Mac And Ios Developer Resume
Cupertino, CA
- 7 years of development experience in Mac OS X and iOS app development using Cocoa and Objective - C.
- Complete understanding of iPhone/iPad/iPod architecture and various versions of iPhone Software Development Kit (SDK) that includes Xcode, UIKit, MapKit, WebKit, Instruments, iPhone simulator and Third Party frameworks.
- Thorough understanding of COCOA design patterns, MVC architecture and other concepts like Delegation and Protocols.
- Experienced in working with various data parsing forms to dynamically display data on iPhone/iPad such as XML and JSON.
- Expertise in creating and customizing Views, Table Views, Tab Bars and Navigation Bar which are some basic functionality in a Multiview Application.
- Rich awareness of Agile Development Methodologies (SCRUM), Object Oriented Analysis & Design (OOAD) using UML, Design Patterns and Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
- Complete comprehension in adding Animation for smooth transitioning between UIViews and better user experience.
- Sound Knowledge and some working experience on newly launched IOS 7 beta Version
- Vast familiarity with both SVN (Source Control Management) repositories.
- Proficiency with memory management - Manual Retain Release (MRR) and Automatic Reference Counting (ARC).
- Experience in creating and extracting data from database and displaying on iPhone using SQLite3 and Core Data
- Extensive experience with relational databases SQL Server, Oracle and Reporting Services (SSRS).
- Proficient in writing SQL queries, Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers.
- Strived for elegance and simplicity in code while focusing on scalability, readability, and standards complicity.
- Trained in Development, Testing, Troubleshooting and Debugging of the application.
- Established and maintained working relationship with management, clients and Team members.
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills; excellent communication and presentation skills; efficient decision making skills and excellent team player.
- Experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which includes End User Interaction during Requirement Gathering, Business Analysis, Design/Architecture, Development, Integration, Testing, Deployment, Configuration and Code Management, Customer Support and Maintenance.
Confidential Technologies: Objective-C and Cocoa development for Mac, iPhone and iPad devices using XCode, Interface builder-UIKit, Instruments, Cocoa touch
IOS Software Tools: Trained in iOS 4,iOS 5 and iOS 6 with XCode 3.x/4.x, OSX 10.5, 10.6,10.7 and 10.8, JSON
Cocoa Frameworks: Core Data, Core Graphics, Core Location, MapKit, Quartz Core, UIKit, Address Book, Event Kit, etc.
Programming Skills: Objective-C, C, C++, Core Java, UML, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, XML.
Databases: SQL Server 2008/2005/2000 , Oracle 10g/9i, SQLite, CoreData for IOS
Operating System: Mac OS 10.5/10.6/10.7 , Windows 8, 7, XP.
Concurrency: Grand Central Dispatch, NSOperations, NSThread.
Tools: XCode, Interface Builder, IBM Rationale, SVN.
Confidential, Cupertino, CA
Mac and IOS Developer
- Collaborating with Confidential UX (User Experience) team to design OSX and iOS system user experience in Talent app.
- Created several proof of concepts to validate the technical feasibility of UI designs.
- Design and development of Talent client application in both OSX and iOS platforms.
- Developed NetworkLite, a custom network wrapper framework for both OSX and iOS clients. This wrapper framework enables the client application layer to seamlessly consume REST web services.
- Customized several UIKit and AppKit framework components such as NSTableCellView, UITableViewCell, NSTokenField, NSSegmentedButton, NSSearchField, UICollectionView, NSCollectionView.
- Pagination implementations in UITableView, NSTableView and NSOutlineView to optimize the client data maintenance and overall application usability.
- Implemented Drag/Drop user interfaces using NSDragging Source and NSDragging Destination protocols.
- Scaling and magnification of custom views using NSAffineTransformAPI
- Web services used to connect to database were NSURL, NSURLConnection, and Grand Central Dispatch
- MapKit and Core Location frameworks were used to display product locations on map and find products closest to user
- Back end response was JSON based and parsing was done using NSJSONSerialization
- SVN repository was used for version control and IDE used to connect to repository was Versions
- Parsed server side response with NSJSONSerialization
- Created daily and weekly reports for Project Manager
- Helped conduct meetings to discuss best practices and streamlining of code
Environment: Xcode 4.6, Objective-C, iOS 6.0, Instruments, IOS Simulator 6.0, 6.1, UIKit, MapKit, Core Location, Core Data, Versions, JSON
Confidential, Cupertino, CA
Mac Developer
- Worked in a development project to build an application named Golden ticket (EPP+) in OSX platform.
- Collaborated with Confidential Human Resource technology team to gather EPP+ requirements from Business users and conceptualize the system model.
- Created several proof of concepts to validate the technical feasibility and business architecture of the system.
- Developed a Java web service Web Service for Confidential Online Store to check the eligibility of an employee.
- Coordinated with various teams/systems i.e Confidential Online Store, SAP, and GBI.
- Customized several Foundation framework components such as NSViewController, NSPredicate, NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate, NSValueTransformer, NSBundle, etc.
- Developed using Xcode 4.3
- Core Location framework was integrated into project to allow user to find closest retail store.
- Implemented various OOP practices including MVC, KVO, and Singleton architectures
- UI and Application Designing using XIB files
- Implemented using Manual Retain Release(MRR)
- SVN repository was used for version control and Terminal was used to connect and commit to repository
- Managed data and memory management from streamlining code and using various debugging tests
- Developed and tested unit cases through automated tests and unit testing using Instruments 3rd party automated testing tools
- Unix scripting for autosys jobs.
- Oracle performance tuning with TKProf, Explain plans, indexes and hints.
- Tables and materialized views normalization.
Environment: Objective-C, SVN, Xcode 4.3, JSON, Core Location, MRR.
Confidential, Cupertino, CA
MAC and IOS Developer
- Developed using Xcode 4.3
- Design and development of Unibox client application in both OSX and iOS platforms.
- This application was designed and implemented using Interface builder, Instruments and Objective C
- The user interface for this app was implemented using UIKit and Foundation Frameworks
- Transitions implemented using the UIViewAnnimationTransition.
- Data stored in CoreData Database.
- Use of NSManagedObjectContext, NSManagedObjectModel, NSPersistentCoordinator and NSPredicate object for the Core Data implementation.
- Pagination implementations in UITableView, NSTableView and NSOutlineView to optimize the client data maintenance and overall application usability.
Environment: iPhone SDK, Xcode 4.0, IOS 4.2, Mac OS, Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, XCode, Interface Builder, MapKit framework and core location framework.
Confidential, Cupertino, CA
MAC Developer
- Collaborated with Confidential corporate and retail recruiters to gather requirements and conceive the system model.
- Designed and developed Recruitment Hub user experience and key components.
- Served as a liaison between our business, development, and testing teams.
- Developed wrapper framework to integrate Cocoa Web kit with Java layer for rendering web UI in Cocoa UI.
- Extended and customized App kit and NSFoundation framework APIs.
- Optimized Oracle PL/SQL queries using hints, indexes. Validated query performances using explain plans and TKProf utilities.
Environment: Xcode 4.0, Mac OS, Objective-C, XCode, Interface Builder.
Confidential, Cupertino, CA
MAC Developer
- Collaborated with Confidential corporate and HR Admins to gather requirements and conceive the system model.
- Created several proof of concepts to validate the technical feasibility of system designs.
- Customized ISTCF Confidential OSX framework. ISTCF is an Confidential Internal wrapper framework for all IS&T systems at Confidential Inc.
- Customized the Xcode predicate builder functionalities.
- Daily interaction with version control software.
- Developed Enclosure Lite, custom plugin in Confidential Mail application for transferring bulk attachments up to 5 GBs of data.
- Implemented categories and protocol techniques, to load Attache´ plugin extensions into Confidential Mail in built APIs.
- Served as a liaison between our business, development, and testing teams.
- Extended and customized App kit and NSFoundation framework APIs.
- Optimized Oracle PL/SQL queries using hints, indexes. Validated query performances using explain plans and TKProf utilities.
Environment: Xcode 4.0, Mac OS, Objective-C, XCode, Interface Builder.