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Sr. Abap Developer Resume

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West Palm Beach, FL


  • Total 7 years of strong SAP ABAP Development in Reports, SAP Script/smart forms, Interfaces, Conversions and EDI/IDOC experience in SD/LE, SD Shipping module, MM/WM, PP, PM and FI/CO modules.
  • Actively participated in numerous successful SAP implementation, Maintenance and Support, Roll Out and Upgrade projects.
  • Sound knowledge of industry - accepted Project Management methodologies like ASAP, PMBOK and SDLC.
  • Data Dictionary Maintenance: Tables, Structures, Match Code Objects, views, lock objects, Table maintenance generator, Data elements and Domains.
  • Experienced in ALE/ IDocs Technology to transfer, extend, reduce, and filtering of IDOC and also worked in administration of IDOCs and IDOC Archiving.
  • Developed the data dictionary objects (DDIC) Tables, Views, Structure, Search help, Domain, Data Element.
  • Experience in Data mapping and Conversions with migration tools like LSMW, Batch Data Communication (BDC) using Call Transaction and Batch Input Session methods.
  • Have worked with Customizing and Enhancing, SAP Scripts, Smart Forms, Adobe print Forms and Interactive Adobe Forms.
  • Experience in performance Tuning, ABAP Debugging, Performance Tools and Runtime Analysis.
  • Experienced in developing reports using SAP controls like ALV Display and ALV Grid Display.
  • Extensive Experience in Object-Oriented Programming, Module pool Programming.
  • Good experience in all user exits namely Customer Enhancements, Field Exit’s and BADI’s.
  • Worked with third party WM system interfaces.
  • Hands-on experience of designing Service call within Web Dynpro component to call methods designed in ABAP workbench.
  • Developed Reports for the application using Web Dynpro.
  • Worked on Solution Manager for documentation and transports process.
  • Good working functional knowledge in OTC, FIN, SCM and MFG process.
  • Good understanding of ASAP methodology, SOX compliance and VISTEX knowledge.
  • Writing functional and technical design documents based on business requirements.
  • Excellent analytical, communication, presentation and documentation skills.
  • Proficient in dialog programming using Screen Painter, Flow logic, Menu painter.
  • Experienced in Process Integration PI or Exchange Infrastructure XI.


SAP R/3: ABAP/4, Reports, BDC, SAP Script, SMART FORMS, Netweaver, LSMW, ALE/EDI/IDOC, User Exits, BAPI, BADI, Web Dynpro, Workflows, Interactive Adobe Forms.

ERP: ECC6.0/ERP6.0, NW,SAP R/3 4.0b and 4.7.

Programing Languages: ABAP/4, VB, SQL, JAVA and .NET

Operating Systems: UNIX, windows95/98, windows NT4.0, MS-DOS

Database: Oracle, SQL server, MS Access97

Productivity Tools: Microsoft Office with Access & FrontPage, MS Project, MS Access.


Sr. ABAP Developer

Confidential, West Palm Beach, FL


  • Developed ‘XK01’ Vender Master, ‘XD01’ Customer Master, ‘CS01’ Bill of Material Upload programs in LSMW Batch input method.
  • Uploaded the G/L account posting by using LSMW Direct method for tcode: ‘F-02’.
  • Developed BDC program to change vendor’s address and customer master (MK02 and FD01) using call transaction method.
  • Developed BDC program to update FI document data using FB02 transaction.
  • Developed BDC program which will run daily to update the vendor warranty start and end date in the equipment master.
  • Developed conversion program for converting the open sales orders.
  • Developed inbound interface program to load invoices for expense reports using F-43 and cash advances using F-47.
  • Modified the Smart form SF ORDER PREVIEW to print the shipping address and added company logo.
  • Worked with BAPI SALESORDER CHANGE to change the Sales Order data.
  • Extended basic IDOC type DEBMAS02 with some additional fields for the customer address in a new segment and assigned it to the basic message type DEBMAS.
  • Enhanced vendor Master to insert business address of the Vendor using User Exits and created new segments, new IDOC type linked with CREMAS02.
  • Worked on BAPI SALESDOCUMENT CHANGE to update sales documents.
  • Developed Batch data conversion programs for migration of Legacy data to Payroll, Benefit, and Tax Info types like 0000, 0001, 0002, 0014, 0015, 0207, 0208, 0209, 0210, 0169, and 0170.
  • Creation/change of rebates and condition using custom IDOC.
  • Depending upon the qualifier rebates gets created or changes.
  • Creation of rebate done using BAPI PRICES CONDITIONS and change is done using VB02. Custom IDOC copied from COND A01 IDOC type.
  • Developed a User Exit EXIT SAPMM07M 001 to include the material description when the goods receipt is entered using MB21 with reference to PO.

Environment: ECC 6.0, SD, MM and Windows XP.

Sr. ABAP Developer

Confidential, Phoenix, AZ


  • Developed Custom Table with table maintenance generator to store data.
  • Designed and developed Custom Transaction to maintain (create, change delete records) custom table.
  • Also provided option to upload a file through Module pool so that user can upload multiple records at a time.
  • Added authorization object and error handling procedures to the custom transaction.
  • Implemented LSMW to delete the auto populated text from the PIR.
  • Used LSMW for mapping fields from the Legacy system and created routines for data upload using GUI UPLOAD for local files on the presentation server.
  • Developed an interface program to create noted items and promise to pay using BDC and BAPI.
  • PO Uploading BAPI (BAPI PO CREATE1) was used to upload Purchase Order data.
  • Worked on USEREXIT SAVE DOCUMENT PREPARE to Move Header Data, Delivery Data, and Reporting Data from order header to each line item in sales order.
  • Developed program using function module PM OBJECT INFO which provides Object information for Equipment, FLocs, Notifications and Service Orders.
  • Created program ZZ ADDRESS CHECK for carrying out the address check during the Creation of Customer master (IDOC).
  • Development reports in PM for plant location details Using tables T357, T499S.
  • Used BAPI RCVPRORDCF RECEIVEWORKC to check data for entry of Production Order Confirmation in PP.
  • Modified Invoice (VF02) Smart form in SD by changing the standard layout and print program (RLB INVOICE) according to the client requirements.
  • Modified the ship-to and bill-to address windows and added custom program lines for printing the invoice line items and populating the logo depending on the sales area and plant.
  • Created BDC Call transaction for transaction XK01 for creating Vendor Master record.
  • Worked on the report RESOUT00 in PI to collect all the IDOCS and place them in a single file .
  • Integrated SAP system with Elite (WMS Product) by using EDI. ELITE was an ERP package that has warehouse Management system, order management system, distributed management system and assembly management system.
  • Implemented BADI ME PROCESS PO CUST to default PO header text from item based on plant.
  • Worked on issues with Web Dynpro application in OTC process.
  • Developed Workflow to control the PR release strategy.
  • Updated technical specs, change design documents and unit test scripts in HPQC.

Environment: ECC 6.0, SCP and Windows XP.

Senior Technical Consultant

Confidential, PA


  • Created the sap script to automatically send the acknowledgement email to the Multiple recipients for the sales order using medium as mail in the output type.
  • Created the RFC function modules to get the data from the SAP APO to SAP ECC.
  • Used BAPI ALM ORDER MAINTAIN to create and display a work order in PM.
  • Created a Module Pool program to get the custom screen for Purchase order approval form.
  • It is an internal document which provides a brief summary to the Procurement managers about the buyer negotiation’s efforts and the results achieved as support to the P.O signature Process.
  • Created the Smart form for the above custom screen to help the procurement mangers to oversee buyer’s negotiation efforts.
  • Worked on enormous number of Smart forms (Order confirmation, Delivery Note, Invoice etc.) as a part of the SD module, which involved developing the forms for almost 17 countries.
  • Worked extensively in this area as we had varied requirements from various countries.
  • Created a Report to calculate Annual Historical Price for the Material Number. Each year the program will be executed for the previous three years and it will calculate the Historical Price.
  • Extended standard shipment IDOC and the invoice IDOC (810) by adding new custom fields by creating new segments and populated the fields using the user exits.
  • Worked on the User Exit MV45AFZZ for deleting or updating the default value in the sales document.
  • Development of Product Availability (PA) ALV Grid report which will refresh automatically.
  • Worked on RF (Radio frequency) screens using dialog programming in warehouse management which will handle in scanning material label barcodes and handling units and also for stock transfer order STO with SAP console.
  • Written RFC for extending the Material Master for Storage location and extending it to Warehouse view depending upon the value in the Storage location.
  • Created Web Dynpro iViews using Web Dynpro iView templates to call its application remotely using HTTP, configured client-side eventing between Web Dynpro applications and also between Web Dynpro applications and other portal content.
  • Modified the Shipping Activity Report and migrating to Web Dynpro.
  • Customized standard SAP transaction MD04 to add the tracking number from the purchase order into the Assignment tab whenever the MRP element indicator is ‘BE’, this Modification is done using enhancement M61X0002 which is triggered from the function module EXIT SAPLM61R 001.

Environment: ECC 6.0, SD, MM and Windows XP.

Sr. ABAP Developer

Confidential, Burbank, CA


  • Implemented BADI, MRM PAYMENT TERMSto setdown payment block in logistic Invoices.
  • Implemented BTE INVOICE CHECK 00001120 to set different payment blocks in FI invoices based on few business conditions.
  • Enhanced PO Smart Formtoget vendoraddress based on the partner roles instead of taking from PO.
  • Created ALV reportwith custom tab in grid toapply down payment to invoice thru clearing transaction F-54.
  • Generated SmartForm for Credit Memo (SD F1207 CREDIT MEMO) and Debit Memo (SD F1215 DEBIT MEMO).
  • Created custom programs to extract master data including chart of accounts, vendor, purchase orders, goods receipts and payment informationfor sending toSource net, an AP outsourced system.
  • Created inbound interface program to receive invoice data from Source net and create invoices using bapi BAPI INCOMINGINVOICE CREATE.
  • Created an ALV report to show tax base amount and all different types of taxes for invoices including recoverable tax, non recoverable tax and expenses.
  • Enhanced PO and Check printing SAP Script to print new logo on cover page, based on the company code.

Environment: ECC 6.0, MM, FI/CO and Windows XP.

ABAP Developer

Confidential, JASPER, IN


  • Involved with basis team to prepare the list of technical objects for upgrade using tcodes SPDD and SPAU.
  • Analyzed these technical objects to identify Unicode attribute issue or syntax issue using tcode UCCHECK.
  • Corrected syntaxes as per the new version ECC 6.0.
  • Prepared the technical specifications and documentations of the programs that were enhanced for the upgrade in FI/CO, SD and MM.
  • Build RFC function modules to receive Invoice and Payment data from Lynx to Beacon thru web methods.
  • Developed interface programs to post logistical invoices, FI invoices, Payments and auto clear documents using BAPI function modules in FI/CO.
  • Prepared technical documents and knowledge transfer sign off document of the programs that were developed for project Apollo.

Environment: SAP 4.6, ECC 6.0, Web methods, MM, FI/CO and Windows XP.

ABAP Developer

Confidential, NJ


  • Added WMS Status sub tab to outbound delivery document at header level with New, Allocated, Released, Picked,Loaded and Shipped statuses in LE/WM.
  • Worked on EDI/IDOC’s for outbound deliveries and PGI. Configured logical system and customer partner profiles, output types for IDOC processing.
  • Also created custom function modules, process codes to in corporate the customer specific requirements.
  • Updated warehouse order statusin SAP outbound deliveryvia an automated IDOC SDPIID01 from a third party WMS to SAP.
  • Sent Pickup Appointment Date and time, Delivery Appointment Date and time, Actual Departure Date and time, and Stop off information to WM via an automated EDI 214 interface in LE/WM.
  • Worked with PLM team on development work which is new implementation version ECC6.0.
  • Created a smart form in PLM for substance to display all the details of property tree via user exit, also added a tab for printing on menu bar using menu exit.
  • Implemented the badi EHSS PROP TREE to determine the right property tree for the specification.
  • Generated a formatted output from substance smart form and download on to SAP directory using the function exit EXIT SAPLC10Y 002 when substance is released
  • Developed a program to upload the spec documents on to DMS (Transaction CV01N) system using bapi BAPI DOCUMENT CREATE2.
  • Used bapi BAPI DOCUMENT SETSTATUS to set the status of the document released in DMS.
  • Developed an RFC function module in FI/CO using BAPI to create GL accounts postings (BAPI GL ACC POSTING POST).
  • Customized Outbound Purchase Order IDOC’S to send separate IDOC for each line item in the Purchase Order to the third party system called TM (Transportation Management).
  • Worked on EDI/IDOC’s for Incoming deliveries and vendor invoices.
  • Configured vendor partner profiles, out put types for IDOC processing.
  • Also created custom function modules, process codes to in corporate the customer specific requirements.
  • Wrote the BDC programs for material master and vendor master data conversions.
  • Implemented BADI MB MIGO ITEM BADI to populate the storage location based on a custom logic in the MIGO transaction in MM.
  • Developed a custom report to show the descriptions between inbound deliveries and invoices in MM. Also this report sends emails to planners at the plant level.

Environment: SAP 4.7, SAP ECC6.0, ABAP, MM, SD, PLM and Windows XP.

ABAP Analyst/Developer

Confidential, PA


  • Changed Canada check print program in FI/CO to print new signatures which are stored in DIMM chips and installed in printers.
  • Added a reference segment with a unique no which is generated from TVARV table to EDI/820 which is set to make wire payments and send remittance advices to Payees/ Receivers using the Single Stream Service. The same unique number will also be reported in the 824 file that is sent back from the bank.
  • Changed the par crossing and MICR lane of USD checks issued on Canadian bank accounts to permit their encashment in USA in FI/CO.
  • Changed SAP check extract interface to include additional client data Client id and Work Source Id for escheat analysis.
  • Modified the logic of calculations of coverage for Confidential LTD plan using BADI ZCL EX PBEN0011 based on monthly and annual salary.
  • Worked on LSMW to merge different objects from different projects into one project and sub project.
  • Modified HR Putnam 401k and off cycle checks interface program to split the entire file in different segment based on company code.
  • Also provided the subtotals of loans and catch-up for each segment.
  • Worked on Solution Manager for documentation, proposed solutions and transportation process.

Environment: SAP 4.7, ECC 5, ABAP, FI/CO, HR and Windows XP.

ABAP Analyst/Developer



  • Developed an inventory balance comparison ALV report in MM/WM.
  • This report compares the quantity differences between the third party system and the actual SAP data.
  • Extensively worked on ABAP/4 workbench tools like editor, data dictionary, screen painter & menu painter by creating the customized reports, GUI screens etc.
  • Developed a user exit to update the sales area and selected company code blocks in customer master using the transaction codes VD02 and XD02.
  • Also developed the stand alone new function modules to update these blocks.
  • Worked on sales order user exit MV45AFZZ to set delivery and billing blocks based on business validations.
  • Developed a new IDOC and segments to get cycle counts information from the non-sap system MARC into SAP.
  • This will update the custom tables in SAP which will be used for the reporting purpose.

Environment: SAP 4.7, ABAP, MM, SD and Windows XP.

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