Android Developer Resume
Moosic, PA
- Around 8+ years of Software Design and Development Experience and over 5 years in Android based applications with strong understanding Android Applications.
- Developed and architected multiple Android applications across versions.
- Have a good understanding of Android Back - end.
- Experience in developing Android application using Android Studio, Eclipse IDE, SQLITE Database, Java, JSP, XML, JSON, Android SDK/NDK and ADT plug in.
- Experience in working with Google Maps API, GPS location Data and Push Notifications.
- Proficient in Android application framework: Activities, Intents, Services, and Content Provider.
- Experienced with Android SDK tools: Debugger (DDMS), Device Manager (AVD).
- Experience in using Android Framework APIs such as Location, Camera, Media player, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
- Experience in working with SQLite Database, Google Maps API, Map Quest API, GPS Location In-app billing, Push Notifications.
- Excellent knowledge in developing advanced web-based applications design and development using Eclipse, Android Studio and XML.
- Good exposure in trouble shooting and debugging android applications using Toast messages, log cat and DDMS.
- Strong experience in JSON, SAX, DOM & PULL.
- Expertise in using IDEs like Eclipse, ADT Bundle and Android Studio for Android programming
- Experienced with web services (RESTful and SOAP).
- Designing new app using JNI, Android NDK and SDK.
- Experienced with version control tool such as Git, Subversions and TFS for version tracking.
- Adept at deployment of mobile applications on Google Play Store.
- Ability to create quick Proof of Concept Apps.
- Experience in Ran functionality tests, including battery life, synchronization of accounts, GPS and Bluetooth.
- Have Knowledge on Bluetooth Audio Profiles like A2dp, AVRCP.
- Have Knowledge on Bluetooth Low Energy libraries.
- Multitask- oriented with strong competitive drive and work ethic to succeed.
- Experience on complete life cycle from design, development till deployment of mobile applications.
- Dedicated team player with excellent work ethic, Interpersonal skills and ability to communicate with all levels of the organization.
- Extensively worked on memory leaks, push notifications, content providers, multiple screen support, data offline usage, accounts and sync on Android.
- Experienced with GIT and Jenkins.
- Good knowledge of Source/ Version control software’s like SVN and GIT, Continuous integration and Building process.
- Adaptable and Quick learner for fast and quality development.
- Experienced with Hybrid App development tools such as Phone Gap and IBM Work light.
- Knowledge in working with audio and video codec’s like .3GPP, MPEG-4.
- Well versed with the complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process and software design methodologies like Agile, Scrum and Waterfall.
- Knowledge of Objective-C for IOS Application development
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and involved in client interactions for scoping, effort estimates and status reporting.
- Experience with LTEand 4G architecture.
- Creative problem solving, strong communication, organizing and planning skills along with the ability to work independently as well as in a team environment.
- Experience in performance optimization of Android applications and exposure to tools such as Trace View, Lint and Hierarchy Viewer.
- Thrives in a fast-pace and challenging environment, meticulous and self-motivating.
OS: Windows8, 7, XP, 2000, Unix, Linux, Mac.
Development Tools: Eclipse Galileo-Kepler, Netbeans 5.x, MS Visual Studio, Android Studio, PhoneGap, IBM Worklight, Photoshop, Sublime Text, XCODE
Android Specific: Eclipse, Android Studio, Android SDK, REST, JSON, ADT Plug-in, Git, DDMS console, ADB server, Network connection, Google Maps, Face book, LinkedIn API, Async Task, Navigation Drawer, Toolbar, Multithreading, Volley, Shared Preferences
Databases: SQLite, MySQL, Oracle
Methodologies: Agile, Waterfall
Web Development Technologies: HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, AJAX, J-Query, XML, XSL, XSLT.
Frameworks: Java Development Kit (JDK), jQuery, Android SDK, IOS, MVC, J-unit, Spring.
Enterprise Technologies: Windows 98/2000/XP/VISTA/7, Microsoft Office Suite, Linux, Scanners, Desktop and Network Printers, MAC, LogMeIn Central, GPMC, RDP, Internet Information Services, VMware, Ci0trix XenServer, Virtual box, Incode, Google Email.
Confidential, Moosic, PA
Android Developer
- The app is supported from android fromOS 2.3 to 5.0(Lollipop)
- Involved in the Analysis, development, and testingand maintenance process of the application.
- Developed user interface using android widgets andcomponents.
- Involved in the enhancement of some applications and user requirements (Change Requests).
- Developed user-friendlyUIusingfragments, Activities,Menus, Dialogs and Views (List View, Expandable List View,ScrollView)as per client need.
- Conceptualized, designed, developed and deployed mobile applications on both Android and IOS.
- Extracted the data fromRESTusingSocket Connections,Services,and ContentProviders and displayed them on the Activity. Which involved controlling of multithreading using Handlers
- UsedJSONto connect toweb services.
- Documenting all the process changes and requirement changes.
- Used SVN for version control of thecode and configuration files.
- Worked onAction Bar,andcreating custom components, styles and themes.
- Developed rich UI withFragmentsconcentrating on the life cycle and I have bond them to theNavigation drawer.
- Usedv4 and v13 support librariesfor makingNavigation drawerand hooking them with the fragments.
- Intensively workedonAdapters.
- Involved in code reviews,daily scrum, weekly sprint meeting.
- Debugged and Tested theapp
Environment: Java, Google API, Eclipse IDE, XML, SQLite, Async Task, Scroll view, Jenkins and GIT Android Emulator.
Confidential, Cleveland, OH
Android Developer
- Involved in the development of presentation layer and UI development using XML,Material Design.
- Conceptualized, designed, developed and deployed mobile applications.
- Implemented the Photo Gallery with View Pager allowing user to swipe between images and used Glide to load the images.
- Developed Tab Views to navigate different screens.
- Developed Dialogs to alert the user.
- Designed and implemented user interface which includes button, listview, imageview, textview, and edittext and navigation drawer.
- Worked in multiple versions of Android SDK from Froyo to Kit Kat with different API Label.
- Developed extensive tasks using background processing with Async Tasks and Services, AIDL, fragments and broadcast receivers.
- Inserted suitable code to capture the various button and text field events and implemented the desired action for each of the widgets.
- Responsible for managing activities using explicit and implicit intents within plugins.
- Worked on fragments to develop the app to adapt to different orientations and different screen sizes.
- Created tasks and subtasks on JIRA for team members
- Used SQLite for databases and implemented the functionality of application according to client requirement.
- Used BTA (Bluetooth Application Layer) of the BluetoothStack to implement on air share module of the app.
- Worked with the Android SDK, and implemented Android Bluetoothand Location Connectivity components.
- Implemented Check Boxes.
- Developed Web Services usingREST,SOAP, XML and JSON.
- UsedJSON Parser to get the data from the server asynchronously by usingJSONobject.
- Tested the application on various Android devices.
Environment: Notepad++, Eclipse,Android Studio, XML, JSON, Material Design, Virtual Machine, API’s, Lollipop, Java script, JQuery, Web Services (REST, SOAP, JSON, Server)
Confidential, Canton, OH
Android Developer
- Responsible for refactoring existing code and redesigning structures to improve performance of the entire app.
- Develop the News module providing all latest company news.
- Enhanced the scheduler module providing the associates work schedules and notifications.
- Worked extensively with Eclipse, Java and Android SDK frameworks.
- Used the same XIB to design for iPhone 5s and older iPhones by using Auto-layout.
- Designed the login activity with dynamic layouts and custom buttons.
- Used Shared Preferences for login session and handlers for set timers.
- Used services, Async tasks and Alert Notification API to implement event reminder feature into the mobile app.
- Used Volley library to get JSON objects and arrays from server.
- Used Expandable List Views and Hash Maps to create drop-down lists using custom objects.
- Communicate with back-end development team to integrate front- and back-end code.
- Communicated effectively with stakeholders to manage expectations.
- Responsible for design of user interface using various custom layouts, buttons, dialog boxes, alert boxes and different form of widgets.
- Implement dedicated associations between LTE nodes.
- Inserted suitable code to capture the various button and text field events and implemented the desired action for each of the widgets.
- Fixed bugs reported by testing team using ADB and DDMS.
Environment: Dreamweaver, Android SDK, Android Framework APIs (GPS, Camera, Notification), UI Animations, Eclipse, DDMS, Dreamweaver), Object Oriented Design, Genymotion emulator, Virtual Machine, Microsoft Visual Studio, Multitasking, LogCat
Confidential, Los Angeles, CA
Android Developer
- Discussed the requirements with client and documented through Atlassian Confluence.
- Created Custom Design for xml to displaying the data.
- Designed the layout of ListView of Build History and populated lists from JSON response.
- Used Toolbar instead of ActionBar which is newly introduce in Android Lolipop.
- Used Amazon S3 uploader for getting the data from server and parsing using JSON.
- Used Gradle compiler for different kind of third party library.
- Used View Pager for getting the suggestions for users in different page.
- Used Fragment to reuse the data whenever it’s needed.
- Used Picasso as a third party library for catching and downloading image from server.
- Used Facebook, Twitter integration for sharing the post on Social Media.
- Used Google Play Service library for getting the location of that nomino.
- Tested and debugged application.
- Used GIT as a version control for project.
Environment: Android SDK 2.1, ADT 0.9.5, Java, Google API, Eclipse IDE, XML, SQLite, Async Task, Web logic Server, Trace view, Web view, Toolbar, View Pager, GIT, JSON, Web services, Android Studio, Android Emulator.
Confidential, Manchester, CT
Java /Android Developer
- Co-Ordinate with the Onsite Team to execute the Project based on On-Site - Off-shore model
- Performed Sanity Testing
- Involved in requirement gathering, UI design and development
- Involved in Analysis, design and coding.
- Involved in integration ofjavacode with Flex UI
- Fixed the defects by running the code in debug mode from UI.
- Used Spring Frame work for Service layer and DAO layer.
- Configured JMS listeners using Spring JMS.
- Used WSDL to describe Web Services.
- Used SOAP to exchange information with external systems.
- Followed TDD (Test Driven Development).
- Followed MVC Architecture.
- Created Maven scripts for the complete module.
- Worked on spring batch in reading data from database and posting it to MQ.
- Involved in writing JavaScript, HTML and CSS for dynamic manipulation of the elements on the screen and to validate the input.
- Used Hibernate to store the persistence data in Oracle db.
- Designed and implemented the user interface using servlets, java script, java beans, struts and EJBS.
- Used Android content providers for implementing features like sending E-mails, SMS, etc., from the app and designed suitable GUI for these applications.
- Used CVS for version controlling.
- Used Maven as build and deployment tool.
- Data access using Hibernate and DAO access.
- Implemented Spring IOC.
- Deployed applications using JBOSS server.
Environment: J2EE 1.5, Servlets, Spring Batch, Spring JMS, Apache ActiveMQ, UML, Microsoft Visio, XML, WSDL, SOAPUI, Eclipse IDE, Tomcat 6.0, JBoss, TestNG, Maven 2.x, TortoiseSVN, Quality center tool, Hibernate, Log4j, SOAP Web Services, EJBs. Front controller design pattern, JQuery, Ajax, Soap UI, CXF, Core Java.
Web Developer
- Developing community sites includes designing, coding, and implementing new enhancement projects.
- Created a Login/Registration/Edit of user profile integration with community sites usingHTML, CSS.
- Developed Registration, Login & Edit User Profile functionality for all Commercial Tax Administration sites.
- Used advancedVBScript to create interfaces and help managecross browser compatibility.
- Implemented pagination usingjQuery.
- Developed an auto Bank Reconciliation process for the VAT using SQL Server 2008.
- Developed utility to parse and import low-level data in multiple formats.
- UsedAgile methodologyfor software development.
- Evaluate the request for enhancements and analyze the high priority bugs.
- UsedFirebug, Firebug Lite, and IE Developer Toolbarfor debugging and browser compatibility.
Environment: Windows, Dreamweaver, HTML, CSS, SQL Server 2008.