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Cloud/devops/kubernetes Engineer Resume

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Chicago, IL


  • 6+ Years of IT experience in Cloud and On - Prem Environments with Build and release Management, Systems Admin and Continuous Integration/ Automated Deployment including end-to-end code configuration using different Third-party tools and Cloud Services like AWS, Azure, OpenStack, and PCF .
  • Expertise on various AZURE services like Compute (Web Roles, Worker Roles), AZURE Websites, Caching, SQL AZURE , NoSQL , USQLS , Storage, Network services, Data Factory , AZURE Active Directory , API Management, Scheduling, Auto Scaling, and PowerShell Automation.
  • Experience in dealing with Windows AZURE IaaS - Virtual Networks , Virtual Machines , Cloud Services , Resource Groups , Express Route , Traffic Manager, VPN, Load Balancing, Application Gateways, Auto-Scaling.
  • Expert in Implement deploy and configure websites, configure Azure diagnostics, monitoring and analytics on Azure Platform along with scale and resilience for AZURE Web sites.
  • Experience in Architecting and securing the Infrastructure on AWS using IAM, KMS, EMR, Cognito, API Gateway, Cloud Trail, Cloud Watch, Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), Config, AWS Kinesis, Lambda, NACL, Elastic Beanstalk, Redshift and CloudFormation
  • Worked in an environment of Amazon Web Services (AWS) products gained good knowledge in Elastic Cloud Computing, Simple Storage Services, Glacier, Block Storage, Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon Lambda, Virtual Private cloud, Load balancing, Relational Database Service, and Cloud Watch.
  • Ensured successful architecture and deployment of enterprise grade PaaS solutions using Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) as well as proper operation during initial application migration and set new development.
  • Analyzed various distributed file systems suitable for a cloud storage using a storage benchmark. Tested a private storage cloud using Open Stack SWIFT software and worked as well with OpenStack.
  • Experience in CloudFormation to automate AWS environment creation along with the ability to deployment on AWS, using build scripts (AWS CLI) and automate solutions using Shell and Python.
  • Expertise in integrating Terraform with Ansible, Packer to create and version the AWS Infrastructure, designing, automating, implementing and sustainment of Amazon machine images (AMI) across the AWS Cloud environment.
  • Experience with Cloud automation technologies such as Cloud Formation and Terraform and experienced in using Terraform for building, changing, and manage existing and cloud infrastructure as well as custom in-house solutions. Proficient in writing Templates for AWS IAC using Terraform to build staging and production environments.
  • Experience in code deployment, Orchestration and Scheduling using tools such as Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Apache Mesos, CoreOS Fleet, Cloud Foundry’s Diego, CloudFormation, and automation validation using Test Kitchen, Vagrant, Ansible and Terraform.
  • Experience in Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance and manage Docker containers with multiple name spaced versions and good understanding of Open Shift Platform in managing Docker Containers and Kubernetes Clusters.
  • Experience in writing Ansible playbooks, created custom playbooks written in YAML, encrypted the data using Ansible Vault and maintained role-based access control by using Ansible Tower to manage web applications, Environments configuration files, Users, Mountpoints and Packages.
  • Experience in Chef Cookbooks for various DB configurations to modularize and optimize end product configuration, converting production support scripts to Chef Recipes and AWS server provisioning using Chef Recipes.
  • Experienced in authoring pom.xml, build.xml files performing releases with the Maven, ANT release plugin, and managing artifacts in sonatype NEXUS, JFrog Artifactory.
  • Experience in integrating Jenkins with Docker container using Cloud bees Docker, Kubernetes pipeline plugin and provisioned the EC2 instance using Amazon EC2 plugin.
  • Experience with Jenkins administration, backups and plugins. Using master slave configuration maintained various jobs in Jenkins and supported development teams.
  • Acted on Designing and implementing CI (Continuous Integration) system: configuring Jenkins servers, Jenkins nodes, creating required scripts ( Perl & Python ), and creating/configuring VMs ( Windows / Linux ).
  • Expert in using ELK Stack; Elasticsearch for deep search and data analytics, Logstash for centralized logging, log enrichment and parsing and Kibana for powerful and beautiful data visualizations.
  • Expertise in configuring the monitoring and alerting tools according to the requirement like AWS CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, Dynatrace, Nagios, Splunk Enterprise, SNMP monitoring for the VPN connections.
  • Experience using Nagios monitoring system and different Bug Tracking Tools like Remedy, Jira, ServiceNow and Clear Quest. Designed, deployed and coordinated with different teams to enhance ELK platform and took ownership of new technologies.
  • Experience in scripting languages including Shell, PERL, Python, Ruby and build automation using ANT, MAVEN and other UNIX, Windows system level programming.
  • Experience in working with SQL database like MySQL, Oracle 10i/9i/8i, SQL Server and NoSQL databases like MongoDB, DynamoDB and Cassandra.
  • Experience in installing, configuring, supporting, and troubleshooting Unix/Linux Networking services and protocols like TCP, SMTP, HTTP, SNMP, NIS, NIS+, OSPF, LDAP, DNS, NFS, DHCP, NAS, FTP, SSH, and SAMBA.
  • Expertise in Installation, Support, Configuration with different flavors of LINUX RHEL4.x, 5.x, 6.x, CentOS, Oracle Linux (OEL)5.x, 6.x, Debian, and Ubuntu 14.04., 16.04.4, Installed and configured Red Hat LINUX Kickstart and Solaris 9, 10 jumpstart Servers.


Cloud Environments: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, OpenStack, PCF

Configuration Management Tools: Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Ansible Tower, Chef Automate

Containerization Tools: Docker, Kubernetes, Docker swarm, Docker weave, Openshift

VMWare ESX/ESXi, Windows Hyper: V, Virtual box, Vagrant

Operating Systems: Unix, SUSE Linux, Ubuntu, Centos, RHEL, Windows

Automation Tools: Jenkins, Bamboo, Terraform, CloudFormation

Web Servers: Apache HTTP 2.x, 3.x, Nginx, IIS, Apache Tomcat

Database: AWS RDS, Aurora, DynamoDB, MongoDB, MySQL, MS SQL SERVER 2008/12

Scripting languages: Python, Ruby, Bash shell, Power shell, JSON, YAML

Networking/Protocol: DNS, DHCP, WAN, TCP/IP, NIS, NFS, SMTP, LAN, FTP

Version Control Tools: GIT, Bitbucket, SVN, TFS

Monitoring Tools: Nagios XI, Zabbix, AppDynamics, Splunk, Cloud Watch, ELK, New Relics

Volume Manager: LVM, VVM

Application Servers: Oracle Web Logic (8/9/10), IBM Web Sphere (4/5), JBOSS


Confidential, Chicago, IL

Cloud/Devops/Kubernetes Engineer


  • Deployed Azure IaaS virtual machines (VMs) and Cloud services (PaaS role instances) into secure VNets with Azure internal Load Balancer and subnets.
  • Created Azure Automation Assets, Graphical runbooks, PowerShell runbooks that will automate specific tasks. deployed Azure AD Connect, configuring ADFS authentication flow, ADFS installation using Azure AD Connect.
  • Implemented Enterprise Integration architecture using Azure Service Bus, AppService, Active Directory, Storage, hybrid connection manager, active directory authentication for Azure SQL server and other offerings by Azure.
  • Working knowledge Server less services (Azure Functions) created and configured HTTP Triggers in the Azure Functions with Application insights for monitoring and performing load testing on the Application's using the VSTS.
  • Experience in migrating the existing v1 (Classic) Azure infrastructure into v2 (ARM), scripting and templating the whole end to end process as much as possible so that it is customizable for each area being migrated.
  • Converting Existing Terraform modules that had version conflicts to utilize cloud formation during Terraform deployments to enable more control or missing capabilities.
  • Designed and integrated Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) on Microsoft Azure and deployed PCF using CF push and urban code deploy.
  • Worked on developing APIs using Kubernetes to manage and specify the copies of the containers to run the actual servers in the cloud environment.
  • Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm. Created reproducible builds of the Kubernetes applications, templatize Kubernetes manifests, provide a set of configuration parameters to customize the deployment and Managed releases of Helm packages
  • Implemented a production ready, load balanced, highly available, fault tolerant, auto scaling Kubernetes cloud infrastructure and microservice container orchestration.
  • Created Clusters using Kubernetes and worked on creating many pods, replication controllers, replica sets, services, deployments, labels, health checks and ingress by writing Yaml files.
  • Spinnaker is introduced for continuous delivery which bakes the image and performs prod deployment. Setting the image which is stable which performs release management.
  • Working knowledge of Docker Hub, Docker Container network, creating Image files primarily for middleware installations & domain configurations. Evaluated Kubernetes for Docker Container Orchestration.
  • Involved in creation of Architecture and built Minimum Viable product (MVP) for containerization platform using Dockerand Kubernetes.
  • Involved in development of test environment on Docker containers and configuring the Docker containers using Kubernetes.
  • Scheduled, deployed and managed container replicas onto a node cluster using Kubernetes.
  • Worked on Docked - Compose , Docker -Machine to create Docker containers for Testing applications in the QA environment and automated the deployments, scaling and management of containerized applications across clusters of hosts.
  • Configured and integrated GIT into the continuous integration (CI) environment along with Jenkins and written scripts to containerize using Ansible with Docker and orchestrate it using Kubernetes.
  • Experience in managing Ansible Playbooks with Ansible roles and created inventory in Ansible for automating the continuous deployment.
  • Installed Ansible Tower, which provides an easy-to-use dashboard and role-based access control, so that it's easier to allow individual teams access to use Ansible for their deployments.
  • Used Ansible and Ansible Tower as configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks, deploy applications and manage changes and automate software update and Verify functionality.
  • Development of automation of Kubernetes clusters with Ansible, writing playbooks. Using Docker, Jenkins, VMWare, RHEL, Kubernetes, Artifactory, Ansible & GitLab.
  • Imported and managed various applications using GIT by configuring GIT repositories with branching, tagging, and notification.
  • Implemented and maintained CI environments using Jenkins, performing deployments, Packaging, build optimization, production rollouts, staging, defect tracking (JIRA), and root cause analysis, Smoke testing, Operation support and service delivery over web/app servers like JBoss, Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere.
  • Extensively worked with PowerShell to automate SQL tasks, environment management related tasks and procedures on Windows machines.
  • Pipelined Application Logs from App Servers to Elasticsearch (ELK Stack) through Logstash and monitored performance of the applications and analyzed log information using ELK and network parameters using the tools NAGIOS monitoring system.
  • Real time Data Streaming of data from SAP HANA DB to Elasticsearch with Logstash JDBC plugin. Proactive analysis of security escalations as well as threat hunting integrating Elasticsearch with NetFlow.
  • Used Kubernetes to orchestrate the deployment, scaling and management of Docker Containers.
  • Building out and scaling Kafka clusters across business functions for large scale and large volume usage. Involved in installing and configuring Confluent Kafka in R&D line, also Validate the installation with HDFS connector and Hive connectors.
  • Used Kibana and Elastic search to identify the Kafka message failure scenarios. Implemented reprocessing of failure messages in Kafka using offset id.
  • Managed local deployments in Kubernetes, creating local cluster and deploying application containers.
  • Worked on WebLogic 9.x/10.x to implement zero downtime deployment using python and bash/shell script and used Jenkins to automate it.
  • Worked on migrating projects from .NET framework 2.0 to .NET framework 4.0 (Visual Studio 2003 to Visual Studio 2010).

Environment: Red hat Linux 7.x, AZURE, Docker, OpenShift, Ansible, Jenkins, Jumpstart, Terraform, Kubernetes, ANT, Maven, Ruby, Shell, Python, WebLogic Server 11g, Load Balancers, WLST, Apache Tomcat 7.x, Virtualization, Configured plug-ins for Apache HTTP server 2.4, Nginx, LDAP, JDK1.7, XML, SVN, GitHub, Nagios, Splunk.

Confidential, Chicago, IL

DevOps Engineer


  • Managed Amazon Web Services like EC2 , S3 bucket , RDS , EBS , ELB , Auto - Scaling , AMI , IAM through AWS Console and API Integration with Puppet / Chef / Ansible Code.
  • Used AWS Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby and Docker on familiar servers such as Apache, and IIS.
  • Configured AppDynamics rules for Base page, Virtual and Ajax request, Site-catalyst Rule configuration and Splunk Query.
  • Experience on Splunk Enterprise Deployments and enabled continuous integration on as part of configuration management.
  • Installing and configuring of Chef server, Chef-solo along with creating Chef Cookbooks and implemented latest releases of Chef- Solo, Compliance, Habitat and written Chef Recipes to install and configure Nagios for monitoring Infrastructure.
  • Executed the automation from commit to deployment by implementing a CI/CD pipeline with the help of Jenkins and Chef.
  • Worked on Setting up Chef Infra, bootstrapping nodes, creating and uploading recipes, node convergence in Chef SCM.
  • Wrote Chef Cookbooks, recipes in Ruby to automate the installation of Middleware Infrastructure like Apache Tomcat, JDK and configuration tasks for new environments.
  • Configured Jenkins to build Java Code using Meta Case Software and done C.I process on the java code generated.
  • Built a Jenkins -based CI/CD pipeline, speeding product deployment and allowing greatly improved testing of all aspects of the deploy process.
  • Integrated GitHub with Jenkins and scheduled Cron jobs periodically using poll SCM and wrote CI/CD pipeline in Groovy scripts to enable automation of build and deployment using Jenkins.
  • Worked on the scripting languages like Shell (Bash), Python, Ruby and Perl for automation.
  • Experience in WebLogic 9.x/10.x to implement zero downtime deployment using python and bash/shell script and used Jenkins to automate it.
  • Experience in managing the repository manager like Nexus for the Maven builds while integrating Maven with Jenkins by which the Surefire test reports and Javadoc produced by Maven are captured to build parallel modules for larger Maven projects.
  • Developed builds using Maven as build tool and Jenkins to kick off the builds to move from one environment to other environments.
  • Performed SVN to GIT/Bit Bucket migration and managed branching strategies using GIT flow workflow. Managed User access control, Triggers, workflows, hooks, security and repository control in Bit Bucket.
  • Involved in Building and configuring Red Hat Linux Servers using Kick Start server as required for the project. Maintained maximum uptime and maximum performance capacity for enterprise production, QA and UAT/staging.

Environment: RHEL 6.x, Solaris and Windows, Git, Puppet, udeploy Bash, Python, Tomcat 7.x, Apache2, Nginx, Nagios, OpenStack, Bit Bucket, Test Director, Quality Center, BMC Remedy, JAVA, CI/ CD, SVN, MAVEN.

Confidential, MN

Build and Release Engineer


  • Administered Bamboo servers which include install, upgrade, backup, adding users, creating plans, installing the local/remote agent, adding capabilities, performance tuning, troubleshooting issues, and maintenance.
  • Setting up continuous integration and formal builds using Bamboo with the Artifactory repository and Resolved update, merge and password authentication issues in Bamboo and JIRA.
  • Installed and configured Nexus repository manager and Jfrog Artifactory to archive the artifacts created at the end of the build and release process.
  • Used Puppet to manage Web Applications, Config Files, Data Base, Commands, Users Mount Points, and Packages.
  • Used Puppet for creating scripts, deployments for servers, and managing changes through Puppet master server on its clients.
  • Designed and scripting using ANT for J2EE, Web Services, Reusable JARS, Web Client and Open Source in creating Master build.xml build Properties & pom.xml files and provided technical support to the development team for compilation problems.
  • Involved in setting up JIRA as defect tracking system and configured various workflows, customizations, and plugins for the JIRA bug/issue tracker.
  • Integrated JIRA with SVN and created automated release notes using Perl Scripts.
  • Troubleshooting Backup and Restore Problems Creation of LVMs on SAN using Linux utilities and Linux network, security-related issues, capturing packets using tools such as IP tables, firewall, and TCP wrapper and NMAP.

Environment: Subversion, Shell Scripting, puppet, Java, ANT, UNIX, Linux, Apache Tomcat, jboss, Eclipse.


Linux Administration


  • Good experience of software development in Python (libraries used: libraries- Beautiful Soup, Numpy, Scipy, matplotlib, python-twitter, Pandas data frame, network, urllib2, MySQL for database connectivity) and IDEs - sublime text, Spyder, pycharm, Eclipse, emacs.
  • Experienced in developing API services in Python/Tornado, Node.JS while leveraging AMQP and RabbitMQ for distributed architectures.
  • Installation, Configuration and Maintenance, Enterprise computing including: Windows, Linux, Software and Hardware, System Backup, Recovery, Linux User and File System Management, Linux/Unix Package and Patch Management.
  • Developed web applications using Python scripting language to design application more flexible.
  • Activities include user administration, startup and shutdown scripts, cron tabs, file system maintenance and backup scripting and automation using shell scripting (BASH, KSH) and Perl for Red Hat Linux systems
  • Expertise in setting up SSH, SCP, SFTP connectivity between UNIX hosts. LDAP, sendmail, ftp, remote access, security management and Security trouble shooting skills.
  • Experience in installing, integrating, tuning and troubleshooting Apache and WebLogic application server. Supported developers for Java based Web Applications.

Environment: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.x, 5.x, Sun Solaris 8, 9, 10, VERITAS Cluster Server, Veritas Volume Manager, Oracle 11G, Perl, Korn, HP UX, IBM AIX, HP Proliant DL 385, 585 Weblogic, Oracle RAC/ASM, MS Windows 2003 server.


System Administration


  • Good experience in Python in creating scalable and robust applications along with other technologies (D3, and Node JS).
  • Wrote Python code to simplify lists in Python with list comprehension and Python OOP. Worked with POSTMAN for API testing. Developed REST APIs and created User Model for application.
  • Experience in Installing, upgrading and configuring Redhat LINUX 4.x,5.x, 6.x,7.x using Kickstart Servers, Solaris 8, 9, 10 using Jumpstart Servers and Interactive Installation
  • Experience with manually configuring the cfg file and hosting on a http proxy and utilization it for building servers from scratch using kickstart.
  • Managing HP-UX, Compaq and Linux workstations and servers.
  • Kernel tuning, Writing Shell scripts for system maintenance and file management.
  • Extensively worked on TCP/IP networks, Win NT (WINS/DNS/DHCP), UNIX (NIS, NFS, SSH & Samba), LAN/WAN Technology, messaging services and Internet Services (DNS, SMTP, POP3/IMAP4, Send mail, Web, Proxy, Radius).

Environment: WINDOWS, Oracle Virtual box, VMware, SSH, Putty, Cyber duck, Ubuntu, RHEL, SFTP, FTP, TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, VPN, RPM, YUM, SCP, WinScp, and FileZilla.

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