Teamcenter Plm Consultant Resume
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Salt Lake City, UT
Interested in a development role for Siemens PLM Teamcenter Unified software
- Multiple years of exclusive programming experience with Siemens Teamcenter PLM product suite including development, customization & configuration.
- Proficient in Object Oriented Analysis/Design, ITK development and Confidential
- Created multiple scripts using Teamcenter client programs, SQL, unix, perl & DOS batch scripting.
- Performed multiple data migrations in Teamcenter Enterprise & Teamcenter Unified
- Used SQL and csv2tcxml to create BOM, objects and datasets in Confidential 11
- Possess knowledge of Teamcenter ITK development including user exits.
- Very well experienced with all aspects of software development lifecycle, starting right from writing specification Documents to requirements gathering, Functional Specs, and development.
- Experienced in creation of workflows and workflow handlers.
- Sole person responsible for software, upgrades, installation, patch installation, deployment, development, code fixes and level 2 or 3 user support on many projects
- Able to work independently and quickly pickup new technologies.
- Highly skilled at interacting with the customers and resolving their issues with a quick turnaround time.
- Strong professional ethics; work effectively with geographically located teams in different time zones
- Ability to understand business customer needs and perform code mockups to help guide in making informed decisions regarding Teamcenter technology.
- Rich experience in working with wide variety of customers from Automotive, Aerospace & Defense to Consumer products.
Confidential, Salt Lake City, UT
Teamcenter PLM Consultant
- Mapping of properties from Teamcenter Enterprise (ePic) to Confidential 11.4.
- Wrote a detailed Confidential Strategy document of how to load Parts, BOMs, Docs & datasets from SAP/Legacy systems into Confidential
- Wrote custom perl scripts to validate part and document metadata and LOVs and created exception reports for customer
- Wrote a complex perl script to extract data out of file paths to migrate files and copy them overs to migration volume including adding a auto generated number at the end to ensure uniqueness.
- Used CSV2TCXML to load data from various sources to Confidential .
- Mapped change, part & doc object properties. Had discussions with users around what properties to migrate and where they will go.
- Did oracle SQL queries and counts in production database to see which properties to migrate and which ones to leave behind
- Looked into merging multiple change objects from ePic into single change object in Confidential
- Wrote SPRs (software enhancement requests) and did actual Confidential work to move those changes in Dev environment
- Dynamic participants
- Orbital paid Siemens for adding a new feature called “Dynamic Participants” in workflows. I created multiple test workflows to see if custom handlers and participants that Siemens created were still working against orbital custom objects on Do or Review steps.
- Opened multiple IRs with Siemens to show what features didn’t work for dynamic participants. Most of the IRs got converted to a PRs.
Confidential, Buffalo, NY
Teamcenter PLM Consultant
- Implemented Data Model definition in Confidential in Confidential 11.2
- Creation of new object types including change object types
- Creation of all attributes for the objects and their attached LOVs
- Creation of new relationships
- BOM line Context Properties
- 4 letter prefixes for naming rules for all objects
- Revision Naming Rules for all objects
- Type display rules to hide OOTB objects from groups/roles.
- GRM rules to prevent or add relations
- Compound properties to make item level properties visible on the revision to see on revision stylesheets
Teamcenter PLM ConsultantResponsibilities:
- Implemented Confidential strategy in Confidential 11.2. Used csv2tcxml Siemens program to
- Create new custom objects (Parts, Finish, Materials) and add ReleaseStatus to them
- Relate custom objects to each other using ootb or custom ImanRelation types
- Created Part & BOM objects XML files using Confidential import. Debug issues with XML data files with Confidential . (BOM Occurrence issue, occ id)
- Created new datasets like Word, Excel, PDF, TXT etc and attached physical files to them
- Created SQL script to get UIDs of latest sequence of existing item revisions
- Performed SQL joins of multiple tables like item, itemrev and workspaceobject to extract data and update records in SQL.
- Manually updated object name property of multiple migrated itemrev objects using SQL Used perl to create a SQL update script
- Employed perl scripts to read excel files and create load scripts
- Created Confidential load scripts files for loading data
- Implemented custom object icons in Confidential .
Teamcenter PLM ConsultantResponsibilities:
- Creation stylesheets were created for each object type to display properties on creation of objects and order the properties in a specific order
- Summary stylesheets were created to display Confidential attributes in its in own in their sections in specific order
- Report Builder
- Created custom reports for change objects that included the state of all changes, duration in days, hours, mins and secs it took a change to complete, open changes in certain states or steps in workflow etc.
- Created item reports that recursively showed other item revs relations and their children
- Created report for user id, names and last login
- Created repot to report all latest part numbers and their revisions in excel
- All reports were generated using XSLT and XML parsing and PLMXML admin tool
- Queries
- Creation of queries for each custom object types.
- Added specific searchable attributes to the queries and ordered them.
- Getting properties from item revision or relationships to display on queries
- Preferences
- Relationship and pseudo folder preferences modified to display pseudo folders of interest
- Mail preferences set for Teamcenter to be able to send email
- Stylesheet preferences to apply stylesheets
- Default drag and drop preferences to default to correct dataset type for known file extensions
- Org & User Load
- Implemented user & organization load perl scripts that created org tree & users and assigns them to groups, roles and default volumes
- Validate user load file using perl to make sure the group & role names matched exactly the org tree names. All errors were captured in a separate error file
- Wrote Perl scripts to extract data from excel and putt it in make user load file format
- Confidential
- Investigated issues with Confidential COTS software by first investigating it through online - help docs and resolved Confidential tickets.
- Opened multiple Confidential tickets for issues with TC software. Most got converted to PR/ER
- Confidential Security Template
- Working closely with Confidential on security template & ongoing testing to their Confidential tree
- Dashboard Up time
- Created a perl script to automatically record uptime metrics for various Teamcenter environments and post the results dynamically on an HTML page.
- Hot & Cold Backup scripts
- Created perl & batch scripts to automatically bring Confidential services down and create backups of Teamcenter software & oracle folders and moved them to a share drive
- Kept a record of 10 days for disaster and recovery
- Confidential client build scripts
- Assisted in optimizing Teamcenter build scripts and made them 80% faster by using non-interactive zip & unzip to load and extract Confidential 4-Tier client software install on client machines
Confidential, El Segundo, CA
Teamcenter PLM Consultant
- Created custom user extensions for user exits like createPost, saveAsPost, ITEM create rev, ITEM deep copy rev to add functionality upon creation of an item revision using c++ and ITK apis
- Added runtime properties with getter methods to get primary object tags from a relationship using c++ and ITK
- Created Custom C++ workflow rule handlers to validate data in the workflow.
- Wrote handlers to validate data accuracy of an item before workflow submission
- Read & understood C++ and ITK action & rule handlers developed by other developers to see what actions and results are expected. There was little or no documentation on workflows.
- Employed source control like TFS, SVN & CVS. Wrote details test scripts with screenshots in TFS for user testing and approval of custom code developed in Teamcenter Unified
- Implemented Data Model definition in Confidential
- Creation of new object types including change object types
- Creation of all attributes for the objects and their attached LOVs
- Creation of batch LOV and DOS script to load data dynamically using XML and Confidential manage batch lovs
- Creation of new relationships
- Type display rules to hide OOTB objects from groups/roles.
- GRM rules to prevent or add relations
- Compound properties and runtime properties with ITK code
- Stylesheets
- Creation & modification of custom object stylesheets per specification
- Preferences
- Default drag and drop relation preferences to
- Stylesheets preferences
- Scripts
- Wrote windows BATCH and PERL scripts to optimized Confidential code build & deployment process for the entire NGC team
- Wrote tons of dos, unix, perl scripts for data massage and extract out of oracle various business reports
- Upgrades & Installs
- Upgrading Teamcenter Enterprise from MP01 and MP04 patch set
- Teamcenter Unifed 10.3 installation and setup on a standalone PC for development
- Confidential
- Investigated issues with Confidential COTS software by first investigating it through online-help docs and resolved Confidential tickets.
- Opened multiple Confidential tickets for issues with TC software. Most got converted to PR/ER
- Custom Interfaces & Level3 Support
- Monitor, maintain and debug all Teamcenter interfaces to various systems e.g. SAP, PI, MES, B2CITIS.
- Resolved and fixed user production issues
Confidential, MI
Teamcenter PLM Consultant
- Lead technical architect & developer for Dana PLM Teamcenter Enterprise
- Customization & code development for Dana specific PLM solution for both server side and thin client using model code & method code C, Java, JSP & XML
- Created custom reports for Dana users using Teamcenter 5.0 XML Reporting Framework toolset.
- Wrote java code, response chains & action components to expose custom server actions in thin client.
- Created and exposed new part, change and relation classes and customized their behavior according to business needs.
- Extensive customization to life cycles, message process, condition checks
- Investigated Teamcenter Enterprise functionality and wrote recommendations for best architecture and coding solutions to Dana PLM managers.
- Converted user requirements and functional gaps into detailed software functional specification document and handed it off to the development team
- From or To Teamcenter Enterprise
- Used a lot of SQL & unix scripts for data cleanup & queries
- Legacy Confidential of part data from AREV system to Teamcenter
- Implemented Confidential & data integration client programs to facilitate in data cleanup & data feed to downstream systems
- Wrote oracle and unix scripts to massage data for loading in TcEnt
- Wrote custom Teamcenter client programs to extract or load data.
- Wrote multiple Teamcenter client programs for Data cleanup and data load for both GBC and vBuyer systems. Helped in migrating data for new plant part data into GBC
- Upgrades
- Upgrading Teamcenter Enterprise from one version to next or upgrading to a MPXX patch set
- Confidential
- Investigated issues with Confidential COTS software by first investigating it through online-help docs and resolved Confidential tickets.
- Opened multiple Confidential tickets for issues with TC software. Most got converted to PR/ER
- Maintained & configured security model for Dana employing access rules, teams & organizations.
- Custom Interfaces & Level3 Support
- Resolved and fixed user production issues