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Azure Kubernetes Administrator/devops Engineer Resume

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St Louis, MissourI


  • Professionally 8+ years of professional experience in IT industry comprising of Linux Administration, Build and Release, DevOps and AWS Cloud Services that includes principles with keeping up Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment in various environments like (DEV/TEST/STAGE and PROD).
  • Experience in AWS Cloud IaaS stage with components VPC, ELB, Auto - Scaling, EBS, AMI, EMR, Kinesis, Lambda, Cloud Formation template, Cloud Front, Cloud Trail, ELK Stack, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Watch and DynamoDB.
  • Perform analysis of large Data sets using components from the Hadoop ecosystem.
  • Experience in maintaining the user accounts (IAM), RDS, Route53, VPC, RDS, Dynamo DB and SNS services in AWS cloud.
  • Work with the application team to design and develop an effective Hadoop solution. Be actively engaged and responsible in the development process.
  • Involved in designing and deploying multitude applications utilizing almost all the AWS stack (Including EC2, Route53, S3, RDS, Dynamo DB, Maria DB, SNS, SQS, IAM) focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and Auto scaling in AWS Cloud Formation.
  • Performance critical portions were written in Golang. Part of team to develop several tools to manage Docker environments and deploy to AWS.
  • Designed AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC, subnets, NAT to ensure successful deployment of Web applications and database templates.
  • Hands on experience in S3 buckets and managed policies for S3 buckets and utilized S3 Buckets and Glacier for storage, backup and archived in AWS and in setting up and maintenance of Auto-Scaling AWS stacks.
  • Expertise in creating functions and assigning roles in AWS Lambda to run python scripts. Expertise in testing and automation tools like Selenium, Junit Framework and Cucumber.
  • Experience in Building a Command line tool to interact with RESTful API using in Golang and developed a Golang API using TDD to aggregate data to show application server alignment.
  • Designed high availability environment for Application servers and database servers on EC2 by using ELB and Auto-scaling. Installed application on AWS EC2 instances and configured the storage on S3 buckets.
  • Experience in Branching, Merging, Tagging and maintaining the version across the environments using SCM tools like GIT, Bitbucket and Subversion (SVN) on windows and Linux platforms.
  • Expertise in developing build and deployment scripts using Maven (pom.xml) as build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to other environments.
  • Extensively worked on Jenkins for continuous integration and for End to End automation for all build and deployments.
  • Worked in DevOps group running Jenkins in a Docker container with EC2 slaves in Amazon AWS Cloud configuration. Also, gain familiarity with surrounding technologies such as Mesos (Mesosphere) and Kubernetes.
  • Hands on in using Bamboo modules such as Build Complete Action, Build Plan Definition, and Administration configuration. Involved in Provisioning AWS Infrastructure using Terraform scripts from Jenkins.
  • Extensive hands on experience with recipes, cookbooks for applying across multiple nodes with chef with templates, roles, knife plugins, chef supermarket and deploying nodes in production environment .
  • Experience in Writing Chef Cookbooks and Recipes to automate our build/deployment process and do an overall process improvement to any manual processes.
  • Experience with infrastructure automation tool - Terraform. Implement Infrastructure as Code utilizing Terraform for AWS resource provisioning and management.
  • Proficient in Writing Terraform templates, Chef Cookbooks, recipes and pushed them onto Chef Server for configuring EC2 Instances.
  • Experience in writing Ansible Playbooks and Puppet Manifests to provision Apache Web servers, Tomcat servers, Nginx, Apache Spark and other applications .
  • Expert in Chef/Puppet as Configuration management tool, to automate the repetitive tasks, quickly deploy critical applications, and enthusiastically managed the changes.
  • Experienced in keeping up and looking at log archives using monitoring tools like Nagios, Splunk, Cloud Watch, ELK Stack, New Relic and App Dynamics.
  • Excellent knowledge of Linux including CentOS, RedHat, Ubuntu, Debian, configuration and administration of Red Hat Virtual machines in VMware Environment .
  • Working Knowledge on databases like MySQL, RDS, DynamoDB and MongoDB. Experienced in Administration, Support, Performance Tuning, Migration and Maintenance of Servers .


Operating Systems: Linux (RedHat, Ubuntu, CentOS), Windows, MAC

Build/Automation Tools: Jenkins, Maven, Ant, Bamboo, Team city, Build Forge, Gradle, TFS

Configuration Management Tools: Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Salt Stack

Cloud Technologies: AWS, Open stack, Azure

Scripting Languages: Shell, Bash, Perl, Python, Groovy, .Net, PowerShell, Terraform

Database System: MySQL, IBM DB2, Dynamo DB, Mongo DB, Cassandra, Hadoop.

Web/App Server: Apache, IIS, HIS, Tomcat, WebSphere Application Server, WebLogic, Jboss

Version Control Tools: GIT, Subversion, Bit Bucket, CVS.

Web Technologies: Servlets, JDBC, JSP, XML, HTML, YAML, Swagger Tool.

Virtualization Tools: VMWare, Power VM, Virtual box, V Centre, vSphere, WebLogic.

Monitoring Tools: Nagios, Cloud Watch, Splunk, ELK, App Dynamics, Datadog


Confidential - St Louis, Missouri

Azure Kubernetes Administrator/DevOps Engineer


  • Part of Streaming Data Platform team. Worked on SDP-V4 project. Contributed in getting the PAR approval.
  • Administrating and supporting company’s Azure kubernetes infrastructure, ensuring it is secure, resilient and performance and responsible for complete DevOps activities and coordinating with development team.
  • Working as Kubernetes Administrator, involved in configuration for web apps, Azure App services, Azure Application insights, Azure Application gateway, Azure DNS, Azure traffic manager, App services.
  • Responsible for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) process implementation using Jenkins, Bogie along with Python and Shell scripts to automate routine jobs. Worked with the Architects on SDLC process being the part of post development environments.
  • Worked on Bogie Pipeline which is the internal tool for CI/CD. Onboarding Various Microservices using Bogie. Doing Micro services deployments and troubleshooting any errors.
  • Automated build and deployment process for Microservices, re-engineering setup for better user experience, and leading up to building a continuous integration system for all our products.
  • Coordinated the resources by working closely with Project Managers for the release and carried deployments and builds on various environments using continuous integration tool.
  • Use AWS services EC2, VPC, IAM, S3, AWS resource access manager, ELB, ASG, Cloud Watch, CloudTrail, SNS, Elastic search, ECS etc.
  • Perform analysis of large Data sets using components from the Hadoop ecosystem.
  • Managed AWS EC2 instances utilizing Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing and Glacier for our environments. Manage and maintained and deployed to Dev, QA and Prod environments.
  • Deploying Elasticsearch to assist with environment logging requirements. Created different variations of Kibana dashboard running different instances of Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana. Responsible for planning index and shards and index TTL strategies in Elasticsearch. Troubleshooting Elasticsearch errors.
  • Created different elastic search queries and python scripts to analyze the data from different Microservices and run it through Logstash, pass it through Elasticsearch and visualized them in Kibana depending on the different kinds of logs.
  • Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm. Created reproducible builds of the Kubernetes applications, managed Kubernetes manifest files and managed releases of Helm packages.
  • Created SQL server Db using RDS and generated the schema for the existing tables present in S3 using AWS Glue. Data Extraction, aggregations and consolidation of Adobe data within AWS Glue using PySpark.
  • Configured Cloud Watch and Datadog to monitor real-time granular metrics of all the AWS Services and configured individual dashboards for each resource Agents.
  • Increased pre-production server visibility by producing Datadog metrics. Enabled Datadog APM, JVM metrics in different Microservices. Creating Datadog Dashboards to visualize different Microservices metrics.
  • Created index in ELK stack to send the application logs using fluentd. Restricting the access to ELK using Security groups and iam policies. Creating Monitors for Datadog and CloudWatch using terraform. Integrating Datadog with Slack and PagerDuty.
  • Work with the application team to design and develop an effective Hadoop solution. Be actively engaged and responsible in the development process.
  • Integrated Maven with GIT to manage and deploy project related tags. Worked on Maven to create artifacts from source code and deploy them in Nexus central repository for internal deployments. Branching and merging code lines in the GIT and resolved all the conflicts raised during the merges.
  • Worked on creating the queries for Kibana, Grafana and New Relic. Worked on Influx DB for creating the Data Source. Worked on Creating ECS clusters in AWS.
  • Performing Load test and writing various scripts for performing failure testing, resiliency testing, load testing, etc.
  • Defined and Implemented Software Configuration Management Standards based on Agile/Scrum methodologies, in line with the organization.
  • Worked with a complex environment on RedHat Linux while ensuring that the systems adhere to organizational standards and policies.
  • Researched and recommended open source tools, practices, and methodologies that enhance our day to day productivity.

Environment: AWS, Jenkins, Bogie, Datadog, CloudWatch, Terraform, Kafka, ELK, EKS, EMR, Ec2, S3, IAM, VPC, Security Groups, Snowflake, Python, Maven, Linux, Kubernetes, JIRA, KANBAN, Elastic Search, Log stash, Splunk, AWS RedShift, ECS, Influx DB, Hadoop.

Confidential - Columbia, SC

DevOps/Cloud Engineer


  • Setup and build AWS infrastructure various resources VPC, EC2, S3, IAM, EBS, DynamoDB, Security Group, Auto Scaling, EMR and RDS in Cloud Formation templates, Amazon ECR.
  • Focused on Security, using AWS Guard Duty and CIS benchmark on aws and Dome9, a cloud infrastructure Security tool.
  • Setup Active Directory in the AWS Cloud that can be used to manage users, groups, computers and can enable you to join Amazon Ec2 instances to our domain easily.
  • Created S3 bucket policies based on the requirement using terraform thus restricting the access to the bucket.
  • Created and maintained EMR clusters for the developers using terraform. Installed apps like Hive, Spark, Tezz, Hadoop, Yarn, Ganglia, and Hue. Troubleshooting the cluster if the developers facing any issues.
  • Setup ELK stack to aggregate logs from all your systems and applications, analyze these logs, and create visualizations for application and infrastructure monitoring, faster troubleshooting, security analytics.
  • Built and Implemented collaborative development environment using Bitbucket and Integrated it with Jenkins. Set up Jenkins master and added the necessary plugins and adding more slaves to support scalability and Agility.
  • Created and maintained various DevOps related tools for the team such as provisioning scripts, deployment Tools and staged virtual environments using Terraform.
  • Responsible for ensuring Continuous Delivery/Continuous Integration across all environments from POC to Post Production and Production using Jenkins.
  • Implemented several Continuous Delivery Pipelines for different products using Jenkins and Bamboo. Set up build pipelines in Jenkins by using various plugins like Maven plugin, EC2 plugin, Terraform, JDK, Twist lock etc.
  • Wrote python scripts for implementing Lambda functions. Created API as a front door application to access data or functionality from backend services running on EC2 and code running on Lambda or any web application.
  • Managed AWS EC2 instances utilizing Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing and Glacier for our environments.
  • Wrote scripts and indexing strategy for a migration to Amazon Redshift from SQL Server and MySQL databases
  • Played a role migrating existing AWS infrastructure to server less architecture (AWS Lambda, Kinesis) deployed via Terraform or AWS Cloud formation.
  • Converted existing Terraform modules that had version conflicts to utilize cloud formation during terraform deployments to enable more control or missing capabilities.
  • Implemented and maintained the monitoring and alerting of production and corporate servers/storage using AWS Cloud watch.
  • Worked on the migration from VMware to AWS and used Terraform to automate the infrastructure in AWS by creating EC2, S3, RDS, VPC and Route 53.
  • Involved in designing and deploying multiple applications using AWS cloud infrastructure focusing on high availability, fault tolerance and auto-scaling of the instances.
  • Designed DevOps workflow for multiple applications by orchestrating Test, Build, Release and Deploy phases through various CI/CD pipelines using Git, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible & Cloud formation tools.
  • Installed and configured Jenkins and created parameterized jobs to kick off builds for different environments. Managed the team's source repository through Bitbucket and continuous integration system using Jenkins .
  • Branching and merging code lines in the GIT and resolved all the conflicts raised during the merges.

Environment: AWS, Jenkins, Terraform, ELK, EKS, EMR, Ec2, S3, IAM, VPC, WSo2, Snowflake, Apache, Python, Maven, Linux, Kubernetes, JIRA, KANBAN, Elastic Search, Log stash, Splunk, AWS RedShift.

Confidential - Durham, NC

DevOps/Cloud Engineer


  • Build AWS infrastructure using almost all the resources like VPC, EC2, S3, IAM, EBS, Security Group, Auto Scaling, EMR and RDS in Cloud Formation templates, Amazon ECR.
  • Implemented several Continuous Delivery Pipelines for different products using Jenkins, Go-CD and Bamboo. Set up build pipelines in Jenkins by using various plugins like Maven plugin, EC2 plugin, Docker, Terraform, JDK etc.
  • Built and Implemented collaborative development environment using GIT, GitHub and integrated it with Jenkins. Set up Jenkins master and added the necessary plugins and adding more slaves to support scalability and Agility. Experience with build tools Ant and Maven for writing build.xmls and pom.xmls respectively.
  • Created custom monitors, alarms and notifications for EC2 hosts using Cloud Watch. Configured and administered GitHub Enterprise in AWS with High Availability (HA) enabled and handled. Maintained branches/forks in GitHub version control for the changes made in cookbooks as per release.
  • Extensively used Docker for virtualization, Ship, Run and Deploy the application securely to fasten Build/Release Engineering. Worked on Docker and Vagrant for different infrastructure setup and testing of code.
  • Hands-on Experience in the design, implementation, and support of automated containerized infrastructure (Docker), leveraging continuous integration and continuous delivery processes for service development, and Cluster/monitoring/ for infrastructure service deployment and administration. Evaluated Kubernetes for Docker container orchestration.
  • Used Maven dependency management system to deploy snapshot releases and release artifacts to nexus to share artifacts across the projects. Used Build tools like maven for building and deploying artifacts such as WAR from source code. Setup Custom Service, job Scheduler, and set repetitions options using Playbooks in Ansible.
  • Performed Health checks for applications before moving to production. Configured and managed Jenkins and Deploy for continuous Integration and end to end automation for all the build and deployments.
  • Created and maintained build related scripts developed in ANT and Python and worked with development team to migrate Ant scripts to Maven. Rolled out Ansible automation and wrote playbooks and plays to update configurations of network services.
  • Created S3 backups using versioning enable and moved objects to Amazon Glacier for archiving purpose. Participated in weekly release meetings with Technology stakeholders, identify and mitigate potential risks associated with the releases.
  • Perform Upgrades for Team Foundation Server and help migrate to Team Services Experience providing Continuous Integration/Delivery solutions (Jenkins, Maven and UDeploy).
  • Documented Rest API using Swagger Tool. Implemented, Developed and Deployed Java Micro services on aws cloud.
  • Creating the build definitions for various applications using MS Build. Installed MS Build extension pack and Team Foundation Power Tools. Implemented Team Foundation Server TFS as Version Management for Microsoft Technologies.
  • Experience in automation AWS environment using Terraform. Configured AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Database Subnet Group for isolation of resources within the Amazon RDS MySQL DB cluster, AWS-Dynamo DB and AWS-RedShift.
  • Used AWS Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, and Docker on familiar servers such as Apache, and IIS.

Environment: AWS, Micro services, GitHub, Ansible, Jenkins, Tomcat, Apache, Python, Maven, Linux, Docker, Vagrant, SonarQube, Jboss, WebLogic, Team city, GitHub, JIRA, RPM, KANBAN, Elastic Search, Log stash, Splunk, AWS RedShift, Oracle, MS BUILD, TFS, Concourse, Circle CI, Groovy.

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