Devops Engineer + Aws Cloud Engineer Resume
Portland, OR
- Around 6 Years of extensive work experience as system administrator and AWS + DevOps Engineer and process including Skilled at Software Development Life Cycles and Agile Programming Methodologies.
- In - depth understanding of the principles and best practices of Software Configuration Management (SCM) processes, which include compiling, packaging, deploying and Application configurations.
- Monitoring and managing performance of ESXi servers and Virtual Machines.
- Thorough knowledge of Infrastructure & Configuration Management tools like Ansible.
- Experience with CI (ContinuousIntegration) and CD (ContinuousDeployment) methodologies using Ansible, AWS, and Jenkins.
- Excellent Quality Assurance & Smoke testing skills in discovering edge case bugs using exploratory testing. Experienced in Administration of Production, Development and Test environment's carrying Windows, Ubuntu, Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux, Centos, and Solaris servers.
- Experience in using Version Control Tools Sub-Version, Git.
- AWS Cloud platform and its features which includes EC2, VPC, EBS, AMI, SNS, RDS, EBS, KMS Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation AWS Config, Auto-scaling, chef, and Microsoft Azure.
- Implementation of Auto Scaling for instances under ELB using ELB Health Checks.
- Creating codes using the scripting languages like python and basic Shell and Bash Scripting.
- Worked on Multiple AWS instances, setting up the security groups, Elastic Load Balancer and AMIs, Autoscaling to design cost effective, fault tolerant and highly available systems.
- Experience in configuration of NIS, DNS, DHCP, NFS, Apache, send mail, FTP, remote access, security management and Security troubleshooting skills.
- Deployed and configured Atlassian Jira, both hosted and local instances for issue tracking, workflow collaboration, and tool-chain automation.
- Configured Servers using Puppet and maintained around 40 Puppet agents. Migrated the cloud base into AWS using Puppet configuration management tool.
- WroteGroovy/Unix scripts to configure resources and Servers.
- Experienced in Administration of Production, Development and Test environment's carrying Windows, Ubuntu, Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux, Centos, and Solaris servers.
- Extensively worked on Hudson/Jenkins, Docker, Team City, and Build Forge for continuous integration and for End-to-End automation for all build and deployments.
- Strong knowledge / experience in creating Jenkins CI pipelines. Experience in Jenkins to automate most of the build related tasks.
- Experience in Linux/Windows administration and Aurora Database instance foe migrating the cloud using MYSQL
- Experience on Virtualization technologies like VMware, Vagrant, Oracle Virtual Box, Microsoft virtual PC. Explicit knowledge on Ansible Playbooks, modules, and roles.
- Used Chef for server provisioning and automating infrastructure and Development and version control of Chef Cookbooks, testing of Cookbooks using Food critic and Test Kitchen and running recipes on nodes managed by on premise Chef Server.
- Experience on Software Configuration Management (SCM) in Agile, SCRUM, ClearCase, Clear-case to Stash Migration, Waterfall methodologies.
- Expertise in implementation and maintenance of Apache Http, SMTP, DHCP, NFS, NIS, NIS+, LDAP, DNS, SQUID, Postfix, FTP, send mail, Remote Access, Security Management & Security trouble shooting skills.
- Good analytical and communication skills and ability to work independently with minimal supervision and perform as part of a team. Experience with Agile Methodology, Scrum Methodology, software version control and release management.
Source Control/Versioning: SVN, Git, GitHub, CVS, Bitbucket.
Infrastructure/Virtualization Environments: VMware ESX 3.5, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.5, Oracle Virtual Box, KVM, Asset Management, Ansible, Web-logic, VCenter.
Monitoring Tools/DevOps tool: Jenkins, Nagios, JIRA, Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Git-lab, Vagrant, Docker, Cradle, jam, Maven.
Web/Application Servers: Apache, Tomcat, WebSphere, WebLogic.
Cloud Technologies: AWS (EC2, ELB, S3, Elastic Bean-stack, RDS, Auto scaling), Route53, DMS, Cloud Formation, Ops-Works, Cloud Watch), Google Cloud Engine, Cloud Microsoft Azure.
Operating Systems: Ubuntu, Red Hat Linux 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, Windows, SRM vSphere 4.x and 5.x, 6x, CentOS 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, Ubuntu 14.4, 16.4 LTS, Fedora.
Networking: Cisco IOS, Routers, Switches, LAN/WAN, Firewalls, VPN, OSI/TCP model.
Languages: Python, Java, HTML, Java Script, C, C++, YAM, Bash scripting, Shell scripting and Power shell scripting.
Methodologies: Waterfall, Agile.
Confidential, Portland OR
DevOps Engineer + AWS Cloud Engineer
- Monitored Tomcat Application Server in a clustered and non-clustered environment.
- Installation, configuration, and administration of Tomcat Application Server. Created and federated profiles to the Deployment Manager using both Profile Management tool and automated the process using manage profiles and add Node command.
- Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using AWS Code pipeline, code commit Jenkins, Chef, Maven & Nexus in Linux server's environment.
- Scripting Continuous Integration(CI) with help of Ruby and TeamCity to build and deploy on AWS EC2 instance using Docker. Created Splunk dashboards and have strong Splunk UI experience and able to debug expensive search queries.
- Experience in creating Docker containers leveraging existing Linux Containers and AMI's in addition to creating Docker containers from scratch.
- Worked on creation of custom Docker container images, pushing the images and Docker consoles for managing the application life cycle.
- Written/Developed Chef Cookbooks to automate the entire deployment process as well as infrastructure admin tasks
- Writing python, shell scripts to automate deployment of cookbooks on nodes and running the chef client on them in a Chef-Solo environment.
- Managed all CM tools (JIRA, SVN, Maven, Jenkins, ANT, Git, GitHub, and Visual Studio) and their usage process ensuring traceability, repeatability, quality, and support.
- Used Chef to manage Web Applications, Config Files, Database, Users, Mount Points, and Packages.
- Responsible for build and deployment automation using VM Ware ESX, Docker containers, Vagrant and Chef.
- Deployed and configured Chef Server and Chef Solo including bootstrapping of chef client nodes for provisioning; Created roles, cookbooks, recipes, and data bags for server configuration, deployment, and app stack build outs.
- Implemented zero downtime deployment process in WebLogic using python and shell script and automated it using Jenkins.
- Maintained Jenkins servers to deploy into production and non-production environments.
- Involved in Setting up the backup server for Jenkins and prepared disaster recovery plans for Jenkins.
- Involved in designing and deploying multitude applications utilizing almost all AWS stack (Including EC2, Route53, S3, RDS, Dynamo DB, SNS, SQS, IAM, ELK) focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto scaling in AWS Cloud Formation. AWS server provisioning using Chef Recipes.
- Configured AWS IAM and Security Group in Public and Private Subnets in VPC.
- Created AWS Route53 to route traffic between different regions.
- Implemented automated local user provisioning instances created in AWS cloud.
- Setup and build AWS infrastructure various resources, VPC EC2, S3, IAM, EBS, Security Group, Auto Scaling, and RDS in Cloud Formation JSON templates.
- Managed Linux and Windows virtual servers on AWSEC2 using Server. Configured and monitored distributed and multi-platform servers using chef. Excellent at defining Chef Server and workstation to manage and configure nodes. Developed Chef Cookbooks to manage systems configuration.
- Strong experience utilizing Jenkins for enterprise scale infrastructure configuration and application deployments - checking out code from SVN/Git and use ant/maven to build war/jar artifacts.
- Assisted customer in implementing DevOps strategies using Jenkins for automated deployment of builds to different environments and Build Forge as the automated engine.
- Implemented Chef Server and components installations, including cert imports, increase chef license, creating admins and users. Installed Hosted Chef Supermarket which stores and shares the cookbooks developed within the organization.
Environment: Linux, RedHat Enterprise, Java, AWS, Chef, Jenkins, Hudson, Maven, ANT, Nexus, Perl, Python, Subversion, Bash, Shell, JIRA, XML, SQL, SVN/GIT, EC2, Shell Scripting
Confidential, Columbus OH
DevOps Engineer + AWS Cloud engineer
- Experience in core AWS services (S3, EC2, ELB, EBS, Route53, VPC, Auto scaling etc.) and deployment services (Elastic Beanstalk, Ops Works and Cloud Formation) and security practices (IAM, Cloud watch and Cloud trail).
- Managed and optimize the Continuous Delivery tools like Jenkins and Docker(containerization)
- Strong Knowledge in understanding the principles and best practices of Software Configuration. Management (SCM) in Agile/Scrum methodologies.
- Exposed to all aspects of software development life cycle (SDLC) such as Analysis, Planning, Developing, Testing, and implementing and Post-production analysis of the project.
- Experience in managing AWSVPC (Virtual Private Cloud) environment with around 200+ Linux and Ubuntu instances.Developing and maintaining playbooks for software package installations and configuration management using Ansible.
- Worked on VRealize Operations manager(VROPS) for monitoring the Vcenter alerts
- Excelled on creating AMI (AWSMachine Images) that utilizes ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) and Auto Scaling Auto Scaling fired up new resources those will by default bootstrapped with the Chef-Server. Working with SCM, SVN, GIT and Maven including branching and merging strategies.
- Experience as a Build and Release engineering in automating, building, deploying, and releasing of code from one environment to various environment.
- Experienced with Ansible Playbooks, modules and roles. Wrote playbooks with Python SSH as the wrapper to manage AWS nodes.
- Researched and created preliminary PowerShell code for moving Azure Classic workloads to Azure Resource Manager version.
- Wrote PowerShell scripts for automating time consuming specialty needs for external clients.
- Automation of OS builds and Application Installation through Puppet & Chef, Nagios for application and hardware resource monitoring. Writing new plugins in Nagios to monitor resources.
- Implemented auto builds (on QA and Dev servers) on our node server environment by configuring in config. cookbook modules.
- Deployed vRealize Operations Manager (VCOPs/VROPs), leveraging its capability for proactive monitoring of health of the entire virtual environment.
- Managed Ansible Playbooks with Ansible roles. Used file module in Ansible playbook to copy and remove files on remote systems.
- Implemented and designed AWS virtual servers by Ansible roles to ensure deployment of web applications.
- Wrote Ansible playbooks to launch AWS instances and used Ansible to manage web applications, configuration files, used mount points and packages and Worked on playbooks for Ansible in YAML scripting.
- Developed and implemented Software Release Management strategies for various applications according to the agile process on various platforms (Linux, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Centos).
- Feed Elastic search with Confidential pages container. A container is an Elastic Search component which feeds Elastic Search with data to index. The Huntington wed container simply feeds Elastic Search with Huntington pages.
- Deploying VM from Vrealize tool like windows 2008, 2012, r2, Red hat Linux servers. Assist in troubleshoot VM performance issues with the help of Vrealize Operations.
- Extensively worked on Hudson, Jenkins, Team City and Build forge for continuous integration and for End to End automation for all build and deployments.
- Configured Ubuntu machines and Fedora machines using Ansible and Worked on Ansible playbooks for mapping of hosts to a set of roles.
- Designed a patch process and wrote Ansible playbooks for patching open shift -RHEL, atomic OS and for bug fix for open shift, Red Hat and Centos platforms.
- Extensive exposure to Configuration Management policies and practices with regards to SDLC; along with automation of scripting using BASH/Shell, Perl scripting.
- Worked with the Architects on SDLC process being the owner of post development environments.
- Carried Deployments and builds on various environments using continuous integration tool.
- Source code configuration tools Subversion and GIT used for different projects. Experience in extended plugins in docker like network and volume plugins.
- Wrote ANT and MAVEN Scripts to automate the build process. Configured Bamboo for doing the build in all the non-production and production environments.
- Implemented Template Columns for Custom Nested Grid Views. Coordinated all the IT projects successfully by resolving release interdependencies
Environment: Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Git, Linux, Python, Scheduling, Ansible, Bamboo, Linux, Mercury, VMware, Microsoft visual studio. AWS, Docker, Chef, Puppet, Open stack, Build Forge, Nagios, Unix, Linux, SUSE, SVN.
LINUX Administrator + DevOps Engineer
- Developed and implemented Software Release Management strategies for various applications according to the agile process.
- Installed, Configured and Administered Hudson/Jenkins Continuous Integration Tool.
- Developed build and deployment scripts using MAVEN as build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to other environments.
- Worked on Managing the Private Cloud Environment using Chef.
- Setup puppet master and use puppet to directly deploy to the servers in staging and DR environment.
- Classified modules by roles and Used Puppet live management as part of orchestration engine.
- Responsible for creating puppet modules and manifest files from scratch and experience in editing existing puppet manifests and automated manual installation processes using puppet. Involved in Automation Deployment Team and working with Puppet.
- Worked on Puppet for the deployment of servers with custom scripts. Deployed Puppet for configuration management to existing infrastructure.
- Created a custom puppet module skeleton to use same structure across all puppet modules.
- Implemented creating Chef Cookbooks and recipes and Puppet manifests (tomcat, web logic) to automate the infrastructure platform configuration
- Implemented AWS solutions using EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto scaling groups, Optimized volumes and EC2 instances.
- Administered, maintained Red Hat 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 AS, ES, Troubleshooting Hardware, and Operating System. Application & Network problems and performance issues; deployed latest patches for Sun, Linux and Application servers
- Performed Branching, Tagging, Release Activities on Version Control Tools: SVN, GIT.
- Developed Perl and shell scripts for automation of the build and release process, developed Custom Scripts to monitor repositories, Server storage.
- Automated the cloud deployments using python and AWS Cloud Formation Templates.
- Provisioned and build CHP (compute host platform) Red hat Linux 6.1 virtual machines, these servers based cloud computing.
- Used Elastic search to supports real-timeGET request, which makes it suitable as aNOSQL datastore.
- Created deployment tickets usingJirafor build deployment in Production.
- Used Maven asbuildtool on Java projects for the development ofbuildartifacts on the source code.
- Implemented Micro-services usingPivotalCloudFoundryplatform build upon Amazon Web Services.
- Implementing and designing new projects based on messaging (SMS), these projects were developed in Java (J2EE) andPythonforscripting. Developed somePythonScripts for Diagnosis module.
- Knowledge on Docker hub, creating Docker images and handling multiple images primarily for middleware installations and domain configurations.
- Worked on Docker container snapshots, attaching to a running container, removing images, managing director structures and managing containers.
- Creating Linux Virtual Machines usingVMwareVirtual Center and AIX LPARs on P550 and P570.
- ConfiguredTFSbuilds with continuous integration and build notifications.
- Worked on Rational team concert rack tasks, such as enhancements, defects, or plan items. Among many other things, also used work items in plans for specific milestones and linked work items to source code.
- Configured users and permissions forTFS, SharePoint portals and Source Control Explorer folders
- Manage Enterprise Database Environments in Physical and Virtual Environments, Which Consist of a Mixture of SQL SERVER Databases, AMAZONREDSHIFT.
- Responsible for build and deployment automation using VM Ware ESX, Docker containers and Chef.
- Experience withDockerand Vagrant for different infrastructure setup and testing of code.
- Experienced in building and maintainingDockerinfrastructure for SOA applications in agile environment.
- DeployedDockerEngines in Virtualized Platforms for containerization of multiple apps.
- Implemented aNagiosmonitoring system to notify of system issues, Expertise in Puppet Administration tool (Ingrown tool), a tool which acts as a puppet dashboard for managing puppet profiles, modules, classes and top scope variables. Expertise in Puppet Promotion tool (Puppet Promo, Ingrown tool), a tool which helps us to promote code/puppet modules across the environments in an organization.
- Executed Facilitates planning and execution of agile or formal projectswith planning tools and templates, including a new Scaled Agile Framework (SAFE) template using Rational Team Concert.
- Worked in design and deployment of national data center using the Open-stack
- InstalledPivotalCloudFoundryon EC2 to manage the containers created by PCF. Used Docker to virtualize deployment containers and push the code to EC2cloudusing PCF.
- Provide SME in all areas of Cloud (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) to existing and perspective clients on multiple cloud platforms; vSphere/ vCloud / Cloud Stack/Microsoft Azure/AWS and various PaaS, platforms (Cloud Foundry/OpenShift).
- Participated in installing and configuring ofUNIX/Linux based Oracle 10g products
Environment: DevOps, Java, Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Hudson, Chef, Puppet, Python, Perl, AWS, GIT, SVN, Apache Webserver, JBoss, Apache JMETER, MetaCase, GIT, SVN, Windows.
Linux Admin + AWS DevOps Engineer
- Responsible for Installation, Configuration Management, Maintenance and Systems Development of Red hat Linux, Ubuntu, and Sun Solaris systems.
- Installation & Configuration of software packages in Red hat Linux using both yum and rpm installations.
- Established version controlled software deployment for +1800 Servers using Git, S3 and Jenkins.
- Installed, Configured and Maintained RedHat Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x, 6.0& 7.x, Ubuntu and Sun Solaris systems.
- Test and troubleshoots live so that customers have instant and enjoyable user experiences.
- Manage installer releases for Client-Server based tablet supported on all Unix and Windows environment.
- Planning, scheduling and documenting releases at different stages of agile development.
- Implemented lightweight process for communication of software releases to production & maintain Sprint release notes to client & server.
- Streamlined the process to support sprint based releases to production and improved current state of release management using Git & Jenkins.
- Collaborated with different teams by providing internal training on technical knowledge for operations and post-release support. Managed Virtual Memory and swap space on RedHat Linux Servers. Installed and Configured RedHat Linux Kickstart and Solaris jumpstart Servers.
- Retrofitted the production deployment process to QA, Dev&Product teams.
- Managed merging, branch creation and tagging for Git based code repository.
- Debugged & discovered edge-case bugs from grey-box testing with software internals and log files analysis for pattern identification.
- Performed exploratory testing to expose defects/issues not discovered with unit tests or automated testing.
- Experience in working on source controller tools like GIT, GIT-Hub, Subversion (SVN), TFS Microsoft Visual Studio and Perforce.
- Designed, Developed &migrated all Point of Sale Systems to VMware ESXi Servers, thus facilitated cost-effective in-house infrastructure for development.
- Installed and administered GIT source code tool and ensured the reliability of the application as well as designed the branching strategies for GIT.
- Deployed and configured Git repositories with branching, forks, tagging, merge requests, and notifications.
- Assist Customer Support team to analyze and resolve tier 2 issues by using remote management software such as logmein, teamviewer.
- Experienced on Red Hat Satellite Server with custom repositories to provide a stable management solution for the Linux environment.
- Installed and configured Infrastructure Automation tool Ansible.
- Configured Chef-Server, Chef-Analytics, and Chef Workstation, used existing recipes from Chef.
- Used Ansible cookbooks to automate in AWS features like EC2, IAM, VPC, EBS, Cloud Watch, Cloud
- Trail, Cloud Formation, Auto Scaling, IAM, S3and general knowledge in Kubernetes.
- Deployed and monitored scalable infrastructure on Amazon web services specifically on AWS EC2.
- Actively involved in architecture of DevOps platform and cloud solutions.
- Integration of Automated Build with Deployment Pipeline. Implemented scheduled downtime for non-prod servers for optimizing AWS pricing.
- Responsible for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery(CD) process implementation using Jenkins. Trouble-shooter issues along the CI/CD pipelines.
- Worked on the installation and configuration of the monitoring tool Nagios in AWS.
- Worked on Apache and Firewalls in both development and production.
- Monitoring system performance, Server load and bandwidth issues
- Closely worked with development, QA, and other teams to ensure automated test efforts are tightly integrated with the build system and in fixing the error while doing the deployment and building.
- Branching, Tagging, Release Activities on Version Control Tools: GIT
- Install, Configure, Administer Jenkins Continuous Integration Tool
- Provide stable build environments for product development.
Environment: Ansible, Git, AWS, Jenkins, Python and ruby scripting, Scheduling, ESXi, Nagios, Nginx, VMware ESXi, JIRA, Confluence, Tableau, Internal Wiki, Test link.