Cognos Developer Resume
- Over 10 years of BI (Business Intelligence) experience gathering requirements and developing projects and reports for Health Care, Financial, Telecom, pharmaceutical and insurance industries.
- Extensively used Cognos 8i product suite in recent projects.
- Expert in Production Support
- Strong experience in Cognos ReportNet Framework Manager, Report Studio.
- Knowledge of Cognos Metrics Manager, Notice Cast, Decision Stream.
- Used Scheduling tools Maestro and Appworks to schedule the jobs.
- Extensively used Framework Manager, Query Studio and Report Studio for model design, ad-hoc reporting and advanced report authoring.
- Installed and configured various components, such as the Framework Manager and Content Manager.
- Expert knowledge in COGNOS BI Series Impromptu, Impromptu Web Reports, Upfront Portal, Access Manager and Power Prompts.
- Strong experience in Dimensional Data modeling, Star Schema/Snowflake modeling, FACT & Dimensions tables, Physical & logical data modeling.
- Involved in the full Project Life Cycle of the Data Warehouse Project.
- Exposure to client interaction and user-requirement analysis.
- Knowledge of SDK.
- Experienced in Ralph Kimball’s methodology and Inmon’s approach.
- Experienced in working Databases like Oracle, MS SQL Server 2005/2000, DB2.
- Trained Business users for Ad-Hoc reporting
- Have excellent problem solving, time management skills, communication skill, good organizational skill, self-motivated, hard working, ability to work independently or cooperatively in a team and eager to learn.
Cognos Suite: Cognos BI (10, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4) Report Studio, Query Studio, Analysis Studio, Event Studio, Metric Studio, Cognos Report Net1.1(MR1, MR2, MR3)/1.02(Query Studio, Report Studio, Framework Manager, SDK), Cognos Impromptu, Power Play Transformer, Impromptu Web Reports (IWR) 7.x/6.x, Upfront Server Administration, Power Play Enterprise Server 7.x/6.x, Access Manager, Cognos Script Editor, Cognos Scheduler, Visualizer, Metrics Manager
Data Modeling: Erwin 4.0/3.5
ETL: Informatica PowerCenter, Power Mart, Data Stage, DTS, SQLServer Integration Services.
Databases: Oracle 10G/9i/8i/, SQL Server 2005,SQL Server2000, DTS, DB2, MS-Access.
Languages: SQL, PL/SQL, UNIX Shell scripting.
Operating Systems: Windows2000/XP, DOS.
Other Tools: TOAD, SQL Loader, Maestro, Appworks
Confidential, San Diego, CA Jan, 09-CurrentCognos Developer
Confidential is a pharmaceutical research and development company focusing on the application of scientific discoveries that can be developed into innovative drug products. This Cognos application was developed to provide better decision in sales analysis for their sales department. Designed and built shared catalogs and multidimensional power cubes.
- Involved in Designing and Created various Projects in Framework Manager
- Create various packages using frame work manager in ReportNet
- Imported the Metadata from Third Party tools like ERWin.
- Created filters within the Model for improving performance of the Model.
- Developed new reports in Report Studio upon requests from business users
- Created Dashboards for a better understanding of the business performance metrics
- Used Analysis studio to drill down on cubes and perform business analysis
- Expert in Report Studio, Query Studio, Analysis Studio, Event Studio, Metric Studio
- Used Cognos Connection to administer and scheduling reports to run at various intervals as well as the ReportNet Server.
- Scheduled reports to run on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis using Cognos Connection Scheduler.
- Bursting Reports and Multilingual Reports Using Report Studio.
- Provided day-to-day support for all COGNOS Report studio users.
- Communicated report development progress and issues to management and team members.
- Ensured compliance with standard software development practices, processes and enterprise standards
- Cognos 8.4 to Cognos 10 Migration
- Assist in end user acceptance testing.
Cognos 8.4,10.1 BI Report Studio, Query Studio, Analysis Studio, Framework Manager, Cognos Connection, Cognos Power Play, Cognos Transformer, Cognos SDK, Access, Excel, Oracle 10g/9i, MS SQL Server 2005, Maestro, Windows, Informatica, ERWIN, UNIX, Redhat Linux
Confidential, Chicago May, 07 – Dec, 08
Cognos Consultant
Confidential an organization of 60,000 pediatricians who are committed to the attainment of physical, mental, social health of all infants, children, adolescents, young adults.
- Involved in Installation and Configuration of Cognos 8 BI on the Server.
- Interacted with End Users for Business Requirements
- Created Various Complex and Simple Impromptu Reports and published reports to Upfront. Involved in Creation of Simple Reports using Cognos Query.
- Created various Cubes in Power Play Transformer and Created Various reports related to Cubes in Analysis Studio and Cognos Power Play.
- Created Models in Frame work manager. Created various filters and calculations in framework manager models.
- Expert Migrating catalogs into report net using migration utility
- Expert in Migration of Impromptu Reportset to Cognos ReportStudio
- Worked on Security in Access Manager, created users and grant them necessary permissions.
- Worked on Security permissions in Cognos Connection portal at Package Level, giving permissions to end users for report studio and query studio, Object Security at Frame work Manager Level.
- Scheduled Reports using Scheduling Management. Configured Email Server Information at Production and Development Servers.
- Deployed Models and reports from Development Server to Production Server using Content Administration.
- Improved Performance of Reports and Trouble Shooting of various issues at Servers, Cognos Connection Portal and reports.
- Used Data Stage to Perform ETL process.
Cognos8 BI MR2, Toad, Oracle 9i, Cognos Series 7 Version 2, Impromptu 7, Power Play 7, Access Manager 7, Data Stage
Confidential, Chicago Jan, 06 – Dec, 06
Cognos BI Reportnet Developer
Confidential is a leading provider of extended ERP solutions for manufacturing, distribution, retail, services and public organizations worldwide. In addition to core ERP applications, SSA Global offers a full range of integrated extension solutions including corporate performance management, customer relationship management, product lifecycle management, supply chain management and supplier relationship management.
- Involved in Installing and Configuring ReportNet Server, FrameWork Manager.
- Configured Cognos8 with Cognos 7 series Namespace to integrate security.
- Involved in understanding the Business in all Departments within SSA Global.
- Involved in Strategic Planning for Cognos ReportNet Framework Model.
- Built Models and published Packages utilizing Framework Manager.
- Created database connections for different data sources.
- Created Reports (Simple & Complex) using QueryStudio and ReportStudio for training purpose.
- Created, organized and formatted reports, folders and other contents on Cognos Connection portal.
- Involved with Scheduling and Distributing Reports through Schedule Management in Cognos Connection.
Environment: Cognos ReportNet 1.1, Framework Manager, Cognos Connection, Report Studio, Query Studio, Microsoft Access, Excel, Appworks, Oracle 9i, MS SQL Server 2000
Confidential, Portland, OR Jun, 05 – Dec, 05
Cognos BI Developer
Confidential is the leading North American truck and specialty vehicle manufacturer, and is a major part of the world\'s largest and most influential commercial vehicle manufacturer - DaimlerChrysler.
- Involved in gathering Business Requirements for New models.
- Interacting with Development and Management Teams.
- Built models using Framework Manager a tool of ReportNet
- Involved in Testing and Exploring New Tools ReportStudio and QueryStudio (ReportNet).
- Developed standard Templates
- Developed Standard Reports, Charts, Drill Through Reports, Master Detail Reports and Bursting Reports using ReportStudio and Query Studio.
- Built multi dimensional power cubes in PowerPlay Transformer by using IQD as a Data Source.
- Decreased the Cube build times drastically and increased runtime performance.
- Created service tickets for migrating the cubes to QA and then to PROD thru ‘Remedy Server’
- Involved in the ETL process using Data Stage.
Environment: Cognos ReportNet 1.1, Framework Manager, Cognos Connection, Report Studio, Query Studio, Cognos Transformer, PowerPlay, Microsoft Excel, Data Stage
Confidential Dallas, TX Jul, 04 – Mar, 05
Cognos ReportNet Consultant
Confidential is SantanderConsumer USA, Inc. (d/b/a "Drive") is a national consumer finance company that operates in the automobile financing sector. Drive is a regular issuer of asset-backed securities, typically issuing term ABS two to four times per year. Developing a Cognos ReportNet reporting solution to replace the existing Oracle Discoverer reports while incorporating as many of the opportunities areas
Responsibilities: Cognos BI Series
- Involved in Installing and Configuring ReportNet Server, FrameWork Manager.
- Involved in Strategic Planning for Cognos ReportNet FrameWork Model.
- Secured Models are created using FrameWork Manager.
- Created Dashboards with the selection criteria defaults by user role to help pre-select a subset of data that is most critical and most relevant for the users.
- Creating database connections for different data sources.
- Applying Security and User Authentication to the various User Groups.
Environment: Cognos BI ReportNet 1.1 FrameWork Manager 1.1, Cognos Connection, ReportStudio, QueryStudio, Cognos Scripts, Cognos Scheduler, Configuration Manager, Content Manger, IIS Web Server, Sun Directory Server, and Oracle 9i.
Confidential, Bloomington, IL Apr’02 – Feb’ 04
Cognos / ReportNet Consultant
Confidential is the US leading insurance and financial services organization. The primary concern of State Farm was data integration within the Cognos Enterprise Business Intelligence solution. The scope of this project was complete enterprise reporting coverage.
Roles and Responsibility:
- Created and maintained catalogs for group of reports in the project.
- Assigned various types of securities like table securities, row securities and column security using Governor Settings.
- Created user profiles and user privileges.
- Customized data by adding calculations and summaries by querying different database tables.
- Created standard and Ad hoc reports using Cognos Impromptu tool.
- Created List Reports, Group Reports and Cross Tab Reports with Drill Through and Drill Down functionalities.
- Created reports in HTML format for easy navigation of data from web browser.
- Created Cubes using Power Play and Transformer for multidimensional reports.
- Worked with PowerPlay time dimension analytical reports using Date Wizard.
- Created calculated fields in Transformer for the analytical data.
- Customized PowerPlay reports using drill through charts.
- Worked with Transformer creating manual levels dimensions and sub dimensions.
Environment: Cognos Power Play 7.3, Cognos Impromptu 7.3, Transformer 7.3 , Oracle 8i, SQL Server 2000.