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Sap Abap Consultant Resume Profile

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  • Over 13 years of experience with various phases of systems development life cycle process including business development, project estimation, requirements determination, business blueprint, systems design, development, testing, go - live and post implementation support.
  • Over 10 years of working experience as ABAP developer, working with Data Dictionary, Interfaces programming, Conversions, Enhancements, Scripts, Forms, PDF forms, WebDynpro, BRF, BRF, POWL, Web Services, Workflows, BADI, BAPI, RFC, ALE and IDOC programming with SRM, MM, SD, FI-CO, GRC PSCD and MDM, Mobile APP, DCN, SUP processes.
  • Hands-on experience in design, development and configuration of BRF, BRF PLUS applications for SRM approval process for Single and N-Step approvals, PC-CD process including Registration BP/CA/CO, TRM, billing and Invoicing, IRC, Payments, P I, Revenue distribution.
  • Strong experience with Reports, DDIC, ALV, Batch Data Communication BDC, User Exits, LSMW, Dynpro Programming, SAP Script, Smart Forms, Screen painter and Menu painter
  • Extensive experience in cross applications like ALE, EDI, IDOCS, RFC and BAPI
  • Having strong experience in end-to-end Implementation of SRM SUS 5.0/7.0 for Classic and Extended classic Scenarios Business scenario for SC, PO, SOCO, RFX, RFX response, Contract, ECC PReq CPPR, Service Hierarchy, PO, GR, INV,POR,CRM Middleware, BRF, WORKFLOW .
  • Hands-on work experience in MDM data modeling, MDM admin activities, MDM catalog, UI Manager, Data Manager, Import manager, Import server, Syndicate manager, Syndicate server MDM Workflows, Matching strategy, Matching Rule, Search UI, OCI, External Catalog supplier catalog, and External OCI design.
  • Worked on BDT, EEWB to enhance and include Business partner custom field to satisfy taxpayer additional information.
  • Experienced in Conversion, Mapping Migration of Legacy data using LSMW Tool Legacy System Migration Workbench . Developed BDC programs Batch Data Communication and Dynpro programs for transferring data from legacy system to SAP R/3 system used BAPI upload extensively.
  • Expertise includes SAP Enhancements, BADI, Enhancements spot, User Exits and Customer exists
  • Expert in ALE/EDI Inbound and Outbound interface Functionality and Technical Enhancements, which includes Architectural knowledge to develop interfaces for different business process.
  • Strong Experience in ABAP WORKFLOW, BRF and BUS Objects, XI/PI proxy programming, IR, ID designing, XML Schema and Adopters.

Professional Experience:




  • Working as a technical architect/offshore coordinator to handle SRM mobility approval process and BRF workflow for approval/completion for one and n step approval and Brazil specific implementation to provide complete technical solutions to achieve business requirements.
  • Develop SRM mobility interface to connect/sending/receiving message DCN/SUP for mobile app for SC/PO off line approval process.
  • Develop workflow Exits/Enhancement for standard BRF sub workflow template WS and WS to send push notification to Mobile App SUP for approval, completion, reminder and error handling mechanism for SRM-Mobility system.
  • Develop RFC for offline approval workflow completion process to approve, reject and Error handling for any incoming DCN/SUP incoming approval notification from Mobile Apps.
  • Configure Process level schema for SC, PO and develop BRF process business rules Events, Expression for Completion and Approval for one and N-Step workflow approval using workflow templates WS40000014, WS and WS Task 400007952, 400007953, 400007952
  • Implement SRM BADIs Item check, Document change, XML output, Tax determination, Smartform change, offline approval for Brazil specific rollout implementation for control Brazil specific standard fields at SRM SC/PO level.
  • Develop BADI /SAPSRM/BD WF RESP RESOLVER to route incomplete SC's for completion.
  • To route selected shopping carts line items to technical reviewers or approvers, To route shopping carts up the reporting organizational hierarchy for financial approvers as per business requirements and To route select shopping carts to commercial buyers for commercial buyer approval.
  • Develop XI proxy inbound interface programming to create Planned PR and production PO orders based on the incoming data from legacy system into SAP-ECC


Lead consultant BRF/ABAP/Webdynpro


  • PO Output Layout Developed a new SMARTFORM in SRM EBBP and assigned into to standard purchase order layout to proposed, conforming to the standard correspondence as set by the client rules.
  • Develop BADI /SAPSRM/BD WF RESP RESOLVER to route incomplete SC's for completion. To route selected shopping carts line items to technical reviewers or approvers, To route shopping carts up the reporting organizational hierarchy for financial approvers as per business requirements and To route select shopping carts to commercial buyers for commercial buyer approval.
  • Configure Process level schema for SC, PO and develop BRF process business rules Events, Expression for Completion and Approval for one and N-Step workflow using workflow templates WS, WS40000016 and WS40000017 Task,
  • RFX Layout Developed new SMARTFORM in SRM EBBP and assigned into to standard RFX layout to proposed, conforming to the standard correspondence as set by the client rules.
  • Develop BADIs Doc change, Item check, and Tax determination, Output XML to define and validate complex business requirements.
  • Develop inbound outbound interface programming using XI proxy/BAPI to create PO/PR from legasey system into R3 SAP systems.
  • Defined Call structure and parameter MDM/external supplier system URL, user name, password, server, catalog, HOOK URL, return target to enable Internal SRM MDM catalog and External Supplier catalog.
  • Configure UI manager OCI mapping, Shopping option, Item display criteria, Shopping list, search, Custom search, Custom item list, Custom item display, Custom cart preview for SRM and SUS users.
  • Configure MDM import server to automatic import contract data retrieved from ECC through XI and also defined Port details detail Open Map file, Schema, process type Remote and System
  • Maintain MDM Data manager for managing contract to data cleaning, Duplicate handling, Matching and merging, Record comparing, Assignment, Rules and Matching strategy
  • Profiles for message type MBGMCR, IDOC type IMBGMCR configuring RFC ports and distributing the model.
  • Customize and configure CRM middleware for material/products replications from ECC to SRM


Webdynpro TechonoFunctional Consultant


  • Complete solution provider for BRF PLUS design development troubleshooting
  • Transport management and ABAP programming for various Tax and Revenue systems related objects, forms, interfaces, workflow management and mass activities.
  • Developed complete BRF objects functions, rules, rules sets, actions, expressions to provide rules and validations for various tax forms Controlled substances, Ferry embarkations, Deeds, Smoking Bar Permits, IFTA registration to file Returns and Registrations.
  • Developed global BRF Plus application to include common functionalities Refund calculations, Payment retrieval, ICR data retrieval, Assessment details retrieval which helps other BRF PLUS application can call these functions by importing/exporting parameter to avoid redundant and maintain consistencies.
  • Handled complete integration for BRF PLUS with WebDynpro, ABAP classes and interfaces to handle Form and File based tax forms.
  • Handled complete Workflow design develop and implement the Org.structure modeling, agent assignment, Workflow rules and responsibility assignment, Event handling and workflow routing rule validations and enhancement of workflow container validations/values.
  • Developed complete ABAP class programming for Refund and Recluses calculation, Interest calculations, ICR update validations, Management KPI Reports interface programming for incoming file based returns registrations.
  • Enhanced workflow inbox webdynpro configuration to handle workflow events like workflow execution, forwarding techniques and re workflow assignment activities.
  • Enhanced standard function module to include programming logic to validate and bypass the refund and payment data for tax form amended scenarios.
  • Enhanced Standard FQ EVENTS for BRF PLUS pre populating form data for WebDynpro applications, ICR reversal for Straight to Zero process, custom field validation and assignment for Billing and Invoicing.
  • Enhanced standard webdynpro component to validate period key and postmark date for various tax return tax types
  • Developed Function modules, BAPI programming for Reversal documents and reposting adjustment documents for amended scenarios.
  • Developed ABAP programming for Registration, Address validation and update, existing check validations for Business partners/Contract Account/Contract objects for both Mass and form based updates.
  • Enhanced standard event to determine posting control reversal/delta for tax amended scenarios.
  • Handled complete troubleshooting for Batch programming failures for various Registration and Return Mass activities.
  • Complete Responsible to work with SAP BRF Plus subject author for System issues/ Process enhancements/OSS message handling/ SP upgrades/Client requirement business confirmations.


SAP Programmer Analyst - ABAP WebDynpro


  • Enhanced Standard WebDynpro Pre and Post Exit CPPR and built logic to check and validate Price and Pur.Org of the Preq Line item data which has been transferred to SRM Sourcing
  • Developed enhancement /SAPSRM/IF BADI SOA MAPPING MAP BACKEND TO X in SRM to map SRM PO custom fields with custom fields in ECC PO Like RFx no, Auction no, header text through XI interface GDE PurOrdERPReq V1PurOrd.
  • RM RFx ADOBE Output Layout Developed a new Adobe form/Interface SRM EBP and Linking with standard RFX layout bbp bid invi to proposed, conforming to the standard correspondence as set by the client rules. Also Logo has been dynamically assigned to the layout based of the Org.Str attribute assigned for the requester.
  • Developed xml Schema based ADOBE form DPSM30, which upload and read data from WSDL file which maps Custom fields data in to layout design. Also the custom values mapped to standard structure using webDynpro application for report.
  • Developed xml Schema based ADOBE form DPSM32, which upload and read data from WSDL file which mapes Custom fields data in to layout design. Also the custom values mapped to standard structure using webDynpro application for report.
  • Enhanced User Exit MM06E005 Customer fields in purchasing document and implemented Screen exit SAPMM06E-0111 and SAPMM06E-0101 to include custom PO header and item fields and written function module exit ZXM06U41 and ZXM06U40 to read and write custom data. Also included custom fields in include table structure CI EKKODB and CI EKPODB


SAP Programmer Analyst - ABAP WebDynpro


  • Enhanced User Exit MM06E005 Customer fields in purchasing document and implemented Screen exit SAPMM06E-0111 and SAPMM06E-0101 to include custom PO header and item fields and written function module exit ZXM06U41 and ZXM06U40 to read and write custom data. Also included custom fields in include table structure CI EKKODB and CI EKPODB
  • Enhance standard WebDynpro Component Shopping card, CPPR, RFx bidding and response screens using Metadata assignment in field control, POWL application screen control, Changing the User Interface on WebDynPro Component using Floor Plan Manager FPM based on OIF Object Instance Floor plan, WebDynpro component controller custom configuration FPM OIF COMPONENT, Writing custom enhancement in Post-Exit window method of webdynpro window
  • Developed enhancement / SAPSRM/ IF BADI SOA MAPPING MAP BACKEND
  • Developed WebDynpro application Assistance Class, ALV Reuse component, OVS and Popup to get all SUS PO Create and Release in ECC to make available in supplier portal for vendor and buyer validation PO amendment and Confirm using standard PO Change BADI.
  • TO X in SRM to map SRM PO custom fields with custom fields in ECC PO Like RFx no, Auction no, header text through XI interface GDE PurOrdERPReq V1PurOrd.
  • Manage and post go live support for SRM business process like Shopping cart, PO creation in ECC from SRM, CPPR and ECC Preq transfer to SRM for Sourcing, Central Contract created from SRM to ECC, RFX, SOSC, RFX Response, Invoice creation in ECC and Batch job scheduling for Follow on document and master data from ECC to SRM.
  • Configure custom Process level schema for BUS2200 and develop BRF Process control workflow for RXF approval based on the approval limit defined in the custom attribute in Org. Structure. Crated BRX Expression type 0CF000 function module by copying Brf call fun method template to define Process schema selection Approval with completion Task Id, Res. Resolver RR RFX APPROVER Auto approval Also implemented badi: /SAPSRM/BD WF RESP RESOLVER /SAPSRM/BD WF RESP RESOLVER /SAPSRM/BD WF RESP RESOLVER to get the approvers defined in Organization structure.
  • Configure CPPR to send ECC Preq to SRM for Sourcing by activating Purchasing - SAP SRM Integration LOG MM P2PSE 1 Material Management Purchasing LOG MM CI 2, Define BBP BACKEND DST, SYSTEM ALIAS for portal iViews, Assign Harmonized Roles to Users, Enable External Sourcing in OLME, Activate Badi ME REQ Sourcing Cust, Assign hierarchy template to transaction type HIER SC to display the template in CPPR, Implement OSS note 1089724 for CPPR POWL application and necessary PI interface to for data communication.
  • Developed Proxy ABAP program to retrieve contract header, line item, classification, pricing and vendor master data to send MDM through PI interface based on the PO to maintain SRM MDM catalog for SRM shopping cart.
  • Configure and maintain Organization structure, Maintain User attributes, Create user in the Org structure, replicating master data from ECC, Maintain Batch jobs for follow on documents, Master data, SRM tax code settings, Message control, Define Number Range, Managing Vendor Org. Structure, Define Business partners, Maintaining Sourcing Products and supporting business process for SC, PO, SOCO, RFX, RFX response, Contract, CPPR and Preq, GR and Invoice.
  • Design, develop, configure and data modeling for SRM MDM catalog Repository to maintain service and material contract. Download SRM MDM catalog from SAP Service market and enhanced for Contract Service CLASSIFICATION Data with custom look up tables and custom fields in CATALOG ITEM Table. Also configure Net weaver components for MDM UI manager and UI search to enable SRM MDM catalog.
  • Design, developed and maintained MDM admin activities in MDM console including Managing User, Roles, Remote system, Port, Schema, Open map and monitoring activities.
  • Maintain MDM Data manager for managing contract to data cleaning, Duplicate handling, Matching and merging, Record comparing, Assignment, Rules and Matching strategy
  • Configure MDM import server to automatic import contract data retrieved from
  • ECC through XI and also defined Port details detail Open Map file, Schema, process type Remote and System
  • Design develops and configures Product Taxonomy for Categories Category ID and Name and import Taxonomy hierarchy Excel data using Import Manager. Also Created taxonomy attributes and linked selected attributes with product data.
  • Enhanced standard Map filed MDMContractDataTransmission ProductID and XML Schema MDMContractDataTransmission to managed classification custom table data created in MDM repository
  • Configure UI manager OCI mapping, Shopping option, Item display criteria, Shopping list, search, Custom search, Custom item list, Custom item display, Custom cart preview for SRM and SUS users.
  • Defined Call structure and parameter MDM/external supplier system URL, user name, password, server, catalog, HOOK URL, return target to enable Internal SRM MDM catalog and External Supplier catalog.
  • Configure Call structure, UI Manager and OCI for SRM, Supplier portal and ECC Work Order IW32 to enable both Internal SRM MDM catalog and External Supplier Catalog.


SAP ABAP WebDynpro SRM MDM Technical Consultant


  • PO Output Layout Developed a new SMARTFORM in SRM EBBP and assigned into to standard purchase order layout bbp po to proposed, conforming to the standard correspondence as set by the M S rules.
  • Developed WebDynpro Application/Assistance Class/Used Component to built SUS supplier portal application to get ECC release purchase Order to made available for Vendor validation to amend and confirm back to ECC system through PI/XI integration.
  • ALE IDOC Configuration included creation of logical systems, assigning clients to the logical system, creating RFC destination, creating the customer distribution model, configuring partner profiles for message type MBGMCR, IDOC type IMBGMCR configuring RFC ports and distributing the model.
  • Developed WebDynpro Application to bring PO/PReq/GR/Invoice details based on Vendor authorization to get the details based on POWL/POWL Query and also Create/Customized Interface to bypass the standard process to achieve custom requirement.
  • Intra Company Posting: Developed the correct handling of price differences between the stock valuated at Moving Average Prices/Costs MAC from R/3 Back End system and the sales prices, the Catalogue Price or CP from SRM-EBP system. These differences will be recorded in to corresponding Product owners by GL posting using BAPI BAPI ACC DOCUMENT POST. The Catalogue Price or CP for given PO number has been retrieved from RFC Internally calling the SRM RFC BBP PD PO GETDETAILS . The Difference amount has been posted to Backend using Posting key 40 50.
  • Data Migration Contract: Developed a system for data migration of contracts from legacy system to SAP SRM using RFC bbp pd ctr create to create contracts in SRM form flat file and changing the status of the contract based on input data.
  • Developed BADI bbp det taxcode badi bbp cuf badi 2 to determine Custom tax code and description in the shopping cart for both free order and catalog items based on customer condition. Also provided tool tip text for the tax indicator in the ITS screen.
  • Created LSMW project in R/3 to upload material master data and to extend the plant details pertaining to the material using transaction MM01 and MM02.
  • Worked on PO, Confirmation and Shopping Cart WORKFLOWS WS, WS, WS, WS and WS to design, configure event controller, Starting conditions, Workflow Administration, Workflow Monitoring, Workflow workload activities
  • Developed exit: EXIT SAPLMRMN 001 in the enhancement spot MRMN0001 EXIT for MRRL transaction IDOC Outbound to include TAX percentage for PO line items based on condition type and VAT code. The tax percentage will be updated in to segment type E1EDK04.
  • Developed XI name space under defined software component and created Data Type, Message Type, Message mapping, Interface mapping under the namespace in XI- IR. Also created new Communication channels, sender and receiver determination and sender and receiver agreements in XI-ID to send Purchase contract details to R/3 system using proxy communication between systems.
  • ERS Invoice Layout MR PRINT Developed new SAP script in SRM Backend system and configure into to standard ERS invoice in NACE. It has been retrieved Invoice header and item details and displayed in given position without changing driver program.
  • Implemented Substitution Exit for FI Document to Add responsible Product Owner for given filter values defined by the client using GGB1 with custom include program. Implemented BADI BBP CTR MASS to include additional business partner selection field and handled function group programming for activity to change the Mass Contract Change By creating ITS screen and Published under SAR service.
  • Developed BADI bbp catalog transfer to get the customers business card template as an attachment from local directory with required field validation and transferred into Shopping card and maintained the attachment in PO in SUS system to print the business cards in given format.
  • Developed BADI bbp doc change badi for template buying products: Using BADI to implement Shopping cart process through Webdynpro Template and added the template values in to vendor text in given format.
  • Developed BADI to transfer Z-table data in to shopping cart and customizing the contract data manually also to execute exception file generated from Import server.
  • Handling Exception MDM files by Mapping Import Manager Open map for source and destination field, Key field definition, matching records and matching Workflow to import
  • Support production issues for SRM MDM catalog Repository to maintain service and material contract. Download SRM MDM catalog from SAP Service market and enhanced for Contract Service CLASSIFICATION Data with custom look up tables and custom fields in CATALOG ITEM Table. Also configure Net weaver components for MDM UI manager and UI search to enable SRM MDM catalog.
  • Shopping cart data for user and line item level by locking the data in BADI implementation coding level. This program will transfer a PC or UNIX file to another PC or UNIX file. The file can be edited in the midterm using the standard SAP editor.
  • Configure workflow for material contract which is import through import manager has been sent for ADMIN approval for matching records based on the Rule and matching strategy and Assignment defined in Data manager.
  • Configure UI manager OCI mapping, Shopping option, Item display criteria, Shopping list, search, Custom search, Custom item list, Custom item display, Custom cart preview for SRM and SUS users.


SAP ABAP SRM MDM Technical Consultant


  • PO Output Layout Developed a new SMARTFORM in SRM EBBP and assigned into to standard purchase order layout to proposed, conforming to the standard correspondence as set by the RABO Bank rules.
  • PO Output Layout Developed new SMARTFORM in SRM EBBP and assigned into to standard RFX layout to proposed, conforming to the standard correspondence as set by the RABO Bank rules.
  • Developed various BADI Document change BADI, Cuff badi, Account determination, PO create, Catalog transfer to enhance various P2P processes based on the requirement.
  • Billing Report. Report displays Billing and its corresponding Sales Order, Accounting Details for the given Sales Organization or Distribution Channel or Sales Division etc
  • Modified an interactive Vendor Analysis Report, which lists the materials. Material Number and Storage Location were displayed. Unit of Measure, Description and Group Totals were included.
  • Changing Material from Material Master: This Transaction was made to change material by calling transaction MM02. A front end was created to add, modify, delete and View the lead time and Document number in a user defined table, named 'YLEAD' after checking Date and Time for the last BDC run, MM02 was called and material was modified
  • Worked on LSMW Legacy System Migration Workbench to migrate the Material Master data transferring MM data from Legacy System to SAP R/3 System. This inbound interface transferred the legacy system material data to SAP through MM01 transaction Basic view, Sales view, Purchase view, Plant/Storage location and Warehouse views .
  • Created a User Exit routine for creation of purchase order validating the project reference field when a purchase order is saved.
  • Wrote inbound interface using BAPI function call BAPI MATERIAL SAVEDATA to update the capacity usage field, MKAPV in MLGN table with right volume of the material in packed condition. contract data manually also to execute exception file generated from Import server.
  • Handling Exception MDM files by Mapping Import Manager Open map for source and destination field, Key field definition, matching records and matching Workflow to import
  • Support production issues for SRM MDM catalog Repository to maintain service and material contract. Download SRM MDM catalog from SAP Service market and enhanced for Contract Service CLASSIFICATION Data with custom look up tables and custom fields in CATALOG ITEM Table. Also configure Net weaver components for MDM UI manager and UI search to enable SRM MDM catalog.
  • Configure workflow for material contract which is import through import manager has been sent for ADMIN approval for matching records based on the Rule and matching strategy and Assignment defined in Data manager.
  • Configure UI manager OCI mapping, Shopping option, Item display criteria, Shopping list, search, Custom search, Custom item list, Custom item display, Custom cart preview for SRM and SUS users.

Environment: ECC 6.0, SRM 5.0, MDM, PI, BI


SAP ABAP Consultant


  • Configuration included creation of logical systems, assigning clients to the logical system, creating RFC destination, creating the customer distribution model, configuring partner profiles for message type DEBMAS, IDOC type DEBMAS06 IDOC EXTENSION configuring RFC ports and distributing the model. Also developed OUTBOUD USER EXIT EXIT SAPLVV01 001 to update values to custom field extended in the IDOC.
  • Developed eCATT to validate FI posting document data which the business enhances to include local currency for existing data using FB01 transaction. Validation has been done against the data using eCATT testing tool which are going to update in to the process.
  • Introduced Multi currency Transaction and Local to Monthly TB Report, Daily TB report and Trial Balances with Averages. Added logic to print the trail balance detailed data in ALV report.
  • FBB1 Upload using BDC technologies:
  • Outbound: Creation of the GLAS SSR balances and transactions reconciliation outbound from the SAP General Ledger. Creation of SSR extraction from SAP General Ledger and FTP of the extract to the server
  • Outbound: Creation of GLASS SSR balances and transaction reconciliation outbound data from General Ledger and extract balances to the server in the given XML format.
  • Developed ALV BLOCK report for all instances where foreign currency transactions have been processed outside the rate tolerances. Search through all transactions posted during a specified period and perform calculations to determine if the rate entered and saved exceeded the set tolerance.
  • Creation of existing GLAS generic J46 /J47 reconciliation outbound being created by the mainframe application on a Daily/Monthly basis using parameters files that specify the selection criteria.
  • Created and maintained Database table for maintain records to selection parameter for J46 and J47 extract outbound data.
  • Outbound: Creation Of GMI balances and transactions reconciliation outbound from SAP General Ledger and extract balances to the server in the given XML format.
  • Create ALV report to migrate and display the use of SS in the SAP security user master table. Replace all existing SS in to new given format and displayed in to ALV report.


SAP ABAP Consultant


  • Created a User Exit routine for creation of purchase order validating the project reference field when a purchase order is saved.
  • Worked on LSMW Legacy System Migration Workbench to migrate the Material Master data transferring MM data from Legacy System to SAP R/3 System. This inbound interface transferred the legacy system material data to SAP through MM01 transaction Basic view, Sales view, Purchase view, Plant/Storage location and Warehouse views .
  • Designed and coded a BDC program for Open Sales Orders that updated records in the sales order screen or will create new sales orders depending on the source
  • Created an ALV Report to display vendor delivery/forecast details on a monthly basis. The information for the same was taken from MM tables
  • ERS Invoice Layout MR PRINT Developed new SAP script in SRM Backend system and configure into to standard ERS invoice in NACE. It has been retrieved Invoice header and item details and displayed in given position without changing driver program.
  • Uploaded material description in the ADDITIONAL DATA tab in material change transaction
  • Customized and generated a PO Output Form with details of Total ordered tonnage, Total price, material, material description and quantity price per kg.
  • Developed a Smart Form to display vendor/forecast details on a monthly basis.
  • Developed an interface program to post the data to SAP R/3 for making miscellaneous adjustments as well as to change the batch status. Implemented serialization by modifying the
  • Standard function module
  • Developed the Shipment Process to attach a shipment to a Purchase Order
  • Created a module pool program with custom screens involving tab-strips to create, change, and display Shipment Id and update the data to custom tables
  • Updated the partners of the PO with the value of shipper using the standard BAPI
  • Performed table maintenance using ALV for custom tables
  • Developed LSMWs to upload Vendor Master Data MD and Customer Master Data MD from a legacy system to SAP R/3 Database. Efficient in data conversion and loading data into SAP
  • Developed a BDC program to extend the customer under account group Sold-to- party from one Sales area to new sales area using the transaction XD01 and to modify the extended customers in new area using transaction XD02.
  • Data file from external systems using VA01 transaction.
  • Implemented USER EXIT which will assign vendor Number automatically in Sales order creation screen on requisition.
  • Implemented User Exit for the IW31 to automatically get the company code and to check conditions when user clicks save.


SAP ABAP Consultant

  • Involved in design, development and testing for an in house ERP sales module like PR, PO, GR and Invoice posting through Web application to improve business process globally using Microsoft technologies VB, ASP, XML COM, DCOM, SQL Server, and Java Scripts . Also moved in to SAP technologies to understand the different methodologies involved in SAP.
  • Training Practices and production support activities in Solutions 3 SAP


  • Involved in design and development of ABAP code in user exit which generates Idocs on delivery deletion EDI 940- SHPORD .This involved capturing the delivery number and if the output was previously issued then the logic should pick up the previously generated idoc data for the delivery build the control record and transmit the idoc. Also created the mapping specs for the same exit MV50AFZ1
  • Wrote ABAP/4 programs for extracting data from SAP tables Vendor master, Purchase Orders, Invoices and remittance to be transferred to vendors using non-SAP systems for reconciliation and their local use.
  • Implemented OSS noted to increase the performance of the reports.
  • Designed and coded a BDC program for open purchase orders of known vendor ME21 in
  • Materials Management.
  • Created ABAP Classical, Interactive ALV reports for Various GL reports.
  • Converted SAP script to Smart forms and implemented client's requirement for PO and Invoice layout.
  • Worked on Field enhancement of various info type objects in SAP HR-Module.

Environment: ABAP 4.6C



  • Involved in design, development and testing to built corporate news providing web application server to collect all the news from various news providers to provide industry specific news to the customers using Microsoft technologies VB, ASP, XML COM, DCOM, SQL Server, and Java Scripts



  • Involved in design, development and testing to develop B2 to B2 web application server in which a user can drag and drop their input and can send across to the business for verification and validation to their inbox for easy access approval using Microsoft technologies JAVA, JSP, XML, JAVA SCRIPT and ORACLE

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