Etl Developer Resume Profile
- Experience with data architecture, integration and management, data migration from legacy systems to modernized systems, database administration, Business Intelligence, ETL in Data Warehouse and OLTP systems
- Experience with Entity-Relationship modeling and Dimensional modeling, conceptual, logical, and physical data models, DoDAF Viewpoints and Models, Federal Enterprise Architecture FEA , DRM, FSAM
- Experience in Master Data Management MDM methodology, strategies, data governance and data quality
- Software development experience with C, SQL, PL/SQL, with case and software tools CA ERwin, Rational Rose, Rational ClearCase, Rational ClearQuest, CaliberRM, CVS, Visual SourceSafe Rational Unified Process RUP , UML, ELC, SDLC, SEI CMMI, Function Point Analysis, RAD, Agile and eXtreme-XP methodologies
- Experience with stake-holder, business and user collaboration, presentations and JAD sessions, functional requirements analysis and collection, development of data requirements, use case, data sourcing and supporting technical documents
- Management resource and project planning experience, proven ability to work both independently and in groups as a self-motivated and highly engaged contributor
- Data Architect consulting assignment with Truven Health Analytics for data warehouse, business intelligence, federal analytics and reporting projects supporting the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CMS and state clients. Design comprehensive solutions for diverse business requirements related to DW/BI and lead a team to achieve project goals. Analyze current analytical and reporting environments, recommend strategies and build roadmaps to achieve project goals. Develop data management strategies including master data management, data quality and data governance. Develop an implementation plan and work with the project management to track progress.
- Additional responsibilities include leading requirements gathering and design sessions, working with analysts to establish and clearly define requirements that follow a business process model and conform to CMS standards MITA, MMIS , work with state data suppliers to establish input and interface specifications for the implementation of the Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System T-MSIS . Direct and participate in the analysis effort for data flow diagrams and source-to-target data mapping documentation, for logical and physical models development using CA ERwin 9.0 , Oracle 11.2 , for the development of dimensional and ETL staging models that adhere to data warehouse best practices and comply with CMS and state standards that include maintaining physical and technical security and privacy of protected health information PHI mandated by HIPAA.
- Provide consultation to, and work with state implementation team for delivery of MMIS Reporting and Analytics data warehouse running on Oracle Exadata using Oracle Database 12c, provide monitoring assistance using Oracle 12c OEM tools.
- Participate in the Center of Excellence roll-out of the CMMI CMMI-DEV V1.3 implementation contribute in the support of the CMMI SCAMPI-A appraisal. Create and revise Maturity Level policy documents and templates for ML2-ML3 process areas and recommend improvements to current processes.
- Data Architect and Technical team lead consulting assignment for an Enterprise Architecture/Data Management, integration, data migration modernization project at the Pentagon for the DoD Security Cooperation Agency. Define the strategy and roadmap for BI Analytics, Enterprise Data Warehouse tools and future state reporting architectures to meet agency needs for strategic decision making. Evaluate, develop and identify specifications, best practices, integration and use of emerging technologies as they relate to the overall reporting architecture develop strategy, planning and implementation deliverables and vendor services in support of a tri-service finance program.
- Work with the Government to develop an enterprise data management strategy and roadmap, master data management/data governance plan, data migration, data conversion and data cleansing strategies, legacy system phase-out plan and Business Intelligence solutions. Develop current and future state models, gap analyses, and transition planning, document the As-Is system functions which will be retired through the implementation of the program, evaluate the To-Be business and technical requirements and translate into specific database solutions structure, attributes and nomenclature of data elements, document functions, interfaces and integration points for CISIL, MISIL, DIFS, DSAMS, and Navy SCIP Portal systems, develop DoDAF artifacts utilizing the System Architect tool.
- Identify and develop strategies and recommendations for the collection and dissemination of information that include traditional data warehouse technologies, Virtualization and Federated technologies, developing technologies including Semantic Web, NoSQL, semi-structured and unstructured data, persistent, non-persistent storage and caching solutions.
- Data Architect and Technical team lead consulting assignment at Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CMS Clinical Standards and Quality, End Stage Renal Disease group, responsible for the design of logical and physical data models supporting As-Is and To-Be architecture, leading the development of new subject areas and deployment strategies to support a mission-centric legacy system Data Warehouse. Responsible for efforts to sustain legacy system growth, performance ramifications and solutions, re-engineering of 3NF architecture to Star schemas, development of Dimensional models and staging area models using CA ERwin 7.3.9 , the physical models were developed using Oracle 11g 11.2 .
- Review and document data structures, data sources, ETL processes and compare data structures to data models to identify areas for modification or improvement. Participate with team to analyze and propose modifications to data structures, ETL programs, transformations, indexes, data staging areas and summary tables.
- Participate in Data Management group meetings, working with the teams to support and enhance the Master Data Management efforts - data quality analysis and assessment, data lineage, target metadata registry, metadata capture and management and conformance requirements development and to promote a shared foundation of common data definitions and to reduce data inconsistency where applicable to the data warehouse and business intelligence design efforts. Additional participation includes SLA adherence documents for hardware and software deployment, NIEM compliance reporting, functional and non-functional requirements gathering and gap analysis between As-Is and To-Be architecture design requirements.
- Data Solutions Architect consulting assignment at the Federal Trade Commission responsible for the design of an overarching system architecture, software and hardware component solutions, data management, ETL strategies, logical and physical data models to support the development and deployment of a BI/Data Warehouse solution. Analyze and translate business, information and technical requirements into an architectural blueprint which will achieve the commission's business objectives. Develop design recommendations and solutions that integrate across applications, systems and platforms consistent with the overall enterprise architecture and IT strategy. Develop FEAF Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework agency-level architecture design artifacts and Data Reference Model DRM .
- Work with management, business stakeholders, end users, analysts, ETL and BI developers and QA identify data requirements, determine systems of record, analyze source system data feeds - flat files and database structures for the development of data flow diagrams, hardware architecture diagrams, ETL and data warehouse architecture diagrams.
- Data Architect Data Migration and Data Warehouse project consulting assignment with a Government subcontractor for the Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization DITCO and Financial Services DoD, Scott AFB, Illinois - a modernization effort to migrate Defense Information Services Agency DISA data from over twelve source legacy mainframe systems, flat file, database structures, etc. Responsible for the development of Dimensional models using System Architect 8.0 for the Data Warehouse effort, team leadership and for providing operational support. Develop in conjunction with the client the conversion design blue prints used in identifying, extracting and in the movement of data across all data stores. Responsible for leading the data rationalization efforts in mapping of source data - financial, vendor, contract, logistic, procurement and acquisition systems extracting and moving data into test and development databases, operational data stores and data archiving silos and to continually improve the technical quality and stability of all the data extraction systems. Assess data quality using the Oracle Data Quality and Oracle Data Profiling tools, Oracle Data Warehouse Builder 10.5 to build mappings for ETL layer, as well as develop SQL Loader scripts and PL/SQL procedures and functions for implementation on Sun Solaris under the Linux operating system.
- Additional responsibilities include analysis, translation and documentation of high level Master Data Management MDM business requirements participate in the establishment of data governance processes for customer and product master data. Perform analysis and design of data warehouse and operational systems within context of MDM solution. Conduct requirements elicitation JAD groups, analysis and development of functional requirements documents, source to target data mapping and related documents, research, selection and implementation of data mining and data transformational analysis tools - Oracle Data Miner used in conjunction with other tools to migrate legacy systems data into an Oracle 10g database.
Data Warehouse project, consulting assignment with the Internal Revenue Service Technical Manager responsible for ETL project team management for the initial high level project requirements analysis and Business Intelligence, including defining business requirements and objectives, data profiling, data source-to-target mapping documents, creation of Technical Requirements documents, Requirements analysis and development of functional specification documents using Rational Unified Process RUP and UML, Rational Rose, technical architecture and ETL diagrams. Creation of technical due diligence activities, assessment of appropriate technologies, solution designs, and vendor selections, security attributes, create detailed project schedules and milestones. Architect data models analyze source data feeds, flat files, DBMS, XML and translate business requirements into source-to-target mappings and transformation logic. Build mappings for ETL layer, responsible for writing C code, PL/SQL procedures and functions, UNIX shell scripts, design, develop and implement Extract, Transformation and Load code using Oracle Warehouse Builder 10.1. Prepare validation plan and validate data in the target database tables for implementation under Oracle10g on Sun Solaris.
Consulting assignment with the Social Security Administration for the SUMS Data Warehouse project Data Architect responsible for data analysis, requirements gathering, data profiling and traceability component assess risks, determine, assign and track task activity, prepare documentation and time information per internal standards. Conduct user interviews and JAD sessions, analyze artifacts - COBOL code, file layouts, reports, etc. Develop functional requirements and business rules and document using CaliberRM, develop data models using ERwin. Data source-to-target mapping and frequency analysis for ETL component, process flow diagrams, documentation. Validate data in DB2 ODS database source tables and in the target Oracle database tables using SPUFI, SQL Plus, Business Objects and Brio Hyperion Intelligence 6.6.4.
Responsible for the day-to-day management of the Software Development, QA, Database and the Performance Engineering organizations staff includes managers, developers, database engineers and performance engineers. Responsible for development, database components, software product offerings, for support of the service bureau and internal database systems, for employee development and mentoring, employee career path growth and training programs. Responsible for all Engineering organization initiatives, software and database architecture and development, quality and testing and performance characterization efforts to support current software product releases, new product releases and for new technology research and development programs responsible for the technical and the financial performance of projects - for customer satisfaction, status reporting, vendor collaboration, estimation of required resources and the evaluation and alignment of goals. Responsible for development, implementation and the maintenance of Oracle8i and Oracle9i database access code, establishing standards, application design and code review of product software responsible for internal administration and support of all production and customer hosted 7x24 Oracle OLTP, Oracle Parallel Server, Oracle Financials, SQL Server databases, data marts and data warehouses running on Sun, IBM and Compaq Alpha hardware under Unix and Windows hardware and software strategic planning, capacity planning, working with vendors Oracle, Sun, etc , vendor management, negotiations, acquisition, implementation and SOW and RFP process.
Participated in several OLTP and Data Warehouse projects using Oracle RDBMS and Oracle Parallel Server in UNIX, VMS and Windows environments, responsibilities include database administration duties including installs, patches and performance, development of COBOL, C, SQL and Oracle PRO C/ESQL code, data modeling, design and implementation of physical database architectures additional responsibilities include project management. Clients include Digital Equipment Corporation, TPC-C benchmarks, participated in the development of the TPC-D benchmark code base Sun Micro Systems, La Cruz Azul de Puerto Rico Blue Cross of Puerto Rico , Kodak Corporation and Fidelity Investments.