telephone, utilizing HP-NonStop hardware platform. The completed product, titled "EASE", serves as a front-end data validation and order collection system interfacing to existing IBM and Unisys host databases. Specific responsibilities included the development of Host Interface modules from HP-NonStop to IBM S/370 database, coded in C; development and maintenance of SQL database access routines required for HP-NonStop/IBM data transfer requests; subsystem call procedures to Clips AI inference engine; subsystem maintenance of assigned subsystems utilizing HP-NonStop DSM/SPI /VIEWPOINT tools.
Sole developer for new implementation of proprietary project management system for Union Pacific Technologies. The new release, developed in MS-C, allowed field managers to collect and maintain project data on PC-DOS microcomputers while assigned to remote project sites.
McDonnell Douglas internal project work included
-technical support for work order manage component of MDSI's Integrated Maintenance Management Information Systems installed at St. Louis and Long Beach aircraft plant facilities. Responsible for system trouble ticket resolution. IMMIS operated on a VAX-6200 and RMS database.
Confidential Analyst August 1980 - February 1989
Lead developer for new client data collection and batch reporting products and services. Sole developer of "Transaction", a PC-resident database management and reporting system written in dBase-compatible FoxPro, providing clients ad-hoc transportation and logistics reporting capabilities utilizing IBM PC microcomputers. Also developed internal audit and control systems for Transaction on HP-NonStop. Designed and developed "PC FreightPay", using MS-C, an on-line data collection & data transmission service allowing clients to utilize existing microcomputer equipment and staff to capture and transmit freight invoice data. In addition, designed and developed prototype source-code generator on HP-NonStop for internal use by Cass Information Systems.
As Associate Systems Analyst was responsible for the design and development of all new client data collection systems on HP-NonStop. Developed all new requestor forms and servers under NonStop pathway environment. Also responsible for maintenance of test systems\' Pathway configuration.
As Programmer/Analyst was responsible for the development and maintenance of client ransportation and logistics reporting systems, and the maintenance of existing on-line data entry systems on both HP-NonStop Fault-Tolerant systems and VAX 11 systems.