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Sr.sap Abap Developer Resume

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Orlando, FL


  • Having 7+ years of experience in SAP as an ABAP/4 Technical Consultant with 3 life cycle implementations on modules like SD, PM, CRM, MM, PP, WM, QM and FI/CO.
  • Extensive experience on BAPI, BADI, SMARTFORMS, SAP Script, ALV Reports, User Exists, Enhancement Frameworks, Remote Function Calls (RFC), ALE, EDI and IDOC’s.
  • Proficiency in ABAP/4 Workbench, Data Dictionary, Function Library, Classical and Interactive Reports, Dialog Programming, Screen Painter, Menu Painter Batch Job Management, RICE (Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Enhancements), Batch Data Communication (BDC).
  • Code and test changes to SAP functional modules and LSMW.
  • Experience in Object Oriented Programming.
  • Knowledge of WebDynpro using ABAP.
  • Experience in Performance Tuning Tools like Runtime Analysis, SQL Trace.
  • Extensive Experience on SAP upgrade and SAP Testing.
  • Knowledge of general business, programming, accounting, operational systems, systems analysis and design.
  • Experience in interacting with the clients for business and technical requirements gathering and well acquainted with Software Development Life Cycle processes.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills being Flexible and versatile to new environments and ability to work with teams as well as individually.
  • Motivation to take independent responsibility as well as ability to contribute and be a productive team member.


ERP: SRM, SAP R/3 4.6B, 4.6C, 4.7E, ECC 5.0, ECC 6.0.

SAP (Functional): SD, MM, PM and FI/CO, HR, SRM, PP, PI, QM, WM, PS.

Operating System: Windows (NT, 2000, 2003, XP).

Programming Languages: C, C++ and Java.

Databases: Oracle 9i, DB2 SQL Server 2000, MS - Access.

Web Technologies: HTML, XHTML, XML, Java Script and VBScript.


Confidential, Orlando, FL

Sr.SAP ABAP Developer


  • Implemented BADI ZL ME REQ POSTED to send an Email Notification for purchase requisition whenever a purchase requisition has been created, modified or released to the next level.
  • Implemented BADI ZCL IM L ME REQ POSTED to send an email to the vendor when a QM notification has been created.
  • Implemented BADI’s ZCL IM L NOTIF EV POST and ZCL IM L NOTIF EV SAVE to send email notifications to the persons responsible for each task in an F2 and F3 notification when the task has been released and also send email to the person who created the notification when the notification has been completed.
  • Implemented BADI ZME REQ HEADER TEXT to copy header text from Purchase Requisition to a PO.
  • Implemented User exit USEREXIT MOVE FIELD TO VBAP (Include: MV45AFZZ) so that the delivery priority will be based on ship-to instead of sold-to.
  • Implemented User exit ZZ SHIPPING DATA DETERMINE (Includes: ZLV50NF02 and ZXM06U38) to have a delivery priority based on the control indicator.
  • Created an enhancement implementation ZL SUBEQUI WERKS CHNG ENH and a composite enhancement ZL SUBEQUI CENH that will copy the maintenance plant from the superior equipment to the maintenance plant of the sub-equipment when the sub-equipment is being associated to a superior equipment.
  • Modified SAP standard report using WSPODLIST1 using implicit enhancement to add custom fields.
  • Created a new report to display the batch classification details for a given material. Used FM VB BATCH VALUES FOR OUTPUT to achieve this.
  • Created a report ZL MISSPART EMAIL PRGRM that sends an email which is called from a user exit when a STO is created with a material that is already in-transit.
  • Created a new report ZL ROGUEALERT that runs in background everyday and sends an email with a list of all materials which came back for repair 3 times in the last year. Tables used: SER03, OBJK and T001W.
  • Developed an ALV report - ZL EQUIPMENT FUNCT RPT and corresponding t-code ZAER03 to display all the equipment and sub-equipment installed on a functional location. Tables used: diequi, equi, eqbs, ihpa, ihsg, v equi, v equi iflos, v equi eqbs, v equi eqbs sm1, iflos, prps, mseg and iloa.
  • Created 2 new reports which run in the background every morning and will send an email to material planners with a list of Hazardous and Non-hazardous materials that are reaching shelf-life expiration.
  • Created a report ZL EQUIPMNT LABEL PRINT to enable a functionality to send equipment number, material number and serial number to a third party software Bartender. This has been achieved by creating a new IDOC type ZMEQLBL with Basic type ZEQPLBL and Message Type ZMEQLBL.
  • Created RFC connection between SAP and Bartender.
  • Extend and load data to the accounting view of the Material Master.
  • Enter the outgoing invoices.
  • Mark the orders as “Business Complete”.
  • Mark the production orders as “Business Complete”.
  • Mass change equipment to reflect the seat numbers in the position field.
  • Change the storage bin on materials.
  • Change MRP data on the Material Master.
  • Created two device types ZSWINLT and ZSWINTV for changing the size of the barcode.
  • Implemented OSS notes 163300 and 124281.

Environment: (ECC 6.0, MM, SD, QM and WM)

Confidential, Orlando, FL

Sr.SAP ABAP Developer


  • Created a package ZLTV UNUSED to storing objects that are no longer used.
  • SPAU Adjustment - Changed BADI ZQISR1 ZSEP as part of the upgrade.
  • Created a program ZPANAYA SCENARIO RECORDER and the corresponding t-code ZP RECORD. This enabled testers to execute scripts for testing standard and custom transaction without entering the data multiple times.
  • Created an enhancement implementation ZL UPGRADE ENH and a composite enhancement implementation ZL UPGRADE CENH to include all the BADI’s that were active in ECC5.0 system.
  • Created an enhancement implementation ZL MIGO BATCH NMBR ENH and a composite enhancement implementation ZL MIGO BATCH NMBR CENH. This creates the batch numbers automatically when a goods receipt (MIGO GR) is processed.
  • Created an enhancement implementation ZL EQUI CONVERT SERNR ENH and a composite enhancement implementation ZL EQUI CONVERT DATA CENH for FM: ITOB CHECK SERIALNO to address leading zero’s for serial numbers.
  • Implemented SAP Note 1508528 - System issues an error message when an external tax system (VERTEX) is active.
  • Implemented SAP Note 1504266 - System issues an error message “Capacity category does not exist or cannot be selected” when a PM order in created via IW31 or changed via IW32.

Environment: (ECC 5.0, ECC 6.0, MM, SD, QM and WM)

Confidential, Orlando, FL

ABAP Consultant


  • Development of smart forms for purchase order, inventory packing list etc.
  • Developed smart forms for Service DA and Tag printing for accepted quantity in QM.
  • Developed module pool to change STO’s based on availability quantity in DC.
  • Used BAPI MATPHYSINV CREATE MULT to create PI document at store level based on conditions.
  • Created a report which describes the details of component articles for a set article.
  • Created a report which describes the trip details for specified trip.
  • Created a report to list the availability, forecast and ordered Quantity’s for specified article.
  • Worked on Inbound/Outbound IDOC’s and set up Change Pointers for Customer Master and Material Master.

Environment: (ECC 6.0, CRM 5.1, ABAP/4, MM, WM, SD, PM, FI/CO, PI on Windows NT Server, Oracle 9i)

Confidential, Charlotte, NC

ABAP Consultant


  • Created a Check form - ZF110 PRENUM CHK and made corresponding changes to the print program ZRFFOUS C.
  • Designed a payment advice form - ZF110 IN AVIS.
  • Designed an additional info form for the check - ZF110 ADDN INFO and the corresponding print program ZRFFOUS PRINT ADDITIONAL INFO.
  • Designed a sap script for customer statement for both US and Canadian customers - ZF140 ACC STAT01 and the corresponding print program ZFI S STATEMENT.
  • Created a dunning form for both US and Canadian customers - ZF150 DUNNFORM01 and the corresponding print program ZFI S DUNNING.
  • Used different conversion techniques like BDC and BAPI for converting legacy data (MIDAS, PeopleSoft and ARIBA).
  • Developed a BDC program for uploading material (Basic Views) into SAP.
  • Developed a BDC program for uploading alternate UOM for the created materials.
  • Used BAPI - BAPI MATERIAL SAVEDATA for extending the materials to different plants.
  • Used BAPI - BAPI GOODSMVT CREATE for loading Inventory for both Raw materials and finished goods.
  • Loaded SRM contracts in SRM using BDC for the transaction code BBP CTR MAIN.
  • Loaded ECC contracts in SRM using BDC for the transaction code BBP CTR MAINCC.
  • Implemented BBP CTR to pass the company code at the header level of the IDOC - BLOARD on the ECC side.
  • Implemented BBP CTR BE CREATE to populate the freight vendor on the SRM side.
  • BBP CTR and BBP CTR BE CREATE were used to distribute GOA’s from SRM to form their corresponding contracts in ECC.
  • Used BBP CATALOG TRANSFER for populating the product id field with the corresponding material number pertaining to that product id from ECC.
  • Implemented BBP DOC CHANGE BADI for getting the corresponding material id from ECC for a particular manufacturing part number.
  • Implemented OSS notes 729967 and 124363.
  • Created a ZRFC between SRM and ECC for the linking between partner id, vendor number and product id and material number.

Environment: (ECC 6.0, SRM 5.0, MIDAS, ARIBA, PeopleSoft, FI, MM)

Confidential, Yonkers, NY

ABAP Consultant


  • Developed a program for Return Reason Codes - It will Restricts the valid reason codes for a particular order type, this would cut the errors.
  • Involved in New screen design for sales order information to enter the required fields to process the sales order. This screen will include both SAP standard and custom fields.
  • Involved in pricing conditions - For any changes to an item’s pricing in sales orders and quotes need to record price changes and a pop-up window appears asking for a reason why. This will gives the ability to record when and why pricing was changed and who changed it.
  • Created a Remote Function Module to call an external non SAP system - Rate server using DLL connection.
  • Worked on Business Transaction Events (BTE’S) to add additional fields at Line Item Display.
  • Pack list output form for the delivery document.
  • Designed and developed a smart form to print the pick document.
  • Designed and Developed a PO Form and print program according to the client requirement
  • Provided an interface to upload vendor master from legacy system to SAP R/3 by using LSMW.
  • Designed and developed LSMW for plant extensions.
  • Material master conversion for international products which includes alternative UOM uploads.
  • Developed bank reconciliation and open bill wise reports.
  • Developed an Interactive Report, which will displays vendor details like vendor number and address. Based on Vendor Number it will Displays the Bank Account Details.
  • Created an interactive report which displays the customer no’s, Based on that customer no it will displays the sales details of that customer, Based on that sales we can displays the item details, the tables used for this are KNA1, VBAK, VBAP.
  • Technical design and programming (ALE/IDocs) for interfaces between R/3 and legacy systems
  • Configured ALE to distribute Master Data (Material Master, Vendor Master, Customer Master)
  • Outbound interface from SAP to the domestic freight payment system (FPS), among different Business Partners provides FPS with the stock transfer (reimbursement) information.

Environment: ECC 5.0, Oracle 9i, UNIX, SD, MM, PP, FI, ALV, CO-PA.

Confidential, PA

ABAP Consultant


  • Created sales order by using BAPI BAPI SALESORDER CREATEFROMDATA with the help of third party front end
  • Involved in rescheduling process to determine multi level material determination with custom item category
  • Designed and Coded a BDC program to migrate Material Master Data, Vendor Master Data upload Work Center (CR01) and Purchase Order Data from legacy system to SAP R/3 System
  • Developed Data Transfer Programs for Bill of Exchange Information, Material Costing and Routing legacy to SAP
  • Developed Back order Reservation and Sales Daybook Reports
  • Approval Report for issue of Stock
  • Developed an ALV report which will gives the net order details, the report will displays all the details like sales order and production order
  • Report which will displays BOM inventory list, output displayed in ALV for further process
  • Developed ALV reports for Forecast demand, Production order kitting and analysis
  • Report for rebate credit memos, Data extracted from KONA, VBRK, VBAK
  • Report to display monthly stock movement, Tables used MARA, MARD, CABN, AUSP, T9SD03
  • Reports for open and closed items with GL accounts, document dates and physical year
  • Developed party wise ageing and Tax Summary reports
  • Created a report to display a list of Sales Orders, the date on which the Sales Order was created and the user who created it with the materials in the Order
  • Modified MEDRUCK to include logo, contact person details like the email id of the buyer, various texts, various terms and conditions based on document types (user defined) etc.,
  • Designed and developed a script form, print program for production order and Dunning Form printing according to the client requirement
  • Worked on SAP scripts for SD modules such as Order confirmation, Quotation, Delivery and Invoice.

Environment: (SAP ECC 4.7, Oracle 9i, UNIX, SD, MM, PP, FI, ALV)


ABAP/4 Programmer


  • Developed Daily Billing information report, Shipping Status Report, purchase orders created report etc.
  • Developed past usage report, plan order report, location scans summary report etc.
  • Modified EXIT SAPLMPKP 001, EXIT SAPMM06E 021 Function module for Fulfillment of Target Value.
  • Developed BDC’s for daily upload of Delivery, Invoice list, Vendor Master and Customer Master Applications.
  • Modified Layout sets for Goods Receipt Slip, purchase order, request for quotation based on the standard layouts.
  • Developed sap scripts for forward remittance and production follow up.

Environment: SAP R/3 4.7E, 4.6C, ECC5.0, ABAP/4, FI/CO, MM, SRM, Java, SAP BPM, SAP CCMS, IS-U CCS, CRM, PM, HR & WM, on Win-NT Server.

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