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Deep Learning Engineer Resume

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  • Machine learning engineer with technical expertise in Python programming, Data engineering, Network Security (VPC, Private/Public Subnet, NAT Gateway, Multi - AZ/w Failover), Microservices, Docker, Kubernetes, CloudFormation, ETL and hands-on experience cloud computing (AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner), and design of deep learning models using AWS, XGBoost, Keras, ResNet, VGG-16, LAMBDA, EMR, Hadoop, Spark, Kinesis (Streams, Firehose, Analytics), S3, Athena, Redshift, and SageMaker.
  • Working with a highly motivated team of offshore developers and spearheaded the design of algorithms, data processing pipelines.
  • Skilled manager of IAM, API endpoints and Lambda ETL.
  • Designed model end-points using serverless functionality and API-gateway.
  • Experience designing hundreds of statistical models.


Deep Learning Engineer



  • Trained a convolutional neural network to analyze images of dogs and correctly identify their breeds. Used transfer learning, PyTorch to increase performance and simplify the model.
  • Built a recurrent neural network on TensorFlow to generate new episodes of Game of Thrones, based on old scripts.
  • Built a pair of multi-layer neural networks and generated, new, realistic faces using generative adversarial networks (GANs) using TensorFlow.
  • Deployed PyTorch sentiment analysis model and created a gateway for accessing it from a website. Used tsne, bag-of-words, and deployed the model using Amazon SageMaker.

Data Science Programmer



  • Use advanced SQL functions such as JOINs, Aggregations, Windowing, Common Table Expressions and Subqueries to answer complex business problems.
  • Used common programming data structures, functions to analyze data structures. Wrote code using common libraries Sklearn, NumPy, and Pandas.
  • Deployed Linux server, used Git and GitHub to manage versions of a python program and posted distinct versions of the code to the repository.


Deep Learning Engineer


  • Designed Ansible templates with customized config files for a machine learning app, used Blue Ocean for CI/CD, Aqua for security, and Kubernetes.
  • Wrote CloudFormation script that deploys networking components, servers, security roles default ports, load balancers, and a Multi-AZ Aurora RDS.
  • Created makefile, dockerfile, yaml templates, and deployed docker containers into AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR).

Confidential, Houston, TX

Deep Learning Engineer


  • Designed deep learning models, restful apis, streaming data analysis using api gateway, and xgboost to predict time series events. Used AWS S3, Lambda (ETL), CloudFormation, Kinesis, EMR for processing

Confidential, Houston, TX

Startup Founder / Senior Engineer


  • Worked hands-on with teams, designed machine learning pipelines using NLP, spearheaded management of distributed source control platforms (Git and GitHub) and ensured solid deployment outcomes using microservices, docker, amazon web services.
  • Used EMR as a data preparation step creating TF-IDF score computation matrix used in a machine learning pipeline for text classification modeling, the output created a hash-table for each word.

Confidential, Chicago, IL

Equity Analyst


  • Worked collaboratively with a research team, pitched new ideas, interviewed executive management teams. Managed consumer and technology portfolios which outperformed benchmark by 1000+ bps.

IT Auditor

Confidential, Houston, TX


  • Business process testing of IT controls & collaborating with functional teams while finishing a masters.

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