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React Developer Resume

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Tampa, FL


  • 6+ years of work experience in structuring, developing and implementing interactive web applications using HTML 4/5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Angular JS1.x, Angular 2/4/6/7/8, RXJS, Type Script, React JS, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, Node JS.
  • Mainly specialized in front - end rich application development using Angular, React and Bootstrap.
  • Proficient in using jQuery to traverse through the DOM, create Animations, handle events, and perform AJAX calls.
  • Single page application (SPA) development using React Routers.
  • Extensive experience wif React and Redux architecture.
  • Proficient in implementing various screens for the front end using React.js and used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and Redux library.
  • Knowledge of mobile development platform wif React Native and React Native Elements for Android and IOS.
  • Experience in creating components and using Angular.
  • Experience using Angular-Router to turn application into Single Page Application.
  • Bind HTML template/view to JavaScript object (models) using Angular JS 1.5 & 2.0 frameworks.
  • Involved in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Experience and familiarity wif newer specifications of ECMA Script6.
  • Experience in writing internal and external API services using Node Loopback framework.
  • Experience in writing Custom Components, Pipes and Services using Angular.
  • Created prototype before development based on static and approved design documents and wireframes.
  • Managed and created traffic thru Google analytics.
  • Experience in working wif Adobe Experience Manager to develop reusable drag & drop components.
  • Experience in building highly Mobile Responsive Design websites wif SASS, Bourbon and Neat.
  • Used several design patterns like Singleton, Factory, Data Access Objects and MVC.
  • Built Upgrade tool using Angular 2, RXJS, and NGRX platform. Developed components as an independent module for reusability across the application.
  • Implement Event-driven for building Restful APIs using Node loopback.
  • Experience wif High charts library for data visualization.
  • Experience in setting up CI/CD wif Jenkins, Docker and Maven.
  • Knowledge of the usual cloud systems like AWS.
  • Creating websites dat are user-friendly, effective, appealing, and quality pages.
  • Developed cross-browser and cross-platform compatible solutions.
  • Strong knowledge on JavaScript unit testing wif Jest, Enzyme, Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, chai and Protractor.
  • Able to complete projects efficiently and satisfy customers wif attractive, user-friendly websites.
  • Worked under Waterfall and Agile environment wif regular basis of SCRUM.
  • Professional understanding of Software development life cycle’s (SDLC) various phases such as Requirement Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Deployment and Support.
  • Worked wif SVN, Git and TeamSite for code management and JIRA/Rally for task management.


Operating Systems: Windows XP/7/8/10

Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6), JQuery, Bootstrap, Angular JS, Angular2/4/6, NodeJS, ReactJS, AJAX, JSON, Knockout JS, XML, SASS, JS Build and Package management (Bower, Gulp, Grunt, NPM, etc.)

Programming Languages: C, Core Java, Typescript

Frameworks: React JS, Angular JS, Node JS.

IDE and Graphic Tools: Eclipse, Code-Blocks, NetBeans, Visual Studio, Sublime Text, Fire Bug, Chrome Developer

Web/App. Servers: Apache Tomcat, SOAP, RESTful, JBoss, IIS, Web Logic, Micro Services

Version Control: GIT, SVN, TFS, CVS

Testing: Unit Testing wif Karma and Jasmine

Databases: MySQL, PL/SQL, Mongo DB, MS Access

Methodologies: SDLC, Agile, Waterfall


Confidential, Tampa, FL

React Developer


  • Web application designing and development using HTML, CSS, ReactJS and Redux.
  • Implementing different modules in ReactJSto integrate wif designs and requirements.
  • Implemented state management of the application of the React Redux wif middleware wif Thunk and Redux Saga.
  • Extensively involved in redesigning the entire site wif CSS styles for consistent look and feel across all browsers and all pages.
  • Developed robust, responsive Ajax driven UIs wif AJAX, CSS3, DHTML, HTML5, ReactJS, JavaScript and JQuery.
  • Used Axios and Fetch API wif React for making AJAX Calls.
  • Worked on Webpack for build and webpack-dev-server a server.
  • Used Webpack for code bundling and babel as compiler for transpiling JS files in unsupported browsers.
  • Working wif ECMA Script 6 new features like Arrow Functions, Template Literals and Destructing Assignments.
  • Used Babel, web pack wif es2015,reactJSX presets.
  • Expert in creating bundling complex applications using webpack or packaging it using gulp/grunt.
  • Implemented client-side Interface usingReactJS.
  • Develop various screens for the front end usingReactJSand used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and Redux library.
  • Developed single page applications usingReactRedux architecture, ES6, web pack and grunt.
  • Extensively worked on ES6 new features such as Arrow functions, Classes, Iterators and Generators.
  • Developed user interface using Ajax and DHTML libraries to simplify the complexities of the application.
  • Developed the UI responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using ReactJS, Redux-form, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and JSON.
  • UsedReactRouter to create a Single Page Application (SPA) which can bind data to specific views and synchronize data wif server.
  • Worked wif Java libraries to accessAWSfacilities as Simple Storage service, Simple queue, and Simple DB
  • Implemented flux pattern by using Redux framework as a core dependency.
  • Developed additional UI Components using JSF and implemented an asynchronous, AJAX (JQuery) based rich client to improve customer experience.
  • Worked on ReactJS Virtual Dom and React views, rendering using components which contains additional components called custom HTML tags.
  • Responsible for designing Front-side of the website like embedded graphics, and interactive documents.
  • Used jQuery core library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the application.
  • Used Jest for end-to-end testing tools for debugging and software quality insurance.
  • Participated in design brainstorming sessions, technical design reviews, formal code reviews, bug triage, and functional walkthroughs.
  • Knowledge of utilizing cloud technologies including Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Environment: HTML 5, CSS3, Sass, Less, Javascript, ES6, Bootstrap, Ajax, React JS, Redux, Flex, My SQL, XML, XSL, XSLT, JSON, Git hub, Restful API, AWS, JIRA, Jasmine and Web Strom.



  • Developed SafeTrip a full stack MERN application dat finds the safety score of given destination and allows the user to save the destination in a wish list as a future travel.
  • Designed the app to app allows the user to delete the saved city and enter travel notes for the city in the wish list page.
  • Created React components which we can reuse throughout the application.
  • Involved in developing presentational and container components using React and JSX.
  • Used Flexbox layout CSS3 for displaying templates on various designs.
  • Followed SEO friendly names for using meta tags and page names, redirects and URL’s, Alt text on assets.
  • Used API keys in Node wif environment variables.
  • Implemented GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data, deployed the application using Heroku.
  • Followed W3C standards for forms accessibility.
  • Applied a folder structure dat meets the MVC paradigm.
  • Experienced in using Chrome Developer Tools for debugging and troubleshooting the code.

Environment: React, Express, mongo, node JS, html, CSS, Bootstrap CSS, Heroku, Amadeus API and Google geocode API.

Confidential, New York, NY

UI Developer


  • Worked extensively on JQuery, Angular JS, Knockout JS, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, Media queries for various breakpoints in the adaptive web-designing environment.
  • Development of UI screens using HTML, JQuery and Cascaded Style Sheet (CSS).
  • Worked wif migrating-swat team to migrate code from Knockout JS to AngularJS 1.x to Angular 4 create dynamic web pages for single page web applications.
  • Migrating some of the web pages from Angular 4 to Angular 8 and componentize the code as per the Angular recommendations for better performance.
  • Used Angular 6/7/8 and Node JS to structure JavaScript code in an MVC (Model, View, and Controller).
  • Ability to rapidly prototype interface designs in hand-coded validating, standards-compliant, and semantically rich code and be aware of cross-browser compatibility and bugs.
  • Involved in writing application-level code to interact wif APIs, RESTful Web Services using XML, JSON.
  • Created Knockout components for UI level integration and to consume REST API's using Component based architecture.
  • Worked one-on-one wif client to develop layout, color scheme and layout for the website and implemented it into a final interface design wif the HTML5/Bootstrap & Typescript.
  • Worked on Angular 8 by consuming RESTful web services & Used Angular forms like Template Driven forms and Modern Driven (Reactive) forms to perform form validations both on server and client side.
  • Developed user interface using Custom Tag Libraries, JQuery, Node JS, Angular JS, Knockout JS and HTML to manage the performance of the application.
  • Prototyped, and in some cases fully developed software components for reuse across IT delivery teams.
  • Extensively used SASS (Syntactically awesome style sheets) while styling wif CSS3.
  • Exposure to new features and issues addressed in Angular 8.
  • Worked across a diverse group of people wifin the team and across multiple business units and multiple groups wifin each Business Unit.
  • Enhanced the application by building new components in Angular 8 and Typescript wif a REST API.
  • Develops the Responsive design to make the application compatible wif Mobile/Tablets/PCs/MAC by defining media queries.
  • Knowledge on .Net Core to implement APIs, Repository and Entity Framework.
  • Used Microsoft TFS extensively to save code changes, perform gated check-ins and to keep track of the assigned user stories and performed Code Reviews.
  • Assisted on build system using web pack 4 and NPM.
  • Involved in closeUI/Server Integration using rest calls for grid related get/save call.
  • Created Use Cases, UML Class and Activity Diagrams, wrote User Stories and prototyped the application usingSketch.
  • Developed SQL queries to perform insert, update or delete operation on MySQL database.
  • Extensively involved design discussions and user experience sessions to provide inputs on the layout.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Angular JS 1.x, Angular 4/6/7/8, Node.js, Typescript, web-storm, Bootstrap, JQuery, JSON, RESTful Web Services, Web Pack, .NET Core 2, Knockout JS, Visual Studio Code Editor, Mongo DB, JavaScript, TFS, Chrome Dev tools.

Confidential, Columbia, MD

Web Developer


  • Created a Single Page Applications using Angular.
  • Using Angular Created Drag, Drop & Re-ordering the data in the tree.
  • Implementing Angular Router to enable navigation from one view to the next as customer performs application tasks.
  • Involved in developing HTML and JavaScript for client-side presentation and data validation on the client side wifin the forms.
  • Created/Modified Angular 2 components, by using Typescript we create the bigger projects and converts to JS files to modify or creating new JS files.
  • Worked wif ngrx/store for managing Angular applications.
  • Designed Dynamic client-side Java-script codes to build web forms and simulate process for a web application, page navigation using Angular 2/4.
  • Used Jenkins for continuous integration of builds and GIT for Source Control.
  • Instructing and mentoring teams of developers in uses of Angular 2/4 technologies to include, Node.js, Grunt, LESS and additional technologies to ensure current migration from Angular JS 1.5 to Angular 4.0.
  • Worked on managing the user menu and Bulk update of Attributes using NodeJS Gulp (Task Runner) and JQuery.
  • Used Angular multiple in-built directives such as filters, root scope, scope, modal, template, state etc.
  • Used $http wif Angular interceptors to make sure the requests were valid and used UI-router to handle nested views and avoid page redirection.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API and using modular based architecture provided by Angular.
  • Used Angular to standardize web application structure and responsive using Bootstrap and provide a future template for data binding.
  • Implemented error handling on variousRESTfulservices to return the rightHTTPstatus codes and wrote
  • Automation Tests in Java to validate the end-to-end business functionality forRESTfulservices.
  • Worked on managing the user menu and Bulk update of Attributes using NodeJS Gulp (Task Runner) and JQuery.
  • Followed Agile Methodology for the project implementation wif day-to-day updates through scrum.
  • Created the multiple grids by inline editing capabilities and included pagination.
  • Create complex JIRA workflows including project workflows, screen schemes, permission scheme and notification schemes in JIRA
  • Involved in enhancing the application for clients’ requirement based on the market demand and updating the MVC pattern, Bootstrap, Angular & Web API.
  • Worked on the unit test cases to test the functionality of the code written not only through the component level but also through the DOM level using Karma test runner and Jasmine framework.

Environment: Angular JS 2/4, Node JS, Typescript, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, Jasmine, Karma, GIT, JIRA.


Web Developer


  • Worked closely wif Business Analysts and Product team in understanding the technical requirements of each project and prepared the use cases for different functionalities and designs.
  • Implemented various screens for the front end using React JS and used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and redux library.
  • Worked on React JS Virtual Dom and React views, rendering using components which contains additional components called custom HTML tags.
  • Worked wif React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Experience working on Redux Uni-directional dataflow achieving the predictable application behaviour.
  • Used ES6 and JSX wif react for component development.
  • Used Ajax, JSON to send request to the server to check the functionality of the websites.
  • Added Dynamic Functionality by creating and dispatching Action Creators dat deployed Actions.
  • Maintained STATES in the store and dispatched the ACTIONS using Redux.
  • Worked closely wif QA team in fixing the reported bugs/defects and checking cross platform Compatibility.
  • Used Saga Middleware, Redux-Promise in application to retrieve data from Back-End.
  • Responsible for React UI and architecture, building components library, including Tree, Slide-View, and Table Grid.
  • Implemented stable React JS components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages.
  • Worked wif backend engineers to optimize existingAPI callsto create efficiencies by deprecating unneededAPI calls.
  • Responsible to Style, look and feel of the web page wif SASS dat extends CSS wif dynamic behaviour such as variable, mixing, operations and functions.
  • Called theRestfulweb services calls forPOST, PUT, DELETEandGETmethods.
  • Created Cross-Browser compatible and standards-compliant CSS-base page layouts.
  • Designed table-less layouts using CSS and appropriate HTML tags as per W3C standards.
  • Utilized React and created efficient data flow architecture to create a lightweight and render efficient web app.
  • Multi-Level Dropdown and many more. Monitoring the offshore work and providing technical help to the offshore team for their JIRA tickets.
  • Implemented the Drag and Drop functionality using React-Draggable.
  • Used React JS to create views to hook up models to the DOM and synchronize data server as a Single Page Application (SPA).

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, NODEJS, REACT JS, Redux, JQUERY, SASS, Web pack, GIT, VS Code, JIRA, AJAX, JSON, XML


UI Web Developer


  • Used front end web development tools HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Angular JS to design UI
  • Used differentAngular1.5 built in services for all data access, encapsulating URLs and Standardizing data Access interfaces.
  • Used Angular JS multiple in-built directives such as filters, root scope, scope, modal, template, state etc.
  • Wrote various classes and methods for data retrieval while implementing Angular JS concepts.
  • Created Angular1.5 components, implemented Interpolation, input variables, Bootstrapping, Router Outlet, binding the click event, Component decorator, binding to the hidden property.
  • Implemented JavaScript and JQuery for client-side validations.
  • Utilized various JQUERY plugins to build Rich Internet Application (RIA) to make it look more intuitive.
  • Used AJAX framework for asynchronous data transfer between the browser and the server.
  • Developed navigation, dropdowns using Angular JS, JQuery and Bootstrap
  • Worked upon the dashboard for the project which contained a variety of charts and drag gable components using JQUERY UI Library.
  • Implemented AJAX functionality using JSON, JQuery and XML
  • Used Firebug to debug JavaScript, to analyze DOM objects of the page and to change the page layout
  • Widely used Optimization technique in existing code.

Environment: XHTML, HTML5, CSS3, Backbone.js, Angular.JS, JQuery, Mobile JavaScript, JSON and AJAX


UI Developer


  • Developed HTML landing pages and website content including text, graphics development, video, and interactive features delivering pixel perfect code from design deliverables.
  • Designed dynamic client-side JavaScriptcodes to build web forms and simulate process for a web application, page navigation, and form validation.
  • Modified the existing website by adding suitable naming conventions and coding standards.
  • Developed and implemented a dynamic image rendering web service which is consumed in the front end.
  • Worked on CSS Background, CSS Positioning, CSS Text, CSS Border, Pseudo classes, Pseudo elements etc.
  • Used JQuery to make the HTML, DHTML and CSS code interact wif the JavaScript functions to add dynamism to the web pages at the client side.
  • Used Ajax effectively to create pagination and wif client-side events like quick search.
  • Used JQUERY plug-ins to implement features as a light box, sliders and other intuitive features.
  • Developed AJAX based web-based UI framework by utilizing JQUERY library.
  • Developed UI using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JavaScript validations and XML.
  • Worked extensively wif the File management and image libraries.

Environment: HTML, XHTML CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery, AJAX.

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