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Front End/ui Developer Resume

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  • Total 8 Years of professional experience in IT Industry as a UI/ Front - End Developer in Developing User Interface (UI) applications, requirements analysis, applications design development, integration, maintenance, installation, Integrating, Implementing the web-based applications and UI applications.
  • Experience of all phases of SDLC and good knowledge on Mobile Development.
  • Very Strong in developing applications using HTML5, CSS3, DOM Manipulation, JavaScript, jQuery, Vue.js, AJAX, JSON, Next.JS, Angular.js and React.JS.
  • Expert knowledge in HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and Responsive Wed Design.
  • Built an application from Scratch using Angular JS and PHP to Purchase tools and made components from scratch using Angular 4/5.
  • Bulit UI using Out Systems which is a modern low code platform to make web pages. Experience with Responsive Web Design. Experience in using various jQuery UI controls and corresponding Event handlers etc.
  • Developed dynamic responsive web application by integrating Angular2 with Bootstrap which is further integrated with web services and Vue.js
  • Developed the Angular application from Scratch using Angular- CLI and ES6 features, used babble, web pack with ES5, React JS.
  • Strong design and development skills using Angular 2/4/5/6/7/8/9 framework and TypeScript and experience implementing Web UI backend servers.
  • Experience with Angular CLI designing and implementing Angular.JS APIs, caching layers, and monitoring.
  • Experienced in developing web and mobile applications using latest JavaScript ES6 features and frameworks such as React.JS, and Redux.
  • Experienced in working with Node.js and NPM modules like http-server, Martinique, path, Mongo DB, Micro Services, Request, Elastic Search, express, luck, spark, and templating engines.
  • Hands on experience of building single page web applications with Angular 2+ or Angular. JS from Scratch, as well as migration from Angular. JS to Angular 2+.
  • Experience in Developing Applications Using CSS 3 Media Queries, LESS and Responsive Web Design making the Web Pages Fluid across Multiple Devices. (Grid, Fluid layouts and Break Point Approaches).
  • Hands on experience for HTML/CSS/JSP direct coding with focus on Cross-browser/Cross-platform compliance. Demonstrated expertise in developing web pages with HTML5 and CSS3 more effectively.
  • Hands on experience on CSS pre-processors such LESS and SAAS.
  • Experience in updating the pages using HTML 5 and CSS 3 for the new look and feel of their current application pages and worked on new CSS3 effects to enhance user experience as per the client requirements.
  • Build single page application from scratch with Angular 4+, Vue.js, NgRx, RxJS and Clarity component library.
  • Skilled in using various tools and IDEs for development and design such as Web storm, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Notepad++, and Dreamweaver.
  • Excellent experience in developing web pages complying with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and ability to apply W3C web standards.
  • Expertise in version control tools like GIT, SVN and TFS to manage and control software development. Web development experience in developing dynamic websites with emphasis on content management, interactive portals and complex online systems following WCAG and W3C standards.
  • Self-motivated, able to work independently and in teams; can handle multiple projects while paying attention to details; accomplished problem solving and analytical skills.
  • Efficient team member with excellent work/time management skills, excellent leadership, communication and interpersonal skills and ability to work under strict deadlines.


Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, LESS, SASS, XML, Out Systems, JavaScript, jQuery, Vue.js, NgRx, RxJS, Responsive Web Design, JSON, AJAX, Bootstrap.

IDE & Tools: WebStorm, Notepad++, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash Professional + Action Script, Microsoft Publisher, Eclipse.

Version Control: CVS, GitHub.

JavaScript Libraries: jQuery, Angular.js, Node.js, Next.js, Angular 2/4/5/6/7/8/9, Angular CLI, React.js, Redux.

Publishing Tools: Adobe PageMaker, MS Office

Wire Frame Tools: Adobe Illustrator CS3

Data Access: MY SQL, Oracle

Operating Systems: Windows Variants


Confidential, MN

Front End/UI Developer


  • Involved in development, design and implementation of front-end part of the application. Designed front-end screens using HTML5, Vue.js, CSS3 and JavaScript.
  • Utilized various JavaScript and JS libraries, AJAX for form validation and other interactive features. Developed web pages with functionalities like login, register, forgot password, Email, Filters using JavaScript, jQuery, CSS3 and HTML5.
  • Experience in Design, Development, Deployment, Testing and Maintenance of application software from Scratch in the Client/Server environment.
  • Working on Vue.js event distribution and parent child component communication.
  • Developed a single page, UI-first, cross-device/cross-browser web application for real-time location sharing utilizing Angular.JS and JavaScript API.
  • Used CSS3 and external JavaScript packages for styling the web pages and Out systems themes to Maintain uniformity.
  • Involved in developing screen from scratch and created components using Angular 9. Built components using Angular 9, RXJS platform and developed components as an independent module for reusability across the application.
  • Coded Angular 8 controllers and directives for application functionality. Created Angular service and integration with RESTful APIs.
  • Used Angular Http Client to send GET/POST request to fetch data from server and built Angular 8 components, UI services to consume rest services using Component based architecture provided by Angular 8.
  • Manipulated DOM, handled events and applied animation effects with Vue.js. Working with React Router for developing Single Page Applications Micro SPAs.
  • Experience in Developing the UI Pages from Scratch using Angular 2, Angular 7, Angular 8/9/10/11/12, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, TypeScript 4.2.3, Java Script, Bootstrap, Angular Material Design, jQuery, Angular JS, React. JS and Ajax for Providing the user interface and communication between the client and server
  • Websites created with NextJS are static, which means there is no direct connection to the database, dependencies, user data or any other sensitive information. This ensures data security. Faster time to market Next.js is a flexible React framework that gives you building blocks to create fast web applications
  • Implemented reactive programming RxJS, Reactive Forms, and Angular Material Designs. Created Directive for type ahead search functionality using RXJS and Angular which can be attached to any input field.
  • Involved in the creation of interface to manage user menu and Bulk update of Attributes using Node.JS. Created Node.JS middleware application server to encapsulate modern JS widget framework.
  • Created Responsive front-end Single Page Application (SPA) development using Angular CLI. Utilized Angular for its efficient data flow architecture to create a lightweight and render efficient web app that searched projects via the GitHub API through keywords.
  • Develop HTML5 web sites on Out Systems with mobile compatibility.
  • Developed cross-browser/platform HTML5, Vue.js, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript to match design specs for complex page layouts while adhering to code standards.
  • Used jQuery to select and manipulate HTML elements and also CSS manipulation. Build single page application from scratch with Angular 4+, NgRx, RxJS and Clarity component library.
  • Used jQuery mainly for adding several functionalities to the application (calendar, tooltips, popover, hiding elements validation, making Ajax calls, etc.).
  • Worked with CSS background, CSS Layouts, CSS positioning, CSS text, CSS border, CSS margin, CSS padding, Pseudo elements and CSS behaviors.
  • Used JavaScript DOM manipulation and JavaScript event to generate the data result in UI. Gathered data from API/web services via AJAX-JSON calls and updating the DOM within the result sets.
  • Involved in development of multi-tier web application environment. Worked with the team of architects and back-end Developers to gather requirements and enhance the application functionality and add new features.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, DHTML, XHTML, JavaScript, Angular 8/9, Angular CLI, Vue.js, RXJS, TypeScript, Node.js, AJAX, jQuery, GitHub, Bootstrap, DOM, JSON, and Windows.

Confidential, St louis, MO

Sr. Java/ UI Developer


  • Involved in different phases of SDLC as requirements gathering, technical design and implementation. Followed Agile Methodologies software development paired programming, Test Driven Development process, from development phase to testing phase and the postproduction phase, and Scrum meetings.
  • Analyzed the technical requirements and created various models required for the project. Implemented Model View Controller (MVC) architecture using Spring MVC Framework.
  • Implemented JAVA/J2EE design patterns such as Factory, DAO, Session, Façade, and Singleton used NodeJS to run Grunt tasks and compile, minify concert and build the project properly.
  • Developed the Angular application from Scratch using Angular- CLI and ES6 features, used babble, web pack with ES5, React JS.
  • Developed User Interface by using Angular, HTML, Spring Boot, XHTML, DHTML and CSS3responsible for setting up AngularJS framework to achieve binding data between HTML and JavaScript objects. NextJS is a great way of creating MVP as fast as possible thanks to many premade components.
  • Designed the frontend and developed UI screens as per the wireframes provided by business using JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS and backend layer using spring framework, Hibernate and XML. IDE used is Eclipse.
  • Implemented single page applications with AngularJS using custom directives and developed Angular2/4 routes using route providers.
  • Used Spring MVC architecture with Hibernate to implement DAO code and used RESTful Webservices with XML parsing to interact with other modules.
  • Used spring container for data source and to load the Hibernate specific classes Hibernate framework in persistence layer for mapping an object-oriented domain model to Oracle database Microservices to communicate using synchronous protocols HTTP and REST.
  • Experience in Design, Development, Deployment, Testing and Maintenance of application software from Scratch in the Client/Server environment. Build single page application from scratch with Angular 4+, NgRx, RxJS and Clarity component library.
  • DevelopedRestfulweb services by using JAX-RS JERSEY for integrating multiple systems, created and read the JSON objects by using JACKSON libraries.
  • Deploying the applications into theAzureand extracting the data from theAzure cloud services used Apache Kafka for building the real time data pipelines and storing the data in a distributed cluster.
  • Configure and monitor numerous MongoDB instances and replica sets Java objects with backend database tables using ORM mapping in Hibernate.
  • Implemented various design patterns in the project such as Data Access Object, Data Transfer Object and Singleton created and Designed XML schemas and transformed the XML to XSLT style sheet.
  • Created Stored Procedures in PL/SQL, Functions for the DAO layer by studying the required business objects and validating them using Oracle database.
  • Design and Develop CI/CD Pipelines in Jenkins for automating the service deployment used Docker to collaborate code, deliver, and run more securely from both Windows server, Linux.
  • Implemented solutions using Elastic Load Balancing, Autoscaling groups RBAC configuration inPCFfor user roles and responsibility.
  • Used IBM WebSphere Application Server for deploying various components of application thoroughly Unit tested the application by writing test cases for different scenarios using JUnit.
  • Developed Maven script and builds Maven and continuous integration servers like Jenkins, GIT for version control management between various integration and development streams.
  • Used Jira to track bugs, prioritize and discuss the team’s work in full context Apache Maven tool has been used for the build and deploy the application. Monitored the Error logs using Log4J and fixed the problems.

Environment: Java 7, J2EE, Vue.js, Angular 6, NgRx, RxJS Spring 4.0, Spring boot, Spring MVC, Hibernate 4, Microservices, MongoDB, CI/CD, PCF, JMS, JSF, CVS, REST, REST API, SOAP, log4j, JUnit, Jenkins, Kafka, XML, Groovy, Grunt, Ajax, XSD, java Script, jQuery, AngularJS, NodeJS, Docker, Linux, Tomcat.

Confidential, Bolingbrook, IL

Sr. Java Developer


  • Involved in creation of Low-Level Design including sequence diagrams and class diagrams to understanding the existing architecture.
  • Involved in the integration of spring for implementing Dependency Injection (DI/IoC). Developed for obtaining bean s in Spring IoC framework.
  • Used JIRA issue tracker to file the bugs.
  • Implemented Java (core) concepts like multi-Threading, garbage collections and Cross loader.
  • Implemented Presentation layer using CSS Framework, AngularJS, Wire-framing, and HTML5.
  • Involved in writing Oracle PL/SQL stored procedures, triggers, views, joins. Implemented JPA (ORM mapping tool) framework to interact with the database to update, retrieve, insert and delete values effectively.
  • Developed Apache Ant script to create war/ear file and deployed on the application server. Primarily focused on the spring components such as Dispatcher Servlets, Controllers, Model and View Objects, View Resolver.
  • Used Design Patterns such as singleton, Business Delegate, Session Façade, Service Locator, Simple Factory Pattern, Data Transfer Object.
  • Developed the UI panels using JSF, XHTML, Ext JS, CSS, DOJO and jQuery.
  • Developed a fully functional prototype application using JavaScript (jQuery and Backbone.js) Bootstrap, connecting to a REST-full server on a different domain.
  • Used Rabbit MQ for messaging technology. Configured tiles-defs.xml file to configure the presentation views.
  • Used hibernate.config.xml file to configurations and mapping entries to access database.
  • Used struts-config.xml file for defining mapping definitions and action forward definitions.
  • Used Web Services (REST & WSDL) to exchange data between portal and other modules of Citi bank.
  • Implemented spring - Hibernate as Data Access Layer. Used AngularJS framework for building web-apps and is highly efficient with PHP framework as well using Restful services.
  • Utilized the jQuery, AJAX, and JavaScript to render widgets on web pages.
  • Designed and currently developing 3 Tier Web 2.0 based price management system using GWT, and MySQL.
  • Designing and creating business rules using IBM ILOG Rules Engine
  • Utilized Agile Methodology (SDLC) to manage projects. Bottle micro-framework implemented with REST API and Mongo DB (NoSQL) as back-end database.
  • Involved in designing the data stage job to implement ILOG Jules Component.
  • Involved in creating the Hibernate POJO Objects and mapped using Hibernate Annotations.
  • Used Web Logic Application server to deploy and restart web applications.
  • Expertise in the use of Java/J2EE design patterns like singleton, MVC, builder and strategy patterns.
  • Fixing bugs in different testing phases with the help of Log4J logs.
  • Involved in the creation of exhaustive Junit Unit Test Cases.

Environment: Java 1.6, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Scala, REST web services, Ext’s, Apache Axis2, Spring 3.0, Hibernate 3.0, XML, XSD, Schema, PL/SQL, Agile methodology, Oracle Web Logic 10.0 Server, GWT, Oracle 10g, Apache ANT, Unix, Junit 4.0, AJAX, Eclipse, JavaScript, jQuery, REST, Struts, PL/SQL, Rabbit MQ, JIRA, Node.js, Jasper, ILOG, Jules, Angular.js.


Junior Software Developer


  • Responsible for developing the UI pages using Angular 12/13, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and Bootstrap. Responsible to Style, look and feel of the web page with SASS that extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variable, mixing, operations and functions.
  • Implement CI/CD on frontend project using GitHub actions and Vercel, and host backend project on Heroku. Optimizing legacy data storages and search queries for the high-volume external web app utilizing NHibernate and MongoDB resulted in minimization of the average response time by 63%.
  • Building hypothesis and executing the set of A/B tests related to the internal web application resulting in 3x conversion and revenue grow.
  • Experience with popular Node.js web frameworks and/or utility libraries such as: Express, Hapi, underscore/Lodash, Async, Bluebird, and Grunt
  • Watched project changes with Grunt task runner and installed latest version of libraries with Bower based on running in the Node.JS environment.
  • Extensively used Django technologies, which includes forms, templates and ORM for communication with database in different forms. Revised existing Python/Django modules and design architectures for 5+ products, helping reach 2M users per month
  • Developed the applications using the Django framework which is based on model template view design pattern.

Environment: Typescript, Angular, SASS, Node.js, Django, MongoDB, RESTful API, GraphQL, Amazon Web Service, Git, CI/CD

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