E-discovery Consultant Resume Profile
Results-oriented Data Warehouse Architect and Data Architect with expertise in creating data standards, data models, ETL processes, data warehouses, data marts and metadata repositories. Consistently raised productivity levels by applying re-engineering methodologies and innovative technology solutions. Proven ability to build strong relationships with staff and clients using negotiation talent and demonstrated commitment. Self-motivated and an innovative thinker, consistently pursuing new challenges to enhance abilities and expand knowledge, while bringing greater returns to employers.
Bristol-Myers Squibb is 20 billion dollar bio-pharmaceutical company, with a broad range of medicines designed to fight cancer, cardiovascular, infection, neuroscience, and inflammation.
- Used the POSMAD information life cycle approach to create an Asset Registry of all the highly shared and values of a Customer
- Created a POSMAD grid to be using during interview process to ease the collection, analyzing and reporting of
- the data
- Created detailed and summary level interaction by attribute, within an organization, within application and within process
- Acted as the data architect for the Customer Exchange Hub, Product Data Remediation Tool application and
- Enterprise Product Hub EPH
- Profiled customer data using DataFlux and Oracle
AstraZeneca is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, with a broad range of medicines designed to fight cancer, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, infection, neuroscience, respiratory and inflammation.
e-Discovery Consultant
- Gather data requirements from legal for each e-discovery request
- Created the extraction routines needed to retrieve relevant information from the various AstraZeneca computer applications and platforms while maintaining the integrity of the data
- Provided a Chain of Custody document, describing the scope of what and how data was extracted from a single data source that is defensible in court
- Enhanced IMS data extraction routines to minimize manual effort required to deliver the data in the standardized format
BDP International is a global transportation and logistics company which provides air, ocean, and ground transportation in every major trade lane between North America, Asia, Europe, South America and Africa.
Data Warehouse Architect
- Created a Global Operational Data Store, Global Data Warehouse, and Data Marts in which the data from 11 different systems around the world was housed to support the enterprise reporting needs
- Orchestrated a team of 6 people which were responsible for all the maintenance and enhancements for the US centric data warehouse and reporting systems.
- Created the data and network architecture to ease the data integration of the 6 newly purchased companies.
- Eliminated requests from clients to track down missing data warehouse data by modifying the commit strategy employed used in the ETL stored procedures.
- Cleansed, de-duped, consolidated and re-distributed all reference code sets as the global standard
- Re-designed the data warehouse's ill performing load process and reduced the load time by 66 .
- Re-engineered the Ocean Export Application to enhance a poorly performing reporting application performance and minimize customer complaints. Both were accomplished.
- Established logical and physical naming standards which improved communication among the IT team and the business community.
- Prevented the loss of a major client by designing and developing a monitoring report which presented the client's metrics in a user friendly format. It also generated additional 7 thousand dollars month revenue.
- Designed, created, tested and implemented 183 operational Oracle Discoverer and Oracle Reports for the Xpedion Shipment entry system.
- Performed tool evaluations of both multiple BI and ETL tools.
IMS is the premier global company which provides business intelligence and strategic consulting services for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries
Senior Data Administrator
- Gathered requirements and refined requirements for a key infrastructure Health Care Professional project that generated 1.1 million dollars for fiscal year 2004.
- Consolidated over 80 Prescription Supplier's data feeds into a generic structure by analyzing the files and creating a metadata driven process for ease of maintenance.
- Designed a GUI to minimize the amount of technical expertise required to handle modifications of the supplier's input file formats.
- Performed impact analysis of all modifications against the current state database during the initial phase and started modeling the new Prescriber Universe Database to support all future requirements.
- Participated in ETL and Matching Software Tool Evaluations resulting in the selection of Ab Initio and Matchware products.
- Developed logical and physical data models for Health Care Professional systems. Facilitated JAD sessions, built ERD using Erwin and Model Mart tools.
- Performed feasibility study to determine if it would be possible to integrate the sales and prescription data from 7 countries. Identified requirements and negotiated the timetable with multiple internal organizations. Developed specifications for extraction, transformation and load process. Modeled the data mart. Performed quality checks and testing on the process from end to end. The project generated revenue of 1.8 million dollars for 2003 and 3.6 million dollars for 2004
Metadata Repository Specialist
- Acquired funding for enterprise metadata repository by creating and populating a prototype metadata repository to demonstrate the ROI to the Enterprise
- Performed evaluation of the various repositories available on the market.
- Designed and implemented the Global Metadata Repository to provide IMS Health a single database, in which, to store and extract its metadata. Repository contains the metadata from applications across Corporation
- Eased communication across project teams by creating corporate glossary of approved abbreviations, acronyms, and business terms with definitions.
- Performed the duties of the system administrator for Global Metadata Repository and CA's Model Mart databases.
Senior Data Administrator
- Designed the MIDAS data warehouse to contain all the pharmaceutical data collected from 77 countries at the atomic to level allow a client to profile a physician prescribing habits.
- Perform the analysis and designed a data warehouse to store 13 terabytes of prescription data collected from multiple suppliers in the United States.
- Designed and implemented metadata driven Metrics Database, which allowed statistical analysis to be performed on the data being purchased from various suppliers to ensure the data's quality before allowing it to post to the Longitudinal Prescription data warehouse.
- Assisted in the creation of an Enterprise Data Model which helped move the corporation move from a process centered environment to a data driven environment
- Established the corporate wide data related policies, guidelines and standards and implemented ERWin templates to enforce the logical and physical naming standards for Oracle and SQL Server database management systems.
- ETS is a growing organization that provides a range of products and services that advance learning worldwide.
- Cut data warehouse refresh rate from 5 days to 18.5 hours by redesigning the key structure and implementing a process to incrementally update the existing Oracle data warehouse from two IDMS operational systems.
- Integrated the Praxis DB2 application into the data warehouse by interviewing clients to determine the requirements and then creating the processes necessary to perform the initial extract, base load and an incremental load for the incorporation of this data into the warehouse.
Consultant Confidential
- The second largest mutual fund company in the world with over 200 billion in assets.
- Analyzed and documented all the current individual financial systems and generated a logical data model for the creation Vanguard's Individual Systems Enterprise Data Warehouse and a Marketing Data Mart. Included was a source to target data mapping from the current systems to the Logical Data Model's attributes to be used in creation of the interface programs.
- Designed of a component-based architecture for the Extraction, Transformation and Load Processes to be used for the population of the data in to the proposed data warehouse and loading of the Data Mart. It was designed with an emphasis on referential integrity, performance and reusability.
- Performed product evaluations of vendor ETL tools and Campaign Management software.
- Created a prototype cube for managing survey data using a Cognos and MS Access 97.
- Wrote the requirements for a Meta Data Repository to assist in the vendor product evaluation.
One of the world's largest providers of high-growth communications services and the largest provider of wire line and wireless communications.
Technical Software Engineer
- Responsibilities included maintaining and enhancing the current PA DE 911 VAX System, using VAX Basic, Data Control Language and File Management System and C language. Maintained all interfaces with CRIS Billing System, Nortel's E911 Life System and all the municipalities in Pennsylvania Delaware
- Analyzed and documented the PA DE, C P and NJ 911 systems implemented in Bell Atlantic currently used this information to design the Bell Atlantic's Regional Enhanced 911 System
- Designed a regional Enhanced 911 NENA II database using DB2 with a high emphasis on referential integrity, performance and recovery. Also, determined the access strategy and triggers required to retrieve converted accounts from expressTrak DB2 databases
- Designed and implemented the interfaces that handle the data from all the ALECs and CLECs in Pennsylvania Delaware