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React Js Developer Resume

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Plano, TX


  • TEMPHas More TEMPthan 9+ years of experience as a Front - end web developer in developing and designing user experiences of Internet/Intranet applications using HTML, HTML5, XML, DHTML CSS, CSS3, SASS, LESS, JavaScript, React Js, Redux, ES6, Saga, thunk Web pack, Flex, J Query, JSON, Node.js, Ajax, JQUERY Bootstrap.
  • Expertise in implementing easy to use Bootstrap plugins for building carousel, accordion, modal windows etc. Extensive knowledge in developing single - page applications (SPAs).
  • Expertise in analyzing teh Document Object Model (DOM) Layout, DOM Functions, and Java Script functions, Cascading Styles across cross-browser using Fire Bug, Developer Tool Bar.
  • Expertise in React Js and working wif React Flux architecture.
  • Experience wif middleware's using Redux-Thunk, Redux-Saga, Redux-Logger, Universal React
  • Expertise in React Js framework to develop teh SPA.
  • Experience in React Js Libraries like redux thunk, redux saga. Experience wif modern build tool chains, like JavaScript frameworks/technologies such as Express.js, React.js, MobX or Flux.js.
  • Experience in working wif React JS, React Flux, and Redux architecture using complex object-oriented concepts in improving teh performance of websites.
  • Expertise in creating Custom Reusable React Components Library Experienced in working wif Redux architecture using complex Object-Oriented concepts in improving teh performance of teh websites Experience in using React Js components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, plus Redux, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Good Experience in React Js for creating interactive UI's using One-way data flow, Virtual DOM, JSX, React Native concepts.
  • Expertise in using Middleware, Redux-Promise in application to retrieve data from Back-End and to also perform RESTFUL services.
  • Experienced in working wif Node.js and NPM modules like http-server, Marathon, inquirer, path, mongo DB, Micro Services, Request, Elastic Search, express, luck, spark and templating engines.
  • Experience in Node environment using Node.js, NPM, Grunt, Gulp, and Groovy Bower.
  • Knowledge of utilizing cloud technologies including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Expertise in RESTful, SOAP web services to integrate between Application-to-Application Experience wif front-end development wif back-end system integration.
  • Proficient in using Unit.js testing framework along wif Jasmine, Karma, Protractor, Mocha test runners Expertise in using bug tracking tools like JIRA.
  • Experience in Version Control tools like GIT, SVN for Source Code version management.
  • Experience in Jenkins. Extensive working experience wif Axios, mobx, Lodash, and Nextjs.
  • Good knowledge in working wif databases like Oracle, MS SQL Server, Azure, MySQL, PL/SQL(Oracle), PostgreSQL, NoSQL, Mongo DB, Cassandra along wif web application servers like Apache Tomcat, Web logic etc.
  • Proficient wif various IDE's like Eclipse, Android Studio, Notepad++ and Dreamweaver
  • Experience working wif CVS and SVN for software configuration
  • Experienced wif Linux system administration, DevOps and AWS cloud platform.
  • Experience wif windows Azure to deploy teh application on teh cloud and manage teh session.
  • Experienced wif UI manual/automated testing tools using Jasmine, Karma, Mocha and Protractor and code optimization SQL queries on databases like Oracle, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL also worked on NoSQL Database like MongoDB.
  • Experience in Unit Testing frameworks like Mocha, Chai, and Jasmine Integration Testing and in preparing test cases.


Web Technologies: HTML, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, XHTML, XML, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, WordPress, JSON, Twitter Bootstrap, React JS, Reduct JS, Flex, Express JS, Node.js,GitHub

IDE’s: Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, Notepad++, WebStorm, Sublime.

Debugging tools: Firebug, Chrome Developer Tools.

Operating systems: Linux - Ubuntu, Mac OS, Windows.

Servers: Apache Tomcat, JBOSS, WebSphere, WebLogic.

Version Control: GIT, SVN.

Build Tools: Jenkins

Database: SQL Server, MYSQL, MongoDB.

Frond End Tools: CorelDraw, Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop CS5, Illustrator

Testing Tools: Selenium, HP Quality Center, JIRA, Karma, Mocha

Programming Languages: C, C++, JAVA, J2EE

Cloud: AWS, Splunk


Confidential, Plano TX

React JS Developer


  • Designed teh Front-end applications, And Mobile Application As well for user interactive (UI) web pages using web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, Es6 JavaScript, React JS and React-Native/Redux Saga.
  • Worked as a Front-End Developer on teh project wif JavaScript, ES6, React, Redux Saga, RESTful services, HTML5/CSS3/SASS/Bootstrap and Gitlab.
  • Implemented Redux Saga's wif actions and reducers to implement a sync API calls.
  • Made use of redux saga middleware to access redux application state and dispatched redux actions.
  • Worked in designing, developing and testing teh web application by using teh HTML5, CSS3, SASS, LESS, Bootstrap, and React.JS.
  • Involved in designing in web pages using HTML 5, XHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js, Redux, React-Bootstrap, Node.js, express.js, Mongo DB.
  • Worked in designing teh CSS templates for use in all pages on teh website working wif CSS Background, positioning, text, border, margin, padding, and table.
  • Worked in frameworks as React.js to build high-quality, scalable and reusable components and Front-end solution.
  • Developed user interface by using teh React HOC, Flux/Redux for SPA development.
  • Used React Observables to create custom components for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format.
  • Designed layouts on teh front-end and developed web pages responsive for smart phones, tablets and Personal desktops using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, jQuery, React HOC, Redux & React Promises
  • Implemented React-Router, React Redux architecture, ES6, web pack and Grunt to turn application into Single Page Application.
  • Built dynamically generated dropdown lists using ES6 & Chrome DevTools.
  • Enhanced teh React Observables wif Redux, React-router and Redux-thunk.
  • Used Redux-Thunk as middleware to manipulate teh data type and handle multiple actions.
  • Revamping and rewriting front-end using react js, redux, saga, webpack.
  • Developed user interface by using teh React JS, Flux for SPA development.
  • Developed presentation layer using XML, XSL, GitLab JavaScript, CSS, JSP, JSTL, Custom tags etc.
  • Delivered mobile app for book reading capability wif HTML5 Sencha and online services wif Flash/Flex.
  • Implemented back-end Web API wif teh use of MongoDB, ExpressJS, and NodeJS and established connectivity wif teh use of Axios.
  • Achieved APIs calls from back end NodeJS using React axios.
  • Working wif Axios Library to fetch data from network request
  • Elegantly used React-Router techniques Axios service to retrieve data from server synchronously in teh background wifout interfering wif teh display and existing page in an interactive way.
  • Used Babel.js to transpile ES6 and JSX into JavaScript
  • Designed a web application for both teh company user and customer user wif different Login and Sign-up authorization using firebase autantication.
  • Mobile app written in React Native wif a firebase backend currently live in teh app store.
  • Used Web pack, Babel and gulp for transpiration (compilation) configuration for Typescript to be converted to JavaScript.
  • Implemented unit and integration testing for all layers of teh applications using frameworks like JUnit, Spock, Mocha, Jasmine.
  • Debugging applications in different browsers using Firebug, and testing applications using QUnit, Jasmine karma and Mocha.
  • Performed Unit testing on applications using tools like chai, mocha, and enzyme wifin Test-Driven Development (TDD).
  • Bugzilla was used to report and track bugs, JSLint for ensuring quality code.

Environment: React.JS, Redux, Axios, ES6, React HOC, React Observables, React Async Await, React Promises, Saga, Thunk, JWT, Typescript, Java script, HTML5, CSS, Ajax, Bootstrap.JS, SCSS, CORS, WCAG, XSS, SASS, LESS, Java, MYSql, Mongo db, Rest, Node.JS, Express.JS, Micro services, Visual Studio

Confidential, Madison TX

UI Developer/React JS Developer


  • Involving all teh stages of Software Development Life Cycle like Application Design, Development, Debugging and testing teh applications.
  • Designed teh front-end applications, user interactive (UI) web pages using web technologies likeHTML,XHTML, andCSS.
  • Web designing & development usingHTML5, CSS3,JavaScript, React JSandAjax.
  • DevelopedReact JSpages, Web services calls andAJAXcalls for teh application
  • UsedReact JSin development of teh web application to bind teh data/model that is being retrieved from a database through services provided in a controller to teh view using scope.
  • UsedReact JSin components likeJSX, creating React components, Virtual
  • Participated wif end users and business analyst to understand teh business requirements.
  • CSS styleswere developed in order to preserve teh uniformity of all teh screens throughout teh application and positioning of screen objects.
  • Worked on Front end by usingJavaScript.
  • Developed user interface by using theReact JS,FluxforSPAdevelopment.
  • Implemented client-side Interface usingReact JS.
  • Worked in using React JScomponents,Forms,Events,Keys,Router,Animations andFluxconcept.
  • Build React components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages.
  • Experienced inReact JSand working wifReact architecture.
  • Working wif React Router for developing Single Page Applications SPAs.
  • Worked on responsive design and developed a singleISOMORPHICresponsive website that could be served to desktop, Tablets and mobile users using React.js.
  • Implemented teh Drag and Drop functionality usingReact-Dragable
  • Extensively used Redux Sagas to manage side TEMPeffects in React and Redux.
  • Used Redux Thunk Middleware, in application to retrieve data from Back-End and to also perform RESTFUL services.
  • Introduced redux-thunk and Immutable.js as additional libraries to support ReactJs application.
  • Worked wif Axios and Lodash libraries for Ajax calls and utility functions respectively.
  • Involved in processing JSON data from RESTful web service by using Axios to get resources from teh database and populated data on teh UI and used Redux-Saga as middleware.
  • Used Axios to fetch teh data by consuming teh Rest API.
  • Implemented a POC to pick a state management tool between Redux and MobX.
  • Used ReactJs and MobX for front end development.
  • Used NextJs for server-side rendering for better performance and for SEO.
  • Developed certain features of teh application functionality me.e. CRUD (Create, read, update, delete) features using Express JS, Node JS and Firebase.
  • Used React Router Redux to store teh route parameters in teh redux store.
  • Solved Callback hells in Node.JS by using Promises and Generators from ES6 resulting in unchaining of events and making teh code efficient.
  • Implemented JavaScript source code and embedded nested handling logic using jQuery event handlers and call back functions, es6.
  • Developed a bulletin board module for supplier and vendor information portal. Application included forms to upload notification documents to teh Supplier bulletin and maintenance of documents, complete wif CRUD capabilities and email notifications.
  • Extensively used Reactjs, D3.Js, under score.js, Node JS and lodash.js for JavaScript object and array manipulations.
  • Used Saga Middleware, Redux-Promise in application to retrieve data from Back-End.
  • Worked on Redux for state manipulations and Redux Saga to implement API requests asynchronously.
  • Used Middleware, Redux-Saga in application to retrieve data from Back-End and to also perform RESTFUL services.
  • Designed and implemented server-side RESTful web services using Node JS and handled communications to teh client side (React JS) using JSON.
  • Utilized Bootstrap and to develop a reactive website from a static JavaScript, Node JS, Bootstrap, Semantic UI, RESTful API, jQuery existing code base.
  • Developed semantic markups and Wireframe development.
  • Developed portions of HTML5-based game for use in an online gambling promotion.
  • To manipulate teh data type and handle multiple actions, uses Redux-Thunk as middleware.
  • Teh Redux-Thunk middleware was used wif teh Redux store to retrieve contract data via a REST ful API implemented on teh backend in Node.js and Mongo DB. All development was done on Mac OS and teh source code was managed via GIT.
  • Used Ecma Script, React JS, Flux, Babel, Node and Web-Pack to create a SPA.
  • Used Babel, Sonar Qube and react JSX presets.
  • Used Node.js to run Web pack tasks and build properly teh project.
  • Developed forms using HTML and performing client-side validations using Chrome Dev Tools.
  • Configure MONGODB Sharded cluster wif Replica Set (HA) on Different AWS regions.
  • Developed test cases and performed unit testing using JUnit.
  • Have broken down teh application into multiple angular modules for simplicity purposes and have done unit tests using Jasmine.

Environment: React.JS, Redux, ES6, Redux, Typescript, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, Bootstrsap.JS, Angular.JS, WCAG, XSS, CORS, SASS, LESS, Java, Oracle, MYSql, REST, Node.JS, Chrome DevTools, Visual Studio, Sublime Text, Grunt, Gulp, Nginx, Github, Chai Selenium, Jasmine, Scrum, Agile, AWS, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, JSON, XML, Jira, Linux, Hipchat, JSLint, Ionic, Cordova, iOS, Android


UI Developer/React JS Developer


  • Developed SPA using React JS to utilize theHTML5 DOMfeatures and update elements that are modified in teh webpage.
  • Developed Web Pages by using HTML5, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript and using JavaScript frameworks.
  • Built teh Responsive UI screens usingHTML 5, CSS 3and twitter Bootstrap.
  • Responsible for converting designed mock-ups to HTML pages using HTML5, CSS and jQuery.
  • Designed Frontend wifin object- oriented JavaScript libraries like React.js.
  • UsedReact JSfor building compostable and reactive user interfaces.
  • Implemented various screens for teh front end usingReact.js and Redux library.
  • Used React-Router to turn application intoSingle Page Application.
  • Experience inReact JSand working wif React Flux architecture.
  • Involved in usingReact JScomponents, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Involved in building stable React components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages.
  • UsedReduxfor teh higher order decoration for wrapping each component wif UI state and actions.
  • Massive re-design of client site from HTML form handling to cleanerRedux-Form.
  • Configured routes betweenReact JSand Flask to render teh templates from teh server-side.
  • Used J Query in directly manipulating teh DOM yet separating theReact JS Components.
  • UsedReact JSwifReduxto separate teh data and presentation layer. Utilized Redux stores to handle teh states and update teh UI.
  • Used ES6 for teh less boilerplate code to handle parameter.
  • Used various plugins on babel to compileJSXto create elements.
  • Used XSRF and CSRF for Autantication.
  • Developed POC’s for teh Autantication model using various security features in it.
  • Used JWT format to secure teh tokens. And after teh autantication is done everything will be maintained by teh server not on teh web application. In dis way we secured teh token no one steal teh token to hack teh server
  • Added react-router wif secure navigation and unsecure navigation.
  • Created a state management in react application using redux for teh data flow wifin teh application.
  • Configured redux store, reducers and actions.
  • Used sagas for handling middleware and ‘fetch api’ for rest calls.
  • Involved in developing presentational and container components using React and JSX.
  • Used react-data grid to populate teh dynamic data wifin teh table. Used react-bootstrap and SASS for handling responsiveness in teh application and parse correct styles on prop changes.
  • Solid understanding of React Virtual Dom Algorithm, for React performance optimization.
  • Implemented dynamic page elements and form error validations.
  • Developed mock Api’s to test teh framework independency.
  • Teh way we implemented React framework it will render data from teh endpoint no matter wat teh data is. Column names will also load from teh End points.
  • Configured web pack to trans-pile JSX to ES5 using Babel, Added CSS-loader and sass plug-in for pre-compiling SASS to CSS. Used HTML5plugin to create teh index.html file wif generated hashed JS and CSS files. Added proxy for web pack-server.
  • Configured node application, created rest api’s.
  • Used Bit-Bucket for version controls.
  • Resolved Cross Browser Compatible Issues for different version of IE, Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Opera.
  • Worked closely wif product, UX and business team to build applications & reach business goals through front end development and UX.
  • Used Jira board for teh track of work we have done.
  • Updated teh Confluence page after teh each task and raised teh issues to check teh updated application and responded on teh confluence page

Environment: React, Redux, Babel, react-bootstrap, JSX, promises, node Js, CSS3, Jenkins, JSON, JavaScript, Web pack, Bit Bucket.


UI Developer


  • Translate designs provides by UI creative design team into functional user interfaces, ensuring cross browser compatibility and performance.
  • Designed and developed user friendly interface by using JavaScript,HTML, CSS, jQuery
  • Designed flash plugins for including different functionalities and content.
  • Worked on integratingjQueryAPIs wifMVCpattern.
  • UsedAJAXframeworks likejQuery, JSONto develop rich GUIs and involved in performance tuning teh website.
  • Involved in bug fixing on functionality, performance and designing issues wif JavaScript and jQuery.
  • Involved in debuggingHTML,CSSand JS code using tools such as Chrome Inspector, and Firefox Firebug.
  • Handled browser compatibility issues in browser such as IE, Firefox, and Chrome.
  • Used Grunt wif Grunt file to minify teh JS file in whole application.
  • Developing XML classes for loading teh data fromXMLfiles deployed at teh server.
  • Provided information by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing development and service issues.
  • Worked wif Jasmine in testing and performed Unit testing and execution testing utilizingJ UNIT.
  • Developed UI pages using media queries and made completely responsive.
  • Developed software solutions by studying information needs; conferring wif users; studied systems flow, data usage, and work processes; investigated problem areas; following teh software development lifecycle.
  • Worked wif teh team of architects and back-end developers to gather requirements and enhance teh application functionality and add new features.
  • Prepared Unit and System Testing Specification documents and performed Unit and System testing of teh application.

Environment: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, AJAX, jQuery, Jasmine, Grunt, Unit testing, GIT, JUnit.


Software Engineer


  • Working in Photoshop design comps developing HTML/JavaScript/CSS based web sites, including testing and debugging cross-browser.
  • To communicate wif teh backend worked wits Http module.
  • Used advanced level of jQuery, AJAX, JavaScript, CSS and pure CSS layouts.
  • Developed Graphics using Paint Shop Pro/Photoshop & Animation using Flash/Fireworks.
  • Developed fast loading images using Adobe Photoshop CS3
  • Involved in designing and developing teh JSON, XML Objects wif SQL.
  • Responsible for developing, editing, publishing and managing content on teh external Web pages and internal layouts.
  • Designed CSS3 based web pages, which were cross-browser compatible.
  • Engaged in development of web pages using ASP.NET MVC, XML, VB.Net, CSS and UI enhancement coding.
  • Developed, Configured and consumed Web Services in C#.
  • Designed and coded Win Forms using C#, .NET.
  • Extensively involved in User Interface designing using Web forms and also Win forms.
  • Used JavaScript and .NET Validation Controls for performing client-side validations.
  • Designed and Architected teh Application using MVC and designed teh application using responsive web design to work on different devices.
  • Using web scripting languages like NodeJS and Yarn for interaction between client side and server-side technologies.

Environment: Javascript, HTML, CSS, Ajax, Bootstrap.JS, Jquery, Java, Spring, Hibernate, Struts, PL\SQL, Oracle, DB2, Soap, Visual Studio, Eclipse, WAS, CVS, SVN, Selenium, Waterfall, AWS, JSP, Servlet, JSON, XML, Jira, Linux, Hipchat

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