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Api Solution Architect And Principal Consultant Resume

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Westchester County, NY


  • Entrepreneurial software architect, development manager and, IT consultant and trainer with over 20 years of experience in enterprise API strategy, microservice architecture, domain - driven design, modeling languages and model-driven toolchains.
  • OpenAPI contributor, trainer, tool provider, and board member, helping evolve and enable successful adoption of the industry-standard REST API definition language.
  • Strong REST architectural principles and patterns, REST and SOA technologies including Swagger, OpenAPI and JSON Schema (expert level), YAML, CommonMark, HTTP, WSDL, SOAP, XML, XML Schema (XSD), and XSLT.
  • Strong core Java and related technologies include Spring Framework, Spring Boot, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, and Maven.
  • Strong Unified Modeling Language (UML) with OOD, OOP, and design patterns.
  • Strong Domain-Driven Design, with event-driven microservices architecture, event sourcing, CQRS, and event storming.
  • Agile development practices including Extreme Programming, Scrum, Kanban, Test-Driven Development, agile CMMI and RUP.
  • Git, GitHub, and Perforce version control.
  • Eclipse IDE, plug-in development and modeling technologies including Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), Xtext, Xtend, and GMF.
  • SQL and relational database design with Entity-Relationship Modeling.
  • Working knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Working knowledge of C# and .NET with WinForms, WPF and WCF. Working knowledge of ASP.NET.


Confidential, Westchester County, NY

API Solution Architect and Principal Consultant


  • Led program to prepare entry-level, full-stack developers for IT services engagement with a top Confidential .
  • Topics included core Java; Spring Framework and Spring Boot including MVC, AOP, JDBC, JPA, Hibernate, Transactions, REST and REST Template modules; Maven; JUnit with Mockito; REST API design with Swagger and OpenAPI; and principles of microservice architecture.
  • Provided OpenAPI workshops and guidance in API architecture for IT developers and architects as post-sale customer success initiative. (Not a paid services engagement.)
  • Pre-and post-sales consulting to digital banking teams working with Confidential API Studio on a global microservices architecture program. (Not a paid services engagement.)
  • Provided in OpenAPI language features, schema design, API documentation, code generation, and agile API-first development processes.
  • Provided technical guidance in JSON Schema, JAX-RS, and standardization across microservices.
  • Delivered product enhancements including custom OpenAPI 3.0 code generation, GenFlow migration to Maven Central, and a Confluence API documentation generator.
  • Engaged with informatics team to define a domain-driven API architecture for biotech research data.
  • Led sessions and workshops in domain modeling, adapting models to REST APIs, and generating Swagger/OpenAPI.
  • Provided solutions for API versioning, Git integration & devops automation for continuous integration and delivery of domain models, API specs and documentation.
  • Major renovation of QBS software platform for the Oil & Gas industry. Facilitated and domain modeling workshops with SMEs, advised microservice architects, extended RAPID-ML and OpenAPI generators to allow customized, rule-based adaptation of domain models to REST APIs.
  • Managed end-to-end design and implementation of new Data API from America's largest independent charity evaluator and watchdog.
  • Flexible search and screening implemented with NodeJS and ElasticSearch on AWS servers.
  • RedHat 3Scale API dev portal with fast onboarding, free and paid subscriptions.
  • Swagger-UI docs and test sandbox generated from RAPID-ML in API Studio.
  • Designed and managed delivery of Model Hub, a UML modeling solution for the Interface Management System (IFMS) used in Credit Suisse to manage API design and governance in a rigorous, CMMI Level 4 lifecycle process.
  • Defined custom UML profile in Sparx Enterprise Architect.
  • Implemented sync and conflict resolution in Java with Google Web Toolkit (GWT).


Product Owner


  • Led development and product strategy of Confidential API Studio, an integrated workbench for REST API design, documentation and microservices development, built on Eclipse using Java. Implemented Swagger 2.0, OpenAPI 3.0 and RAPID-ML editors. Specified requirements, technical architecture, and managed delivery with overall P&L, marketing, and strategic sales responsibilities.
  • Architect of RAPID-ML, the first domain-driven modeling language for REST APIs. Used successfully in enterprise, midsize and nonprofit organizations to define core data models and adapt them dynamically to REST APIs. Built with Java, Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and Xtext.
  • Evolved a successful open core strategy, with OSS projects comprising essential components of our commercial software. Includes KaiZen OpenAPI Editor (Swagger/OAS editor for Eclipse); KaiZen OpenAPI Parser (Java object model & validating parser); and GenFlow (advanced code generation).
  • Brought Confidential into the OpenAPI Initiative as a member organization in 2017. Engaged with the OAI as a representative on the Business Governance Board (BGB) and a contributor to the OpenAPI 2.0 (Swagger) and 3.0 specification languages, participating in weekly specification calls and offsite working sessions. Currently working on the registry of specification extensions and the Alternative Schemas proposal as part of the OpenAPI 3.1 specification.
  • Developed OpenAPI 3.0 courseware, gave conference talks and/or pre-conference workshops on behalf of OAI at the Linux Foundation's Open Source Summit, Kansas City Developer Conference, APIStrat, and Nordic APIs Austin API Summit 2019.

Confidential, New York, NY

Vice President, Information Technology


  • Development Manager for Strat Studio, a data visualization and analysis workbench for desk strategists, with design-time GUI implemented in C#/.NET/WPF and runtime implemented in Adobe Flex. Enables data query from real-time and relational sources; interactive data mapping into grids, charts, and pivot tables using GUI controls and a text-based data visualization DSL; ad hoc and batch reports; model backtesting; model documentation; and composable query pipelines with LINQ.
  • Interim Manager for Advanced Data Server (ADS), a Java Spring-based solution to provide a highly configurable SOAP service layer over relational database stores. Supports caching, data entitlements, replication, load balancing, custom message formats, and data streaming. Coordinated with early adopters in FX and STP to implement a well-defined data lifecycle for client- and server-side caches using CPS, Confidential ’s proprietary content-based pub/sub messaging platform.
  • Development Manager and Architect of MODeX, a model-driven framework for enterprise SOA. Allows teams to define service APIs from shared canonical data models, and generate WSDL/XSD service contracts. Provides runtime serialization and validation in Java, .NET and C++ using model-generated domain APIs or explicit mappings between the model and application-specific classes.
  • Designed graphical domain-specific modeling environment using Eclipse EMF and GMF. Provides integrated diagramming, model validation, and code generation built with FreeMarker templates. Advanced modeling features including versioning, declarative and rule-based constraints (integrated with JBoss Rules), subtyping, and aspect-oriented modeling features.
  • Presented MODeX at EclipseCon 2008, hosted Eclipse Banking Day at Confidential, Nov. 2008.
  • Engaged closely with teams in Confidential Derivatives, Fixed Income, Enterprise Data and Investment Banking to evolve the MODeX feature set to meet business and technical requirements; build custom solutions; and ensure successful adoption and system integration efforts.
  • Co-manager for Confidential, a middle-office trade processing application for bonds and other Fixed Income cash instruments, built on Java with MQ, JAXB and Sybase, with a C#/WinForms desktop front end. Confidential coordinates allocations, confirmations, booking and other operations. Developed an integration solution for OASYS Direct, which included message consolidation, order matching (automatic or manually assisted), persistence and lifecycle management.
  • Development Manager for ModelWare, a strategic initiative to capture historical and forecast company fundamentals data in a detailed, unified global accounting and valuation framework; and to provide market-leading analytics built on this foundation. ModelWare was the core strategic focus of the Confidential Research business unit starting in 2003 and was spun off into its own business unit in 2004. Led a team of 25-30 software developers in New York, London and Mumbai. Components include database, middle-tier services, rich client and web client applications. Responsible for execution across the development lifecycle including requirements analysis, coding, architecture and technical strategy, staffing, scheduling, development process and practices. Technologies include Sybase, Java/J2EE, SOAP XML messaging, C#/.NET, ASP.NET and Microsoft Excel.
  • Member of firmwide Architecture/Development Committee (Arcdev), a group of 25 IT professionals with experience in range of technologies, projects, and business areas. Arcdev evaluates emerging technologies, forms recommendations and policy statements, and reviews projects to help teams make the appropriate technical decisions. As a member of Arcdev, participated in working groups to evaluate XML Database technologies and Enterprise Information Integration products.
  • Member of Microsoft Management committee, an IT virtual team responsible for managing the strategic vendor relationship with Microsoft. Participated in the Office Developers Advisory Council (ODAC), a small group of key customers who advised Microsoft on developer-related features for Office 2003. My focus was specifically on structured document authoring and XML features in Word, Excel and InfoPath components of Office System 2003.




  • Developed proof-of-concept prototypes and conceptual model for the Global Comps and Interactive Modeling initiative, which later became ModelWare. Early designs leveraged Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), an XML framework for defining Taxonomies of accounting terms (e.g. US GAAP, IAS) and Instance Documents representing financial data in terms defined by Taxonomies. Developed components including a SQL Server database repository for XBRL taxonomies and instance documents; an Excel application for tagging, validating and exporting XBRL data; and a web site for interactive modeling and valuation based on XBRL models.
  • Participated as a member of the XBRL Specification Working Group. This working group is responsible for defining the syntax and semantics of XBRL, aligning the spec with business requirements and providing documentation for XBRL consumers, integrators and technology vendors.

Confidential, St. Louis, MO

Interim Director of Information Technology


  • Working with senior management and IT personnel in this mid-sized manufacturing firm.
  • Implemented a data warehouse solution using Cognos Business Intelligence tools for dimensional modeling and OLAP reporting.
  • Managed ongoing customization and performance tuning of SyteLine ERP system running on Windows NT with Progress database server.
  • Responsible for budget, outsourcing and staffing, including search for permanent IT Director.

Confidential, New York, NY

Contract Developer


  • Implemented document automation workbench for Confidential Research using Visual Basic 6.0, MS Word '97 VBA, and helper components written in Visual C++/ATL.
  • The system provides a comprehensive UI for retrieving and assembling financial data from a central Global Earnings database; inputting author-specified, structured document content; rendering the document in multiple formats including PostScript, Adobe Acrobat PDF and text-only formats, according to strict document layout and formatting specifications; and allow re-purposing of content across documents.
  • Provided integration with Sybase database using stored procedures, ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and Microsoft ODBC data provider for OLE DB.
  • Designed and implemented a logical business objects layer to model the entities, relationships and business logic used by this and other systems in the Confidential Research group, and to allow the system to evolve from 2-tier to N-tier architecture with minimal redesign.

Confidential, Valhalla, NY

Vice President of Software Engineering


  • Assembled and led a team of three staff developers, quality assurance manager and six contract developers working on a consulting basis. Reported directly to CEO. Responsible for all development personnel, budgets, development schedules, departmental and strategic technology planning.
  • Performed full-lifecycle planning, product management, technical specification and development of Doc-To-Help, a single-source authoring and publishing platform for Windows. Doc-To-Help enables authors to create professional quality printed documentation, HTML, Microsoft HTML Help, and Windows Help formats from a single-source document. Implementation used Visual C++ 5.0 with MFC, Microsoft Word VBA, and ActiveX controls written in Visual C++ with ATL.
  • Supervised design and development of AnswerWorks 3.0, a natural language interface for Windows Help and HTML Help. Developed user interface in Visual C++ 5.0 with MFC. Specified classes, relationships and behavior using OMT.
  • Developed a suite of Microsoft Access 2.0 applications for in-house order processing, accounts receivable, technical support, and product defect tracking. Designed complex queries in SQL, and application code in Access Basic. Documented database design using Entity Relationship Diagrams. All systems share a customer rolodex, product database, user identity and access management. Order processing/AR system includes order entry, integrated decision support, batch and ad-hoc generation of all shipping paperwork. Technical support database includes knowledge base, customer entitlement tracking and incident tracking.

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