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It Gis Engineer,resume Profile

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Senior Systems Engineer position with a well-established Defense contract or where I can put my twenty-five years of experience in geospatial systems for NGA and the Department of Defense.



IT GIS Engineer

Nov 2013 Present: Working as part of the run support team, create new FME Workbench ETLs as new feature classes are need and also maintain or modify existing FME Workbench ETLs

Sept 2013 Nov 2013: Working with Aera Energy IT-GIS personnel initiate the migration of the execution the FME Workbench ETLs from Tivoli Workload Scheduler to FME Server.

March 2013 Sept 2013: Working with Aera Energy IT-GIS personnel migrate their 9.3 ArcSDE feature classes from version 9.3 to 10.1 ArcSDE. The first major task of the migration was to convert dozens of SDEView feature classes to true feature classes to greatly enhance performance. The next major task was the creation or the modification of FME Workbench ETL scripts to populate all migrated feature classes.


Systems Engineer

October 2009 Feb 2013: For NGA's Data Management and Access Prototype provided Foundation GEOINT data expertise to add Foundation Feature and Raster OGC Web Services to provide geospatial context for GMTI analysis. Achieved this by using Safe Software's Feature Manipulation Engine FME Desktop and FME Server products to develop and deployed geospatial extract, transform and load ETL scripts to convert NGA's geospatial raster and vector products to open formats rasters and commercial and open source databases Oracle and PostgreSQL/PostGIS, respectively and expose these data via GeoServer.

Jan 2008 Sept 2009: For the NGA TOPS CRADA worked as part of a Subject Matter Expert/Systems Engineering team with NGA E-GEOINT to develop several effective strategies for NGA Source Directorate to migrate away from legacy proprietary systems for Foundational GEOINT production and towards a services-based Geoprocessing architecture

Feb 2007 Dec 2007: Working as part of team, developed an open, commercial-off-the-shelf prototype system that demonstrated how commercial and commodity data imagery, elevation, feature vector, et al. could be used by NGA GGI outsource contracting to support NGA's GEOINT production needs outside of a classified environment as a means of cutting costs and significantly reducing timelines. Was shown at GEOINT 2007 to great enthusiasm from NGA Source and Production Directorates


, provided geospatial feature vector data expertise and mentoring to the GGMA Data Migration team whose charter was to develop extract, translate and load scripts using SAFE Software's Feature Manipulation Engine application to migrate NGA's legacy ESRI ArcSDE-based, GIDI topographic feature vector data into a new Oracle-spatial data repository


as part of a Systems Engineering team to analyze feature vector data systems as-is architectures to determine the transitional and to-be architecture necessary to migrate all feature data to a single repository. Constructed DoDAF Operational and System Views to capture this information as part of deliverable documents


, designed new capabilities for the SOCET GXP application as brought forward by customers requests and to migrate capability from SOCET SET. Investigate discrepancy reports to determine if problems are caused by SOCET GXP software failure, data problems or a combination of both and then, when necessary, develop design changes to address the problem.


, analyzed requirements for Project Picasso Study Phase Two to determine throughput bottlenecks for transfer of data to an Alliance partner facility. Analysis was used to determine sizing for storage estimates and prioritized scheduling of data transfers to optimize data transfers of high priority data.


second phase of the USIGS 2005 study's Thin Line Operational System prototype requirement. Collected and organized NGA-supplied data to effect optimal data usability among diverse applications both client and server.

Jan 2002 Aug 2002: Contributing member of enterprise architecture team that developed one of two winning studies commissioned under NIMA's USIGS 2005 Future Architecture Study Phase One


program, developed verification scripts for NIMA's TERCOM data product. Developed Factory Acceptance and Site Acceptance test procedures for the TERCOM data verification and load into the Digital Product Data Warehouse. Performed Factory Acceptance Test and Site Acceptance test for TERCOM ingest.


Alliance partner, and leveraged the SOCET SET/ArcGIS capability to support the MDS program to upgrade/replace the legacy Data Extraction Segment installed at the Alliance partner's facility


program IEC , analyzed the geospatial analysis requirements from the Systems Requirement Specification. Worked very closely with the NIMA Production's Geospatial COTRs to design COTS-based solution that leveraged proven capabilities from existing NIMA Production Cells. Wrote and executed Software Integration Test procedures for the Geospatial portion of the IEC workstation. Provided technical expertise and mentoring to the Systems Integration Test team to assist them in their development and execution of their test plans and procedures. Member of Site Installation and Verification team that delivered the first Geospatial Analysis IEC workstations at NIMA St. Louis.


into the NIMA Geospatial Prototype Facility GPF that successfully displaced the sitting Autometric Softplotter capability. This capability became the de facto configuration for NIMA's geospatial Production Cells


worked as part of a small team with members from E-Systems now Raytheon , ESRI and BAE, developed a COTS-based capability that used NTM imagery to extract topological feature and elevation data to produce NIMA certified paper and digital map products. Developed key scripts and feature extraction specifications that enable SOCET SET to extract and export data into formats directly ingestible by ARC/INFO this allowed our team to complete our assigned task on time and under budget with a minimum of rework. For subsequent outsourcing contracts, this configuration was made available for sale to other outsourcing contractors and competed well with the competing Intergraph offering.


design new capabilities and modified existing capabilities to Resource Management and Workstation subsegments of the Data Extraction segment. Performed on site testing of new capabilities at DMA Reston.


Diagnoses problems on the Data Extraction Workstation subsegment, write Discrepancy Reports, collect Problem Packages for software maintenance back at factory. Perform Load Module Verification nominally every six weeks as new builds of the Data Extraction Segment were delivered to site.

Software Engineer

June 1992 Sep 1994: Designed and implemented logging of vector topology errors to a relational database to allow feature data managers to diagnose whether the software or data is incorrect. Analyzed vector topology generation algorithm to determine if it could be optimized as it took hours to process relatively simple vectors Discovered and implemented a method to optimize vector topology generation that reduce processing times by two-thirds. Maintain software on the workstation subsegment of Data Extraction Segment by working off Discrepancy Reports from customer sites. Perform Load Module Verification at Factory and at DMA Reston facility approximately every six to eight weeks. Rotational site support for DMA centers where the Data Extraction Segment was installed diagnose problems on the Data Extraction Workstation subsegment, write Discrepancy Reports, collect Problem Packages for software maintenance

Build Test Engineer

Sep 1988 Jun 1992: As part of the Build Test organization, developed test plans and procedures for Data Extraction Segment of the Defense Mapping Agency's DMA Digital Production System. Executed Build Test procedures against software released into the integration laboratory. Documented discrepancies with the software and iterated through test procedures until all completed successfully or were granted waivers. After system delivery, traveled to DMA Reston approximately every six weeks to perform load module verification of new builds of the Data Extraction Segment


Software Engineer

Developed Requirements Management System using Ada on VAX/VMS.

Developed networked-based real-time control of remote IEEE-488 test equipment using Ada on VAX/VMS in a SIGINT environment


Feature Manipulation Engine FME Desktop and Server, Geoserver OGC Web Server, SOCET SET, SOCET GXP, ESRI ArcGIS, MS Office, Intergraph GeoMedia Professional, Visual Studio 2008

Programming Languages

C, Objective-C, Java, C


PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS Access

Operating Systems

Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Linux, Mac OS X, iPhone OS

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