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Mean Stack Developer Resume

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  • Having 6 years of front - end web application development experience with technologies using HTML 4.0/5, CSS2/CSS3, DOM, Java script.
  • Experience as a Python Developer, proficient coder in multiple languages and environments including Python, REST Api, AWS.
  • Have experience as MEAN STACK Developer.
  • Hands on experience in designing and developing Single Page Application (SPA) using Angular JS, Node JS, Express JS, React JS and with other UI technologies such as Bootstrap and HTML.
  • Expertise in User interface design for n-tier Web application using Angular JS, Node JS, Express JS, Mongo db, Responsive Web Design and REST Web Services.
  • Strong experience in writing API's and Web Services in Python .
  • Proficient in developing front-end applications using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Angular JS(1.6), React JS and MV* frameworks.
  • Strong experience in writing Angular JS Modules, Services, Controllers and in developing components using Custom
  • Directives.
  • Experience working with Angular.js and React.js t o build high-quality, scalable and reusable components for Front-end .
  • Expertise in using the frameworks such as Bootstrap, Foundation, Flex for Styling the web page.
  • Experience in the use of various relational databases like Oracle, DB2, SQL Server and NOSQL databases like Mongo DB.
  • Good Web Application debugging skills using Chrome Developers Tool.
  • Involvement in using various IDE’s, Visual Studio Code, Brackets, Eclipse, Net Beans.


Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, Python, JavaScript, Angular JS, Express JS React JS, Nodejs, Babel, Webpack, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, JQuery.

IDE & Tools: Brackets, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, Net beans, Sublime Text.

Version Control: Subversion, CVS, Git, Github.

Data base: Mongo DB, MY SQL, Oracle.

Operating Systems: Windows, Mac .

Web Services: RESTful.

Servers: AWS EC2, Amazon S3, Apache Tomcat.





  • Developed Application from Scratch using Mongo DB, Express JS, Angular Js & Node Js.
  • Used Python, JavaScript, Angular js and JSON at the front end.
  • Transform the website features from jQuery domain to AngularJS 1.5.8 domain as the latter is faster and easier to implement.
  • Developed Angular JS functionality in the application to provide two-way binding to the system.
  • Involved in Developing a Restful API'S service using Python Flask framework.
  • Developed Data Base Schema Models for Backend-API using Mongoose Schema.
  • Design and developed Restful API, server in Node.js/Express.js for user management.
  • Developed front end in Angular.js and write angular.js services.
  • Developed front end components in Angular@1.6 .
  • Created user authentication using passport js.
  • Worked with Amazon S3 to upload and download.

Skills used: Node JS, Express JS, Mongo DB, Angular JS, Java Script, Python, Bootstrap.




  • Created web applications by usage of HTML, CSS, Angular JS and JavaScript.
  • Used Angular JS to implement rich functionality in various pages: form validation, search, sort, tags-input, advanced directives, etc.
  • Familiar in writing Custom Directives and services in Angular JS, according to the application requirement.
  • Used Nodejs module to handle Restful calls to enable communication between view components and servers.
  • Created and modified the CSS classes to change look and feel.
  • Developed Single page application and structured the JavaScript code using Angular JS.
  • Created reusable components in Angular Js based on the project need using Custom Directives, Services and Factories.
  • Involved in the implementation of open-source web application frameworks like Bootstrap and Angular JS.
  • Resolved bugs and other defects using Firebug and chrome developer tools and also, eclipse debugging tool.
  • Worked closely with backend developers in understanding requirements and coordinating the development.
  • Interacted with client periodically to gather the requirements and presenting demos.
  • Coordinated with offshore counterparts to deliver quality code on time.
  • Worked on AGILE methodology to reach the timelines.
  • Managed code with GitHub.
  • Identified the participating pages and the navigation paths between the HTML and JSP pages.
  • Used Factory, Singleton design patterns for implementing enterprise modules.
  • Used Rational Clear Case as Version control.
  • Used JUnit to write repeatable tests mainly for unit testing.
  • Developed DAO layer implementation classes using JDBC to persist data into DB2 database.
  • Design and developed Restful API, server in Node.js.
  • Wrote HBM Files for mapping Java objects to tables in relational database and updated it as required.
  • Used Oracle as database and Involved in the development of PL/SQL backend implementation and using SQL created Select, Update and Delete statements.
  • Used ANT automated build scripts to compile and package the application and implemented Log4j for the project.
  • Involved in configuring and administration of Connection pools, Data Sources, Queues, Connection Factories, and Listeners for development environment.
  • Created test scenarios/scripts, performed IT internal testing, and supported (UAT) user acceptance testing.
  • Resolve tickets and enhancements from backlog items created during code development.
  • Implemented deliverable solution to the customer within agreed timeframes.

Skills used: JavaScript, AWS, AngularJS, SQL, CSS3, Bootstrap 3, Node JS, Express JS,Grunt, BitBucket, GIT.




  • Developed presentation-tier JSP pages in HTML, Implemented JQuery Data Grid control, Validation control and other Widget controls.
  • Developed Web forms/user interfaces using Struts MVC, JQuery and JSP.
  • Used Ajax Controls, Web forms, JavaScript and HTML for Commission, Payment and Inventory reports.
  • Worked on AJAX controls like Update Panel to manage the post back of the web page to server, AJAX Script Manager and Script Manager Proxy controls to register JavaScript and web service files.
  • Used JavaScript accordingly for validation purpose, browser detection and controls.
  • Developed various AJAX controls and widgets to build a rich User Interface for the application.
  • Created Windows services to create automation processing of XML.
  • Involved in developing JQuery and AJAX wrapper classes for fast retrieval of data and for animations.
  • Created Model objects using Entity Data Model with Entity framework using Hibernate. Worked with xPath, XML Node, XML Data documents to synchronize with dataset.

Skills used: Java, CSS, firebug, Service Blueprints, Ajax, JQuery, JavaScript, HTML, XML, CSS 3, SQL, PL/SQL, Windows Platforms, ExtJS, IDE- Eclipse, OO JAVA, SVN, LESS, Bootstrap, KendoUI, REST and Angular JS Framework.




  • Implemented Struts Frame Work based on MVC paradigm.
  • Developed the UI layer using Form Beans and Action classes.
  • Developed the UI layer using HTML and Client-Side validations were done using JavaScript.
  • Developed Jasper reports using iReport.
  • Used Collections framework.
  • Created web pages using JSP and Servlets.
  • Developed Entity Beans where transaction persistence is required.
  • Involved in the database design and modification using SQL in Oracle.
  • Involved in unit testing.

Skills used: J2EE, Eclipse, Windows NT 4.0, UNIX, My Eclipse IDE, JSP/Servlets, Apache, Tomcat, Web logic, JDBC, XML, HTML, Oracle.

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