Web Content Manager Resume
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Washington, DC
To obtain employment with an organization where I can utilize my skills and abilities, while learning new technologies and tackle new challenges.
Work Experience
Web Content Manager
4/201205/2012 Washington, DC
- Content Mangement support for the migration of content into a different CMS system.
- Supported internal users/clients with publishing content into the new content management system.
- Created written instructional documentation
- Deliverables such as recording of customer CMS issues, instructional documentation, best practices, FAQ and project timelines.
Confidential 11/1998 - Present Easton, PA
- Project management responsibilities including all aspects of any given project including: design, development and content within time lines and on budget
- Performed the following: developing concepts, layout/wireframes, basic design, banner design, HTML/CSS coding, color schemes, digital photography
- Worked with multiple technologies including HTML/CSS, PHP, ASP, javascript
- Writing and editing of written content on websites, social media, email campaigns, b and blogs as well as biographies and press kits
- Worked with Social Media such as Twitter, Facebook Google+, youtube, Flickr
- Experience with Google Analytics, WebTrends and Pay-Per-Click
- Portfolio available at BeccaSharp.com
Web Project Manager
4/20067/2007 Edison, NJ
- Project management responsibilities included: ensuring project completion on time and within budget.
- Complete design of web sites for multiple pharmaceutical companies, redesign of existing sites, graphic/logo design, development and layout of web sites, banner design, HTML, CSS, Flash, CGI, ASP and JavaScript.
- Performed the following: HTML, CSS, and ASP coding, color schemes, scanning, JavaScript, flash Intros
- Worked with e-commerce programs to publish medical journals to e-commerce site-Web project manager / consultant on various medical communications projects including submissions to the National Library of Medicine
Operations Manager 7/1997 - 10/2000 Aiken, SC
- Worked with the CEO to ensure that customers were properly supported. Hired and developed staff personnel. Managed budget, account receivable, hardware and network component purchasing functions.
- Established standard operating procedures for customer technical support and accounts receivable.
- Maintained vendor relationships.
- Reviewed and approved final advertisements with advertising agencies.-Project management responsibilities included: working closely with the technical support, lead web designer and web design teams performing: web site design, updates, layouts, scanning, and digital photography.
- Expertise with the Macintosh platform, working knowledge of Microsoft Windows 95, 98, and NT, SGIs running Irix (6.5), Boardtown Platypus Accounting and ICVerify credit card software.
2009 Bachelor of Arts in English and History
Adobe Creative Suite Basecamp HTML Clickability Pangea ASP PHP CSS CGI XML Dreamweaver Flash JavaScript Microsoft Office Microsoft Project QuarkXpress Server Management (Windows Server 2005) SQLmySQL UNIX Twitter Facebook Myspace Drupal Various Internet Apps.