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Devops/aws Cloud Engineer Resume

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Columbus, OH


  • 8+ years of IT Industry experience as a DevOps Engineer wif expertise in release engineering, build automation, deployments and environmental management.
  • Managed DEV, QA, UAT and PROD for various releases and designed Instance strategies.
  • Hands on experience on AWS service like VPC, EC2, ELB, IAM, RDS, S3, Route 53, SNS, AWS Lambda, Auto scaling, Cloud watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud formation, RDS, Security groups, Kafka, Elastic Search.
  • Experience in automating all aspects of infrastructure, applications and configuration management using Ansible, Puppet and Chef.
  • Designed distributed private cloud system solution usingKubernetes on CoreOSand used it todeploy scale, load balance and manage Docker containerswif multiple name spaced versions.
  • Worked onDocker - Compose, Docker-Machineto createDocker containersfor testing applications in teh QA environment and automated teh deployments, scaling and management of containerized applications across clusters of hosts usingKubernetes.
  • Setup and build AWS infrastructure various resources like: VPC, EC2, RDB, S3, IAM, EBS, Security Group, Auto Scaling, SES, SNS and RDS in Cloud Formation JSON templates.
  • Strong Experience in implementing Data warehouse solutions in Confidential Redshift; Worked on various projects to migrate data from on premise databases to Confidential Redshift, RDS and S3.
  • Extensive experience wifAgileTeam Development and Test-Driven Development usingJUnitandJIRA
  • Proficient wif Kubernetes (Docker) based container deployments to create self-environments for dev teams and containerization of environment delivery for releases.
  • Administered and Implemented continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) using Jenkins for end-end automation of entire build and deployment process.
  • Experienced in working on several Docker components like Docker Engine, Docker Hub and Docker Registry.
  • Working knowledge/exposure in TOMCAT APACHE, NGNIX & WEBSPHERE.


Operating systems: Linux, Windows.

Programming Languages: Java, C#, GO.

Web Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Scripting Languages: Python, Shell, Ruby, Groovy, Perl.

Databases: Oracle, MySQL server, MS SQL server.

Configuration Management Tools: Ansible, Chef, OpsWorks, Puppet.

Web Technologies: Webservices, XML, APIs, SOAP, REST, JSON.

Bug Tracking Tools: JIRA, Bugzilla.

NoSQL Databases: MongoDB, DynamoDB, Cassandra.Cloud Technologies (IAAS) AWS, Azure.Cloud Technologies (PAAS) AWS, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Open Stack.

Source control: GIT, SVN, TFS.

Build Tools: ANT, Maven, Gradles.

Continuous Integration Tool: Jenkins, Bamboo.

Continuous Orchestration Tools: Kubernetes, AWS ECS.

Monitoring Tools: AWS Cloud Watch.


Devops/AWS Cloud engineer

Confidential, Columbus OH


  • Maintained and schedule build scripts to automate DEV/SIT/QA/UAT builds.
  • Managed Linux and Windows virtual servers on AWS EC2 using Puppet Server and monitored distributed and multi-platform servers using Puppet.
  • Created continuous integration system usingAnt, Jenkins, Puppetfull automation, Continuous Integration, faster and flawless deployments.
  • Construct Puppet Modules/Functions to SupportSolaris IPMP(IP Multipathing) on Solaris
  • Construct Puppet Modules/Functions to SupportSolaris IPMP(IP Multipathing) on Solaris
  • Design and implementation of aPuppet-based configuration management systemfor all new Linux machines.
  • Setuppuppet master, client and wrote scriptsto deploy applications onDev, QA, production environment.
  • Development ofPuppet modules wif Jenkins for continues integration and continues deployment of managed products, and related services.
  • Participating inconfiguring and monitoring distributed and multiple platform servers using Puppet. Used Puppet server and workstation to manage and configure agents.
  • Excellent at defining Puppet Master Server to manage and configure nodes. Developed Puppet Manifests and Modules to manage systems configuration.
  • Using Docker in Environment variables, Configuration files, Option types and Strings & integers.
  • Developed AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC, subnets, NAT, EC2 instances, ELB, Security Groups.
  • UsedNOSQLdatabase Amazon dynamo DB to store data of reporting Application.
  • Configuration and Deployment Experience in AWS apps Technologies such as (RDS, Elastic Bean Stalk, DynamoDB, RedShift) and AWS IaaS Technologies such as (EC2, S3, EBS, ELB, VPC, Route 53).
  • Designed and Implemented highly available and highly scalable systems using AWS Elastic Compute, Load Balancing, Auto-Scaling, Cloud Formation, Bean Stalk, OpsWorks, LightSail and Route 53 DNS service.
  • Virtualized teh servers usingDockerfor teh test environments and dev-environments needs, also configuration automation usingDockercontainers.
  • Experience in creatingDocker Containersleveraging existing Linux Containers and AMI's in addition to creatingDocker Containersfrom scratch.
  • Implemented notification service via email and text messages using Cloud Watch and Simple Notification Service to alert administrators of special events.
  • Migrated staging and testing environments to start using docker containers so testing can be performed on multiple disparate platforms.
  • Designed a highly available website wif autantication, PayPal and credit card gateway integration as well as event notification to customers and clients.
  • Implemented Disaster recovery by creating and migrating server images to other AWS regional centers in case of local regional disasters.
  • Automated teh startup and shut down of EC2 resources using AWS CLI.
  • Implemented AWS Cloud Front Content Delivery Network Cut down Website Latency for high availability.

Environment: Windows, Linux, Java, Python, Restful, JSON, GIT, Jenkins, Maven, Junit, jQuery, Bash, PowerShell, AWS (IAM, EC2, ELB, ALB, VPC, RDS, Route 53, Lambda, Elastic Cache, elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation, Snowball, SNS, SQS, DMS, Workspace), VMware, Tomcat, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, MySQL, Terraform.

Sr. devops engineer

Confidential, Mikwaukee WI


  • Working for DevOps Platform team responsible for specialization areas related toCheffor Cloud Automation.
  • Implemented a production ready, load balanced, highly available, fault tolerant Kubernetesinfrastructure.
  • Launched Amazon EC2 Cloud Instances using Amazon Web Services (Linux/Ubuntu) and Configuring launched instances wif respect to specific applications.
  • Performed S3 buckets creation, policies and teh IAM role-based policies.
  • Implemented and Maintained teh monitoring and alerting of production and corporate servers/storage using AWS Cloud Watch.
  • Migrated applications to AWS Cloud.
  • Leverage AWS Cloud Services such as EC2, Auto-Scaling and VPC to build secure, highly scalable and flexible systems that handled expected and unexpected load bursts.
  • Used AWS beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed wif java.
  • Created a Continuous Delivery process to include support building of Docker Images and publish into a private repository- Nexus v3.
  • Deploying and maintaining production environment usingAWS EC2 instances and ECS wif Docker.
  • Container management using Docker by writingDocker filesand set up teh automated build on Docker HUB and installed and configured Kubernetes.
  • Automated applications andMySQLcontainer deployment inDocker using Pythonand monitor them usingNagios.
  • Manage Amazon Redshift Clusters such as launching teh cluster and specifying teh node type as well.
  • Created Monitors, Alarms and Notifications for EC2 hosts using Cloud Watch.
  • Deploy Applications on AWS by using Elastic Beanstalk.
  • Responsible for installation & configuration of Jenkins to support various Java builds and Jenkins plugins to automate continuous builds and publishingDocker images to teh Nexus repository.
  • OrchestratedCI/CDprocesses by responding to Git triggers, human input, and dependency chains and environment setup.
  • To trigger changes made in AWS Dynamo DB integrated it wifLambda, created Cron jobs for initiating our daily batch data pulls, executing our continuous integration tests done underJenkins& backup theDynamo DBstreams.
  • Scoped use cases, designed a scalable schema, and deployed aDynamoDBdatabase, Amazon’s hostedNoSQLdatabase solution.
  • Hands on experience configuringRedShift, Elastic SearchandDynamo DB wif EC2 Instances.
  • Automated and updated teh security groups to allow only teh specific CIDRs. In addition to that, automated Iptables wif puppet config.
  • Containerized all teh Ticketing related applications-Spring Boot Java and Node.jsapplications using Docker.
  • Created monitoring capabilities for all pieces of teh infrastructure.
  • Installed and configuredNexusrepository manager for sharing artifacts between internal teams and created proxyNexusrepositories to speed up teh build process.
  • Responsible for installation & configuration of Jenkins to support various Java builds and Jenkins plugins to automate continuous builds and publishingDockerimages to teh Nexus repository.
  • Created views to show health and performance of teh infrastructure, containers, and teh applications.
  • Trained staff on effective use ofJenkins, Docker, GitLab and Kubernetes
  • Trained staff onKubernetesadministration.
  • Used Elasticsearch for powering not only Search but using ELK stack for logging and monitoring our systems end to end Using Beats.
  • Responsible to designing and deploying new ELK clusters (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, beats, Kafka, zookeeper etc.
  • Implemented continuous delivery framework usingJenkins, Mavenon multiple environments.
  • Provided guidance to development regarding effective microservice architectures

Environment: GitLab, Jenkins, Kubernetes, AZURE, Docker Jira, Unix/Linux CentOS 7, Nexus v3, Bash Shell Script, Python, Node.js, Apache Tomcat, MongoDB, SQL, Spinnaker, Arifactory, Traefik, Nginx, AWS (IAM, EC2, ELB, ALB, VPC, RDS, Route 53, Lambda, Elastic Cache, elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Watch, DynamoDB).

Devops engineer

Confidential, Pheonix AZ


  • Responsible for designing and architecting DEV/TEST/STG/PROD environments for various projects.
  • Managed and optimize teh Continuous Delivery tools likeJenkins.
  • Developed new and updated existing Automation test cases usingSelenium Web DriverandTestNG, usingSVNas VCS for a Java based Web application, usingMavenas build tool andJenkinsto create and run deployment jobs.
  • Continuous monitoring of jobs and analysis of teh failures onJenkinsEnvironment.
  • Wrote, maintained, reviewed and documentedmodules, manifests, Hiera configurations and Git repositoriesfor Puppet Enterprise on RHEL and Windows platforms.
  • Created a custom Puppet module skeleton to use same structure across allPuppet modules.
  • Implemented Puppet hiera to separate data from Puppet code.
  • Designed continuous delivery tools/ configuration management tools like Puppet.
  • Installed, configured and managedPuppet Master and Agent.
  • Written, maintained, reviewed and documentedmodules, manifests, Hiera configurationsandGit repositoriesfor Puppet Enterprise onRHEL and SLES platforms.
  • Managed infrastructure forconfiguration management and version control.
  • Experience configuring and managingPuppet master server, updating and creating modules and pushing them to puppet clients.
  • Trained and supported Linux engineers in teh use of teh company'sPuppet infrastructure.
  • Performed and deployedBuildsfor various Environments like QA, Integration, UAT and Productions environments.
  • Automated deployment ofbuildsto different environments using Jenkins.
  • Involved in all projects that move to production and work closely wif teh Data Center, Development, Quality Assurance and Management teams to ensure cross communication and confirmed approval of all production changes.
  • Built and Deployed Java/J2EE to a web application server in an Agile continuous integration environment and also automated teh whole process.
  • Created and maintained teh Shell/Perl deployment scripts forTC Server/Tomcatweb application servers.
  • Used Maven asbuildtool on Java projects for teh development ofbuildartifacts on teh source code.

Environment: DevOps,GIT, Maven, Jenkins, AWS, Chef, Apache Webserver, Apache, Python, Perl, Shell, TFS 2013, PowerShell,Linux, Windows.

Software developer



  • Extensive experience using framework APIs like Struts, Spring, iBatis and Hibernate.
  • Developed build and deployment processes for Pre-production environments.
  • Used Subversion as source code repositories.
  • ManagedSVNrepositories for branching, merging, and tagging.
  • DevelopedShell/PerlScripts for automation purpose.
  • Resolved merging issues during rebasing and re-integrating branches by conducting meetings wif Development Team Leads.
  • Developed Sessions representing different types of business logic.
  • Design and Development of front-end using JavaScript, CSS and HTML.
  • Validation of front-end screens using JavaScript before sending data to teh Server.
  • Verified if teh methods used to create and recreate software builds are consistent and repeatable.
  • Involved in Research of teh project application architecture to support/resolve build, compile, and test issues/problems.
  • Releasing code to testing regions or staging areas according to teh schedule published.
  • UsedJiraas ticket tracking and work flow tool.

Environment: SVN, Shell/Perl Scripts, SCM, Jenkins, AWS, Build Forge, Maven and ANT Tomcat, Jira.

Linux system administrator



  • Designed & developed GUI for claim creation, processing and tracking.
  • Installation ofOracle 11g and Sybase open-client, Apache 2.x on Linux environment.
  • Worked extensively wifNetwork File System (NFS) for storage.
  • Patching ofRHEL5.3 serversduring outage for PCI compliance purpose as well asVCS patching for Solaris servers during weekend outage.
  • Kernel Upgrading from EL5.3 to 5.4during outage in production boxes.
  • Decommissioning of teh old servers and keeping track or decommissioned and new servers using inventory list.
  • Handling problems or requirements as per teh ticket (Request Tracker) created.
  • Configuration and administration ofLDAP, NFS and NISin Linux and also implementedSambafor sharing of resources between Linux and Windows environments.
  • Maintained proper documentationof all teh activities carried out during teh project.

Environment: Sun Solaris 10/9/8, Linux 5/4/3, Oracle 10g, SUN Servers, SUN Fires, Linux, Jump Start,ShellScript, Autosys, Veritas Volume Manager (VVM), LDAP, EMC Storage SAN, Veritas Cluster Server (VCS), VMware servers, jboss, WebSphere.

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