Web Resume
Solid Experience in Java, J2EE Technologies , Frameworks and Emerging Technologies like Adobe Flex. Seeking a Java Web Developer position.
- 5+ years of experience in Java, J2EE Technologies
- Involved in Design, Coding, Debugging, Testing of Applications.
- Proficiency in Development and Maintenance of Projects.
- Possess problem solving and analytical skills,
- Ability to rapidly learn new Languages, Tools, and Techniques.
- Able to Work in a fast-paced, Technical environment with minimal Instruction.
- Experience in JSP, JSTL, JDBC, JSP Custom Tags
- 2 years of experience in Spring Frame work.
- Experience in MVC Frame works Spring , Struts , JSF
- Experience in O-R Mapping Frameworks JPA, Hibernate
- Experience in SQL , Oracle, MySQL
- Experience in Apache Tomcat , JBoss, Jetty Servers
- Experience in HTML , JavaScript, XML
- Experience in working with Eclipse, NetBeans IDE
- Using Version Control tools like Tortoise SVN, VSS
- Using Build tools like Maven, Testing tools JUnit, log4j
- Knowledge on Adobe Flex, Ajax
- Knowledge on Web Services with SOAP, REST
SCJP(Sun Certified Java Programmer)
MSc(Information Systems)
BCA(Bachelor of Computer Applications)
Operating System
Windows 2000,Windows XP, Vista
Programming Languages
Oracle 10g,MySQL
Internet Technologies
JSP, Servlets, EJB, XML, HTML & Java Script , Flex
J2EE Application Servers
JBoss 4.0
Web Servers
Apache Tomcat, Jetty
Eclipse, NetBeans
Tools & Frameworks
Struts, Spring, JPA, Hibernate, JSF framework, Oracle, MYSQL, Eclipse,
NetBeans, Tortoise SVN, VSS, Maven
Project #1:
Project Title : Power learning
Client : Confidential, USA.
Technologies : Spring MVC, JPA, Hibernate, Maven, Flex, MySQL
Role : Web Developer
Duration : April2009-Till date
This is a product for Educational institutions in USA. Different modules of this product are Dashboard , where educators can see performance of a students in their school, district or affinity subgroups . Grade book , the ability to locate high quality resources and share documents easily with educators from different groups. Community , serves as a networking tool for educators. It is a fine place to communicate and share ideas.
- Used Adobe Flex for Front end Development
- Java, J2EE, JSP, JDBC Technologies for Development
- Used Spring Framework, Spring MVC, Spring Security
- Used Hibernate with JPA annotations to make Database calls
- Maven to Build and Integration of the Project
- Version Control with Sub Version Tortoise SVN
Project #2:
Project Title : Confidential,
Client :Confidential,
Technologies : JSF Frame work, Spring Jboss , Oracle 10g
Role : Java Programmer
Duration : June2008-October2008
This project is the extension of phase1 , which is developed using NXG Framework. In NXG Framework BackingBean calls CommonBusinessSystem(CBS) this interacts with CommonBusinessModel(CBM) which again calls DAO. CBS, CBM, DAO all are POJOs which are defined as beans in Spring Container. This application involves constant screens for all modules . Each sub module contains search and detail Screen. Search screen contains three options refer, update and add. Depending on the search criteria Selected , corresponding detail page is displayed.
- Used JSF for front end Development
- Used Spring Frame work Dependency Injection
- Used JBoss Application Server
- Used Hibernate, JDBC for Database calls
- Oracle Database
Project #3 :
Project Title : SRM SBFW
Client :Confidential,
Technologies : Struts Frame work
Role : Java Programmer
Duration : April2008-June2008
SRM Struts Based Frame Work SRM in house project . this is a custom frame work developed on the Basis of struts frame work. Mainly this frame work is developed to use Custom tags and Validations that are useful for Japanese Language. And also developed tool to generate code for database Operations. With minor changes the other projects can directly use this frame work.
- Used JSP, JSTL, JSP Custom Tags
- Used Struts Framework
- Used My SQL Database
Project # 4 :
Project Title :Confidential,
Client : Confidential,
Technologies : JSF Frame work, Spring, JBoss , Oracle 10g
Role : Java Programmer
Duration : November2007-April2008
Description :
This project is used to maintain the data for the entire organization. Depending on the country selected the data can be entered in their language. The modules developed for this project are Lens, Frame, Organization, Customer, Check Stock Place, Order Control, Lens Calculation, Rx lab Master, InventoryBase Stock, Delivery, Pricing, Order Calculation, Other Item, Sales Lens, Dispatch process, Employee, Rx lens standard, Supplier and so on.
- Used JSF for front end Development
- Used Spring Frame work Dependency Injection
- Used JBoss Application Server
- Used Hibernate, JDBC for Database calls
Oracle Database
Project #5 :
Project Title :Confidential,
Client : Confidential,
Technologies : java, JSP, J2EE, XML, Oracle, Struts Frame work
Role : Programmer
Duration : May2006-November2007
Description :
Local Service Request (LSR) capabilities streamline the process whenever a service provider interfaces with an incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) to set up services for their customers. In addition to reducing change management expenses, operational efficiencies are realized as provisioning personnel are able to submit and manage all LSR orders to all ILECs through a single automated interface.
- Used Struts Frame work
- MySQL Database
Project #6 :
Project Title : Confidential,
Client : Confidential,
Technologies : java, JSP, J2EE, XML, Oracle, Struts Frame work
Role : Programmer
Duration : January2005-May2006
Access Service Request (ASR) provides an integrated solution for ordering access from multiple providers. Through a single web-based interface, ASR helps service providers expedite customer provisioning or network capacity expansion through an \'e-bonding\' process using industry-accepted standards. ASR essentially eliminates the need for one-to-one interfaces across trading partners to help lower operating and administrative costs
- Used Struts Frame work
- MySQL Database
- Java, J2EE Technologies
Project #7 :
Project Title : Confidential,
Client : Confidential,
Technologies : java, JSP, J2EE, Tomcat
Role : Programmer
Duration : February2004-December2004
Description :
This system maintains the tender details, vendor details and quotation details. This project deals with publishing tenders, inviting quotations and selecting the best suited quotation. It also deals with material receipt, material issue, maintaining units, godowns and salesman master.
- Used JSP, JDBC, HTML, Java Script
- MVC Framwork
- Java, J2EE Technologies