Senior System Analyst Resume
- Software developer/Project Leader for software development in various telecommunications/networks related applications, ranging from Element Management Systems, Web server, to Confidential /TCP/IP gateway protocol development, unit/integration test, and system test to customer support. Possess technical skills to solve problems, especially in Java, C/C++, and Oracle related application developments. Perform the UNIX system administrator tasks to support the project deployment.
OPERATING SYSTEMS: Solaris 2.4/2.5/2.6/7/8/9/10, SunOS 4.1, HP - UX 10.20.x/11.0.x, Linux/Fedora Core, FreeBSD, AIX, IRIX, AT&T UNIX SYSTEM V, OSF/1, and VMS Microsoft Windows NT/ 95/98/2000/2003/ XP/Vista, DOS and, IBM OS/2 NetWare Novell v3.12
COMPUTER LANGUAGES/SOFTWARE: Java Development Kit, Remote Method Invocation (RMI), JDBC, Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE), Abstract Window Technology (AWT), Swing, JAVA Native Interface (JNI), Thread, Network, and Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) Sun Forte/Proworks C/C++, UNIX GNU C/C++, Purify, Borland C++/C, IBM C SET/2 for OS/2 and DOS Microsoft Visual C++, and Visual Basic ORACLE 7 - 11g, MySQL, MiniSQL, Sybase, and DB2 IONA ORBacus CORBA UNIX Shell Scripts, and Perl Scripts Apache/Tomcat Web Server: HTML, CGI, Javascript, and JSP/Servlet/Java Server Face (JSF)/Struts, Sun Java Application Server, Oracle 9/10g application servers, IBM Websphere 5.0/6.0/6.1 RAD, and WebLogic 8/10/11g application servers. Sniffer Pro, and Ethereal Make, and ANT RCS, CVS, and Subversion
HARDWARES: SUN servers and workstations, HP servers and workstations, Silicon Graphics, IBM PCs, DEC Alpha, PRIME 6650, NeXT, MPF-I/8088, and WANG V36
Senior System Analyst
- Leading and managing the assigned projects, analyzing/collecting technical information, and recommending the implementation plan to the business analysts/managements for the development resource and deliverable schedule. Oversee the project progress and mentor developers for the development directions.
- Defining/architecting the common development framework for centralizing the common business logics/implementations to support various applications.
- Developing the server side web applications/web services by using Java, JavaScript, JSP, EJB, XML, Struts, Spring Framework, Hibernate, and the core Java technologies on Websphere/Oracle 10g/WebLogic 11g application server platforms. In addition, using PL/SQL Stored procedures/functions/triigers for the data accessing with Oracle 11g Database.
- Developing the UNIX shell scripts heavily with Perl (supports the complex data processing) to monitor/manage application servers/processes in the software development/production for the cross clustering environments.
- Involving the application production support and providing the software infrastructure design/setup recommendations to Network Service and Unix Administrator teams.
Senior Network Specialist
- Developed Web accesses for monitoring Cisco 3750 switch interface statuses (that is included Port/VLAN/MAC) and generating the email notifications for the updated statuses using Java, HTML, JavaScript, JSP/Servlet/JSF, EJB/J2EE/Sun Java Application Server, ANT, make, JDBC, MySQL, Stored Procedures/Functions, Triggers, TCP/IP, and Shell scripts under Solaris.
- Developed a Java email alias utility to retrieve the user email addresses from Sun iPlanet Directory server/Microsoft Active Directory via the JNDI protocol and convert the email information to the Sendmail alias format under Solaris.
- Designed/developed a client/server monitor application to collect Cisco Switch/Router/Firewall network information (user access information, IP address, MAC, VLAN, and etc) at the server, and network information query and switch/Firewall data provisioning at the client application. In addition, provided Web interface for System Administrators to unblock MAC on switches for the abuse network traffic usage by using Java, J2EE, JSP/Servlet, RMI, Thread, JDBC, MySQL, XML, Ant, Make, Shell scripts, Apache Web server, CGI, Sockets over TCP/IP, and Perl under Solaris.
- Developed/designed a server monitor utility to monitor one/multiple individual process s CPU and memory usages, and sending Paging message through either HTTP or SMTP protocol to the paging companies by using C++, C, Pthread, and Shell scripts under Solaris/Linux.
- Developed LDAP Squid Web proxy server user authentication application by using C/C++ under Solaris/Linux.
- Modified/Developed FreeRadius server LDAP user authentication module to support the customized LDAP authentication rules by using C/C++ under Solaris/Linux.
- Evaluated the new UNIX Operation System (OS) and the hardware platforms. Performing UNIX OS installation/patching/performance tuning.
- Installed/Configured a centralize UNIX syslog server for holding logs from all UNIX servers and Cisco/Nortel network devices. In addition, evaluated syslog ng for the different favor log filtering.
- Configured/installed Domain Name Server (DNS), Sendmail Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Squid Proxy Web server, Apache/Tomcat Web servers, Snort/Nessus network traffic/security tools.
- Configured UNIX Kerberos V5 server and Windows Active Directory Server to support UNIX Login/Telnet/FTP/SSH accesses, and integrated Andrew File Server (AFS) to UNIX workstations with Kerberos token support.
- Installed/Configured Veritas client solution to all UNIXs for the central backup.
System Administrator
- Responsible for designing and maintaining the entire company networking infrastructures, including internet and intranet setup, E - Mail configuration, DNS layout, NIS/NIS+ installation, network data scheduling backup, HTTP Web/proxy server setup and Linux ipchains/iptables Firewall configuration.
- Solely handled UNIX/Windows installation and system performance tuning for Solaris 2.x/7/8, HP-UX 10.20.x/11.x, Linux 2.0.x/2.2.x/2.4.x, Windows NT/2000, and AIX.
- Responsible recovered data due to hardware failure and restored data to another platform.
- Developed utility tools for System Administration purpose using UNIX shell scripts and adapted share/free software to UNIX environment.
- Scheduled and prioritized system administrative tasks.
Project Leader/Software Developer
- IP conflicts by controlling Cisco/3Com/D-Link Access Switch VLAN status (802.1Q standard), receiving SNMP traps from Access Switch due to port power up/down, analyzing incoming power up Ethernet card ARP requests, and Operation Administration Maintenance (OAM) for User logins, Access Switch profiles using Internet browser through backend JSP/Servlet processes with MiniSQL Database server using JAVA, RMI, Thread, Apache, HTML, Tomcat(JSP/Servlet), Thread, PThread, C/C++, Sniffer/Ethereal, and UNIX network commands, and UNIX shell scripts under FreeBSD.
Project Leader/Software Developer
- OpenNMS SNMP objects and ASN.1 compiler to transmit, receive, encode, and decode SNMP UDP requests and support Agent IP/Internet Interface (IF) dynamic registration using JAVA, RMI, Thread, Reflection, UNIX shell scripts, Sockets over TCP/IP, AdventNet Simulator Toolkit, Sniffer/Ethereal, and UNIX network commands under Solaris/Linux.
Project Leader/Software Developer/System Tester/Unit Tester
- Designing and developing Remote Management System (RMS) software to manage Confidential Voice Echo Canceller Network Element (NE) via Cisco Terminal Server to provide Geographic standalone Graphic User Interface (GUI) to provision and monitor NE with Client-Server modeling and Inter-process Connections (IPC) and developed NE simulator tool using JAVA, RMI, Threads, Sockets over TCP/IP, AWT, Swing, JDBC, ORACLE DBA tasks (included installation/performance tuning/backup) and defined Database schema with PL/SQL for SQL/stored procedures/functions/triggers, MiniSQL, C/C++, Ethereal, and UNIX shell scripts under Solaris/Windows.
Project Leader/Software Developer
- Designing and developing Confidential EMS Event Server is to receive generic events from southbound servers to dispatch the specified Event Forwarding Discriminator (EFD) events to the registered clients using JAVA, J2EE v1.2, EJB, RMI, Reflection, C, Threads, Sockets over TCP/IP, and UNIX shell scripts under Solaris.
Project Leader/Software Developer/Unit Tester
- A middleware that translates Netherlands Telecommunication telephone switch request command codes through Confidential with X.25 interfaces to Confidential TCP/IP CONNECTVUs system and Confidential /TCP test tools using C/C++, PThread, Signals, HP-UX OTS, Sockets over TCP/IP, Purify, and UNIX shell scripts under HP-UX 11.0. Also, responsible for installing/configuring Confidential stack and X.25 driver and setup X.25 hardware interfaces.
Project Leader/Software Developer
- Designing and developing Confidential manages Confidential Optical Line System (OLS) Network Elements (NE) that supports a high-speed light wave (80-gigabit capacity) to Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) to display NE/Optical Line as Geographic or Network subnet GUI standalone Graphic User Interface (GUI) with client-server modeling and Inter-process Connections (IPC) to provision/monitor the entire network system by using JAVA, RMI, Thread, AWT, Swing, JDBC, ORACLE DBA tasks (included installation/performance running/backup) and defined Database schema with PL/SQL for stored procedures/functions/triggers, JNI, Sockets over TCP/IP, HP Threads, C/C++, UNIX shell scripts under HP-UX 10.20.
Project Leader/Software Developer
- Designing and developing a middleware to send/receive data to/from multiple Confidential Transceivers via RS-232 interfaces as the southbound server and provide JAVA northbound high level interface server using C/C++, PThread, Signals, Sockets over TCP/IP, JAVA Threads, and UNIX shell scripts under Linux.
Software Developer
- Developing Lightweight Directory Accesses Protocol (LDAP) Meta server to reduce the LDAP search time by pre-populating Common Name (CN) information for AT&T Research Laboratory using C, C++, Sockets over TCP/IP, Perl, and UNIX shell scripts under HP-UX 10.20/IRIX.