Systems Monitoring Engineer Resume Profile
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Applications: BMC Blade Logic Server Automation 8.2 BSA , BMC Decision Support for Server Automation 8.0 BDSSA , BMC Proactivenet Performance Manager 8.5 BPPM , Systems Center Configuration Manager 2007 SCCM , Systems Center Operations Manager 2007 SCOM
Operating Systems: Windows 2008, 2003, Windows 7, Linux, AIX, Solaris, VMWare
Senior Consultant/Technical Lead
- Implementing of BSA and BDSSA provisioning, OS patching, Audits and Compliance and inventory reporting
- Utilized Bladelogic to automate the silent install of Remedy ITSM Stack ARS, Atrium Core, ITSM, RKM SLM, SRM and Atrium Integrator
- Implemented BPPM 8.5, Patrol Configuration Manager and Patrol Agent for Event management and Alerting
- Designed Blade Logic environment for production roll out
- Implemented Blade Logic server provisioning for AIX , Windows OS and home grown application deployment
- Implemented a Blade Logic Patching solution for Unix environment Linux, AIX, Solaris and HP-UX
- Created Standard Operation Procedure document for the implementation of BSA
- Automated the install of MS SQL for production deployment
- Created architecture documentation, design and build documentation for BPPM 8.0 production roll-out
- Lead Server Automation workshops RBAC, OS provisioning, OS patch management, audits and compliance
- Facilitated session to gather requirements and design key configuration items for the implementation of BSA and BDSSA
- Installed and configure BSA and BDSSA in development and production environment
- Configured OS provisioning for RHEL and Windows on virtual and physical servers
- Configured OS patch management for RHEL and Windows on virtual and physical servers
- Configured Audits and Compliance
- Configured Configuration Management
- Configured basic application deployment
- Configured Out-of-the-box OOTB Reporting for BDSSA
- Created architecture documentation, design and build documentation and Standard Operation Procedure
Systems Monitoring Engineer Blade Logic, BPPM, SCCM, SCOM Consultant/PM
- Project Manager for the implementation of the following BMC tools: BPPM, BMC Event Manger, BSA and BDSSA
- Created and maintained project plan and consultant travel budget, manage resources and scope
- Coordinated activities of assigned personnel to ensure SOW deliverables are met
- Lead technical activities for the implementation of BSA, BPPM and BDSSA
- Installed and configured BSA and BDSSA
- Configured Blade Logic patching for Windows, Linux and Unix servers
- Deploy Blade Logic agent to 1,000 servers with Bulk RSCD agent installer in multi domain environments
- Utilized Blade Logic to deploy Patrol agent to server infrastructure Solaris, Linux and Windows 2003 and 2008 64 bit
- Installed and configured BMC Proactivenet Performance Management, BMC Event Manger
- Deployed Patrol Agents and configure agents in Patrol Console, Patrol Configuration Manager
- Configured Selectors, Policy and Event threshold for server properties and applications
- Configured BDSSA reporting for schedule HW/SW inventory
- Maintained SCCM 2007 and SCOM 2007 within infrastructure while BMC tools were implemented