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Drupal Developer/support Resume

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  • 7 years experience xhtml/html/css (zen coding, sass, compass)
  • 5 years experience Apache/PHP/Mysql 5 years experience JavaScript (Jquery, Prototype etc) 4 years experience Drupal 1.5 year experience Wordpress 1 year experience Magento 1 year experience Confidential
  • 3 years experience Adobe Photoshop 0.5 year Flash


Languages and Technologies: Programming: Php(CMS - Drupal, Wordpress; ecommerce platform - Magento; framework - Confidential ), Javascript(Jquery, Prototype, a little Node js) Java(a little Jsp), Bash, HTML(version 4,5), CSS(version 2,3; Sass, Compass)

OS: Unix/Linux (Ubuntu), Windows

Databases: MySQL,MSSQL, PostgreSQL, PL/SQL, PDO

Tools: Apache, Phpstorm, IntelliJ IDEA, Dreamweaver, Zend Studio, Photoshop, Xdebug, Git(git-gui), Mysql Workbench, MS Office, LibreOffice, Jira.


Drupal developer/support



  • support projects based on Drupal Commerce; support projects based on Commerce platform Magento (completion of templates and extensions by requirements); support project of big medical centre based on php framework Confidential (completion or my own bundles creation using HttpFoundation,HttpKernel, Routing,ClassLoader,Forms, Validation,EventDispatcher, Process, Yaml, templating as Twig,etc ); support blogs based on CMS Wordpress (updating core and plugins, completion of custom plugins) developed corporate portal http:// Confidential .nl/, used necessary modules such as panels, views, ctools, features, webforms, etc; created necessary vacancies module and stock ticker module for output rate of indexes necessary companies using drupal API and curl; creation and modification of theme for project (PHPTemplate, css/sass, jquery/jqueryUI, ThemeAPI) participation in completion and support of projects

Php/front-end developer



  • development on drupal necessary modules for projects, using hook menu, hook block, hook install,hook nodeapi, hook form, hook forms, hook validate, hook comment and others, also I implemente a functional using API of different modules for any tasks; markup, layout implementation, possible implementation GUI; usage of Jquery, jqueryUI, jquerytemplates, create jquery widgets; usage of php templates as PHPTemplate, Smarty and others, create necessary templates variables, files, theme implementation. project development with the usage of corporate cms. working with SVN, CVS, Dreamweaver, Sass, Photoshop, Apache, Tomcat, Zend Studio. testing of the project on different servers with all browsers.

Web developer



  • Development wordpress template of blog for the company, usage of wordpress as cms (design, template development, fixing, integration/updating of necessary plugins, writing of own plugin for wordpress)
  • Support, administration of forum Vanilla, integration/updating of necessary add-ons, writing of own extensions for this forum.
  • Development of the interface for gps-navigators.
  • Testing of the project on different servers with all browsers.

Web developer



  • Development and support of the project: changes in graphical elements of this project; modifications the structure of project, usability; modifications of templates, changes in html/xhtml/css; writing or updating client JavaScripts with IntelliJ IDEA, Dreamweaver, JSP teamwork with the java - programmer; using js framework Prototype; version control CVS;

Web master



  • html/css coding with elements of JavaScript/PHP scripts and their modifications; ptimization of graphics for sites, development of graphical elements and formatting of sites; working with FTP customers, site validation, SEO; development of sites with using of technology so - called rubber coding, table coding, testing with using of different browsers; development of different web-interfaces for on-line stores; web-calculations with further their integration into the ColdFusion/PHP/MySQL; support of web-projects;

Internet technologies teacher



  • teaching of web-design (development of sites using HTML/XTML/CSS, JavaScript, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, PHP/MySQL); creation of methodical materials for lectures and practical s; individual planning of lecturers.

Web coder (designer’s assistant)



  • template coding; creation of sub-pages and banners for templates; correcting mistakes and creating on-line stores using templates;

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