Openstack/openshift/kubernates Architect Resume
New, YorK
- IT Professional with proven track records on turn around and impossible projects implemented with limited resources and fixed time line for systems, securities, defect containments, networking, cloud computing, big data, databases and web application projects. Skilled at building strong team oriented environments and fostering open communications.
Confidential (New York)
OpenStack/OpenShift/Kubernates Architect
- Hands - on in overall project architect, design, implementation, configuration, build, operation, securities, networking, testing, monitoring, load balancer, NFS, SAN, updates and patches, plus management reports.
- Work to design and implement the next generation advanced High Performance Hybrid Clouds technologies automatically with teams to build the next generation of Hybrid Clouds to work under one Orchestration Control with centralized monitoring with security and compliance in highly agile environment.
- Perform detail analysis of the current Global Infrastructure, application architect, QA needs and security requirements. Architect, design, build and implement Clouds to meet needs to host VMs, Docker/Containers, Micro Services and Server less applications via both public (AZURE and AWS) and private Clouds (OpenStack/OpenShift/Kubernates). Provide reports on all cloud related tasks. Work with variety of vendors and consultants from plan deployments to timely issue resolutions.
- Build OpenStack and OpenShift/Kubernates from end to end. Design overall Data Center layouts and review power requirement. Participate in planning for networking (SDN) and Storage (SDS) allocations. Conduct knowledge sessions on A/B deployment, Blue/Green Deployments, auto scaling, and build Microservices and Severless applications.
- Automate all by utilizing (Jenkins, Ansible/Tower, Shell Scripts and Python), with teams to develop “One-Click” CI/CD automated installation/deployment scripts to build HA OpenStack and HA OpenShift/Kubernates from ground up to with proper multi-factor authentications, AD, AIT, OU and register to RunBook. Design and Implement modules to handling patches, updates, centralized loggings. Develop “One-Click” performance loading tests to check and turning the overall Cloud Performance prior to turn over to Operation Teams. Perform end-to-end overall Security Scanning Analysis and work on security remediation issues.
- Develop Artificial Intelligent Self-Healing modules to fix faults in Cluster automatically, such as ETCD Self-Healing to fix a single node down, OpenStack/OpenShift/Kubernates SAN storage self-healing to fix faulty LUN devices, etc. Develop Cloud VM and Container framing benchmark scripts for acceptance and measuring overall cloud capacity as well cloud performance.
- Conduct internal knowledge exchange transfer webinars on OpenStack/OpenShift/Kubenates; Build a Container/POD, Auto Scaling, Blue/Green deployments, A/B tests and operation support needs. Assist Operation teams to develop performance monitoring scripts. Do document-all step by step.
- Work with Operation and Application Teams to plan, design and implement Physical to VM migration, VM to VM migration, Cloud to Cloud migration and Applications migrating to Containers. Plan, Backups, DR, etc. prior to hand over the clouds to the production team.
- Automate everything or most service modules with planned work-flows and self-healing to ensure High Performance Cloud environment delivers 24/7 application services for users and clients.
Confidential (New York)
Insight Global/Technical Consultant
- Technical Consultant/ Principal Technologist/ Cloud Infrastructure Architect
- Hands-on and overall project design, implementation, operation and management
- Performed detail analysis of existing IT environment and setup Private Cloud implementation strategies. Developed migration plans to move traditional Windows and Linux Virtual Machines into private Cloud. Worked closely with management and all IT teams to develop the next generation Cloud computing platforms. Focus on big picture as well as heavy hands-on on all related technical objects. Performed analysis on the overall limitations and constrains, plus set expectations for all stake holders regarding big data, fast data and “what is in clouds”. Performed analysis of current operating environments; designed and implemented cloud computing platforms from end-to-end.
- VM Server Setup
- Worked in multi-team environment with networking, database, desktop, applications, and security and storage teams to utilize the latest hardware, servers (64 CPU, 512 GB RAM), HITACHI SAN Storages and 10 Gb/s networking adopters. Conducted capacity planning meetings. Performed tuning on server storage, memory allocation and CPU pinning to achieve the best server performance with the least amount of resource as necessary.
- Setup Oracle OVM 3.2 and (VMWARE 5.1 Enterprise and VSPEHERE 5.1) side by side and perform tuning on Linux VM servers. Conducted benchmarks and business analysis on both VMWARE and OVM clouds regarding performance, licensing costs, ease of administration, total cost of ownership, etc.
- Setup resource allocation policy according to benchmark results for pools. Implemented Virtual Machines affinity policy according to business rules. Setup Resource and Power Management Policy to maximum the overall paybacks.
- Storage and Backup
- Designed and implemented detail workflow and strategy to handle Production, non-production and backup storage layout. Work with the storage team and use HITACHI SAN to setup with OCFS 2.0 cluster file system as Tier-1 LUNs to handle mission critical and demanding Enterprising Applications. Designed and implemented transparent embed LUNs via NFS servers with commodity servers and disk drives to handle overflows, backups, compliance and DR as Tier-4 storage in order to achieve the most reliable and best cost platforms. Build HADOOP HDFS as Tier-5 storage for archiving virtual machine images. Built prototype machines to analyze parallel NFS and NFS over HADOOP. Conducted extensive performance tuning and benchmarks on various types of storage.
- Networking (real and Virtual)
- Worked with the networking team, design and implemented LAN and VLAN routes with mixed 10 Gb/s and 1 Gb/s Ethernet ports to ensue redundant networking for reliability as well as separation of traffic for data, web, migration, and storage and management control. Worked with networking team on CISCO switches to setup routing topologies to handle bond ports setup as active-backup mode. Load balancing mode and or aggregation mode. Conducted performance tuning on 10 Gb Ethernet ports. Conducted extensive performance tuning and benchmarks on various types of Ethernet Interfaces on speed and loading capacity.
- Security
- Worked with the security team, review physical and logical access to servers. Program firewalls, iptables to control access. Preform Nessus scan on ports to check for port vulnerabilities, possible sql injection and other relates security issues. Worked with Vendor Support Engineers to ensure all patches and updates are installed timely and correctly.
- Linux, Oracle and Windows Admin
- Tested all versions of RedHat/Oracle Linux 5 and 6 virtual machines to check for compatibility issues against enterprise applications. Utilize Spacewalker for Linux Installation and PUPET to control configuration. Preformed performance tuning on Linux OS, networking, storage (DataStores, LUNs and NFS Storages), IO Scheduler, kernel parameters and configure huge memory to achieve the best Virtual Machine overall performance. Perform tuning on Virtual Machine Host Server to ensure the best Paravirtual service for all GUEST modules.
- Modified Linux OS to use Hugh Pages Memory for Oracle Data Base Virtual Machines to take advantage of big memory allocation.
- Designed and implemented storage layouts to enable big data into fast data for processing. Build Oracle Enterprising Applications Virtual Servers from ISO and or templates, i.e., Oracle Data Base 11gR3, Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12C, JD Edwards, and Oracle Business Intelligence (OBIEE). Setup Puppet and or OEM12C agents in Virtual Machines to monitor configuration changes and overall performance.
- Tested and setup Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 Virtual Machines. Setup and Install Oracle DB 11g, ORACLE OBIEE in the windows VM. Allocate partitions, memory and CPU for window server to ensure performance. Perform update patches and security scan.
- Cloud Admin
- Built and setup Oracle OVM Manager to control Clouds and Virtual Machines. Build and setup Oracle Enterprise Cloud Control 12C (OEM12C) to Orchestrating Cloud activities and manage Overall Resources tracking, Self-Provisioning, Configuration Managements, VM monitoring, Charge Backs, etc.
- Cloud-to-Cloud
- Designed and built Cloud to Cloud links to allow Virtual Machines to move or migrate among Clouds with ease and speed. Build Shell scripts to auto audit and backup Virtual Machine Configurations and gathering overall cloud static regarding networking, storage, VM usages, etc. Refine the overall configuration based on reports with a schedule interval.
- The Next Phase
- Conducted Research on OpenStack and CloudStack to prepare for the next step to manage and control for heterogeneous Clouds to handle both traditional style VMs and cloud style VMs.
- Private Cloud, Public Cloud and or both
- Performed in-depth evaluation of other Public Cloud Platforms (AWS and RackSpace). Designed the Private Cloud to Public Cloud overflow and interchange scheme. Conducted detail life cycle cost, feature comparisons and migration speed analysis between Private Clouds and Public Clouds. and Knowledge Transfer
- Conducted presentations on Cloud Administration. Performed document-all on all items with step by step details text explanations and screen shots.
Confidential, New York, NY
StartupUp/Hands-On CTO/SysAdmin/NetworkingAdmin/DBA/Application Architect
- Designed and built scalable and fault tolerant private cloud to handle e-commerce websites.
- Application Development: Agile SDLC and SCRUM
- System: SysAdmin, Networking Admin and Database Admin to handle large data
- Project Management: End-to-End Logistic workflow and change management
- Team Application: Development, debug, QA and deployment
- Campaign: Develop and Create VIP (Vector Intelligent Processor)
- End-to-End, and Document ALL, Heavy Hands-on all of the above
- Responsible for leading, innovating, and delivering a comprehensive suite of technology solutions for financial products and platforms by utilizing mixed open source, LAMP and Windows with selecting to fit to meet solutions, budgets, man power and Confidential . Carried out all IT tasks to effectively fitting business goals and agendas.
- Designed and built scalable and fault tolerant private cloud
- Built a dedicated secure private Cloud platform to adjunct the existing company own data room. Enhanced and reconfigured existing Linux and Windows hardware serves to ensure Virtual Machines and database servers would be highly preformat, highly available and scalable. Built Secure Networking Infrastructure to meet PCI Compliance and auditing requirements. Migrated web service from company hosting center to private cloud to achieve the best practice and cost goals.
- Ecommerce for on-line Financial Sites
- Designed and implemented tracking programs to handle over 25 data feeds from various financial institutions.
- Designed and implemented on line financial service websites with analytic modules to perform initial underwriting guidance based on credits histories and bank statements. Designed and implemented XML/SOAP/WDSL to communicate between applications running on different operating (Windows and Linux). Participated in Team Application development in Code Reviews, Coding styles, Debugging, QA and Deployments.
- Designed and implemented Artificial Intelligent modules to handle online financial applications to increase the speed for underwriting and to reduce the written-off ratio when combined with Virtual Machines.
- Vector Intelligent Processor for on-line and traditional campaigns
- Designed, created and developed VIP (Vector Intelligent Processor) by combining tracking, stat counters, Google Analytics and CRM (Sales Force and Sugar) to achieve the best conversion rate in campaigns for mails, emails, banners, radio, TV, and newspaper.
- Built and developed routines to integrate with phone systems that allowed sales and marketing responses to reach potential clients, fast and easy.
- Team Application Development/QA/SDLC to QUAD
- Managed a team of 5 PHP developers in NY and a team of 5 Offshore PHP developers to handle 78 plus ecommerce websites, from marketing sites to e-service sites, end-to-end.
- Combined “the network is your computer” and “the Virtual machine is a version of its own” plus the latest SDLC technics; designed, created, developed and implemented the Super Accelerated SCRUM method, named QUAD (“Quick Under-Progress”, “Quick Actions” and “Quick Deliveries”) to reduce the overall development effort that allowed quick flash back in the event of QA oversights or slips and speed up the time to market equation. Participated and worked in Team Application development cycles including Code Reviews, Debugging, QA and Deployments.
- Conducted code reviews and managed the changed and deployment flow. Designed and implemented on-line financial transaction processing and service sites. Performed and conducted emergency code fixes and roll backs. Evaluated, tested and installed specialize libraries, SDK, API and drives to speed up overall development.
- Operational Workflow/Logistic
- Proactively anticipated agile business needs with Anti-fragile measurements and periodically reviews of all exiting operational workflow, websites and operational procedures to check for weak points and to develop enhancements; ensured document-all and log-all.
- KPI (Key Performance Reports)
- Used Excel 2010 pivotal table features to pre-design data dump for simulated analysis reports prior to implementation in web mode. Designed and implemented all types of KPI to track sales, marketing, financial status as well as system performance.
- Developed creative KPI reports to analysis big data from various viewpoints to ensure all business objectives were met.
- SysAdmin/Networking/VoIP and Database (big data) Admin
- Performed program and setup iptables, CISCO firewalls, switches and routers, MPLS, and VPN access points; Built Performed hands on Database administrator to ensure the maximum I/O performance and built con-current database machines to handle large data, fail-over, achieve and backup to ensure 24x7 non-stop operations. Performed Security Audits and PCI security scans on all gears and applications, plus, ensure log all at all time. Conduct code reviews. Setup and manage end-to-end application development process. Setup Avaya system to integrate phones, VOIP phones and mobile phones via dedicated lease T1 lines and MPLS lines to enable offices located at different locations to operate as one.
- Setup VLAN, WAN, Windows 2008, Windows 2012, Active Directory, desktop PCs, backup sync and access permissions, etc. Provided Desk Top help and support to users with WinXp, Win7, Win8, mobile devices.
- Coordinated and worked with Telecom vendors to setup VoIP/SIP trunks to link among offices via T1 and MPLS lines. Programed Cisco firewall, routers and switches to split for data and voice usage to ensure QoS and stayed proactive on scalabilities on expanding SIP lines. Programed and setup AVAYA systems to handle mixed SIP and POTs calls. Created and generated usages reports on all incoming and outgoing VoIP and POTs activities. Setup CRM integrated module to allow click to dial via VoIP lines on user’s Desktops PC.
- Setup Virtual machines to prototype, test and performed migration analysis on big data with HADOOP. Setup VM to test chef and Puppet and CFEngine’s features. Conduct TOC (total ownership cost) analysis. Hypervisor 1 and Hypervisor 2 related products, i.e. VMWARE ESX, vSphere, vCenter, XEN, KVM, ZONES, etc. and setup SAN, NAS and HDFS.
- Assimilated Company’s online operation support platforms from many to one that handles multiple currencies.
- Developed the QUAD con-current systems to handle 24x7 continuous operating for office located around the world.
- Designed and Implemented (VIP) Vector Intelligent Programs for campaigns to improve the overall campaign results and to reduce the per campaign cost.
- Developed a mixed and integrated workflow on software development (SDLC, SCRUM) to speed up the application time table and reduce the overall IT cost.
- Integrated workflow between Operation Support System with Financial System to improve asserts utilizations; reduced risk exposures and decrease defaults.
- Designed e-service systems to keep all clients, investors and partners up to date on their related portfolio and deals status via web logins and emails.
- Designed the special overall Risk control and monitoring system that enable underwriting department to perform quick reviews and cut down the non-performing loan ratio down by 75% in real online mode.
Confidential, South Norwalk, CT
Startup/Hands on CTO/SysAdmin/Networking Admin/DBA/Solution Archiect
- Designed and Developed Foreclosure Listing on-line websites
- Managed a small team of 4 PHP Developers
- Linux Redhat 4, 5, Windows 2003 Adv. Server, SUN Solaris 10
- Apache, PHP, Perl, Shell Scripts, Java, Java Scripts, CISCO IOS, WAN, VLAN, VPN, Active Directory, Exchange Server, IIS, DNS, DHCP. SMTP, DHCP, SAN.
- Database: MySQL 5, SQL2000 and SQL2005, Oracle 10g, HA, FT, DR.
- Stabilized and Rescued Company’s online e-commerce site in 30 days.
- Re-Built Company’s e-commerce site while managing to generate break-even or some small daily profit without shutting down the site.
- Built up international outsourcing engineering teams in Canada and Poland to achieve an over 50% cost saving on basis outlets.
- Built up Company’s digit data assert from 10MB to over 300GB and built database machines from parts to handle large data for scalabilities.
Confidential, New York, NY
Operation Support Engineer/SysAdmin/DBA (Big Data) (in a Start-up Environment)
- Built and developed on-line music services for mobile phones and wireless devices.
- Performed Testing on types of mobile phones and all models.
- OS: Linux Redhat E4, Windows 2003 Adv. Server, SUN Solaris 10
- Database: Oracle 10g, MySQL 5, SQL2000 and SQL2005
- Others: BEA Weblogic 9.2, BEA Portal 9.2, Apache, Tomcat and Virtual MachinesApache, Shell scripts, Perl Scripts, IIS, Active Directory, Exchange Server
- Setup and Deployed Windows and Linux servers in China and Deployment 24x7 Wireless Content Services from New York 100%, without traveling to China.
- Re-Configured, Debugged, Maintained and Operated 150 Linux Grip Servers in Maryland from New York 100%, without traveling to site.
- Setup and Deployed BEA-Oracle servers in New York for the CENTENNIAL Mobile music service project for Puerto Rico.
CTO/Co-Founding Partner/Systems Administrator
- Designed and Developed the online Talking Dictionary and 106 China Small and Medium Sized Business Pages from ground up.
- Put the website into action within 90 days from conception, from hardware layout, security setup, firewall setup, RAID-10, DNS, routers, clusters, SQL setup and SQL backup, IIS, Active Directory, etc.
- Created a web alliance to jointly promote on-line advertising.
- Developed a combo R&D flow method to handle software development in multiple countries to achieve the ultimate cost saving and timely delivery of the best quality systems platform.
- Developed a combined CRM/ERP/OSS system to run China SME Business Pages.
Confidential, New York, NY
VP Technology - Trusted and Secured Systems Administrator/CTO
- Conducted, built the machine and coordinated setup for the man vs. machine “DEEP BLUE - JUNIOR” program, 2003.
- Principal Designer for Talking Toolbar Patent Pending: filing date: 05/06/2005
Confidential, Jersey City, NJ
System Administrator/Systems & Networking Engineer
- Setup and complete the entire Office Networking environment with only 25% of the original estimated budged.
Confidential, New York, NY
Senior Sales Engineer/Systems Administrator/Hardware Engineer
- Effective communication skills with people from different ethnic backgrounds and cultures; pleasing personality, easily adapts to new environments and learns quickly. Possess group dynamics and interpersonal skills. Build with Proven track records of outstanding customer service/sales/technical skills and commitment. Ability to anticipate and change with the industry needs.