We provide IT Staff Augmentation Services!

Web Designer Resume

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- Ten years of web and graphic design experience using Mac and Windows platforms
- Developed corporate Internet and Intranet web sites, logos and media kits
- Extensive knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, Actionscript 1 and 3, CSS, XHTML, and CGI/Perl
- Knowledge of team site, joomla and other CMS programs.
- Experience with Google Analytics
- Managerial skills
-Experience keeping content heavy sites fresh, such as Canon, Nikon, Publishers Clearing House and Optonline

Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, Imageready, Indesign, Adobe CS3, Dreamweaver, Flash 9, Final Cut Pro, Premiere, HomeSite, Fetch, Vignette, QuarkXpress, Microsoft Office, Web Trends, Team Site

Confidential,Lake Sucess, NY (09/08-11/08)
Web Designer
- Maintain Canon intranet site using Adobe CS3 suite.
- Provided analyzing activity of intranet site using Web Trends.
- Created and post press releases using Team Site.
- Front-end development, using CSS2, HTML, XHTML and Dreamweaver
- Trained writers on the CMS for the intranet site

Confidential,Melville, NY (12/07-03/31/08)
Web Designer
- Creating and optimizing graphics for nikonusa.com and nikonworld.com using Adobe CS3
- Provided ongoing designs of the website, promos, and ad banners using Photoshop,
- Created email blasts using Photoshop and Image Ready
- Front-end development, using CSS2, HTML, XHTML and Dreamweaver

Confidential,Port Washington, NY (3/04-2/05)
Web Designer
- Produce pop up ads for consumer website using Photoshop and Image Ready
- Clean up HTML /JavaScript coding on special promotion pages for website
- Worked with sales department on what products would be featured on the website

Confidential,Massapequa, NY (3/02-present)
Graphic and Web Designer
- Created company web sites, branding, logos and promotional materials using Photoshop, Illustrator
- Developed graphic and web design business using Flash, HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Contracted to and working with different hosting companies

CABLEVISION, Woodbury, NY (2/99-1/02)
Lead Multimedia Producer
- Produced all multimedia for OptOnline.net
- Maintained OptOnline.net using CMS Vignette
- Provided ongoing designs using Photoshop, Flash, Fireworks, HTML and Image Ready
- Work with News 12 media for stories and video for the home page
- Capture and encode all video from News 12 for the website using Final Cut Pro
- Supervised a web designer and a video editor

A.A.S. Major: Merchandising, Minor: Graphic Design
Certifications: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXpress, HTML, Flash and Advanced Flash

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