Sap C4c & Crm Technical Consultant Resume
- Working as a SAP CRM & C4C Consultant with experience in implementation, support and training in SAP C4C in Confidential
- Worked as a SAP Consultant with 3.2 years of experience in SAP CRM ABAP and C4C in Confidential
- W orked as Project coordinator with 2 year of experience in Confidential
- Delivered creative business solutions using best business practices.
- Experience in Understanding of the business areas and being proactive in providing quantitative and qualitative data to support business improvements.
- Experience to Leads system requirements definition process, oversees the system setup during implementation, and manages the team during implementation
- Rich Experience in SAP C4C, sales, service and marketing.
- Coordinating with client to ensure delivery.
- Experience in Creating and managing the project schedule, participating in performance standards discussions.
- Experience in handling SAP Cloud Project with third Party integration.
- Expertise in ABAP/C4C coaching and training to the team to improve their knowledge of reporting, analytics and business information.
- Experience in integration of C4C with Non SAP system
- Expertise in CRM WEB UI, workflow, PI based third party integration with SAP CRM C4C, Cloud interface design, creation and consumption of web services.
- Rich experience in creating ABAP reports along with smart forms and smart styles along with adobe forms.
- Experience in UI development using AET.
SAP C4C & CRM Technical Consultant
- Leads system requirements definition process, oversees the system setup during implementation, and manages the team during implementation.
- Created and managed the project schedule, participating in performance standards discussions.
- Coordinating with client to ensure delivery.
- Designed interactive solution specific screens.
- Consumed web service of custom BO and XBO.
- Created workflow to add restriction and achieve better functionality project specific.
- Created custom ODATA services of solution.
- Designed data source & Reports based on requirement.
- Worked on Code list restriction, Workflow to achieve out of box functionality.
- Created script files for custom action and events, forms and reports for data display.
- Enhanced standard business objects to enhance solution capability.
- Developed list modification, Modal Dialog form along with OVS functionality.
- Created Business roles, functional specification documents.
- Involvement in Project requirement discussion and prepared blueprinting documents.
- Developed a quality assurance process which include all processes and documents review in aspects of completeness and correctness.
- Deployed solution on Quality and Prod tenants.
- Created fields Using KUT and control visibility using KUT Rule.
- Created business extension fields in SDK .
- Created functional specification documents.
- Involvement in Project requirement discussion and prepared blueprinting documents.
- Handled data Migration task.
- Participated in the process that ensures all processes are covered by test scripts and there is end to end mapping between processes and test cases
- Created BCO, BCSET, BCVIEWS to extend functionality of code list
- Developed documentation that ensures a understanding of key business processes and functional specifications the system processes
SAP CRM Technical Consultant
- Creating and managing the project schedule, participating in performance standards discussions.
- Coordinating with client to ensure delivery.
- Created navigation bar, work center, quick links project specific.
- Developed documentation that ensures a understanding of key business processes and functional specifications the system processes
- Creation of transaction launcher for ECC reports.
- Leads system requirements definition process, oversees the system setup during implementation, and manages the team during implementation.
- Worked on MDM/MDG.
- Developed documentation that ensures a understanding of key business processes and functional specifications the system processes
- Participated in the process that ensures all processes are covered by test scripts and there is end to end mapping between processes and test cases
- Created of ABAP reports for account and contact data.
- Enhanced of standard BSP component.
- Enhanced of standard BADI’s and FM.
- Created of Business roles for authorization perspective.
- Worked on data Migration using report Program - File upload Method.
- Worked on various CRM web UI requirements along with configuration for communication medium.
SAP C4C Technical Consultant
- Creating and managing the project schedule, participating in performance standards discussions.
- Coordinating with client to ensure delivery.
- Created functional specification documents.
- Involvement in Project requirement discussion and prepared blueprinting documents.
- Created script files for custom action and events, forms and reports for data display.
- Enhanced standard business objects to enhance solution capability.
- Developed list modification form along with OVS functionality.
- Deployed solution on UAT and Prod tenants.
- Handled Data migration using Migration template.
- Created workflow to add restriction.
- Developed documentation that ensures a understanding of key business processes and functional specifications the system processes
- Created business configuration matrix.
- Created UI switch to extend functionality at business role level
SAP C4C Technical Consultant
- Involved in integration design and solution.
- Handling client queries during requirement gathering phase
- Participation in Requirement Gathering discussion.
- Created functional specification documents.
- Participation in Blue printing discussion.
- Consumed web service of custom object.
- Created actions and validations for business object.
- Created WSDL for C4C customer specific solution in SOAP API.
- Created script files for custom action and events, forms and reports for data display.
- Enhanced standard business objects to enhance solution capability.
- Developed list modification form along with OVS functionality.
- Created model dialog for validation purpose.
- Worked on extended web service.
- Worked on business object extension events.
SAP CRM Technical Consultant
- Involved in integration design and solution.
- Worked on custom BSP component enhancement along with enhancements spot on standard function module.
- Developed documentation that ensures a understanding of key business processes and functional specifications the system processes
- Created custom marketing attribute BADI to use attributes at campaign level.
- Created custom component for aggregate tracking and individual tracking at campaign level.
- Created FM and ABAP reports to replicate BP, account and contact data on non SAP system using web services.
- Created ABAP report for background job.
SAP C4C Technical Consultant
- Developed list modification form along with custom OVS functionality
- Worked on modal dialog for validation purpose
- Created actions and worked on events for validations specific to business object.
- Upload data using XML file input for C4C customer specific solution.
- Created script files for custom action, forms and reports for data display.
- Developed forms using adobe life cycle designer.
- Developed documentation that ensures a understanding of key business processes and functional specifications the system processes
- Enhanced standard business objects to enhance solution capability.
SAP C4C Technical Consultant
- Leads system requirements definition process, oversees the system setup during implementation, and manages the team during implementation.
- Designed interactive solution specific screens.
- Created code list restriction.
- Designed various reports - project specific.
- Created custom ODATA services
- Created actions and validations for business object.
- Created WSDL for C4C customer specific solution in SOAP API.
- Created script files for custom action, forms and reports for data display.
- Enhanced standard business objects to enhance solution capability.
SAP CRM Technical Consultant.
- Worked on various CRM web UI requirements along with configuration for communication medium.
- Enhanced standard components and views to display tracking summary for campaign.
- Created ABAP reports along with BADI enhancement to use custom attribute.
- Created transformation to convert ABAP code into XML structure and vice versa.
- Created enhancement spot in standard FM for campaign execution.
- Fixed up WEB UI issues.
- Worked on MDM/MDG.
- Migrate CRM data to third party(Exact Target) using web services.
SAP CRM Technical Consultant
- Created inbound and outbound plug for static navigation across components.
- Involvement in requirement gathering discussion
- Preparation of functional doc.
- Created custom message assignment component and embed it in standard marketing component.
- Provided interactive solution by enhancing WEB UI screen using AET.
- Created function module and report program for campaign tracking.
- Created ABAP report programs to download/upload data from local machine.
- Created function module to upload CSV file on FTP server.
SAP CRM Technical Consultant
- Enhanced BADI to create service order in ECC corresponding to service request in CRM.
- Created and managed the project schedule, participating in performance standards discussions.
- Fetched calling hour’s data from ECC to CRM and developed a program for generation of call list of a customer for a particular day.
- Worked on MDM/MDG.
- Involved in technical design, documentation and code review Involved in understanding of the business requirements and specifications.
- Involved in SAP CRM UI development and performed technical testing.
SAP CRM Technical Consultant
- Developed workflow to execute campaign automation model.
- Provided functionality of mass data campaign execution using TREX.
- Created custom component and embed it in standard component.
- Created ABAP reports for campaign automation tracking summary.
- Created report program to integrate SAP CRM survey with non SAP survey.
- Created custom report programs to consume third party web services and added new controls and hide existing controls in tiles for different scenarios.
- Involved in creation of solution specific technical documents.
- Played a key role in writing various solution specific test cases.
SAP CRM Technical Consultant
- Worked on all CRM WEB UI requirements including custom reports to create and consume web services along with adding and hiding new, existing controls in tiles for different scenarios.
- Involved in configuration of communication medium and file export variant.
- Enhanced standard component to add custom object on screen at campaign level.
- Enhanced and Implement BADIs for campaign execution.
- Created function module to upload CSV file on secure FTP server.
- Provided multi target group functionality with aggregate tracking summary.
- Created custom workflow of second level to automate campaign tracking.
- Created simple objects and assigned in custom component for tracking.
- Created custom BADI’s to populate fields value of custom attributes.
- Created XSLTs to connect with third party system.
SAP CRM Technical Consultant
Environment: SAP CRM 7.0
- Worked on all CRM WEB UI requirements including creation of simple objects and its implementation classes.
- Enhanced standard component and embed it in custom component.
- Created XSLTs to accesses third party systems to collect tracking data.
- Created report programs for background job for campaign automation.
- Worked on mapping of custom and third party survey questionnaire.
- Involved in CRM Web UI development along with various test cases.
SAP CRM Technical Consultant
- Added functionality to cascade the bids.
- Created view for service history specific to solution.
- Added functionality to prevent creation of service orders on the basis of certain category.
- Created custom component and embed it in standard component.
- Handled HRMS module.
- Worked on smart forms and smart styles.
- Enhanced standard components and views.
- Worked on Payroll and ERP system
- Created enhancement spot on standard function module and classes.
- Configured action profile and action definition to generate service order.
- Prepared reports to upload pricing condition.
- Created report program along with BADI enhancement and implementation.
- Provided attachment functionality for email receipt on WEB UI.
Project Consultant/ Coordinator
- Created Master Pages for project consistent layout.
- Worked HRMS system.
- Handles ERP queries.
- Created cascading style sheet for interactive page designing.
- Worked on database handling queries.
- Leads system requirements definition process, oversees the system setup during implementation, and manages the team during implementation.
- Created and managed the project schedule, participating in performance standards discussions.
- Coordinating with client to ensure delivery.
- Implementing the user friendly framework.
- Worked on view to view navigation and posted data via event handlers.
- Creating and managing the project schedule, participating in performance standards discussions.
- Coordinating with client to ensure delivery.
- Fixed WEB UI issues along with testing.