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Ios Developer Resume

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Burbank, CaliforniA


  • Six years of experience in information technology field with an emphasis on IOS Mobile Application Development for the past three years.
  • Knowledgeable on programming languages like Objective - C, Swift, C++, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • One year of experience with Swift programming languages mainly with Swift 1.0 and 2.0.
  • Focused insight on Software Development Life Cycle and the Scrum Methodology to develop an application based off the client specifications.
  • Accustomed to Agile development and aware of the waterfall methodology.
  • Implemented streamline methodology to acquire effective solutions.
  • Accustomed in working with XCode, Cocoa Touch and IPhone SDK.
  • Have the ability to use JSON and XML to retrieve data from backend and then display.
  • Created and added features to UIView, have worked with Table view, Tab bars and Navigation bars.
  • Worked with MapKit Framework and Corelocation Framework for fetching user location and location updates.
  • Experience working with Plist, NSUserDefaults and Files.
  • Experience in working with multithreading and memory management using GCD, Blocks and NSOperations.
  • Knowledgeable on Ibeacons and Bluetooth technology.
  • Have worked with REST API’s like Google Maps, Facebook, Twitter etc.
  • Have utilized IOS Camera and AVFoundation framework.
  • Used Instruments to debug applications for Memory Allocations and Leaks.
  • Implemented Unit Testing for Test Driven Development.
  • Experienced in using revision control tools like SVN and Git.
  • Enabled to create and extract data from database using SQLite3 and Blockchain.
  • Fast learner and has the ability to communicate among team to finish a quality product within the designated time.


Programming language: Objective-C, Swift, C++, C, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP

Framework: ADSuport, CoreLocation, CoreData, MapKit, UIKit, CoreBluetooth, CloudKit, Cocoa, Touch Spring framework, MBProgressivehud, AVPlayer, AFNetowrking

Databases: My SQL, SQLite3

Parsing: JSON, XML, JQuery

Repository Services: SVN, GitHub

Software: XCode, Quincy, Eclipse, Adobe Photoshop


Confidential, Burbank, California

IOS Developer


  • Worked on Movies Plus Experience, an open source movie framework and DC All Access App.
  • Have worked with both Swift and Objective-C language.
  • Have worked with AVPlayer framework to add some functionalities to the Movies All Access, In-Movie Experience.
  • Created the Catalog page, the Brand catalog page and the catalog redemption page using auto layout and constraints.
  • Have implemented a collection view inside a table view to achieve two directional scrolling.
  • Have worked with third party frameworks like Simple Keychain Access, to enable the sharing of keychain information among two different applications.
  • Implemented custom web view controller so the user does not have to exit the application to view an external link.
  • Worked with both URLRequest and and URLSession to fetch data from the backend.
  • Implemented cachedResponse to save the data locally and then checked for any remote changes using the cachePolicy and time interval.
  • Used JSON Parsing to grab the data from a JSON file to save it in a dictionary.
  • Created multiple nib files to load UIViews separate from the storyboard.
  • Implemented scroll view to scroll through different promotions and also used the concept of tag to keep track of the promos.
  • Implemented dispatchQueues to make sure the downloading of data and then updating the UI are done in a thread safe environment.
  • Have implemented enum, struct, functions and init methods to make the code more modular.
  • Rigorously used do, catch and try method for error handling.
  • Implemented constraints using code to make sure the view looked compatible in both IPhone and IPad.
  • Implemented bridging headers to have access to all the required Objective-C classes in Swift classes.
  • Worked with both local notifications and alert controllers to notify the user about the transition from one application to another.
  • Resolved bugs throughout the application like conflict of titles and images, size of images and more.
  • Have implemented Cocoa pods framework.
  • Have worked with Charles Proxy to check the response from the backend API.
  • Used both SourceTree and Bitbucket to create separate branches, stash away the current code, pull and push codes.
  • Tracked my tickets and time estimates using JIRA.

Environment: XCode, IOS Simulator, Charles Proxy, SourceTree, Bitbucket, JIRA.

Confidential, Portland, Oregon

IOS Engineer


  • Worked in an Agile Environment - working with Sprint Planning and Scrum meetings.
  • Transferred each use cases from Objective-C to Swift using the Apple Documentation.
  • Worked with the different UIView’s like Customized Table view cell, Navigation bars and Tab bar controllers.
  • Implemented Core data to save the user information in the database.
  • Worked on the profile button which displays a menu as a modal view and the associated options in the menu as navigation controllers.
  • Experienced working with Swift. Have compared the documentation of Objective-C to Swift while making the transition to Swift. iOS camera framework to capture the credit card information and then store the data in database.
  • Enabled push notification to update the user regarding the status of the car rides.
  • Implemented a new receipt screen that summarized the trip and the payment.
  • Executed MapKit and Map Annotation to provide a better map view with advanced animations.
  • Implemented Auto-layouts using Storyboards to support multiple screen sizes and layouts.
  • Worked with CoreLocation framework to determine the accurate location of the user.
  • Implemented social framework to enable users to share promo codes at different social networks.
  • Implemented the concept of multithreading like GCD and NSOperation to make the application faster.
  • Worked closely with the Business analysts and QA team to deliver a product which meets specifications of both the client and the users.
  • Maintained the quality of the code and refactored bugs using unit testing method.

Environment: XCode, iOS Simulator, NetBeans, Eclipse, Quincy.

Confidential, Dallas, TX

IOS Developer


  • Worked extensively on the interface of the application customizing the Navigation bars and Tab bars. Created custom views to make the application more user friendly.
  • Implemented the new mobile boarding pass support and upcoming trip cards which displays boarding position and the gate number.
  • Implemented protocols and categories to customize given classes to add more methods in the classes.
  • Executed picker view for displaying dates and then scroll view for the menu which is also a modal view.
  • Have integrated REST API’s with the application to fetch data and then display it to the user.
  • Implemented EventKit class to display the calender view to the user.
  • Introduced the ability to change your seats even after check-in.
  • Followed Model View Controller (MVC) to ensure that the application run smoothly.
  • Used JSON and XML parser to retrieve data from the backend and then displayed to the user.
  • Able to acquire the device token number for Apple Push Notification service.
  • Synchronized the boarding pass with passbook which is enable for the IOS 6 IPhone users.
  • Improved the flight status Tab bar controller with a new design. Also implemented a scroll view for the Today’s date section.
  • MapKit and Map Annotation was executed to display all the possible Confidential Service airport nearby.
  • Introduced push notification to remind people about their flight status.
  • Resolved bugs in the search flight tab bar controller, to make the view more user friendly.

Environment: XCode, IOS Simulator, NetBeans, Turbo C++.

Confidential, Plymouth, Minnesota

IOS Engineer


  • Improved the UIView’s like Tab bars, Navigation bars and Customized Views, to make the interface more appealing to the users.
  • Worked extensively on TableView and Customized TableView.
  • Introduced Secured User Credential for better interaction between the user and the application.
  • Implemented NSOperation class for multi-threading to increase the efficiency of the application.
  • Used Categories to introduce new methods to existing classes like NSString.
  • Created and acquired data from a database using SQLite to save the user’s information.
  • Used XML parsing to pull data from the backend and then display it on the application.
  • Implemented MapKit framework to make it easier for the users to easily locate the bank and ATMs.
  • Introduced the ability to locate the user using the CoreLocation framework and CLLocationManager object.
  • Worked closely with the web development to ensure proper integration between the web and the IPhone application.
  • Interacted daily with project leaders and updated the progress report.

Environment: XCode, IOS Simulator, Eclipse, Quincy.

Confidential, Palo Alto, California

IOS Application Developer


  • Developed navigation views using UI Navigation Controller.
  • Implemented Customized table view and model view to make the interface more appealing to the user.
  • Implemented Core data to store user data.
  • Created custom checklist and sharing them with selected app users by calling web services through JSON libraries and connecting to SQLite database with the Objective C interfaces.
  • Replaced the scroll view with custom keypad.
  • Used NSOperationQueue and NSURLConnection to integrate with backend web services.
  • Managed data and memory management from streamlining code and various debug tests.
  • Worked with Agile methodology including Grooming session meetings and user stories planning and estimation.

Environment: Xcode, IOS Simulator, Eclipse, MATLAB, Sublime.

Confidential, Richardson, Texas.

Web Developer


  • Knowledgeable on JavaScript and the JQuery framework.
  • Implemented standard HTML and CSS to design pages for user friendly purpose.
  • Used JSON to fetch data from the backend and then displayed it to the user.
  • Created Screens with table-less designs in order to meet the W3C standards.
  • Implemented JQuery scripts for basic animation and end user screen customization purposes.
  • Communicated with the QA team to maintain the quality of product as per the client expectation.
  • Resolved all the bugs encountered to make the application run more efficiently.

Environment: HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, MS Office.

Confidential, Washington, DC.

Web Developer


  • Designed and developed for PC and Linux platforms.
  • Used Visual Studio C++ to upgrade applications in mobile devices.
  • Worked with MATLAB to provide an effective and accurate solution to engineering problems.
  • Created interface modules in financial application.
  • Documented and delivered reports on ongoing projects.
  • Identified and resolved bugs for better user interaction.

Environment: MS Visual Studio, Quincy, MATLAB, Turbo C++.

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