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Software Engineer Resume

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To obtain a mobile architect position with a successful and growing organization building innovative digital technologies and services.


XCode, iOS frameworks, Objective - C, Swift, HTML, CSS, XML, XSLT, RDF/Semantic Web, SPARQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Java, JavaScript, C, C++, C#, Ruby, PHP, Python, Unix Shell Scripting, .NET/Asp


Software Engineer

Confidential, Pittsburgh


  • Worked on an iOS mobile app in C# using the Xamarin framework.
  • Created workarounds to handle situations where Apple removed API features.

Intermediate Software Engineer

Confidential, Pittsburgh


  • Worked on the Augr clinical care notification hybrid mobile app using Angular.js, Ionic, and Cordova.
  • Developed enhancements for web-based hospital rounding app using ASP.Net/C#.
  • Wrote database migration utilities using the ANTLR4 parser generator framework.
  • Wrote a Yeoman generator to standardize web scaffolding for company projects.
  • Wrote iOS applications in Swift and Objective-C.
  • Single-handedly lead an emergency rewrite of the Confidential EMS Navigator iOS app.
  • Responsibilities included planning, creating estimates, and reporting sprint progress in metrics sessions.
  • Pioneered company migration to Testflight and HockeyApp mobile deployment utilities.

iOS Developer

Confidential, Pittsburgh


  • Worked on customer-facing iOS eCommerce apps for such clients as Yogurtland, Dean & Deluca, and Vitacost.
  • Built apps using Xcode, Storyboards, and CocoaPods.
  • Wrote data access classes that used RestKit for ORM.
  • Added bugfixes and enhancements to the company’s in-house framework.
  • Wrote a prototype baseball-card themed employee directory app.
  • Reduced costs associated with code peer review by writing code analysis scripts that approved and rejected Obective-C code based on its compliance with the company code style standards.
  • Wrote and demoed an employee business card iPhone app, using node.js for the backend.
  • Wrote a demo app that demonstrated the usefulness of JSON-Schema validation for e-commerce data structures.
  • Assisted junior programmers in better understanding Apple’s frameworks, Objective-C, and design patterns.

Mac Technical Consultant

Confidential, Pittsburgh


  • Developed a mac application to communicate with an embedded medical device.

iOS Software Engineer

Confidential, Carnegie


  • Developed and maintained iPad apps for sales staff and field agents
  • Meet with primary stakeholders and banged out requirements
  • Worked with end-users to develop streamlined workflows that improved data entry speed.
  • Fixed bugs
  • Wrote iOS code
  • Used Objective-C, Apple iOS SDK, and Core Data to write iPad apps for sales staff and for field agents performing energy efficiency evaluations.
  • Developed Data Architecture
  • Wrote a python utility to validate synchronization between Core Data and OWL RDF data models.
  • Wrote SPARQL queries to obtain and retrieve data from the company’s Dydra triplestore.
  • Developed a mapping layer to communicate between the iPad’s Core Data store and server-side semantic web RDF graph databases.
  • Assisted data architect with design of semantic web RDF graph databases.
  • Integrated apps with Google Drive services.
  • Assisted with data migration tasks
  • Reverse-engineered a proprietary data logger file format and wrote a utility that translated the proprietary format to standard SQLite.

Mac/iOS Software Engineer

Confidential, Youngstown


  • Used Objective-C, XCode, and Apple iOS SDK to develop both mobile and desktop products.
  • Rewrote Responseware iPhone app to be embeddable in partner vendors' iPhone applications and to consume those vendors' SOAP web services.
  • Created a prototype for the rewrite of the company's core software product using an iPhone-compatable Core Data model in under two weeks.
  • Developed a cross-platform WYSIWYG question editor using JQuery and HTML for desktop polling products.
  • Added UI features and SOAP web service functionality to existing desktop products.
  • Regularly built and deployed latest versions of the company's software.
  • Wrote Ruby scripts to reduce the number of steps needed to build and deploy new versions of the software.
  • Worked with the quality assurance department to resolve bugs in a timely manner using the JIRA bug-tracking system.
  • Wrote unit tests using Apple's unit testing framework to assist with regression testing.
  • Developed all software in an agile environment using the scrum framework.

iPhone Development Consultant



  • Worked as a subcontractor writing Objective-C, XCode, and Cocoa Touch to develop mobile products.
  • Helped develop Virtual Maui Guide app. Solved challenging problems with Apple's existing geolocation and application navigation functionality.
  • Wrote Ruby scripts to clean up redundant and improperly formatted user content.
  • Wrote bash build scripts for Insurance Journal iPhone app.
  • Contributed to and refactored an in-house iPhone framework to help Confidential achieve greater code re-use.

Cocoa/ERP Developer

Confidential, Orchard Park


  • Took over development of a previous failed Objective-C/Cocoa-based ERP project and single-handedly turned it around into a working application that has kept track of millions of dollars in customer orders.
  • Helped with business intelligence needs by writing complex SQL reports for management that made manufacturing and tax planning more effective.
  • Created a highly flexible web-based document printing system using CSS3, XML, and PHP technologies.
  • Interacted daily with the shop floor and management to streamline manufacturing, billing, and procurement workflows.
  • Wrote a driver for a Symbol USB laser barcode scanner.
  • Acted as DBA for the ERP system's PostgreSQL database backend.
  • Wrote a high-quality, high-performance renderer for the DXF graphics file format in Objective-C when an existing Objective-C solution was not available.
  • Wrote python ETL scripts to aid with migration of data from legacy systems to the new database.

Cocoa/Objective-C Developer

Confidential, Raleigh


  • Designed and programmed custom software for the university using Cocoa, C, Objective-C, and PHP.
  • Maintained and rewrote parts of the AdminLauncher application launcher, replacing a flat file preference system with a modular configuration system.
  • Designed and programmed plugNplayer, a multimedia player that plays back a variety of proprietary and open multimedia formats.
  • Designed and programmed a python-based 3D visualization environment.

Usability Intern

Confidential, Durham


  • Served the usability department in an assistant capacity.
  • Helped with the production of usability test videos.
  • Acted as an extra observer in usability tests and field studies.
  • Designed and programmed a dynamic web interface in JavaScript/DHTML for the submission of intranet enhancement requests.

Software QA Tester

Confidential, Durham


  • Tested various pieces of software in an attempt to break them and reveal bugs.
  • Wrote an ASP script that displayed bug reports.

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