Sr. Android Developer Resume
Rhode, IslanD
- 8 years of experience as Software Developer around 5+ years on Designing and Development of Android Applications for smartphones, tablet, and around 2 years on Java based applications.
- Good Experience in Architecture Design, development and Implementation, Troubleshooting and Debugging, Testing of Software Applications.
- Good at Native and Hybrid mobile application development.
- Strong knowledge on Objective C & C++, Java .
- Experience in using storage options in android like shared Preferences .
- Expertise in developing apps using SQLite, Java, XML Google.
- Proficient with common Android Framework API'S (Location, Camera, Notifications, Maps).
- Proficient inAndroidsdk versions fromAndroid2.3 toAndroid4.4 (Gingerbread, Honey comb, Ice cream sandwich, Jellybean and Kit Kat, Lollipop)
- Excellent knowledge and working experience in Android SDK, Android Studio, Eclipse IDE, Application Stack and Android Architecture.
- Good experience working with IDE's likeXamarinStudio, Visual Studio.
- Knowledge on Objective - C foriOSApplication development
- Responsible for making the application compitable with the latest Android version Lollipop 5.0, Android version Marshmallow 6.0, Android version Nougat 7.0.
- Experience in using Fragments, Activity workflow, Accelarator Framework, Action Bar Navigation, Menu designs, custom views and Loaders, View Pager .
- Hands on experience with RecyclerView, HorizontalGridView, TableLayout, Linear Layout, Relative Layouts, GridLayout, GridView, ListView, HttpsURLConnection.
- Very good understanding of Android back-end and UI guidelines.
- Also worked with Graddle Wrapper and Dependencies .
- Experience in building Android apps, which consume REST web services, using JSON and XML parsing.
- Experience in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi with Android devices.
- Extensively worked on memory leaks, push notifications, content providers, multiple screen support, data offline usage, accounts and sync on Android.
- Experience in Android Debugging tools such as Monitor, DDMS, ADB, Trace, Log cat and Eclipse ADT tools.
- Expertise in web technologies using Core Java, J2EE, servlets, JSP, JDBC, Java Beans, and Client/server Architecture.
- Experience in using technologies like CVS,SVN, GIT, VSS and application servers like Tomcat.
- Experience in working with several automated Testing Frameworks including JUnit and Robotium.
- Experience in developing test cases and test plans besides involving in Unit testing, Integration testing and User Acceptance testing extensively.
- Implementing Broadcast Receivers for Android .
- Used adb logcat, DDMS for Debugging .
- Used GSON Library, Retrofit 2.0 Library for parsing the JSON .
Languages: Java,J2EE,JavaScript,C,C++,SQL
Application Servers: Tomcat 5.5/6.0/7.0, WebSphere 6.0
Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, AJAX,XML, XHTML,JSON,DHTML, Restful
Operating System: Android 4.x,Windows(NT/2000XP/Vista/7),UNIX,LINUX
Office Tools: Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Outlook
Database Technologies: MySQL, PL/SQL, Oracle8i, SQLite
IDE’S Used: Net Beans, Android Eclipse IDE(with ADT), Eclipse and their Debuggers
Version Control Tools: CVS, GIT,VSS,SVN
Web/Application Severs: Tomcat 4.1 & Apache HTTP Server
Confidential, Rhode Island
Sr. Android Developer
- Designed and developed various modules, features in the app.
- Creating skeleton application UI & implementing fragments usingAndroidSDK.
- Implemented Fragments and Activities.
- Developed UI for most of the modules in the application using List View, Grid View, and View Pager and Tab layouts using Action Bar.
- Used Butterknife library for view injection, which improved the performance of the app.
- Implement Tablet compatibility for the application, which was only phone compatible earlier.
- Implemented Restful web services using Retrofit library for the network calls and GSON for parsing.
- Used SLYCE library for reading the QR codes and 2D images.
- Client Server Communication using REST API, JSON parsing to retrieve data from database
- Worked on the local data storage using shared preferences, SQLite database and file system.
- Responsible to qualify release compatible forIOS,Android, Mobile web, web.
- Developed screens usingMVCpattern for the application withAndroidStudio IDE.
- Used Ionic and cordova framework for building thehybridmobile app.
- Experience in managing life cycle ofMongoDBincluding sizing, automation, monitoring and tuning.
- Used Dagger2 as a dependency injector to create some reusable, interchangeable modules and maintainability of code and alterations.
- Understanding of streaming network protocols: RTP,RTSP, SIP, HTTP.
- Experience in Object Oriented Programming (OOPS), Object Oriented analysis, design (OOAD) and development using C# on Windows platforms.
- Experience in bothXamarin.Forms and Native application forXamarin.ios with using Objective C.
- ImplementedAndroidMultimediaFramework for integrating audio, video and images into the application
- Used Rxjava extensively to implement existing functionality.
- Worked on various coreAndroidlibraries including Media Framework, Stripe payment API integration
- Created popup forms using Bootstrap Modals,AngularJSModels andAngularJSControllers.
- Developed generic libraries for downloading images and other resource using Async task handlers.
- Tested the application on multipleandroidtargets and debugged.
- Created interface forandroidnative andhybridimplementation.
- Implemented Camera and Scanning functionality for the application using Zxing and Zebra libraries
- Involved in writing application logic using Eclipse Kepler,AndroidSDK and SMP mobile SDK 2.3.SP06.
- Implemented store location by using Google Maps API.
- Set up Continuous Integration (CI) and continuous Integration Development (CID) for major releases in Jenkins
- Hand codingHTML5, CSS3, JS - responsive UI using Twitter Bootstrap framework
- Worked with camera API and third party libraries for scanning the QR codes.
- Used Google Maps for faster navigation to find the Branch location and information to user get there.
- Project developed using Scrum Agile methodology.
- We used JIRA for tracking requirements and STASH as source version control.
- Implemented Notifications using FireBase.
Environment: AndroidSDK 4.3, Eclipse IDE 3.5,AndroidAPI's, Java 8, Xamarin,XML, JSON, HTML, CSS, SQLite, GPS service, Log cat, Notification, Shared Preferences, Karma-Jasmine, Fragments.
Confidential, LA, CA
Sr. Android Developer
- Worked in different phases of the project cycle like design, development and testing.
- Designed Card View, Recycler View and Swipe to Refresh Layouts for showing user their recent Timeline History.
- Used GPS provider to quickly find location and navigates the directions to the nearest Bank or ATM.
- Used web views, list views & populated lists to display the lists.
- Responsible for consuming the REST services, getting XML, JSON response and parsing them to get the required information.
- Used RX-Java and RX-Androidto accomplish background service tasks and Restful interactions.
- Created interface forAndroidnative andhybridimplementation.
- Implemented dependency injection which helps in decoupling using Dagger.
- Enabled the application to use the Camera feature to scan a document and upload the check using SQLite.
- UsedAndroidSDK and Eclipse IDE for development.
- ImplementingAndroidapplication for sharing the media content usingAndroidStudio,AndroidNDK and Eclipse IDE inAndroidSDK environment.
- Establishing video conferencing calls using SIP protocol and streaming data using RTSPand RTP protocol.
- Developed views, controller, model components; implementedMVCarchitecture using Struts framework
- Worked withAndroidStudio and the latestAndroidSDK using lollipop in developing an enterprise level mobile application
- Developed a cross-platform mobile application usingXamarinFramework targeting bothXamarin.Android andXamarin.IOS
- Working in multi-threaded development onandroidplatforms and variousmultimedia frameworks such as OpenGL, GStreamer.
- Worked mainly in development, design and implementing front end part of the web application usingHTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap
- Experience in integrating databases likeMongoDB, MySQL with webpages like HTML, PHP and CSS to update, insert, delete and retrieve data with simple ad-hoc queries.
- Expertise in web service protocols such as JSON, HTTP, XML andHybrid-app using PhoneGap.
- Used Puppet&Chef to perform automated continuous integration (CI)& continuous integration development(CID) Builds and Deployments.
- Implemented customized web view component to load an SWF file and HTML data.
- Implemented MPEG DASH, RTSP, RTPstreaming.
- Used Node.js to install phone Gap and used HTML5, CSS, Java script to develophybridapps.
- ImplementedAngularJSFactories and Controllers to manipulate and view task data.
- Implemented the required GUI by making modifications to the XML files.
- Work closely with the web application development team to ensure proper integration between Mobile application and Web application.
- Worked onIonicframe work to develop the hybrid applications forAndroidby using HTML and CSS.
- Used service for persistent socket connection to listen for incoming JSON requests from server and to write outgoing JSON.
- IncludedDaggerfor dependency injection for mocking JSON with Mockito into REST API web service
- Tracked software customization, defects and issues viaTFS
- Performed all unit testing, debugging and post-release support usingXamarinTest Cloud with different iOS/Android OS versions and devices.
- Embedded Google Maps API, GPS Location Data into app with zooming controls.
- Worked on debugging the application using Logcat, DDMS.
- Tested the application on variousAndroiddevices.
- Performed the mobile testing in different platforms like IOS and Android usingAppium.
- Used SQLite to store local data,MVP architecture, implemented usingRxJava
- Used Bluetooth beacon technology to interact with user phones based on proximity.
- Implemented gestures for natural interaction feeling, like dragging views into lists, and swipes for deletions.
- Upgraded application layout to support Nougat - 7.0.
Environment: Eclipse Kepler 4.3.1, SMP Mobile SDK 2.3,AndroidSDK 4.1.2, TFS server, Camera API, Kanban Trello, MySQL, GPS, Agile Methodology, Karma-Jasmine,ACRA-4.3.0, ZXing, RESTful web services, UltraLiteJNI16.
Confidential, Indianapolis, IN
Android Developer
- Designed and implemented the app architecture UI, activities and model classes
- Worked in an Agile based environment
- Collaborated with web services team to implement the back-end support
- Implemented a View Pager with Fragments
- Implemented a List View to show the shipments and the locations as a list
- Used Dagger as a dependency injector and also to create some reusable, interchangeable modules and maintainability of code and alterations
- Implemented various design patterns like Singleton, Factory, SessionFaçade and Data Transfer pattern
- UsedHTML5for audio and video playback.
- Tested the application on more than 2000 Real Devices usingXamarinTest Cloud.
- Used PhoneGap APIs like Notification, Camera, Media, Vibration to develophybridApps.
- Involved in development of event bussing usingRxJava.
- Built native IOS and Android applications using Android SDK, iOS SDK inXamarin.
- Designed and developed the request and response data to and from the database
- Implemented SQLite databases to monitor shipments
- Created test cases and test data for testing the application using JUnit Extensions
- Performed Unit testing on the various modules/functions
- Used JIRA to track issues
- Developed complex queries, PL/SQL and stored procedures for data retrieval & updating.
- Used IBM Rational Clear case for Version Controlling.
- Experience in agile software development process and scrum.
- Experience in implementing native libraries in application by usingAndroid NDK(C/C++).
- Performed Unit Testing and interacted with QA for testing.
- Integrated activity and fragment based navigation to adapt to portrait and landscape orientations to better use the screen real state adapting to phones and tablets.
- Added animated transitions when calling other activities to improve the user experience.
- Performed on device debugging using ADB commands and tested application in device using Logcat, DDMS.
- Worked on testing the application using JUNIT testing framework.
- Create and execute End to End Use Cases for User Acceptance Testing.
Environment: AndroidSDK 3.0, Eclipse IDE, Google Maps API, Xamarin, SQL Databases, JUnit, GPS Services, XML, User Interface Design
Confidential, NY
Android Application Developer
- Participated in several spaces like Designing, Enhancements, Bug-fixing, and maintenance of the Application.
- Documented the requirements and there by analyzed and involved in design, code.
- Worked with theAndroidSDK, and implementedAndroidBluetooth and Location Connectivity components.
- Used SQLite to save user details, their plans and eligible devices for upgrade.
- UsedAndroidcontent providers for implementing features like sending E-mails, SMS, etc. from the app and designed GUIs for these applications.
- Analysis of mobile application code for re-engineering.
- Responsible for design of user interface using various custom layouts, buttons, dialog boxes, alert boxes and different form of widgets.
- Inserted suitable code to capture the various button and text field events and implemented the desired action for each of the widgets.
- UsedRxJavaand Retrofit API to send network request to and from the company's server
- Used web views, list views & populated lists to display the lists from database using simple adapters.
- Used services, Async tasks and Alert Notification API to implement event reminder feature into themobile app.
- Used RXAndroid,DaggerUI, Butter Knifeandroidlibraries
- Involved in working with Location Manager and Restful Web service with JSON.
- Used Node.js to install phone Gap and used HTML5, CSS, Java script to develop hybrid apps.
- Used Phone Gap APIs like Notification, Camera, Media, Vibration to develop hybrid Apps.
- Used Phone Gap Device Object to access information about a device and application running a phone gap application.
- Implemented unique design for portrait and landscape mode.
- Also worked with the web application development team to ensure proper integration between mobile application and web application.
- Developing EJB classes and corresponding session bean classes.
- Configured JMS and Data sources on web logic 10.1 Server and provided appropriate JNDI names for them.
Environment: AndroidSDK, Google API's, Web view, GPS service, JSON, NDK(C/C++), HTML5, CSS, EJB, IBM Rational Class, Ingenico, Mockito, SQLite, Dagger.
Java Developer
- Closely worked with business system analyst to understand the requirements to ensure that right set of UI modules been built.
- Implemented web-service integration from SOA using SOAP, WSDL and REST web services.
- Responsible for developing the user interface using JSF, JSP, Java Script and HTML.
- Developed Action classes and Java classes for the corresponding Struts Actions.
- Designed and developed web based Configuration tool, data source for database connection.
- Used Log4J logging framework to write log messages with various levels.
- Involved in fixing bugs and minor enhancements for the front-end modules.
- Used VSS for version control and Maven to build the application.
- Used Eclipse IDE for the development environment.
- Experienced in Networking Socket Programming like TCP/IP, UDP protocols.
Environment: OOAD, UML, Java, J2EE, Servlets, Struts (MVC), Spring Framework, Swing, Hibernate 3.0, WebSphere 6.0, Eclipse IDE, CSS, JQuery, XML, Oracle 11g