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Android App Developer Resume

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  • Confidential is an Android Application Developer with 2 years of extensive experience coding with the Android SDK. As an Android programmer Confidential had the opportunity to create innovative applications targeting smartphones and also tablets, either coded the entire functionality from scratch or editing existing code, implemented native dynamic components or 3rd party libraries and supported them across several Android API’s and devices.
  • Experience with geolocation as a functional component of the coded apps, retrieved, synchronized and displayed data submitted previously to the device along the program’s lifecycle, consumption of ASMX and ReST web services, debugging and creation of basic test cases, connection to Sqlite3 databases, published and updated apps to the Google Play Store. GEhas excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Worked in the functionality of the user's interface (UI) with designers and product managers helping to iterate and test on requirements and designs for the apps. Proven record of producing high quality commercial software against aggressive schedules and has a thorough understanding of both client and web application architectures.


Web Development: XML, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JSP

Framework: Android 1.6 - 4.2

Web Service: SOAP, JAX, JSON, REST

Database: SQLite3

Language: Java (JSE) 6

Design Patterns: Data Access Object, MVC

IDE: Eclipse

Android: SDK - Activities lifecycle, Fragments lifecycle, User Interface, Content Providers, consuming ASMX and ReST web services, Sqlite3 databases, Shared Ps, Broadcast Receivers, Services among others.3rd parties, plugins ActionBarSherlock, Spring for Android, Comscore, Google AnalyticsSVNTortoiseSVN, Git


Android App Developer



  • Responsible for the analysis, design, and architecture of the mobile application.
  • Provided the functionality of the UI
  • Web services response, HTTP requests
  • SQLite data manipulation
  • Data parsing and storage handled
  • Basic test-driven development
  • Geolocation modules
  • Synchronize with the company's server
  • Provide a simple and lightweight mechanism for exchanging structured and typed information
  • Implement a decentralized, distributed environment using XML
  • Multiple API versions supported
  • Participated in regular basis meetings
  • Created Functional Specification document
  • Comprising the tools and add-ons of the SDK

Environment: Android 2.2 - 4.2, JSE 1.6, ASMX Webservices, SOAP, XML, HTML, Windows

Android App Developer



  • Loads reliable data about the user's location extensively coding against the SDK
  • Background Services while it runs a splash screen where the reverse geocoding works along with the implemented Yahoo PlaceFinder API v1.0
  • Consume of a web service to obtain data and display a map of the Google Maps Android API v1.0 with the user's location and the food companies within range
  • Dynamic web service’s data stored in components like ListViews, GridViews, ViewPagers and Fragments to show retrieved food categories, restaurants ratings and telephones in an enclosing range area of those businesses that are loaded in the map
  • Different categories sections and articles arranged in WebViews that are retrieved with the requests to the web service depending of the location of the user
  • Database access to the device's address book, sends emails and calls by phone from the application
  • HTTP requests with regex patterns to post to Facebook, Twitter or personalized mail.
  • Queries for the favorite businesses saved previously in the database. A historical page that displays the searches and the user can delete them from the database
  • Requirements analysis for the mobile application
  • Implemented geolocation modules and API's
  • Improvement of views with maps
  • Provided the functionality of the UI
  • Use of 3rd party libraries, Analytics and Comscore
  • Triggering of services available in the device
  • Manipulation of the program's databases
  • Thorough consumption of web services
  • Connected to Facebook and Twitter to post
  • Published applications to the Google Play Store
  • Designed appealing look and feel UI screens for smartphones and tablets
  • Multiple API versions supported
  • Versioning and code managment of the different applications
  • Comprising the tools and add-ons of the SDK
  • Participated in regular basis meetings and collaborated with the analysis along with other engineering and business team members as needed

Environment: Android 1.6 - 2.3, JSE 1.6, SOAP, ASMX Web Services, JAX, XML, Windows

Web Programmer



  • Developed the dynamic web site. Designed the site using cutting edge open source technology
  • Collaborated with other engineering team members and business folks as needed

Environment: Windows, HTML, CSS, PHP

Web Programmer



  • Custom website design. Dynamic scripting in PHP
  • Migration of existing PHP functionality and methods to Java
  • Designed branding materials and helped documentation for projects that get created
  • Architect and developed various client driven dynamic web projects using PHP
  • Collaborated with other engineering team members and business team members as needed

Environment: Windows, HTML, CSS, PHP

Web Designer



  • Growth the existing brand and build an interactive website in HTML
  • Designed presentations and landing pages in Action Script
  • Created versatile templates with Action Script coding
  • Worked as creative to bring the brand to life through design.
  • Implemented a strong set of technical skills with designs in Action Script
  • Communication with Apache Web Servers

Environment: Windows, HTML, CSS, Action Script / Flash

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